Obama sends troops to the US Mexico border. Can you believe this fool?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

We have no problem on either border. The border crisis is steaming pile of bullshit that Trump supporters willingly eat in healthy portions. But we are talking about Trump supporters so that goes without saying.

Border crossings are at all time record lows. The reason the orange ass clown is pulling this stunt, and have no illusions in that pea little brain, it is a stunt, is because he lost his wall permanently. He lost funding for it in the last budget, and when Democrats control the House after November, there will never be another dime for any wall, so this is his attempt at keeping morons like you engaged.


Hahaha...funny shit.
If I were a filthy wetback or married to one, I’d claim there’s no southern border problem as well....hahaha...You lost all credibility.

You're so fucking stupid it defies logic.

Border-crossing arrests are at historic lows — but Trump is still bemoaning a 'drastic surge' in illegal immigration

You’re a shortsighted, ignorant fool motivated by your own personal situation...that’s obvious ...no one is so ignorant otherwise.
12-40 million unvetted illegal wetbacks on our soil...they’ve infiltrated our democracy, they drop 300,000 silver tooth money trees (anchor babies) in the laps of good REAL Americans every year, they rape and kill our people, they ruin communities, cities and states....at what point would you call it a problem?
(p.s. - what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?)
You mean it's been dropping since 2005? Thanks Obama.

Yep, thanks Hussein Onegro.
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama
Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

We have no problem on either border. The border crisis is steaming pile of bullshit that Trump supporters willingly eat in healthy portions. But we are talking about Trump supporters so that goes without saying.

Border crossings are at all time record lows. The reason the orange ass clown is pulling this stunt, and have no illusions in that pea little brain, it is a stunt, is because he lost his wall permanently. He lost funding for it in the last budget, and when Democrats control the House after November, there will never be another dime for any wall, so this is his attempt at keeping morons like you engaged.


Hahaha...funny shit.
If I were a filthy wetback or married to one, I’d claim there’s no southern border problem as well....hahaha...You lost all credibility.
"Filthy wetback"? I wonder how many get banned for saying this sh!t?

Probably the same number that say “Orange Clown” huh?
Orange clown is as bad as saying "filthy wetback"?
One is a bout a reality star that paints himself orange.
The other is about racists.

That’s your spin...run with it bud.
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.

Amazing how alike Trump and Obama are. Thank you for highlighting this fact once again

Apples & Oranges. Hussein sent the National Guard in for a completely different reason than Trump has. Hussein ordered the Guard to assist Illegals in crossing. He invited Illegals to cross.

Everything Hussein did in regards to Immigration, was a big FUCK YOU to American Citizens. Thank God Trump's at least trying to right so many Hussein wrongs. I wish him the best of luck.

Apparently he didn't pull it off very well since border-jumping continued to decrease so much huh.

The proof of the old maxim "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" is in the demagoguery of an orange freak who found enough Gullibles to buy the story that it (a) it was out of control, (b) that he would "build a wall" to address that nonexistent paranoia-fantasy, and that (c) the country on the other side of that wall would actually pay for it, all of which are absurd.

Summa y'all will literally buy anything from any huckster who simply massages your paranoia buttons.

Still way too many crossing Illegally. And he invited them to cross. That was his and his Party's policy. He was an accomplice in the crime. His tenure represented nothing but a big FUCK YOU to American Citizens. He consistently put foreign interests ahead of Citizen interests. That's what Communist/Globalists do. Shame on em.
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.

O'bama sent the National Guard. So did Dubya.

Rump is talking about sending the military.

You do know the difference ---- right?

When did Congress declare war with Mexico then? Refresh us. I must have slept through it the same way you slept through the distinction between "National Guard" and "the US Army".
we've been through this before on the other thread--it is perfectly legal and correct to sent the military to the border

Sure. When you're at war.
Again -- that's what the Army does --- war.

Wanna send the Border Patrol, who actually have that job --- to Kandahar? No, didn't think so.

All of this is just one more petulant Rumpian tantrum meltdown. Lotta posing and pointless strutting. He thinks it exalts him. It does, but only in the tiny little minds of what he calls "very fine people". The ones who bought the whole "wall" song and dance. Because as his own Fraud University taught -- you don't sell products, benefits or solutions... you sell FEELINGS". And he found enough yahoos to buy them, so he's still at it.
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.

Yeah you're right Obama sent the National Guard to the border, so did G.W. Bush. BUT they didn't do it when illegal crossings were down to a 40 YEAR LOW---:auiqs.jpg:

But despite the Trump administration's call for urgency, data from the Customs and Border Protection agency actually show that arrests for illegal border crossing has been falling for years and now hovers near the bottom of a 40-year low.
Border-crossing arrests are at historic lows — but Trump is still bemoaning a 'drastic surge' in illegal immigration

You're going to have a lot of soldiers staring at an empty desert. Trump is saying he knows there is going to be a "spring time" surge.

Here is the surge!


Murdering rapists & thieves on the march--:auiqs.jpg:

As far as the WALL--a 3 minute video shows you what a disaster that would turn out to be. At the end it describes the 240 tunnels they've already found in the San Diego region alone.


Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera
You're just babbling now.

Bodecea: The military is not tasked Constitutionally with securing our borders

Bodecea: When the Constitution says it's the Federal government's job to protect the States from invasion, they aren't referring to the military

Now it's the military can only defend our borders if we declare war on someone

You're proud of this? You do have a frail ego since apparently it needs to be propped up by your claiming to speak for hordes of people
Correct...the military is not tasked Constitutionally with securing our borders. It IS tasked with defending the U.S. from invasion. Our government has created an Executive Agency....the Border Patrol...to secure our borders.

So protecting us from invasion isn't securing our borders. Do you ever read your own crap? Try it, you'd be shocked
Protecting us from invasion is not always securing our borders, nor is securing our borders always done to protect us from invasion. Dogs are mammals, but not all mammals are dogs. You seem to think all mammals are dogs.

You're just babbling incoherently
Nope...you cannot see that not all mammals aren't dogs.

You don't think the Constitution places any limits on government's ability to do anything it wants. Then suddenly defending the borders isn't the job of the military.

You're shallowly obvious that you're just spinning however you can to keep the Democrat voter pipeline flowing
Protecting the US is one of the few things that is Constitutional spending Congress does.

The far left shows in this thread, that they do not understand the Constitution, to them it is just a GD piece of paper.
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.

O'bama sent the National Guard. So did Dubya.

Rump is talking about sending the military.

You do know the difference ---- right?

When did Congress declare war with Mexico then? Refresh us. I must have slept through it the same way you slept through the distinction between "National Guard" and "the US Army".
I didn't know he was sending them to Mexico? I thought it was in the US at our border. what is it you missed. Oh and he can because mexicans crossing aren't US citizens.
Canadians crossing aren't US citizens either.
what does that have to do with where they are deployed? they aren't going after citizens. So I give two shits if it's mexicans or canadiens. illegal is illegal.
The point is we only deploy troops where there is a shit load of illegal crossing, we are not covering the northern border because there are n ot a bunch of crossings and man power costs money. We wil never stopp all of them the point to stop deangerous ones and where the largest flow is. That is where we stick our troops. I do not care that they are not trained as border crossing agents their training is similar enough to get the job done

do not be so optimistic about our northern border-----it is really kinda porous. I is old-------when I was young one did not
need a passport to pass that border---------seems to me that
a fake one would do today
O'bama sent the National Guard. So did Dubya.

Rump is talking about sending the military.

You do know the difference ---- right?

When did Congress declare war with Mexico then? Refresh us. I must have slept through it the same way you slept through the distinction between "National Guard" and "the US Army".
I didn't know he was sending them to Mexico? I thought it was in the US at our border. what is it you missed. Oh and he can because mexicans crossing aren't US citizens.
Canadians crossing aren't US citizens either.
what does that have to do with where they are deployed? they aren't going after citizens. So I give two shits if it's mexicans or canadiens. illegal is illegal.
The point is we only deploy troops where there is a shit load of illegal crossing, we are not covering the northern border because there are n ot a bunch of crossings and man power costs money. We wil never stopp all of them the point to stop deangerous ones and where the largest flow is. That is where we stick our troops. I do not care that they are not trained as border crossing agents their training is similar enough to get the job done

do not be so optimistic about our northern border-----it is really kinda porous. I is old-------when I was young one did not
need a passport to pass that border---------seems to me that
a fake one would do today

It wasn't that long ago at all. The vast majority of my entries into Canada, I didn't even have to take the car out of gear.

One time I went by canoe, no border agent at all. Put in in Vermont, came ashore and everybody was speaking French.
Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

seems like an economy decision to me------good idea---it is NOT

What do you think the Army is there for?

It IS in effect a declaration of war. THAT'S WHAT THE ARMY DOES. :banghead:

The Army can't declare war. But regardless, the US doesn't declare war anymore. When's the last time the US officially declared war?
Bodecea: What does the military have to do with securing our borders???


OMG, you pretended you were in the military and you didn't even know what the role of the military is in this country. That's classic. OMG.

It's Article IV Section 4, my dear. You may want to remember that in case you ever decide to pretend you were in the military again.


Let's have a look, shall we?

>> The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. <<​

Where's the "invasion" Spaz?

OMG, that's funny. A million criminals a year crossing our borders and you don't see any invasion. I'm so sad for you being still born and all
No...that's not an invasion....if it was, why have we not declared war on the invading country like we have done in all times past?

You're just babbling now.

Bodecea: The military is not tasked Constitutionally with securing our borders

Bodecea: When the Constitution says it's the Federal government's job to protect the States from invasion, they aren't referring to the military

Now it's the military can only defend our borders if we declare war on someone

You're proud of this? You do have a frail ego since apparently it needs to be propped up by your claiming to speak for hordes of people
Correct...the military is not tasked Constitutionally with securing our borders. It IS tasked with defending the U.S. from invasion. Our government has created an Executive Agency....the Border Patrol...to secure our borders.

The Constitution does not prohibit the use of the military to secure our borders, so your argument is moot. Once called up by the President, the national guard becomes part of our military.

Our military fought a civil war right here in America without a declaration of war. Our military fought numerous wars with various native American tribes, without any declaration of war.

The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the use of the army and the air force from being used to enforce domestic policies within the United States. Unless, of course, the President determines that the state has become lawless, or for enforcement of federal law.

President Eisenhower used the 101st Airborne Division to integrate the Little Rock Central High School in 1957.
everytime we've fought Canada
Sweety - we never had a war with Canada - lol - unless of course you consider the War of 1812 which we wonm against the Brits and ditto for the Revolution ..... Did you go to school stupid ? ................................. Cause it looks like you came out that way too.

-- and got kicked OUT of Canada in that war trying to take it.

But then we were the invaders, not the invadees.

The United States came very close to invading Canada again in 1996, when Canadian Fisherman captured and held an Alaskan Ferry in a dispute over fishing rights. An ultimatum was issued by the United States, but the issue was resolved when the Alaskan Governor stated that unless Canada effect release of the vessel immediately, Alaskan ferrys would no longer stop in Canada.
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.
Obama never made disparaging statements about Mexico like your big assed orange buddy did.

Oh boo hoo hoo. Did he hurt their little feelings. Last I heard, Mexico was issuing seven day visas to aliens crossing their Southern border to reach the US border. If they remain in Mexico, they can go to prison. So much for Mexican sympathy for those poor aliens seeking asylum.
seems like an economy decision to me------good idea---it is NOT

What do you think the Army is there for?

It IS in effect a declaration of war. THAT'S WHAT THE ARMY DOES. :banghead:

The Army can't declare war. But regardless, the US doesn't declare war anymore. When's the last time the US officially declared war?

I believe that would be 1941.

The Army doesn't declare war, Congress does. But when it does ---- that's what the Army exists for --- War.

No, the Army (military) exists to defend our country - huge difference.

Sure is.

Does the Army issue weather warnings? Disease control? Watch for asteroids?

Nope. They're there for War. Period. Whether a given war is offensive or defensive has no bearing on that.

Just as your football team is still a football team whether it has the ball or the other team does.

Then, you were not upset that the military did not move fast enough to assist the people of New Orleans after Katrina?
everytime we've fought Canada
Sweety - we never had a war with Canada - lol - unless of course you consider the War of 1812 which we wonm against the Brits and ditto for the Revolution ..... Did you go to school stupid ? ................................. Cause it looks like you came out that way too.

-- and got kicked OUT of Canada in that war trying to take it.

But then we were the invaders, not the invadees.

The United States came very close to invading Canada again in 1996, when Canadian Fisherman captured and held an Alaskan Ferry in a dispute over fishing rights. An ultimatum was issued by the United States, but the issue was resolved when the Alaskan Governor stated that unless Canada effect release of the vessel immediately, Alaskan ferrys would no longer stop in Canada.

lmao: No, we didn't. Not unless you mean "close" in the way that Iceland is "close" to New Caledonia. Which it only is if you're standing on, say, Neptune.
What do you think the Army is there for?

It IS in effect a declaration of war. THAT'S WHAT THE ARMY DOES. :banghead:

The Army can't declare war. But regardless, the US doesn't declare war anymore. When's the last time the US officially declared war?

I believe that would be 1941.

The Army doesn't declare war, Congress does. But when it does ---- that's what the Army exists for --- War.

No, the Army (military) exists to defend our country - huge difference.

Sure is.

Does the Army issue weather warnings? Disease control? Watch for asteroids?

Nope. They're there for War. Period. Whether a given war is offensive or defensive has no bearing on that.

Just as your football team is still a football team whether it has the ball or the other team does.

Then, you were not upset that the military did not move fast enough to assist the people of New Orleans after Katrina?

I had already evacuated but I have no knowledge of the military being involved.

Now once I came back I did see the National Guard here and there. Think I even had an MRE. But no, never saw the Army. Besides all of which, a hurricane and/or flood is not an "invasion".
everytime we've fought Canada
Sweety - we never had a war with Canada - lol - unless of course you consider the War of 1812 which we wonm against the Brits and ditto for the Revolution ..... Did you go to school stupid ? ................................. Cause it looks like you came out that way too.

-- and got kicked OUT of Canada in that war trying to take it.

But then we were the invaders, not the invadees.

The United States came very close to invading Canada again in 1996, when Canadian Fisherman captured and held an Alaskan Ferry in a dispute over fishing rights. An ultimatum was issued by the United States, but the issue was resolved when the Alaskan Governor stated that unless Canada effect release of the vessel immediately, Alaskan ferrys would no longer stop in Canada.

lmao: No, we didn't. Not unless you mean "close" in the way that Iceland is "close" to New Caledonia. Which it only is if you're standing on, say, Neptune.

Close means that US warships were standing by outside the harbor to retrieve that ferry by force, if necessary.
The Army can't declare war. But regardless, the US doesn't declare war anymore. When's the last time the US officially declared war?

I believe that would be 1941.

The Army doesn't declare war, Congress does. But when it does ---- that's what the Army exists for --- War.

No, the Army (military) exists to defend our country - huge difference.

Sure is.

Does the Army issue weather warnings? Disease control? Watch for asteroids?

Nope. They're there for War. Period. Whether a given war is offensive or defensive has no bearing on that.

Just as your football team is still a football team whether it has the ball or the other team does.

Then, you were not upset that the military did not move fast enough to assist the people of New Orleans after Katrina?

I had already evacuated but I have no knowledge of the military being involved.

Now once I came back I did see the National Guard here and there. Think I even had an MRE. But no, never saw the Army. Besides all of which, a hurricane and/or flood is not an "invasion".

You had already evacuated!? Yup, just save your rear...so much for libs BS about being so concerned for others.
The Army can't declare war. But regardless, the US doesn't declare war anymore. When's the last time the US officially declared war?

I believe that would be 1941.

The Army doesn't declare war, Congress does. But when it does ---- that's what the Army exists for --- War.

No, the Army (military) exists to defend our country - huge difference.

Sure is.

Does the Army issue weather warnings? Disease control? Watch for asteroids?

Nope. They're there for War. Period. Whether a given war is offensive or defensive has no bearing on that.

Just as your football team is still a football team whether it has the ball or the other team does.

Then, you were not upset that the military did not move fast enough to assist the people of New Orleans after Katrina?

I had already evacuated but I have no knowledge of the military being involved.

Now once I came back I did see the National Guard here and there. Think I even had an MRE. But no, never saw the Army. Besides all of which, a hurricane and/or flood is not an "invasion".

Army, Navy, and Marine Corp were conducting rescues for several days. Bush was given hell, and the FEMA director was hounded out of office because the military did not get there faster. You missed all that? Maybe you were too busy kissing up to the governor who wouldn't give the President permission to bring in the military. Bush had to declare New Orleans a lawless city to get past posse comitatus.
I believe that would be 1941.

The Army doesn't declare war, Congress does. But when it does ---- that's what the Army exists for --- War.

No, the Army (military) exists to defend our country - huge difference.

Sure is.

Does the Army issue weather warnings? Disease control? Watch for asteroids?

Nope. They're there for War. Period. Whether a given war is offensive or defensive has no bearing on that.

Just as your football team is still a football team whether it has the ball or the other team does.

Then, you were not upset that the military did not move fast enough to assist the people of New Orleans after Katrina?

I had already evacuated but I have no knowledge of the military being involved.

Now once I came back I did see the National Guard here and there. Think I even had an MRE. But no, never saw the Army. Besides all of which, a hurricane and/or flood is not an "invasion".

Army, Navy, and Marine Corp were conducting rescues for several days. Bush was given hell, and the FEMA director was hounded out of office because the military did not get there faster. You missed all that? Maybe you were too busy kissing up to the governor who wouldn't give the President permission to bring in the military. Bush had to declare New Orleans a lawless city to get past posse comitatus.

Bullshit. The governor requested help days before the storm and had declared a state of emergency on the previous Friday (the storm arrived on a Monday) and before the general public was even widely aware of it.


Don't try to bullshit me on something on which I have direct experience. K?
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.

O'bama sent the National Guard. So did Dubya.

Rump is talking about sending the military.

You do know the difference ---- right?

When did Congress declare war with Mexico then? Refresh us. I must have slept through it the same way you slept through the distinction between "National Guard" and "the US Army".
we've been through this before on the other thread--it is perfectly legal and correct to sent the military to the border

Sure. When you're at war.
Again -- that's what the Army does --- war.

Wanna send the Border Patrol, who actually have that job --- to Kandahar? No, didn't think so.a

All of this is just one more petulant Rumpian tantrum meltdown. Lotta posing and pointless strutting. He thinks it exalts him. It does, but only in the tiny little minds of what he calls "very fine people". The ones who bought the whole "wall" song and dance. Because as his own Fraud University taught -- you don't sell products, benefits or solutions... you sell FEELINGS". And he found enough yahoos to buy them, so he's still at it.
you must know NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING about wars---every military/defense force/etc are NOT to let invaders INTO their country !!!!!!!!!! DUMBASS!!!!!!!!!

you must be a real, huge dumbass if you think you HAVE to let an invading army/invading terrorists/invading horde/ PASSED your borders BEFORE you can stop them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PRIME examples:
Israel 1967 when Egypt kicked out the UN and committed an act of war by closing the Straits of Tiran
WW2 !!!!!

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