Obama Secret Service Agent: “It’s Worse Than People Know… and I’m Not Trying to Scare


Sep 11, 2013
Obama Secret Service Agent: “It’s Worse Than People Know… and I’m Not Trying to Scare You Either”

Mac Slavo
November 6, 2013

You may have your suspicions about what’s going on behind closed doors at the White House.

But according to one of President Obama’s former body guards it’s much worse than we can even imagine.

Dan Bongino has protected numerous Presidents over his career, including President Obama. He has been within ear-shot of many a discussion in the Oval Office, but up until this administration has stayed out of the lime light. Apparently, however, the activities of this administration are so abhorrent that he could no longer keep quiet.

Bongino is so upset with what he witnessed that he is now running for Congress because he feels it’s the only way to take America back from the sycophants who have made every effort to enrich themselves with money and power at the expense of the American people.

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I think this is a bunch of crap ... you know ... like last weeks crap and the week before that and the week before that.

I need to get a job as an internet blogger - it must pay pretty well for thousands of people to spend all of their waking hours doing it.

During the down time I can think of crap for other bloggers to write about; kind of like a garbage truck think-tank for people who hate with unfounded reasons.

I dunno ... sounds kind of effing lame.
It really is much worse that you know.

Obama is the new white. Anyone lighter or darker than him will be shipped to FEMA camps.

There's also a super secret space drone that is in orbit around Uranus that can monitor the thought patterns of Tea party people. That drone can signal microscopic drones that will slowly attack and kill folks with a slow acting poison that takes 70 years to take full effect.

The only way to protect yourselves is to encase your heads in tinfoil.

This will keep the FEMA core from seeing your skin color and the drones from entering your nostrils, mouth and ears.

Get cracking!

Mean while, I will be buying stock in Alcoha!
It really is much worse that you know.

Obama is the new white. Anyone lighter or darker than him will be shipped to FEMA camps.

There's also a super secret space drone that is in orbit around Uranus that can monitor the thought patterns of Tea party people. That drone can signal microscopic drones that will slowly attack and kill folks with a slow acting poison that takes 70 years to take full effect.

The only way to protect yourselves is to encase your heads in tinfoil.

This will keep the FEMA core from seeing your skin color and the drones from entering your nostrils, mouth and ears.

Get cracking!

Mean while, I will be buying stock in Alcoha!

/beats Sallow to within an inch of his miserable life and throws him in a dungeon

"Sorry, folks. Nothing to see here. He is on some psychotropic drug that had a bad reaction with peanut butter. Sorry for the confusion."
I think this is a bunch of crap ... you know ... like last weeks crap and the week before that and the week before that.

I need to get a job as an internet blogger - it must pay pretty well for thousands of people to spend all of their waking hours doing it.

During the down time I can think of crap for other bloggers to write about; kind of like a garbage truck think-tank for people who hate with unfounded reasons.

I dunno ... sounds kind of effing lame.

Nobody cares what you think...
Says the guy with a new book coming out, who wants to run for congress. No hidden agenda there :laugh:

Another genius trying to pull an Ann Coulter on the Teaps.
I see the left has trotted out all the excuse on que.

it is a race issue.

He is a liar just making things that sound true up to enhance his career.

Its just a bunch of crap.
I think this is a bunch of crap ... you know ... like last weeks crap and the week before that and the week before that.

I need to get a job as an internet blogger - it must pay pretty well for thousands of people to spend all of their waking hours doing it.

During the down time I can think of crap for other bloggers to write about; kind of like a garbage truck think-tank for people who hate with unfounded reasons.

I dunno ... sounds kind of effing lame.

We blog on the internet cuz we can't find jobs in this grand Obama Recovery.

We are well aware of the Globalists' Plans.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-CrNlilZho]EndGame HQ full length version - YouTube[/ame]

We won't wait on the FEMA trucks before we do something about it.
I think this is a bunch of crap ... you know ... like last weeks crap and the week before that and the week before that.

I need to get a job as an internet blogger - it must pay pretty well for thousands of people to spend all of their waking hours doing it.

During the down time I can think of crap for other bloggers to write about; kind of like a garbage truck think-tank for people who hate with unfounded reasons.

I dunno ... sounds kind of effing lame.

Nobody cares what you think...

Aww! Did somebody hurt your itto tater peelings?!
Remember the scene in Serenity when Mal fetches Inara and comes face to face with the Operative?

Operative: It's worse than you know.
Mal: It usually is.
Obama Secret Service Agent: “It’s Worse Than People Know… and I’m Not Trying to Scare You Either”

Mac Slavo
November 6, 2013

You may have your suspicions about what’s going on behind closed doors at the White House.

But according to one of President Obama’s former body guards it’s much worse than we can even imagine.

Dan Bongino has protected numerous Presidents over his career, including President Obama. He has been within ear-shot of many a discussion in the Oval Office, but up until this administration has stayed out of the lime light. Apparently, however, the activities of this administration are so abhorrent that he could no longer keep quiet.

Bongino is so upset with what he witnessed that he is now running for Congress because he feels it’s the only way to take America back from the sycophants who have made every effort to enrich themselves with money and power at the expense of the American people.

How bad is it?

We’re in a lot of trouble.

The President sees government – and I think it’s because of his lack of experience and maybe community organizing in the past – as this shiny new toy.

For all the disagreements I had with Clinton, Carter and Bush there were always limits… there was that line you just didn’t cross… We cross it seemingly every day. We’re lost in the scandals…

The Jamie Dimon shakedown at Chase… the HHS scandal.. Kathleen Sebelius shaking down the health care industry for money… the IRS… it’s to the point where these scandals in and of themselves would be huge back-breaking scandals [but] are just lost in the scandal fog of this administration…

It’s worse than people know… and I’m not trying to scare you either.

This is coming from someone who has stood next to Presidents for his entire career.

The implications are absolutely terrifying, especially considering how bad the publicly known scandals already are. Can you imagine what’s happening outside the view of Americans?

This is not about Republican or Democrat, it’s about liberty, pure and simple, and this administration has done more to damage our individual rights than any that has come before it.

Bongino expresses this succinctly when discussing the NSA scandal and the administration’s use of the information acquired by government snoops all over the country.

You give the government information and it will be abused. It is not a matter of if it’ll be abused, it’s only a matter of when…

When the line between the personal self and the public self… when that line is determined by the government that keeps your information in a trove for release any time they need it, how are you free?

..the bottom line is, having worked inside the government, it will be abused. It is only a matter of time.


We are all doing something wrong. The catch is not “if” we’re doing something wrong. It is “are your private wrongs impacting on my civil liberties?” If not, the government has no business in your life… it’s a red herring…

If you’re not doing something wrong? The question is only whether your private wrongs that have no effect on anyone else become exposed for the government’s benefit.

…It’s only a matter of time before someone slaps an email on your desk from fifteen years ago… and says ‘look what we got against you.’

Remember, when the key is held by someone else liberty means absolutely nothing. That personal and private self are being evaporated.

Make no mistake. They – and that especially includes this administration and/or agents acting under their directives and initiatives – will use everything they can against you when it suits them.

The prerogative has always been to destroy anything or anyone who threatens the establishment. We’ve seen it time and again with this, as well as past, White House administrations and Congressional membership.

Now, more than ever before, they will start targeting those who speak out against them and jeopardize their agenda.


Ex-Secret Service agent Dan Bongino quit after witnessing first-hand the horrors inside the bubble of the Obama administration, where the president is comfortably excluded from the effects of his poor policies. Check out his upcoming book “Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away from It All” available on Amazon.

Also, check out Alex Jones’ interview with Mr. Bongino where he shared his views on how politicians in both political parties have become so corrupt, that any focus on prescriptive policies for a better tomorrow have been lost.

Obama Secret Service Agent: “It’s Worse Than People Know… and I’m Not Trying to Scare You Either”

Mac Slavo
November 6, 2013

You may have your suspicions about what’s going on behind closed doors at the White House.

But according to one of President Obama’s former body guards it’s much worse than we can even imagine.

Dan Bongino has protected numerous Presidents over his career, including President Obama. He has been within ear-shot of many a discussion in the Oval Office, but up until this administration has stayed out of the lime light. Apparently, however, the activities of this administration are so abhorrent that he could no longer keep quiet.

Bongino is so upset with what he witnessed that he is now running for Congress because he feels it’s the only way to take America back from the sycophants who have made every effort to enrich themselves with money and power at the expense of the American people.

How bad is it?

We’re in a lot of trouble.

The President sees government – and I think it’s because of his lack of experience and maybe community organizing in the past – as this shiny new toy.

For all the disagreements I had with Clinton, Carter and Bush there were always limits… there was that line you just didn’t cross… We cross it seemingly every day. We’re lost in the scandals…

The Jamie Dimon shakedown at Chase… the HHS scandal.. Kathleen Sebelius shaking down the health care industry for money… the IRS… it’s to the point where these scandals in and of themselves would be huge back-breaking scandals [but] are just lost in the scandal fog of this administration…

It’s worse than people know… and I’m not trying to scare you either.

This is coming from someone who has stood next to Presidents for his entire career.

The implications are absolutely terrifying, especially considering how bad the publicly known scandals already are. Can you imagine what’s happening outside the view of Americans?

This is not about Republican or Democrat, it’s about liberty, pure and simple, and this administration has done more to damage our individual rights than any that has come before it.

Bongino expresses this succinctly when discussing the NSA scandal and the administration’s use of the information acquired by government snoops all over the country.

You give the government information and it will be abused. It is not a matter of if it’ll be abused, it’s only a matter of when…

When the line between the personal self and the public self… when that line is determined by the government that keeps your information in a trove for release any time they need it, how are you free?

..the bottom line is, having worked inside the government, it will be abused. It is only a matter of time.


We are all doing something wrong. The catch is not “if” we’re doing something wrong. It is “are your private wrongs impacting on my civil liberties?” If not, the government has no business in your life… it’s a red herring…

If you’re not doing something wrong? The question is only whether your private wrongs that have no effect on anyone else become exposed for the government’s benefit.

…It’s only a matter of time before someone slaps an email on your desk from fifteen years ago… and says ‘look what we got against you.’

Remember, when the key is held by someone else liberty means absolutely nothing. That personal and private self are being evaporated.

Make no mistake. They – and that especially includes this administration and/or agents acting under their directives and initiatives – will use everything they can against you when it suits them.

The prerogative has always been to destroy anything or anyone who threatens the establishment. We’ve seen it time and again with this, as well as past, White House administrations and Congressional membership.

Now, more than ever before, they will start targeting those who speak out against them and jeopardize their agenda.


Ex-Secret Service agent Dan Bongino quit after witnessing first-hand the horrors inside the bubble of the Obama administration, where the president is comfortably excluded from the effects of his poor policies. Check out his upcoming book “Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away from It All” available on Amazon.

Also, check out Alex Jones’ interview with Mr. Bongino where he shared his views on how politicians in both political parties have become so corrupt, that any focus on prescriptive policies for a better tomorrow have been lost.


Yikes at what????

Where's the "terrible" stuff?

An obvious slanted opinion with the old "community orginizer" crap thrown in?

If Obama was such a rookie, how did he kick republicans asses TWICE? How did he get the ACA passed?

George Bush never got Osama Bin Laden, but Obama got him in his first term - go ahead and explain that away with the same convoluted logic that blames Hillary for Benghazi, because it was on HER watch!!!

Guess dems get none of the credit and all of the blame?

Now, some ex secret service guy says Obama is a commie! OMG ... it must be true - I read it on the interwebz. :cuckoo:
I think this is a bunch of crap ... you know ... like last weeks crap and the week before that and the week before that.

I need to get a job as an internet blogger - it must pay pretty well for thousands of people to spend all of their waking hours doing it.

During the down time I can think of crap for other bloggers to write about; kind of like a garbage truck think-tank for people who hate with unfounded reasons.

I dunno ... sounds kind of effing lame.

The minute Alex Jones comes up it automatically goes in the crap pile.
Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away from It All” available on Amazon.

How about, just a thought, "washed up ex agent walked away from it all, wrote a book and thought of a nice way to promote it" available on Amazon?

His selling the story leads one to consider the possibility of the profit motive.
Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away from It All” available on Amazon.

How about, just a thought, "washed up ex agent walked away from it all, wrote a book and thought of a nice way to promote it" available on Amazon?

His selling the story leads one to consider the possibility of the profit motive.

... And that's fine - if he actually had something to say ... he does not - nothing. Nothing that anyone who picks up a news paper would't know.

Jesus, if you are going to smear the president, at least make up something interesting - how about "president has gay sex in the WH!"

Instead, all we get is "We are all doing something wrong. The catch is not “if” we’re doing something wrong. It is “are your private wrongs impacting on my civil liberties?” If not, the government has no business in your life… it’s a red herring…"


Good lord a whole book full of nothing.
Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away from It All” available on Amazon.

How about, just a thought, "washed up ex agent walked away from it all, wrote a book and thought of a nice way to promote it" available on Amazon?

His selling the story leads one to consider the possibility of the profit motive.

... And that's fine - if he actually had something to say ... he does not - nothing. Nothing that anyone who picks up a news paper would't know.

Jesus, if you are going to smear the president, at least make up something interesting - how about "president has gay sex in the WH!"

Instead, all we get is "We are all doing something wrong. The catch is not “if” we’re doing something wrong. It is “are your private wrongs impacting on my civil liberties?” If not, the government has no business in your life… it’s a red herring…"


Good lord a whole book full of nothing.

I'm not supporting Obama in this, just pointing out a probable motive for writing a book.
Obama has clearly overstepped the bounds of reasonable behaviour and lies about what he knew.
Basically, he's shafting the world.
I'm not supporting Obama in this, just pointing out a probable motive for writing a book.
Obama has clearly overstepped the bounds of reasonable behaviour and lies about what he knew.
Basically, he's shafting the world.

I was in agreement with you ... mostly.

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