Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land but so was..

Who has not been able to access health care? I've never heard of anyone being turned away. Yes, when the poor use the emergency rooms, we taxpayers pay for it. Guess what, we still will. Most poor will not have to pay into the exchange....but someone will have to pay for it....guess who!

Those who were turned away with pre-existing conditions?

Those who were dropped because they became too costly to the profit line?

Caroljo, the days of "just once more" on these issues are over.

The country no longer buys the far right's defense of the health insurance industry.

apples and oranges.

Absolutely not. And you just don't get the idea that your re-arguing foregone facts are over. Yes, being denied insurance is being denied medical care.

This is why the American people are increasingly growing angrier and moving toward actual hatred of the far right reactionaries' delusions and refusal to meet reality.
Indeed the POTUS does NOT have that power. He cannot legislate *ON THE FLY* without consent of the legislature, and ultimately the people that the legislature represents.

Obama is out of line, and operates outside the bounds of the Constitution. HE should read Article ONE of the document he swore to uphold and defend.

Right now? he is out of control and looking like a wannabe despot.

You don't know the difference between "Legislate" and "enforce" do you?

enforce means implement as passed. not as he pleases.

That is simply not true. Why do you keep saying it when it's not true? What is the point of doing that?
The 4th Amendment is the law of the land.

..but so was Segregation.

See what I did there?
Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

What is the difference between a slave owner that uses slave's labor (wages) and the government taking a citizen's labor (wages). Is it somehow better that the democrats are the slavers taking incomes from republicans and handing it over to democrats? Is it some how ok to force republicans to spend 2-4 times more for health care than they should have to so others can spend 1/10th of what they should?
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Those who were turned away with pre-existing conditions?

Those who were dropped because they became too costly to the profit line?

Caroljo, the days of "just once more" on these issues are over.

The country no longer buys the far right's defense of the health insurance industry.

apples and oranges.

Absolutely not. And you just don't get the idea that your re-arguing foregone facts are over. Yes, being denied insurance is being denied medical care.

This is why the American people are increasingly growing angrier and moving toward actual hatred of the far right reactionaries' delusions and refusal to meet reality.

Liar. I can get medical care without insurance. WTF are you on? We already have Medicaid, Chips, free clinics and free emergency care for the needy. WTF is wrong with you dirt bags of the democrat party? You guys not stealing enough money from your grandparents yet, now you want them to pay you subsidies for your health care to? WTF is wrong with you?
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For real- That's why in Madison's Federalist 58, it is written that when impeachment would prove to disruptive, the House could use the power of the purse to reel in an unlawful POTUS such as Obama. The man has disgraced the office of the Presidency far more than even racist thought a black man could do


The Federalist Papers are simply letters to the editor and have no legal authority.
However? What YOU forget? They were arguments to embellish the Constitution...arguments as to why the Constitution should be adopted versus the Articles of Confederation (which was almost PURE Democracy)...

They were convincing enough to have the Constitution adopted.

Your statement that they carry NO weight is pure fallacy, and the SCOTUS has used them to find intent of the Founders in cases of LAW.

Guess what asshat?

YOU LOSE. You have NO Earthly idea what you're talking about.


Doesn't sound like it when you change my words, I didn't say carry no weight but rather no legal authority. So let's carry this a little further, does the Declaration of Independence have legal authority or legal weight?
Slavery and subjugation of women may yet return. But this time it'll be whites wot are enslaved and, if nature wins over the thin veneer of civilization, America will have a new Burqa Sewing industry. Not impossibly with slave-staffed factories.

Of course that would take a third term but, with Executive Orders, that's no problem.
Slavery and subjugation of women may yet return. But this time it'll be whites wot are enslaved and, if nature wins over the thin veneer of civilization, America will have a new Burqa Sewing industry. Not impossibly with slave-staffed factories.

Of course that would take a third term but, with Executive Orders, that's no problem.

I would like this. I would like this VERY much.
^^Desparation sets in...claiming victory when it doesn't exist for the loser...:lol:

these folks will get a little more odd everyday

until the meltdown


Especially for this welfare case...The guy is nutsy Fagin...:cuckoo:

if anyone is melting down that would be you ...after all I was the one who put the fire under your worthless ass huh ... pooooooor poooooooor mr.T ... I pity the fool !!!!!!
After slavery was scrapped, blacks were given the vote, then women were given the vote, the conservatives of those eras went through a backlash stage, like conservatives are today about the uninsured being insured through the ACA.
Conservatives? Backlash? Really? WHO do you think was against Civil Rights? DEMOCRATS...(TRY OwlGore's DADDY leading the charge)

NOW they Champion it...and pursue the NEW slavery upon not only them, but the REST of us. In an affront to pony up to their WHITE GUILT...they CREATE the NEW SLAVERY...

NOT good at history, were you? (OR politics for that matter)...

Oh no, another wingnut who thinks the Democrats of yesteryear are the same as today.

Sorry, but the fact that it was mostly Democrats guilty of high treason, Jim Crow, and opposition of the civil rights reforms does not mean that today's Democrats are guilty of those disgraceful crimes and behavior. They were conservative Democrats. They left the party during the 1960s & 1970s and are now mostly in the GOP. They left the Democratic Party because the northern liberals of the party insisted that we stop treating blacks like subhumans. The southern conservatives got all sad and mad about it, and fled to the GOP.
After slavery was scrapped, blacks were given the vote, then women were given the vote, the conservatives of those eras went through a backlash stage, like conservatives are today about the uninsured being insured through the ACA.
Conservatives? Backlash? Really? WHO do you think was against Civil Rights? DEMOCRATS...(TRY OwlGore's DADDY leading the charge)

NOW they Champion it...and pursue the NEW slavery upon not only them, but the REST of us. In an affront to pony up to their WHITE GUILT...they CREATE the NEW SLAVERY...

NOT good at history, were you? (OR politics for that matter)...

Oh no, another wingnut who thinks the Democrats of yesteryear are the same as today.

Sorry, but the fact that it was mostly Democrats guilty of high treason, Jim Crow, and opposition of the civil rights reforms does not mean that today's Democrats are guilty of those disgraceful crimes and behavior. They were conservative Democrats. They left the party during the 1960s & 1970s and are now mostly in the GOP. They left the Democratic Party because the northern liberals of the party insisted that we stop treating blacks like subhumans. The southern conservatives got all sad and mad about it, and fled to the GOP.

Can't read, can you?
Conservatives? Backlash? Really? WHO do you think was against Civil Rights? DEMOCRATS...(TRY OwlGore's DADDY leading the charge)

NOW they Champion it...and pursue the NEW slavery upon not only them, but the REST of us. In an affront to pony up to their WHITE GUILT...they CREATE the NEW SLAVERY...

NOT good at history, were you? (OR politics for that matter)...

Oh no, another wingnut who thinks the Democrats of yesteryear are the same as today.

Sorry, but the fact that it was mostly Democrats guilty of high treason, Jim Crow, and opposition of the civil rights reforms does not mean that today's Democrats are guilty of those disgraceful crimes and behavior. They were conservative Democrats. They left the party during the 1960s & 1970s and are now mostly in the GOP. They left the Democratic Party because the northern liberals of the party insisted that we stop treating blacks like subhumans. The southern conservatives got all sad and mad about it, and fled to the GOP.

Can't read, can you?

velvetta and billyboi are perfect examples of the affects of the defective liberal gene. :lol:
Yes , Because Obama is forcing US who do not want it do so something we do not want to do. Just like Slavery..

Because forcing someone to spend a few bucks and do a sensible thing is just like working 16 hours a day in the blazing sun picking cotton for no pay.

Do you people really expect to be taken seriously with that argument?

slavery takes many forms. generational welfare is a form of slavery. government dependency is a form of slavery

Why don't republicans want to honor a law that was found legal by a republican supreme court? Are you saying now that the 5-4 majority republican supreme court is forcing you into slavery?
Because forcing someone to spend a few bucks and do a sensible thing is just like working 16 hours a day in the blazing sun picking cotton for no pay.

Do you people really expect to be taken seriously with that argument?

slavery takes many forms. generational welfare is a form of slavery. government dependency is a form of slavery

Why don't republicans want to honor a law that was found legal by a republican supreme court? Are you saying now that the 5-4 republican supreme court is forcing you into slavery?

The border fence is also law but I don't see us enforcing that.

Oh no, another wingnut who thinks the Democrats of yesteryear are the same as today.

Sorry, but the fact that it was mostly Democrats guilty of high treason, Jim Crow, and opposition of the civil rights reforms does not mean that today's Democrats are guilty of those disgraceful crimes and behavior. They were conservative Democrats. They left the party during the 1960s & 1970s and are now mostly in the GOP. They left the Democratic Party because the northern liberals of the party insisted that we stop treating blacks like subhumans. The southern conservatives got all sad and mad about it, and fled to the GOP.

Can't read, can you?

velvetta and billyboi are perfect examples of the affects of the defective liberal gene. :lol:

Actually, how does defending a health care system that was originated in a republican think tank and put into law in Massachusetts by the last republican candidate make a person a liberal? Especially since it (ACA) enriches insurance companies. A single payer or medicare for all is a liberal idea, certainly not ACA.
Because forcing someone to spend a few bucks and do a sensible thing is just like working 16 hours a day in the blazing sun picking cotton for no pay.

Do you people really expect to be taken seriously with that argument?

slavery takes many forms. generational welfare is a form of slavery. government dependency is a form of slavery

Why don't republicans want to honor a law that was found legal by a republican supreme court? Are you saying now that the 5-4 majority republican supreme court is forcing you into slavery?

Because, even though income taxes are constitutional, see the 16th amendment, the law is vile nonetheless.

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