Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land but so was..

We going to turn the US into a social democracy, European-style, so get over it now.

The ACA is not slavery. Comparing the two is stupid, and mostly angry white people do it. It's an insult to slaves and their suffering. It's not my fault that the conservatives of their eras defended slavery, committed high treason against the US, implemented Jim Crow, defended anti-miscegenation laws, violated the voting rights act, etc. If you don't like it being pointed out to you, that's your fault for being too hypersensitive.

it is slavery when it carries a bond that your children need to pay like the national debt for instance, created a slave nation.

its a modern version of ancient BOND SLAVERY.

You no longer have the ability to choose how to spend the fruits of your labor, it is chosen for you by someone or thing with their hand out to collect it with or without your approval. That is slavery.

bad enough that the shackles have been replaced by a collar add this to it on top nonetheless

It's helping the uninsured get insurance. It's helping keep people from going into financial ruin when they need medical services. And if a GOP Congress and GOP President vote to scrap it, the onslaught of stories of suffering in the media will bring the GOP back under heel.

This tactic worked for Medicare D, after all. Stories of elderly choosing between food & medicine were everywhere in the media and were threatening the GOP Congressional majority. The GOP folded like a cheap lawn chair and created a new entitlement: government-run, European style subsidies for medicines. I laugh thinking about it. The party of small government and free markets created Medicare D.

ah huh

Its government manufactured problem and you champion a government solution do ya?

ever hear of the hegelian anti human dialectic? Psychology 101?

The Hegelian Dialectic and its use in Controlling Modern Society

General Maddox
April 8, 2013

What exactly is the Hegelian Dialectic? Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a 19th century German philosopher who devised a particular dialectic, or, method of argument for resolving disagreements. His method of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments is a system of thought process still use to this day.

To put it simply, the basis of Hegelianism dictates that the human mind can’t understand anything unless it can be split into two polar opposites. Good / Evil, Right / Wrong, Left / Right.

For example when people are talking about 2 political parties, Labor or Liberal, what they’re actually referring to, without realising it, is the thesis and the antithesis based off the Hegelian Dialectic.

The only real debate that occurs is just the minor differences between those two parties. Nothing is said or done about the issues that neither left or right is discussing. This in particular will become more apparent as the election draws near.

Another form of the Hegelian Dialectic is;

Problem – Reaction – Solution.

Most of us unwittingly fall victim to it all too often and sadly if we don’t stop, we will continue to lose our free will and liberties. It has been widely used by our governments and corporations around the world. You could say that in terms of controlling the masses, and society in general, it’s deployment has been an effective tool in keeping humanity in check.

Almost all major events in history employ [some variety of] the Hegelian Dialectic:

Problem – manufacture a crisis or take advantage of one already in place in order to get the desired

Reaction of public outcry whereby the public demands a

Solution which has been predetermined from the beginning.

Its an ongoing problem that has claimed many victims

Problem – Outsource Jobs, War, Run up debt and the country into depression forcing people to

React due to being out of of work, savings
depleted due to paying high inflationary prices, causing fear, finally crying for relief... (from government, the creator of the problem) to provide the

Solution which is always more government, stronger police state, more dependency on regulation and food and health care due to no jobs no savings

caused by......

Outsource Jobs, War, Run up debt and the country into depression forcing people to

and the beat goes on!

It works the same way in the legal and judicial industry, the legislation industry literally every corporation on the planet, as it does with social control!

Its so sublime it escapes notice of most people, thats why you see so many leftie rightee useless arguments when the problems are deeply entrenched and systemic.
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it is slavery when it carries a bond that your children need to pay like the national debt for instance, created a slave nation.

its a modern version of ancient BOND SLAVERY.

You no longer have the ability to choose how to spend the fruits of your labor, it is chosen for you by someone or thing with their hand out to collect it with or without your approval. That is slavery.

bad enough that the shackles have been replaced by a collar add this to it on top nonetheless

Most of your wages get spent on things you have no real choice about, and government has nothing to do with that.

Like taxes in the form of licenses and insurances gas tax excise and on and on and on?

Most of your wages get spent on things you have no real choice about

you will be assimilated

crys the obamabot
Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

You mean something like filibustering CRA act?

Btw, he's not comparing ACA to slavery, but I do... it's bringing back the slavery, not racial, but of taxpayers.
Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land . So where other things like Slavery, segregation, prohibing, women's suffrage, prohibition, DOMA And all those laws were changed. So ,do you libs want to go back and put all these laws back into place since it WAS the law of the land in history. I sure dont but since you are so hell bent saying this is the LAW Of the LAND so were all of these

Constitution requires the federal government to secure the borders, and I don't see Barry claiming Constitution to be law of the land...
Ame®icano;7947496 said:
Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land . So where other things like Slavery, segregation, prohibing, women's suffrage, prohibition, DOMA And all those laws were changed. So ,do you libs want to go back and put all these laws back into place since it WAS the law of the land in history. I sure dont but since you are so hell bent saying this is the LAW Of the LAND so were all of these

Constitution requires the federal government to secure the borders, and I don't see Barry claiming Constitution to be law of the land...

Who decides if the borders are secure?
Ame®icano;7947496 said:
Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land . So where other things like Slavery, segregation, prohibing, women's suffrage, prohibition, DOMA And all those laws were changed. So ,do you libs want to go back and put all these laws back into place since it WAS the law of the land in history. I sure dont but since you are so hell bent saying this is the LAW Of the LAND so were all of these

Constitution requires the federal government to secure the borders, and I don't see Barry claiming Constitution to be law of the land...

Who decides if the borders are secure?

when no one can get across them, they are secure. Until then, they are not.
it is slavery when it carries a bond that your children need to pay like the national debt for instance, created a slave nation.

its a modern version of ancient BOND SLAVERY.

You no longer have the ability to choose how to spend the fruits of your labor, it is chosen for you by someone or thing with their hand out to collect it with or without your approval. That is slavery.

bad enough that the shackles have been replaced by a collar add this to it on top nonetheless

Most of your wages get spent on things you have no real choice about, and government has nothing to do with that.

Like taxes in the form of licenses and insurances gas tax excise and on and on and on?

No, like food and shelter and electricity and phone and transportation and tv.

How much of your paycheck is really left over for you to spend on anything you desire?
Ame®icano;7947496 said:
Constitution requires the federal government to secure the borders, and I don't see Barry claiming Constitution to be law of the land...

Who decides if the borders are secure?

when no one can get across them, they are secure. Until then, they are not.

So who decides no one has gotten across the border and thus the borders are secure?
Still using your definition does any nation have secure borders today?
When in history did a nation, including America, have secure borders?
Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?
No, he is not comparing the two, because he is talking to the notion that laws are immutable, not the laws themselves.

You mischaracterize what party is shutting down what, so your point is invalid.
Like taxes in the form of licenses and insurances gas tax excise and on and on and on?

Most of your wages get spent on things you have no real choice about

you will be assimilated

crys the obamabot

yes it does, like healthcare? It created the shit mess we have.
There are many problems with health care today. All of them, every single problem, is directly attributable to government intrusion into our health care.
Most of your wages get spent on things you have no real choice about

you will be assimilated

crys the obamabot

yes it does, like healthcare? It created the shit mess we have.
There are many problems with health care today. All of them, every single problem, is directly attributable to government intrusion into our health care.

Most of your wages get spent on things you have no real choice about, and government has nothing to do with that.

Like taxes in the form of licenses and insurances gas tax excise and on and on and on?

No, like food and shelter and electricity and phone and transportation and tv.

How much of your paycheck is really left over for you to spend on anything you desire?

No, like food
who do you think regulates that?
and shelter
who do you think regulates that?
and electricity
who do you think regulates that?
and phone
who do you think regulates that?
and transportation
who do you think regulates that?
and tv.
who do you think regulates that?

and who do you think licenses and permits and taxes all that?


and eveything that is regulated has a COST and padding and pork which is why you spend all your money to survive and surcharges for the conveniences that the government takes the position is a "benefit" thanks to their benevolence, despite the fact that you paid for it all in the first place.

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Most of your wages get spent on things you have no real choice about

you will be assimilated

crys the obamabot

yes it does, like healthcare? It created the shit mess we have.
There are many problems with health care today. All of them, every single problem, is directly attributable to government intrusion into our health care.

Did a Republican president have the right to ask Congress to pass a law forbidding dairy companies from putting an embalming fluid in milk to keep it from spoiling?
Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land . So where other things like Slavery, segregation, prohibing, women's suffrage, prohibition, DOMA And all those laws were changed. So ,do you libs want to go back and put all these laws back into place since it WAS the law of the land in history. I sure dont but since you are so hell bent saying this is the LAW Of the LAND so were all of these
It seems to me that the way to get rid of tha ACA is to gain a majority in both the House and Senate and to win the presidency. That would be the democratic way of doing things. However, that would mean the republican party would have to start working for ALL Americans and they would have to stop turning almost every voting bloc block in the US against them. Here is a hint for you: YOU DO NOT WIN ELECTIONS WHEN YOU TURN WOMEN, BLACKS, GAYS, HISPANICS, AND THE MIDDLE CLASS AGAINST YOUR PARTY.
Like taxes in the form of licenses and insurances gas tax excise and on and on and on?

No, like food and shelter and electricity and phone and transportation and tv.

How much of your paycheck is really left over for you to spend on anything you desire?

No, like food
who do you think regulates that?
and shelter
who do you think regulates that?
and electricity
who do you think regulates that?
and phone
who do you think regulates that?
and transportation
who do you think regulates that?
and tv.
who do you think regulates that?

and who do you think licenses and permits and taxes all that?


and eveything that is regulated has a COST and padding and pork which is why you spend all your money to survive and surcharges for the conveniences that the government takes the position is a "benefit" thanks to their benevolence, despite the fact that you paid for it all in the first place.

Take away all that regulation and we would just be another Somolia. No thank you, I prefer to eat food that won't kill me, have electricity when I turn on the switch, have a phone system that works, safe roads, and on and on and on. You can have your Somolia.
yes it does, like healthcare? It created the shit mess we have.
There are many problems with health care today. All of them, every single problem, is directly attributable to government intrusion into our health care.

Did a Republican president have the right to ask Congress to pass a law forbidding dairy companies from putting an embalming fluid in milk to keep it from spoiling?

you mean did any president have the right?

are you asking about his personal capacity? a right? no he had to go through his state representative.

In his presidential capacity? I know of nothing that prevents it and in that case its called authority not right.
No, like food and shelter and electricity and phone and transportation and tv.

How much of your paycheck is really left over for you to spend on anything you desire?

No, like food
who do you think regulates that?
and shelter
who do you think regulates that?
and electricity
who do you think regulates that?
and phone
who do you think regulates that?
and transportation
who do you think regulates that?
and tv.
who do you think regulates that?

and who do you think licenses and permits and taxes all that?


and eveything that is regulated has a COST and padding and pork which is why you spend all your money to survive and surcharges for the conveniences that the government takes the position is a "benefit" thanks to their benevolence, despite the fact that you paid for it all in the first place.

Take away all that regulation and we would just be another Somolia. No thank you, I prefer to eat food that won't kill me, have electricity when I turn on the switch, have a phone system that works, safe roads, and on and on and on. You can have your Somolia.

We had virtually no regulation in the formative years were we a somolia then?

Yes = you have an argument

no = you shot yourself in the foot.

and the answer is! NO

that and you either miss the underlying point I was making or are doing an end run around it with such absurd extremism.
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The house has no obligation to fund every "law of the land". Their responsibility is to provide funding for the government in accordance with revenue and priorities----thats why its called a budget.

this recent dem/lib/obozo rant that "its the law, you have to fund it" is total bullshit.

The GOP refused to negotiate a budget. They preferred to use the CR's so they could try this blackmail the President and Senate.
The house has no obligation to fund every "law of the land". Their responsibility is to provide funding for the government in accordance with revenue and priorities----thats why its called a budget.

this recent dem/lib/obozo rant that "its the law, you have to fund it" is total bullshit.

The GOP refused to negotiate a budget. They preferred to use the CR's so they could try this blackmail the President and Senate.

odd, it was reid and obama who said they refuse to negotiate

facts, learn them

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