Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land but so was..

The ACA was passed without one REP vote. So the budget will be the same... Not one REP vote in the house Obama and his cronys did back room deals with people and gave waivers to all his supporters but us regular folks well we just need to bend over and take it up the ass . That is what you Dems want..
The Founding Fathers created a Republic with a system of checks and balances to make sure no one group or party ever takes all the power for any length of time. They did this on purpose. They feared the Tyranny of a Temporary majority.

In this way, they expected opposing powers to be in power at the same time, FORCING DEBATE and NEGOTIATIONS.

They were some smart people. Which is why the Libs hate the Constitution.

democracys and republics are equally tyrannical.

in a republic you pass your decision making power over to an attorney to re-present you in the state/federal courts called congress et al.

one way you have rule by plutocracy, the other you have rule by whimsical ignorance, and either way you get bent over and taught a lesson.

Keep in mind that the USSR had gulags and they and china are also republics.

the so called founding father crap is nothing more than a bunch of british esquires that acted as "constitutors" to try and cut a debt paying landlord tenant deal between the king, the states, and the inhabitants.
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The ACA was passed without one REP vote. So the budget will be the same... Not one REP vote in the house Obama and his cronys did back room deals with people and gave waivers to all his supporters but us regular folks well we just need to bend over and take it up the ass . That is what you Dems want..

thats government at large, ALL sides of the isle, state and federal
The ACA was passed without one REP vote. So the budget will be the same... Not one REP vote in the house Obama and his cronys did back room deals with people and gave waivers to all his supporters but us regular folks well we just need to bend over and take it up the ass . That is what you Dems want..

The House and Senate is run by majority rule. The Senate, needs 60 votes to vote on a bill..which means they are run by super-majority.

Don't like it? Change the rules.
As a black American I find your example both ironic and humorous. The process under which we changed the laws regarding racial discrimination was first through courts and then by votes by a majority of our senators and congressmen. This reversal of race laws only happened afterthe laws had been in place for a considerable time and the majority of Americans decided they were wrong and needed changing.

What is happening now is that a small minority, who for various reasons oppose anything associated with this president, having lost the argument at every level {both in the courts and the presidential election} are still claiming the right to ignore and block the implimentation of a law, simply because they don't like it. They would rather disable the government, and put the nation's economy at risk than allow the Affordable Care Law to be allowed to function.

The actions of these few individuals approach the level of threatening the basic understanding of democracy under the law that has governed this nation since its inception. The Affordable Care Act is the law the time for debate and negotiation has passed. If you believe in the democratic process and are a true patriot, then make your point with the American people, win enough votes to control the congress and change the law! Sure the argument should continue, but the law should be allowed to move foward. That is the American way!!
Until ObamaCare is repealed, it is the law of the land.

Conservatives need to deal with their legislative defeat like adults.

thats not true until it passes judicial muster, its the judges that rule this country because we gave up or never enforced our right to have jurys and grand jurys for any and every case between government and one of the people, then only unless what the courts do is so heinous that congress steps in and has to pass an amendment to overrule or clarify the judicial.

the jury system was supposed to ultimately rule this country, not the judges.

people gave that up through their own complacency, now we have rulers and leaders
The actions of these few individuals approach the level of threatening the basic understanding of democracy under the law that has governed this nation since its inception. The Affordable Care Act is the law the time for debate and negotiation has passed. If you believe in the democratic process and are a true patriot, then make your point with the American people, win enough votes to control the congress and change the law! Sure the argument should continue, but the law should be allowed to move foward. That is the American way!!

There is a huge difference between plutocracy and democracy.

I never seen a referendum that I could vote for or against it, did you?

Democracy requires both your and my vote does it not?

If you nor I had the opportunity to vote on it then you cannot with any degree of correctness put the democracy label on it.

and if you want to take that to the next step (like I do), call up your state reps and ask them to validate that truly is the will of their constituency, and see how far that gets you! LOL

That and unless they changed the definitions again statutes are not the "law of the land" common law is.
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Can't read, can you?

I can read. I read your stupid post, and remain unconvinced that conservatives are right about much of anything, and certainly not convinced that Mittypoopoo or McCane would have made a better President.

We going to turn the US into a social democracy, European-style, so get over it now.

The ACA is not slavery. Comparing the two is stupid, and mostly angry white people do it. It's an insult to slaves and their suffering. It's not my fault that the conservatives of their eras defended slavery, committed high treason against the US, implemented Jim Crow, defended anti-miscegenation laws, violated the voting rights act, etc. If you don't like it being pointed out to you, that's your fault for being too hypersensitive.
And you are a lying FOS POS retard pansy. I fart in your general direction. I piss on your shoes. I spit on your face.

Oh yeah get a job looser.

Conservative posters on this MB always pretend to be these macho types, all tough and manly. It's laughable. Nobody buys it anymore. Conservatives may have fooled a lot of people after the 9/11 attacks, but you blew it with the failed and flopped Iraq War. Now your aggressiveness is seen as oafish and hamhanded. Your chest-beating patriotism is mocked globally, by liberals in America, and everyone else outside of it. We look down on you, conservatives. And what's more, it's your fault that you're looked down on, because your policies have been proven failures.

What a bunch of losers. Or should I say "loosers", whatever that is.
We going to turn the US into a social democracy, European-style, so get over it now.

The ACA is not slavery. Comparing the two is stupid, and mostly angry white people do it. It's an insult to slaves and their suffering. It's not my fault that the conservatives of their eras defended slavery, committed high treason against the US, implemented Jim Crow, defended anti-miscegenation laws, violated the voting rights act, etc. If you don't like it being pointed out to you, that's your fault for being too hypersensitive.

it is slavery when it carries a bond that your children need to pay like the national debt for instance, created a slave nation.

its a modern version of ancient BOND SLAVERY.

You no longer have the ability to choose how to spend the fruits of your labor, it is chosen for you by someone or thing with their hand out to collect it with or without your approval. That is slavery.

bad enough that the shackles have been replaced by a collar add this to it on top nonetheless
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Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

Yes , Because Obama is forcing US who do not want it do so something we do not want to do. Just like Slavery..

Really? So if you dont sign up who is going to shoot you? Or whip you, or sell you off for being worthless? You are an insult to humans and slaves.
To be fair, building a fence across our border is one of the dumbest ideas ever proposed by mankind.

IDK- We can't put man on the moon either



This is either the dumbest post or you are saying putting a man on the moon was a dumb idea. Either way...

Sucks to be you:eusa_shhh:


Wake up man.. My point is SINCE we can put man on the moon we come up with a way to seal our borders.

Now it sucks to be you no?

The actions of these few individuals approach the level of threatening the basic understanding of democracy under the law that has governed this nation since its inception. The Affordable Care Act is the law the time for debate and negotiation has passed. If you believe in the democratic process and are a true patriot, then make your point with the American people, win enough votes to control the congress and change the law! Sure the argument should continue, but the law should be allowed to move foward. That is the American way!!

There is a huge difference between plutocracy and democracy.

I never seen a referendum that I could vote for or against it, did you?

Democracy requires both your and my vote does it not?

If you nor I had the opportunity to vote on it then you cannot with any degree of correctness put the democracy label on it.

and if you want to take that to the next step (like I do), call up your state reps and ask them to validate that truly is the will of their constituency, and see how far that gets you! LOL

That and unless they changed the definitions again statutes are not the "law of the land" common law is.
FYI-We live in a democratic Republic....our form of democracy is a representative democracy, vs Canadian or British who live under a Parliamentary form of democracy.....
We going to turn the US into a social democracy, European-style, so get over it now.

The ACA is not slavery. Comparing the two is stupid, and mostly angry white people do it. It's an insult to slaves and their suffering. It's not my fault that the conservatives of their eras defended slavery, committed high treason against the US, implemented Jim Crow, defended anti-miscegenation laws, violated the voting rights act, etc. If you don't like it being pointed out to you, that's your fault for being too hypersensitive.

it is slavery when it carries a bond that your children need to pay like the national debt for instance, created a slave nation.

its a modern version of ancient BOND SLAVERY.

You no longer have the ability to choose how to spend the fruits of your labor, it is chosen for you by someone or thing with their hand out to collect it with or without your approval. That is slavery.

bad enough that the shackles have been replaced by a collar add this to it on top nonetheless

It's helping the uninsured get insurance. It's helping keep people from going into financial ruin when they need medical services. And if a GOP Congress and GOP President vote to scrap it, the onslaught of stories of suffering in the media will bring the GOP back under heel.

This tactic worked for Medicare D, after all. Stories of elderly choosing between food & medicine were everywhere in the media and were threatening the GOP Congressional majority. The GOP folded like a cheap lawn chair and created a new entitlement: government-run, European style subsidies for medicines. I laugh thinking about it. The party of small government and free markets created Medicare D.
We going to turn the US into a social democracy, European-style, so get over it now.

The ACA is not slavery. Comparing the two is stupid, and mostly angry white people do it. It's an insult to slaves and their suffering. It's not my fault that the conservatives of their eras defended slavery, committed high treason against the US, implemented Jim Crow, defended anti-miscegenation laws, violated the voting rights act, etc. If you don't like it being pointed out to you, that's your fault for being too hypersensitive.

it is slavery when it carries a bond that your children need to pay like the national debt for instance, created a slave nation.

its a modern version of ancient BOND SLAVERY.

You no longer have the ability to choose how to spend the fruits of your labor, it is chosen for you by someone or thing with their hand out to collect it with or without your approval. That is slavery.

bad enough that the shackles have been replaced by a collar add this to it on top nonetheless

It's helping the uninsured get insurance. It's helping keep people from going into financial ruin when they need medical services. And if a GOP Congress and GOP President vote to scrap it, the onslaught of stories of suffering in the media will bring the GOP back under heel.

This tactic worked for Medicare D, after all. Stories of elderly choosing between food & medicine were everywhere in the media and were threatening the GOP Congressional majority. The GOP folded like a cheap lawn chair and created a new entitlement: government-run, European style subsidies for medicines. I laugh thinking about it. The party of small government and free markets created Medicare D.
and in the House they lost the vote to pass it, and wouldn't close the 10 minute vote for nearly 3 hours, till nearly 3am in the morning, after they had pharma come in to the house of reps and BRIBE, and others that threatened, some repubs until they changed their vote to yes....that is after the 3 hours they kept the 10 minute vote opened...the republican head of the committee putting up the bill, who LOCKED the Democrats out of the negotiations and writing of the bill but allowed PHARMA in their conference to write it, went to work for PHARMA less than a year after getting the bill passed for mega millions a year....a bill that did not allow us to buy medications cheaper from Canada or anywhere on the global supposed free market place anymore which hurt my State tremendously, because we used to bus our citizens to Canada to buy their drugs once a month for much cheaper than the USA....and repubs also added that medicare could NOT negotiate for bulk discounts, while pharma negotiated with all other nations on a bulk discount basis....

Let's just say, illegally passing the Medicare Pill bill in the wee hours of the morning by the republicans is Long forgotten and not even known by most republicans....sad indeed!
We going to turn the US into a social democracy, European-style, so get over it now.

The ACA is not slavery. Comparing the two is stupid, and mostly angry white people do it. It's an insult to slaves and their suffering. It's not my fault that the conservatives of their eras defended slavery, committed high treason against the US, implemented Jim Crow, defended anti-miscegenation laws, violated the voting rights act, etc. If you don't like it being pointed out to you, that's your fault for being too hypersensitive.

it is slavery when it carries a bond that your children need to pay like the national debt for instance, created a slave nation.

its a modern version of ancient BOND SLAVERY.

You no longer have the ability to choose how to spend the fruits of your labor, it is chosen for you by someone or thing with their hand out to collect it with or without your approval. That is slavery.

bad enough that the shackles have been replaced by a collar add this to it on top nonetheless

It's helping the uninsured get insurance. It's helping keep people from going into financial ruin when they need medical services. And if a GOP Congress and GOP President vote to scrap it, the onslaught of stories of suffering in the media will bring the GOP back under heel.

This tactic worked for Medicare D, after all. Stories of elderly choosing between food & medicine were everywhere in the media and were threatening the GOP Congressional majority. The GOP folded like a cheap lawn chair and created a new entitlement: government-run, European style subsidies for medicines. I laugh thinking about it. The party of small government and free markets created Medicare D.

But I don't care about whether my neighbor has health care. I posted elsewhere that my premium rose 76% for an additional $168.00 a month as a result of Obamacare. Other aspects of the plan like co-pay climbed 50%

As a black American I find your example both ironic and humorous. The process under which we changed the laws regarding racial discrimination was first through courts and then by votes by a majority of our senators and congressmen. This reversal of race laws only happened afterthe laws had been in place for a considerable time and the majority of Americans decided they were wrong and needed changing.

What is happening now is that a small minority, who for various reasons oppose anything associated with this president, having lost the argument at every level {both in the courts and the presidential election} are still claiming the right to ignore and block the implimentation of a law, simply because they don't like it. They would rather disable the government, and put the nation's economy at risk than allow the Affordable Care Law to be allowed to function.

The actions of these few individuals approach the level of threatening the basic understanding of democracy under the law that has governed this nation since its inception. The Affordable Care Act is the law the time for debate and negotiation has passed. If you believe in the democratic process and are a true patriot, then make your point with the American people, win enough votes to control the congress and change the law! Sure the argument should continue, but the law should be allowed to move foward. That is the American way!!

If the process that brought this Law into being was not corrupted, or such an embarrassment, I might agree with you. If it's a testimony to anything, it's how far we have strayed from a fair balance.
We going to turn the US into a social democracy, European-style, so get over it now.

The ACA is not slavery. Comparing the two is stupid, and mostly angry white people do it. It's an insult to slaves and their suffering. It's not my fault that the conservatives of their eras defended slavery, committed high treason against the US, implemented Jim Crow, defended anti-miscegenation laws, violated the voting rights act, etc. If you don't like it being pointed out to you, that's your fault for being too hypersensitive.

it is slavery when it carries a bond that your children need to pay like the national debt for instance, created a slave nation.

its a modern version of ancient BOND SLAVERY.

You no longer have the ability to choose how to spend the fruits of your labor, it is chosen for you by someone or thing with their hand out to collect it with or without your approval. That is slavery.

bad enough that the shackles have been replaced by a collar add this to it on top nonetheless

Most of your wages get spent on things you have no real choice about, and government has nothing to do with that.
it is slavery when it carries a bond that your children need to pay like the national debt for instance, created a slave nation.

its a modern version of ancient BOND SLAVERY.

You no longer have the ability to choose how to spend the fruits of your labor, it is chosen for you by someone or thing with their hand out to collect it with or without your approval. That is slavery.

bad enough that the shackles have been replaced by a collar add this to it on top nonetheless

It's helping the uninsured get insurance. It's helping keep people from going into financial ruin when they need medical services. And if a GOP Congress and GOP President vote to scrap it, the onslaught of stories of suffering in the media will bring the GOP back under heel.

This tactic worked for Medicare D, after all. Stories of elderly choosing between food & medicine were everywhere in the media and were threatening the GOP Congressional majority. The GOP folded like a cheap lawn chair and created a new entitlement: government-run, European style subsidies for medicines. I laugh thinking about it. The party of small government and free markets created Medicare D.
and in the House they lost the vote to pass it, and wouldn't close the 10 minute vote for nearly 3 hours, till nearly 3am in the morning, after they had pharma come in to the house of reps and BRIBE, and others that threatened, some repubs until they changed their vote to yes....that is after the 3 hours they kept the 10 minute vote opened...the republican head of the committee putting up the bill, who LOCKED the Democrats out of the negotiations and writing of the bill but allowed PHARMA in their conference to write it, went to work for PHARMA less than a year after getting the bill passed for mega millions a year....a bill that did not allow us to buy medications cheaper from Canada or anywhere on the global supposed free market place anymore which hurt my State tremendously, because we used to bus our citizens to Canada to buy their drugs once a month for much cheaper than the USA....and repubs also added that medicare could NOT negotiate for bulk discounts, while pharma negotiated with all other nations on a bulk discount basis....

Let's just say, illegally passing the Medicare Pill bill in the wee hours of the morning by the republicans is Long forgotten and not even known by most republicans....sad indeed!

Nobody railed against the "Pill Bill" longer or louder than I did. It was inexcusable, indefensible, and 100% unworthy of anybody who called himself or herself 'conservative' or even a patriot. And that legislation is high on the list of the 'sins' I list for the Bush administration that also includes an immigration policy that only a liberal could love, an energy policy that was a joke, an nightmarish environmental policy, poor execution of the war, among other things.

But while 'the other side did it' is fair game to use to nail the hypocrites, it is a poor defense to justify really shitty legislation now no matter who passed it and refuses to correct or rescind it.
We going to turn the US into a social democracy, European-style, so get over it now.

The ACA is not slavery. Comparing the two is stupid, and mostly angry white people do it. It's an insult to slaves and their suffering. It's not my fault that the conservatives of their eras defended slavery, committed high treason against the US, implemented Jim Crow, defended anti-miscegenation laws, violated the voting rights act, etc. If you don't like it being pointed out to you, that's your fault for being too hypersensitive.

it is slavery when it carries a bond that your children need to pay like the national debt for instance, created a slave nation.

its a modern version of ancient BOND SLAVERY.

You no longer have the ability to choose how to spend the fruits of your labor, it is chosen for you by someone or thing with their hand out to collect it with or without your approval. That is slavery.

bad enough that the shackles have been replaced by a collar add this to it on top nonetheless

Most of your wages get spent on things you have no real choice about, and government has nothing to do with that.

Like taxes in the form of licenses and insurances gas tax excise and on and on and on?

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