Obama sending US Marshalls to ARREST those who owe federal student loans! Dang libs...


I asked you a simple question.

WHERE does a judge sit in the chain of command of a US Marshal?

A judge is the one issuing the court orders that the marshal service is required to obey. That's the role and purpose of the marshal service. That's where they fit.

We both know that the judge directed the marshals to arrest the man in the OP. We both know that the marshals were required to obey the court order. We both know that there is zero evidence that Obama had a thing to say about this arrest or was even aware of it. Let alone 'sent' anyone to execute arrest anyone.

The entire OP, even the title of the thread....is pseudo-legal horseshit.
For the 5th time now.......

WHERE on the chain of command of a US Marshal does a judge sit??? This should be such an easy answer.

It is the primary role and mission of the United States Marshals Service to provide for the security and to obey, execute, and enforce all orders of the United States District Courts, the United States Courts of Appeals, the Court of International Trade, and the United States Tax Court, as provided by law.
The United States marshal of each district is the marshal of the district court and of the court of appeals when sitting in that district, and of the Court of International Trade holding sessions in that district, and may, in the discretion of the respective courts, be required to attend any session of court.
Except as otherwise provided by law or Rule of Procedure, the United States Marshals Service shall execute all lawful writs, process, and orders issued under the authority of the United States, and shall command all necessary assistance to execute its duties.

It is the primary role and mission of the United States Marshals Service to provide for the security and to obey, execute, and enforce all orders of the United States District Courts....

....but according to our local pseudo-legal dullards, they aren't actually required to obey, execute or enforce any court order. Making it all Obama's fault.

Um, somehow.

That's a mission statement. Yay.

Now.....who ranks higher on the chain of command for federal law enforcement? The POTUS or federal judges?

I've already answered your question regarding how the Judiciary fits with the Marshals.

Now for my question: are you claiming that the marshals don't have to obey a federal court order?

I asked you a simple question.

WHERE does a judge sit in the chain of command of a US Marshal?

A judge is the one issuing the court orders that the marshal service is required to obey. That's the role and purpose of the marshal service. That's where they fit.

We both know that the judge directed the marshals to arrest the man in the OP. We both know that the marshals were required to obey the court order. We both know that there is zero evidence that Obama had a thing to say about this arrest or was even aware of it. Let alone 'sent' anyone to execute arrest anyone.

The entire OP, even the title of the thread....is pseudo-legal horseshit.
From someone who "claims" to have intimate knowledge of law enforcement.

Oh I do....and it's hilarious watching you lefties trying to interpret what you think it is.

Um, Buc.....you couldn't even spell Marshals correctly. You didn't read your own OP, affirming that it was a federal judge that ordered the arrest of the man in question, not 'Obama'. And you're literally ignoring US law that affirms that the US marshals are required to obey court orders.

My little fake cop, you simply don't understand how the law works. Which is why you keep citing yourself. And I keep citing the law and your own article.

Again....who ranks higher on the chain of command for federal LEOs? Federal judge or POTUS?

I've already answered your question regarding the Marshals and the Federal judiciary.

Now you answer my question: are you claiming that the marshals don't have to obey a federal court order?

C'mon, my little fake cop. We both know the answer. I just want to hear you say it.
Laughing....so now the federal courts CAN direct the marshals, my little fake cop? Its not what I'm calling it. Its what the U.S. Marshals are calling it.

And your own article affirms that it was the judge that sent the marshals to arrest the man in the OP.

So much your latest round of pseudo-legal gibberish. And down goes your 'Obama sent the marshals' nonsense once agian.


I asked you a simple question.

WHERE does a judge sit in the chain of command of a US Marshal?

A judge is the one issuing the court orders that the marshal service is required to obey. That's the role and purpose of the marshal service. That's where they fit.

We both know that the judge directed the marshals to arrest the man in the OP. We both know that the marshals were required to obey the court order. We both know that there is zero evidence that Obama had a thing to say about this arrest or was even aware of it. Let alone 'sent' anyone to execute arrest anyone.

The entire OP, even the title of the thread....is pseudo-legal horseshit.
From someone who "claims" to have intimate knowledge of law enforcement.

Oh I do....and it's hilarious watching you lefties trying to interpret what you think it is.

Right now....I have Skylar placing federal judges AND the US President both on the chain of command of US Marshals. Hilarious.

And YOU who thought law enforcement was part of the Judicial Branch. Moron haha.
:dig: I must say, not had this much enjoyment over watching you dig your way to China in a while.

Hey bulldyke....you thought cops were in the Judicial Branch an hour ago. Bye bye now.
US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Obama has sent US Marshalls to arrest people are are in default for their federal student loans. Damn libs....bet yall never thought this would happen when you voted Obama.

We told you. The lefties want your money. And they will send men with guns to get it.
And then there's the real story...

According to a statement from the U.S. Marshals Service, Aker repeatedly refused to show up in court after being contacted several times. Disobeying a court order is a criminal offense. Within a few months, the judge issued a warrant for his arrest, which the U.S. Marshals carried out. So, yes, Aker was arrested, but not just because he owed a little student loan debt. He was arrested for disobeying a court order. This has nothing to do with Obama or student loans. Anyone who repeated fails to appear in federal court is going end up being arrested. The reason the person is required to appear is irrelevant.

U.S. Marshals didn't really arrest a man for missed student loan payments[/FONT]
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I asked you a simple question.

WHERE does a judge sit in the chain of command of a US Marshal?

A judge is the one issuing the court orders that the marshal service is required to obey. That's the role and purpose of the marshal service. That's where they fit.

We both know that the judge directed the marshals to arrest the man in the OP. We both know that the marshals were required to obey the court order. We both know that there is zero evidence that Obama had a thing to say about this arrest or was even aware of it. Let alone 'sent' anyone to execute arrest anyone.

The entire OP, even the title of the thread....is pseudo-legal horseshit.
From someone who "claims" to have intimate knowledge of law enforcement.

Oh I do....and it's hilarious watching you lefties trying to interpret what you think it is.

Right now....I have Skylar placing federal judges AND the US President both on the chain of command of US Marshals. Hilarious.

And YOU who thought law enforcement was part of the Judicial Branch. Moron haha.
:dig: I must say, not had this much enjoyment over watching you dig your way to China in a while.

Hey bulldyke....you thought cops were in the Judicial Branch an hour ago. Bye bye now.

Laughing....says the dipshit that couldn't even spell "marshal' yet claims to be law enforcement. And didn't even read the article he's citing, which clearly affirms that it was a federal judge that directed the marshals to arrest that man.

Not 'Obama'. Try again, my little fake cop.
US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Obama has sent US Marshalls to arrest people are are in default for their federal student loans. Damn libs....bet yall never thought this would happen when you voted Obama.

We told you. The lefties want your money. And they will send men with guns to get it.
And then there's the real story...

According to a statement from the U.S. Marshals Service, Aker repeatedly refused to show up in court after being contacted several times. Disobeying a court order is a criminal offense. Within a few months, the judge issued a warrant for his arrest, which the U.S. Marshals carried out. So, yes, Aker was arrested, but not just because he owed a little student loan debt. He was arrested for disobeying a court order. This story has nothing to do with Obama or student loans.

[FONT=Helvetica Neue, HelveticaNeue, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]U.S. Marshals didn't really arrest a man for missed student loan payments[/FONT]

Yeah, but that's actually factual. And doesn't involve blaming Obama. So clearly Bucky has no use for it.
Skylar refusing to answer and trying to avoid.

Skykar....such a simple question

On the Chain of Command for US Marhals.....who ranks higher....a judge or the President?

A fucking high school civics student could answer this in 5 seconds. I've had to ask you 7 times now.
Skylar refusing to answer and trying to avoid.

Skykar....such a simple question

I answered your question about the marshals and the federal judiciary 6 times:

A judge is the one issuing the court orders that the marshal service is required to obey. That's the role and purpose of the marshal service. That's where they fit.

Now you answer my question: are you claiming that the marshals don't have to obey a federal court order?

Keep running, my little fake cop. As we both know the answer.

I asked you a simple question.

WHERE does a judge sit in the chain of command of a US Marshal?

A judge is the one issuing the court orders that the marshal service is required to obey. That's the role and purpose of the marshal service. That's where they fit.

We both know that the judge directed the marshals to arrest the man in the OP. We both know that the marshals were required to obey the court order. We both know that there is zero evidence that Obama had a thing to say about this arrest or was even aware of it. Let alone 'sent' anyone to execute arrest anyone.

The entire OP, even the title of the thread....is pseudo-legal horseshit.
From someone who "claims" to have intimate knowledge of law enforcement.

Oh I do....and it's hilarious watching you lefties trying to interpret what you think it is.

Right now....I have Skylar placing federal judges AND the US President both on the chain of command of US Marshals. Hilarious.

And YOU who thought law enforcement was part of the Judicial Branch. Moron haha.
:dig: I must say, not had this much enjoyment over watching you dig your way to China in a while.

Hey bulldyke....you thought cops were in the Judicial Branch an hour ago. Bye bye now.
Ah...I see. And now you go anti-gay because your argument is so very very weak. And then you run away....like this:

Direct. Demand. Request. You can call it whatever you want. But they are not in the chain of command. That's just a fact. Now....if a Marshal repeatedly refuses to serve warrants? Probably will be fired.

But that doesn't change the FACT that concerning the Marshals.....if a judge says do something, and POTUS or the DOJ disagree.....POTUS/DOJ have chain of command authority over the Marshals.
Absolutely correct.

And, Executive Orders doing just that have been issued in the past.


I've done a fairly thorough search of every executive order that's ever been signed, and not one of them contains the word "Marshals".
I apologize. I missed you post with the hysterical posting of others.

Executive Orders staying federal LEO actions have been executed in the past. Dunno if Marshals have had one, but other federal LEOs have had duties stayed by Executive Order. And, that is fully kosher, as they are Executive Branch employees. An infamous stay by EO of federal LEO duties involved ICE agents.
US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans

Obama has sent US Marshalls to arrest people are are in default for their federal student loans. Damn libs....bet yall never thought this would happen when you voted Obama.

We told you. The lefties want your money. And they will send men with guns to get it.

And if you'd actually looked into the issue, you'd have realized you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about:

According to a statement from the U.S. Marshals Service, Aker repeatedly refused to show up in court after being contacted several times. Disobeying a court order is a criminal offense. Within a few months, the judge issued a warrant for his arrest, which the U.S. Marshals carried out. So, yes, Aker was arrested, but not just because he owed a little student loan debt. He was arrested for disobeying a court order. This story has nothing to do with Obama or student loans.

U.S. Marshals didn't really arrest a man for missed student loan payments

Once again, Bucky bites at silly conspiracy horseshit.
Skylar refusing to answer and trying to avoid.

Skykar....such a simple question

On the Chain of Command for US Marhals.....who ranks higher....a judge or the President?

A fucking high school civics student could answer this in 5 seconds. I've had to ask you 7 times now.

You keep repeating this as if it means something.

Neither the President, nor Federal Judges are directly in the "Chain of Command" of the USMS.

I have found exactly zero instances in US history in which the President has ever interfered with the operations of the US Marshal Service.
Direct. Demand. Request. You can call it whatever you want. But they are not in the chain of command. That's just a fact. Now....if a Marshal repeatedly refuses to serve warrants? Probably will be fired.

But that doesn't change the FACT that concerning the Marshals.....if a judge says do something, and POTUS or the DOJ disagree.....POTUS/DOJ have chain of command authority over the Marshals.
Absolutely correct.

And, Executive Orders doing just that have been issued in the past.


I've done a fairly thorough search of every executive order that's ever been signed, and not one of them contains the word "Marshals".
I apologize. I missed you post with the hysterical posting of others.

Executive Orders staying federal LEO actions have been executed in the past. Dunno is Marshals have had one, but other federal LEOs have had duties stayed by Executive Order. And, that is fully kosher, as they are Executive Branch employees. An infamous stay by EO of federal LEO duties involved ICE agents.

So you admit that there's no EO regarding US marshals. And that it wasn't 'exactly that', nor even remotely close to anything you'd described.

Oh, and remember how in your hysteric desperation to blame Obama for a federal judge issuing an arrest warrant you started to babble about 'accountability'?

According to a statement from the U.S. Marshals Service, Aker repeatedly refused to show up in court after being contacted several times. Disobeying a court order is a criminal offense. Within a few months, the judge issued a warrant for his arrest, which the U.S. Marshals carried out. So, yes, Aker was arrested, but not just because he owed a little student loan debt. He was arrested for disobeying a court order.

U.S. Marshals didn't really arrest a man for missed student loan payments

You were saying about 'holding Obama accountable'? That was your purpose in joining this thread, yes? And it gets so much worse:

The Marshals statement goes on to describe the arrest, saying Aker "resisted arrest and retreated back into his home" when agents arrived:

"The situation escalated when Aker verbally said to the deputies that he had a gun. After Aker made the statement that he was armed, in order to protect everyone involved, the deputies requested additional law enforcement assistance. Additional deputy marshals and local law enforcement officers responded to the scene. After approximately two hours, the law enforcement officers convinced Aker to peacefully exit his home, and he was arrested."

U.S. Marshals didn't really arrest a man for missed student loan payments

But tell us again how its all Obama's fault and he needs to be held 'accountable'? We can all use another giggle at your expense.
A judge is the one issuing the court orders that the marshal service is required to obey. That's the role and purpose of the marshal service. That's where they fit.

We both know that the judge directed the marshals to arrest the man in the OP. We both know that the marshals were required to obey the court order. We both know that there is zero evidence that Obama had a thing to say about this arrest or was even aware of it. Let alone 'sent' anyone to execute arrest anyone.

The entire OP, even the title of the thread....is pseudo-legal horseshit.
From someone who "claims" to have intimate knowledge of law enforcement.

Oh I do....and it's hilarious watching you lefties trying to interpret what you think it is.

Right now....I have Skylar placing federal judges AND the US President both on the chain of command of US Marshals. Hilarious.

And YOU who thought law enforcement was part of the Judicial Branch. Moron haha.
:dig: I must say, not had this much enjoyment over watching you dig your way to China in a while.

Hey bulldyke....you thought cops were in the Judicial Branch an hour ago. Bye bye now.
Ah...I see. And now you go anti-gay because your argument is so very very weak. And then you run away....like this:

Anti gay? No. I'm just anti you.
Skylar refusing to answer and trying to avoid.

Skykar....such a simple question

On the Chain of Command for US Marhals.....who ranks higher....a judge or the President?

A fucking high school civics student could answer this in 5 seconds. I've had to ask you 7 times now.

You keep repeating this as if it means something.

Neither the President, nor Federal Judges are directly in the "Chain of Command" of the USMS.

I have found exactly zero instances in US history in which the President has ever interfered with the operations of the US Marshal Service.

Yeah, but Obama 'could have done something' about the US marshal service arresting a man who refused to appear in court and started talking about how he had a gun while resisting arrest.

Its all about 'accountability' after all.
Skylar refusing to answer and trying to avoid.

Skykar....such a simple question

On the Chain of Command for US Marhals.....who ranks higher....a judge or the President?

A fucking high school civics student could answer this in 5 seconds. I've had to ask you 7 times now.

You keep repeating this as if it means something.

Neither the President, nor Federal Judges are directly in the "Chain of Command" of the USMS.

I have found exactly zero instances in US history in which the President has ever interfered with the operations of the US Marshal Service.

And the hits keep coming folks!!!!!

Now this lib says the President of the United States is NOT in the chain of command of the US Marshals.

Skylar refusing to answer and trying to avoid.

Skykar....such a simple question

On the Chain of Command for US Marhals.....who ranks higher....a judge or the President?

A fucking high school civics student could answer this in 5 seconds. I've had to ask you 7 times now.

You keep repeating this as if it means something.

Neither the President, nor Federal Judges are directly in the "Chain of Command" of the USMS.

I have found exactly zero instances in US history in which the President has ever interfered with the operations of the US Marshal Service.

And the hits keep coming folks!!!!!

Now this lib says the President of the United States is NOT in the chain of command of the US Marshals.


Laughing.......says the poor soul who couldn't even spell 'Marshals' yet insisted he is law enforcement. And keeps running from this cartoon simple question:

"are you claiming that the marshals don't have to obey a federal court order?'

The fact that you've abandoned your 'obama sent the marshals' horseshit....and the entire premise of your OP being a laughably lie disproven by the US marshal service itself is just gravy.

To summarize.

Bodecea thought law enforcement was in the Judicial Branch.

Skykar thinks judges and the president are in the same chain of command of federal LE....but can't say who out ranks the other.

And now...DoctorIsIn says the POTUS isn't in the Marshals chain of command at all.

This was pure gold boys. I even knew this was a bit of a troll thread because I just wanted to have some fun....but WOW even I didn't think so much left wing retardation would be exposed hahaha!
Direct. Demand. Request. You can call it whatever you want. But they are not in the chain of command. That's just a fact. Now....if a Marshal repeatedly refuses to serve warrants? Probably will be fired.

But that doesn't change the FACT that concerning the Marshals.....if a judge says do something, and POTUS or the DOJ disagree.....POTUS/DOJ have chain of command authority over the Marshals.
Absolutely correct.

And, Executive Orders doing just that have been issued in the past.


I've done a fairly thorough search of every executive order that's ever been signed, and not one of them contains the word "Marshals".
I apologize. I missed you post with the hysterical posting of others.

Executive Orders staying federal LEO actions have been executed in the past. Dunno if Marshals have had one, but other federal LEOs have had duties stayed by Executive Order. And, that is fully kosher, as they are Executive Branch employees. An infamous stay by EO of federal LEO duties involved ICE agents.

I know that the President has stayed federal law enforcement in the past, but the USMS occupies a unique position in federal law enforcement, in that they were specifically created as the enforcement arm of the Judiciary.

I have no idea whether an EO directing the USMS to refuse to execute court orders related to a specific issue (in this case, private debt collection of student loans) would pass muster, but I can't find any example of anything like it being tried before.

To summarize.

Bodecea thought law enforcement was in the Judicial Branch.

Skykar thinks judges and the president are in the same chain of command of federal LE....but can't say who out ranks the other.

And now...DoctorIsIn says the POTUS isn't in the Marshals chain of command at all.

This was pure gold boys.

To summarize....the man wasn't arrested because because he owes student loan debt. He was arrested because he repeatedly refused to appear in court. With the marshals breaking in his door when he resisted arrest, retreated into his home and insisted he had a gun.

It was a judge that issued the arrest warrant to have him brought before the court. And it was a judge that directed the marshals to arrest the man.

Not 'Obama'.

But leave it to Bucky to side against law enforcement in his latest batshit conspiracy.

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