Obama sending US Marshalls to ARREST those who owe federal student loans! Dang libs...

Which you've already admitted is irrelevant to this case......
Where did I admit that?

LEOs have discretion in arrests, whether ordered by the court or not. That's far from an irrelevant fact.

As you've been utterly unable to demonstrate *any* evidence of LEO discretion in this case, its irrelevant to the arrest we're discussing.

Its the same red herring fallacy with you again and again.

LEOs discretion is arrests is always relevant in an arrest.

Then show us with evidence that LEO discretion was used in this case. If you can't, its irrelevant. As it has no bearing on this arrest.

Making your babble yet another red herring. As it has nothing to do with this arrest, this man, or the Marshal's arrest of him.

As there's not the slightest evidence that Obama was even aware this arrest occured. Let alone 'sent' Marshals to conduct it.
Then show us with evidence that LEO discretion was used in this case. If you can't, its irrelevant. As it has no bearing on this arrest.

Making your babble yet another red herring. As it has nothing to do with this arrest, this man, or the Marshal's arrest of him.
The fact that you can't comprehend how discretion in arrests is always relevant in an arrest is stunning.

It's a blast highlighting your stupidity, but it is also entertaining catching you in your lies. :thup:
Then show us with evidence that LEO discretion was used in this case. If you can't, its irrelevant. As it has no bearing on this arrest.

Making your babble yet another red herring. As it has nothing to do with this arrest, this man, or the Marshal's arrest of him.
The fact that you can't comprehend how discretion in arrests is always relevant in an arrest is stunning.

It's a blast highlighting your stupidity, but it is also entertaining catching you in your lies. :thup:

The fact that you can't present the slightest evidence that Obama was even aware of this arrest, let alone that he had anything to say about it demonstrates that your 'discretion' argument is irrelevant to this case.

As there's zero indicating it was a factor in the man's arrest.

Laughing...is there any part of the OP you haven't completely abandoned? As Bucky won't touch even touch the title of his thread with a 10 foot pole now.
The fact that you can't present the slightest evidence that Obama was even aware of this arrest, let alone that he had anything to say about it demonstrates that your 'discretion' argument is irrelevant to this case.

As there's zero indicating it was a factor in the man's arrest.

Laughing...is there any part of the OP you haven't completely abandoned? As Bucky won't touch even touch the title of his thread with a 10 foot pole now.
What a hysterical kunt you are. Read my posts; don't listen to the voices in your head.

I have posted several times, I have no idea whether Obama was aware of this situation or not. I do suspect, he was not as he has a long track record of being completely clueless as to what is going on in HIS administration.

YOU have no clue as to the relevance in LEO discretion in arrests, whether ordered by a court or not, and I can't help you get a clue anymore than I or other posters have already tried.

And, Doc and I have already discussed the topic in detail. You either missed it because of the haboob in your vagina or it was too far over your head.
The fact that you can't present the slightest evidence that Obama was even aware of this arrest, let alone that he had anything to say about it demonstrates that your 'discretion' argument is irrelevant to this case.

As there's zero indicating it was a factor in the man's arrest.

Laughing...is there any part of the OP you haven't completely abandoned? As Bucky won't touch even touch the title of his thread with a 10 foot pole now.
What a hysterical kunt you are. Read my posts; don't listen to the voices in your head.

I have posted several times, I have no idea whether Obama was aware of this situation or not. I do suspect, he was not as he has a long track record of being completely clueless as to what is going on in HIS administration.

You're also on record spectacularly failing to provide a scintilla of evidence that he was aware of the arrest or that LEO discretion was applied in any way.

Even you can't form any relevant link between your 'discretion' shtick and the actual arrest we're discussing. Demonstrating its irrelevance.

As I said, if not for the red herring fallacy, your posts would be little more than punctuation.

YOU have no clue as to the relevance in LEO discretion in arrests, whether ordered by a court or not, and I can't help you get a clue anymore than I or other posters have already tried.

And, Doc and I have already discussed the topic in detail. You either missed it because of the haboob in your vagina or it was too far over your head.

And shocker....the same tired Red Herring. As you can't factually back any link between your 'discretion' babble.....and the actual case at hand. No one can. Making the OP's 'Obama sent the marshals' idiocy a predictable, laughably little lie.

Laughing.....so much for your calls for 'accountability'.
Obama gave the order, huh?

Its his watch. What his armed personnel do under his watch...is his responsibility.

Do you really think the president will waste his time with one dead beat asshole that owe $1,500? This deadbeat was given a chance to appear in court but he made a decision to ignore it. He deserves to be arrested. Buc.
Why do you have to lie Buc?
What a hysterical kunt you are. Read my posts; don't listen to the voices in your head.

I have posted several times, I have no idea whether Obama was aware of this situation or not. I do suspect, he was not as he has a long track record of being completely clueless as to what is going on in HIS administration.

You're also on record spectacularly failing to provide a scintilla of evidence that he was aware of the arrest or that LEO discretion was applied in any way.

Even you can't form any relevant link between your 'discretion' shtick and the actual arrest we're discussing. Demonstrating its irrelevance.

As I said, if not for the red herring fallacy, your posts would be little more than punctuation.

YOU have no clue as to the relevance in LEO discretion in arrests, whether ordered by a court or not, and I can't help you get a clue anymore than I or other posters have already tried.

And, Doc and I have already discussed the topic in detail. You either missed it because of the haboob in your vagina or it was too far over your head.

And shocker....the same tired Red Herring. As you can't factually back any link between your 'discretion' babble.....and the actual case at hand. No one can. Making the OP's 'Obama sent the marshals' idiocy a predictable, laughably little lie.

Laughing.....so much for your calls for 'accountability'.

I also don't have any evidence the moon is made of cheese, but I never said it was.

However, this IS Obama's administration; thus he IS accountable for this situation.
What a hysterical kunt you are. Read my posts; don't listen to the voices in your head.

I have posted several times, I have no idea whether Obama was aware of this situation or not. I do suspect, he was not as he has a long track record of being completely clueless as to what is going on in HIS administration.

You're also on record spectacularly failing to provide a scintilla of evidence that he was aware of the arrest or that LEO discretion was applied in any way.

Even you can't form any relevant link between your 'discretion' shtick and the actual arrest we're discussing. Demonstrating its irrelevance.

As I said, if not for the red herring fallacy, your posts would be little more than punctuation.

YOU have no clue as to the relevance in LEO discretion in arrests, whether ordered by a court or not, and I can't help you get a clue anymore than I or other posters have already tried.

And, Doc and I have already discussed the topic in detail. You either missed it because of the haboob in your vagina or it was too far over your head.

And shocker....the same tired Red Herring. As you can't factually back any link between your 'discretion' babble.....and the actual case at hand. No one can. Making the OP's 'Obama sent the marshals' idiocy a predictable, laughably little lie.

Laughing.....so much for your calls for 'accountability'.

I also don't have any evidence the moon is made of cheese, but I never said it was.

And without evidence of Obama even being aware of the arrest occurred, you can't establish any relevance between your 'discretion' shtick and the case we're discussing.

And you have no such evidence. Demonstrating....irrelevance and a red herring.

Your argument breaks in the same place each time, every time.

However, this IS Obama's administration; thus he IS accountable for this situation.

Laughing.......accountable for what? The marshals abiding a lawful court order issued by a federal judge?

Remember, your narrative about being 'being arrested for student debt' was a steaming pile of horseshit, having no relevance to this case either. The man was arrested for failing to appear at a civil hearing at which he had been ordered to appear.

The marshals did as the judge directed and brought the man before the court. And after the hearing.......the man went home.

If you spent half the time acquainting yourself with even the basics of the case that you did throwing up fallacies of logic and obsessing over Obama, you'd have blundered far less often in this thread.
OK. Let's just go with Obana knows shit about all this. Then, he is clueless about his own administration.

What a surprise - Obama's clueless. However, as executive, he IS accountable.

I'm no longer entertaining the voices in your head and your strawmen.
OK. Let's just go with Obana knows shit about all this. Then, he is clueless about his own administration.

Or....its wildly irrational to expect any president to be specifically familiar with *every* arrest warrant issued by the federal judiciary and executed in the entire federal government. Again, you're so hung up on Obama that you've allowed your obsession to override your capacity for reason.

Its an obscure and unremarkable case before the fact. Your expectations that Obama be specifically familiar with this case is laughably unreasonable.

So I ask again, accountable for what? That he, as president of the United States wasn't involved and specifically familiar with an obscure failure to appear warrant in a south texas district court? 1 of 94 such courts around the country?

Because that would be nuts.
OK. Let's just go with Obana knows shit about all this. Then, he is clueless about his own administration.

Or....its wildly irrational to expect any president to be specifically familiar with *every* arrest warrant issued by the federal judiciary and executed in the entire federal government. Again, you're so hung up on Obama that you've allowed your obsession to override your capacity for reason.

Its an obscure and unremarkable case before the fact. Your expectations that Obama be specifically familiar with this case is laughably unreasonable.

So I ask again, accountable for what? That he, as president of the United States wasn't involved and specifically familiar with an obscure failure to appear warrant in a south texas district court? 1 of 94 such courts around the country?

Because that would be nuts.

Obama is the executive of HIS administration; thus he is accountable for HIS administration's action. It's called accountability. Do you need the definition?

I believe you - he had no clue. He IS clueless, so why should that surprise me?
OK. Let's just go with Obana knows shit about all this. Then, he is clueless about his own administration.

Or....its wildly irrational to expect any president to be specifically familiar with *every* arrest warrant issued by the federal judiciary and executed in the entire federal government. Again, you're so hung up on Obama that you've allowed your obsession to override your capacity for reason.

Its an obscure and unremarkable case before the fact. Your expectations that Obama be specifically familiar with this case is laughably unreasonable.

So I ask again, accountable for what? That he, as president of the United States wasn't involved and specifically familiar with an obscure failure to appear warrant in a south texas district court? 1 of 94 such courts around the country?

Because that would be nuts.

Obama is the executive of this administration; thus he is accountable for HIS administration.

Again, accountable for what? That US marshals followed a court order issued by a federal judge?

I believe you - he had no clue. He IS clueless, so why should that surprise me?

Why would it surprise you that the President of the United States of America wasn't specifically familiar with a 3 year old failure to appear warrant in South Texas? There are 3500 marshals and 94 district courts.

What would be surprising is if it had heard of it. As there's no reason why he ever would. Again, you're being utterly unreasonable and wildly irrational.
Apparently, Skytard doesn't believe Exxon was responsible for the oil spill in Alaska because how could the CEO have possibly known the captain was a drunk?

Obama gave the order, huh?

Its his watch. What his armed personnel do under his watch...is his responsibility.

Do you really think the president will waste his time with one dead beat asshole that owe $1,500? This deadbeat was given a chance to appear in court but he made a decision to ignore it. He deserves to be arrested. Buc.
Why do you have to lie Buc?
Ahhhh....NOW who is clueless as to what the details of the situation are?

Your ignorance is showing like a cheap slip.
Apparently, Skytard doesn't believe Exxon was responsible for the oil spill in Alaska because how could the CEO have possible known the captain was a drunk?


Laughing........in what world is executing a lawful warrant for arrest for failure to appear in court analogous to an oil tanker running aground in Alaska?

You're just underlining the 'wildly' in 'wildly irrational' and the 'completely' in 'completely unreasonable.
Wash the sand out of your vagina,read the thread, THEN see if you have anything remotely intelligent to post.

Says the poor soul who wants to 'hold Obama accountable' for not being specifically familiar with an obscure 3 year old failure to appear bench warrant in south Texas.

That's ridiculous. There's no expectation that out of 3500 marshals engaged in thousands of court actions a year serving 94 district courts......that Obama or *any* president would be specifically familiar with some random bench warrant.

You're being unreasonable. Utterly.

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