obama sends 1000 paratroopers to..........Iraq

Obamba is the worst politician ever. Tell me please what a dumb may send forces after the announcement of finishing campaign. Really can he bomb any random country at any random time he like. Somebody should impeach him until we start a war with Iran or China or someone else!!

Yup, like "the mission accomplished" until it was Surge Time.

So the 'Surge' worked...and then what happened after that Jake?

Seems like a waste to do something twice when everything was working fine the first time. In my opinion anyway..

The waste is that we are beginning to do, God help us, for the third time we had no reason for doing the first time.

If the Arabs, Kurds, and Shi'ites can't save themselves from the bad boyz with the 25 brigades sitting in Baghdad, we sure as heck can't.
What is Combat Dante?
what does that have to do with what the President said? Combat as defined by who and for what purpose?

Combat roles? Combat? Pentagon rules? Whack-a-doodle-doo rules by whackos like you?
That's why it is playing fast and loose with words.

Wat they have done is simply call troops that are engaging in combat something other than combat troops and you seem to think that actually matters.

I honestly do not care what the 'military' wants to call it or how the president wants to try and twist reality in order to avoid fessing up the the 'no combat troops' idiotic statement. They are there and they are engaging in combat, period. Playing with words to twist reality is asinine in my book and I don't play that game. I catch the coffins as they come back from Afghanistan and Iraq - every single day. How about you tell those people that they are not 'combat troops.'
Obamba is the worst politician ever. Tell me please what a dumb may send forces after the announcement of finishing campaign. Really can he bomb any random country at any random time he like. Somebody should impeach him until we start a war with Iran or China or someone else!!

Yup, like "the mission accomplished" until it was Surge Time.

So the 'Surge' worked...and then what happened after that Jake?

Seems like a waste to do something twice when everything was working fine the first time. In my opinion anyway..

The waste is that we are beginning to do, God help us, for the third time we had no reason for doing the first time.

If the Arabs, Kurds, and Shi'ites can't save themselves from the bad boyz with the 25 brigades sitting in Baghdad, we sure as heck can't.

It is all spilt milk now. There are parallels and precedent. Sectarian violence in Ireland is history. Probably for a very long time.

What is Combat Dante?
what does that have to do with what the President said? Combat as defined by who and for what purpose?

Combat roles? Combat? Pentagon rules? Whack-a-doodle-doo rules by whackos like you?
That's why it is playing fast and loose with words.

Wat they have done is simply call troops that are engaging in combat something other than combat troops and you seem to think that actually matters.

I honestly do not care what the 'military' wants to call it or how the president wants to try and twist reality in order to avoid fessing up the the 'no combat troops' idiotic statement. They are there and they are engaging in combat, period. Playing with words to twist reality is asinine in my book and I don't play that game. I catch the coffins as they come back from Afghanistan and Iraq - every single day. How about you tell those people that they are not 'combat troops.'

Jesus Christ! This isn't about Obama. The military calls killing of innocents collateral damage. They use euphemism and double speak, but it is what it is. The military gets to say what is a combat role and how a troop gets a medal. “Trainers sometimes do get shot at, and they do sometimes have to shoot back,” said John A. Nagl, a retired lieutenant colonel who is one of the authors of the Army’s new counterinsurgency field manual.

As a matter of fact the military brass is saying it, not Dante.
FA_Q2s definitions are meaningless.

percy is right: the locals are going to have to work it out for themselves.
You have to wonder just how dishonest the fucking subversive left can be?

Or is it exactly as Gruber said...Obuma voters are stupid!

You have to wonder just how dishonest the fucking subversive left can be?


Obama is unwittingly falling i
and if things change maybe we'd have to send in combat troops. But why would changing a mind make somebody a liar?

ALL troops are "Combat" troops Dante.

But you never having served would have no way to understand that.
Antares, who failed to show in Omaha, misdefines "combat troops" as how Obama is using them.

Not to worry, Antares, I emailed the Pres to define like you do.
Vigilante, I will also email the Pres to check your cartoons.

He needs a good laugh at needle necks like you.
Antares, who failed to show in Omaha, misdefines "combat troops" as how Obama is using them.

Not to worry, Antares, I emailed the Pres to define like you do.

And the above Manchurian Republican is supposed to be a moderate...YET, every opportunity he gets, he sucks off Obuma dick, and asks for more... Jake, you haven't got a fucking honest bone in your body, and the core value you have is that of a leftist scumbag! ... Is "BONER" or that BITCH MITCH, a close relative?
Antares, who failed to show in Omaha, misdefines "combat troops" as how Obama is using them.

Not to worry, Antares, I emailed the Pres to define like you do.

Where in Omaha were you Jake?

So the troops he sent were not "Combat" troops?
Antares, who failed to show in Omaha, misdefines "combat troops" as how Obama is using them.

Not to worry, Antares, I emailed the Pres to define like you do.

And the above Manchurian Republican is supposed to be a moderate...YET, every opportunity he gets, he sucks off Obuma dick, and asks for more... Jake, you haven't got a fucking honest bone in your body, and the core value you have is that of a leftist scumbag! ... Is "BONER" or that BITCH MITCH, a close relative?

Oh but he is the perfect "Christian"....
Antares, who failed to show in Omaha, misdefines "combat troops" as how Obama is using them.

Not to worry, Antares, I emailed the Pres to define like you do.

And the above Manchurian Republican is supposed to be a moderate...YET, every opportunity he gets, he sucks off Obuma dick, and asks for more... Jake, you haven't got a fucking honest bone in your body, and the core value you have is that of a leftist scumbag! ... Is "BONER" or that BITCH MITCH, a close relative?

Oh but he is the perfect "Christian"....

Maybe GOD will hit him with a lightening bolt, just to wake him up!
Vigilante, Obama is merely lost. You are a thug from the far right who hates America. That's why we reached out to women and minorities more this time in 2016, denied a lot of money to the TP in the primaries, and here you and your ilk are on the outside.

You are going to remain there.

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