Obama says short term deal during negotiations will work

1. offer to cut back welfare back to 2009 for the republicans.
2. Repeal the medical advise tax
3. Fix the parts of obamacare that favors under 30 hour work weeks.

4. Ask for 1. 1 year debt ceiling increase and 2. a jobs package focused on infrastructure, science and tech.

This would be a fair trade off.
1. offer to cut back welfare back to 2009 for the republicans.
2. Repeal the medical advise tax
3. Fix the parts of obamacare that favors under 30 hour work weeks.

4. Ask for 1. 1 year debt ceiling increase and 2. a jobs package focused on infrastructure, science and tech.

This would be a fair trade off.

If the GOP was interested in fixing the ACA that would be good. they are not. They want it dead....

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