Obama says US must shift cars, trucks off of oil

He wants cars that ignore the laws of physics? Has he ever heard of friction? Does he want us to start killing sperm whales and use them to make grease for the various parts of the car that rub against each other.

That's moronic, clearly he's talking about not using a drop of oil as fuel, but you inadvertently pointed out that another reason to not burn all the oil besides the fact that it is poisoning the planet, and that is the fact that is very useful for a wide variety of applications such as lubrication, plastics, chemicals, fertilizers , etc. All far more difficult to replace than as a form of energy. Our progeny would think us the greatest fools if we burned it all up.

You are aware that the carbon footprint to build an electric car is more than double that of a conventional auto. If your lucky and the batteries last as long as they are supposed to you might break even over the life of an electric car, but so far they haven't lived up to their billing.

and of coures he dont realize the power grid was not built for 150,000.000 plus electric cars to be plugged in at night. if you think power outages are bad now....lol you have not seen anything yet. Wonder when they will develope a electric 747 ?
Douglas MacKinnon: NYC is a warning -- the blackout is coming

Again, leaving aside the growing threats of cyber and terrorist attacks upon our power grid, the fact of the matter is that much of our grid is antiquated junk desperately in need of billions of dollars in repair. Antiquated infrastructure which unfortunately, is connected to other outdated infrastructure.

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