Obama sends troops to the US Mexico border. Can you believe this fool?

Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:

No they don't.... A lot have boarder agents & customs but unless in a warfare sense military on boarders is not common...

Well, it's time for something to be done here in the US. So good on Trump for seriously taking on our Immigration Nightmare. I wish him the best of luck.
When Obama and Bush sent National Guard, there was a crisis.

Right now more Mexicans are leaving than coming here. There is no crisis.

Why Republicans are stuck on stupid. The reason is their cult leader. They want so bad to believe something he says. So the believe everything and hope something sticks.

How many think 80% of immigrant women have been raped?

How many think we have a trade deficit of 500 billion with China?

How many think most Mexicans are rapists?

If you don't believe then why follow him?

If you do believe him, you're an idiot. No, not an idiot. A "drooling" idiot.
Shit. Why not invade invade Mexico?
Becomes American territory and overnight there is no need to cross.

Corrupt Mexico fails it own citizens despite being rich in natural resources. They are in a winning situation currently by losing citizens it can't provide opportunity to. Those that go north send dollars back at the same time our government sends aid, all the while Mexico balances their budget at our expense.

The cartel run Mexican government is no ally to America.
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.
Obama never made disparaging statements about Mexico like your big assed orange buddy did.
He was CLEARLY a racist if you use leftist parameters.
Deported more? Check
Sent troops? Check

Leftist certified racist confirmed

So now you say deporting undocumented people is racist.

Nice try asswipe but Trump is the racist & that makes you one for supporting him Nothing new.
Obama is the racist--not Trump
black Obama sent his BLACK AG-who is supposed to be anti-criminal--to comfort the family of a BLACK criminal who stole, attacked a clerk, then attacked a WHITE cop
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson

Obama thinks WHITE women are not good enough
Obama 'thought he needed black wife to get to White House' | Daily Mail Online

the big one--RACIST, America hater Rev Wright was Obama's pastor --for years!!!
Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy
Reverend Jeremiah Wright Was Worse Than Scalise
Obama orders 1,200 Guard troops to border

President Barack Obama on Tuesday ordered 1,200 National Guard troops to boost security along the U.S.-Mexico border, pre-empting Republican plans to try to force votes on such a deployment.

Obama will also request $500 million for border protection and law enforcement activities, according to lawmakers and administration officials.

The president announced the deployment shortly after he returned from lunch with the 41-member Senate Republican Caucus, who told him that U.S. borders first need to be secured before work could start on a sweeping overhaul of U.S. immigration laws. Arizona's two Republican senators said the deployment wasn't enough.

A military official said Tuesday that details were still being worked out on the troops' orders and destinations, adding that the timing of their deployment was not yet clear. Also undetermined was which units from which states would deploy.

Administration officials said the National Guard troops will work on intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support, analysis and training, and support efforts to block drug trafficking. They will temporarily supplement Border Patrol agents until Customs and Border Protection can recruit and train additional officers and agents to serve on the border, according to a letter Tuesday from top administration security officials to Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich.

A War in Mexico has been going on for over a decade now............A War the Mexican Gov't is losing.........Many politicians in their Gov't are now nothing but puppets to the Drug Lords and the military and police aren't doing anything about it because the Cartels will kill their families if they try and do anything about it.

Make no mistake who runs Mexico......it sure isn't the people.
Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

We have no problem on either border. The border crisis is steaming pile of bullshit that Trump supporters willingly eat in healthy portions. But we are talking about Trump supporters so that goes without saying.

Border crossings are at all time record lows. The reason the orange ass clown is pulling this stunt, and have no illusions in that pea little brain, it is a stunt, is because he lost his wall permanently. He lost funding for it in the last budget, and when Democrats control the House after November, there will never be another dime for any wall, so this is his attempt at keeping morons like you engaged.


Hahaha...funny shit.
If I were a filthy wetback or married to one, I’d claim there’s no southern border problem as well....hahaha...You lost all credibility.
Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

We have no problem on either border. The border crisis is steaming pile of bullshit that Trump supporters willingly eat in healthy portions. But we are talking about Trump supporters so that goes without saying.

Border crossings are at all time record lows. The reason the orange ass clown is pulling this stunt, and have no illusions in that pea little brain, it is a stunt, is because he lost his wall permanently. He lost funding for it in the last budget, and when Democrats control the House after November, there will never be another dime for any wall, so this is his attempt at keeping morons like you engaged.


Hahaha...funny shit.
If I were a filthy wetback or married to one, I’d claim there’s no southern border problem as well....hahaha...You lost all credibility.

You're so fucking stupid it defies logic.

Border-crossing arrests are at historic lows — but Trump is still bemoaning a 'drastic surge' in illegal immigration
Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

We have no problem on either border. The border crisis is steaming pile of bullshit that Trump supporters willingly eat in healthy portions. But we are talking about Trump supporters so that goes without saying.

Border crossings are at all time record lows. The reason the orange ass clown is pulling this stunt, and have no illusions in that pea little brain, it is a stunt, is because he lost his wall permanently. He lost funding for it in the last budget, and when Democrats control the House after November, there will never be another dime for any wall, so this is his attempt at keeping morons like you engaged.


Hahaha...funny shit.
If I were a filthy wetback or married to one, I’d claim there’s no southern border problem as well....hahaha...You lost all credibility.

You're so fucking stupid it defies logic.

Border-crossing arrests are at historic lows — but Trump is still bemoaning a 'drastic surge' in illegal immigration

Well, you kinda set yourself up for that. Do you really believe we don't have an Immigration problem in this country?
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.

Amazing how alike Trump and Obama are. Thank you for highlighting this fact once again

Apples & Oranges. Hussein sent the National Guard in for a completely different reason than Trump has. Hussein ordered the Guard to assist Illegals in crossing. He invited Illegals to cross.

Everything Hussein did in regards to Immigration, was a big FUCK YOU to American Citizens. Thank God Trump's at least trying to right so many Hussein wrongs. I wish him the best of luck.
Big difference is, Hussein had the National Guard there to assist Illegals crossing. He invited them here. He was an Open Borders Communist Globalist. He put foreign interests above American Citizen interests. Trump's the first President i've ever seen actually attempting to fix our decimated Immigration System. Good on em. :clap:

Don't know what Hussein did but here at home both Dubya and O'bama used National Guard at the border when they thought it necessary. But again neither of them sent the military.
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.

O'bama sent the National Guard. So did Dubya.

Rump is talking about sending the military.

You do know the difference ---- right?

When did Congress declare war with Mexico then? Refresh us. I must have slept through it the same way you slept through the distinction between "National Guard" and "the US Army".
Always the pretend superior pos aren't you? You can't make a post without trying to put someone down can you? We need the military at the border and we need to use them to catch liberal scum and detain them permanently. Screw Mexico. They wanna send 1500 invaders to us, we can send 1500 body bags.
Fine...put the military at the border. And you have no problem with our military having a "shoot on sight" ROE then.
Anyone trying to cross the border should be warned to turn back. If they refuse, shoot them.
and we don't care if they are women and children
this CRAP must be stopped --now!
Agree, but i'd be hard pressed to shoot a child. Very.
Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

We have no problem on either border. The border crisis is steaming pile of bullshit that Trump supporters willingly eat in healthy portions. But we are talking about Trump supporters so that goes without saying.

Border crossings are at all time record lows. The reason the orange ass clown is pulling this stunt, and have no illusions in that pea little brain, it is a stunt, is because he lost his wall permanently. He lost funding for it in the last budget, and when Democrats control the House after November, there will never be another dime for any wall, so this is his attempt at keeping morons like you engaged.


Hahaha...funny shit.
If I were a filthy wetback or married to one, I’d claim there’s no southern border problem as well....hahaha...You lost all credibility.

You're so fucking stupid it defies logic.

Border-crossing arrests are at historic lows — but Trump is still bemoaning a 'drastic surge' in illegal immigration

You’re a shortsighted, ignorant fool motivated by your own personal situation...that’s obvious ...no one is so ignorant otherwise.
12-40 million unvetted illegal wetbacks on our soil...they’ve infiltrated our democracy, they drop 300,000 silver tooth money trees (anchor babies) in the laps of good REAL Americans every year, they rape and kill our people, they ruin communities, cities and states....at what point would you call it a problem?
(p.s. - what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?)
Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

We have no problem on either border. The border crisis is steaming pile of bullshit that Trump supporters willingly eat in healthy portions. But we are talking about Trump supporters so that goes without saying.

Border crossings are at all time record lows. The reason the orange ass clown is pulling this stunt, and have no illusions in that pea little brain, it is a stunt, is because he lost his wall permanently. He lost funding for it in the last budget, and when Democrats control the House after November, there will never be another dime for any wall, so this is his attempt at keeping morons like you engaged.


Hahaha...funny shit.
If I were a filthy wetback or married to one, I’d claim there’s no southern border problem as well....hahaha...You lost all credibility.
"Filthy wetback"? I wonder how many get banned for saying this sh!t?
Big difference is, Hussein had the National Guard there to assist Illegals crossing. He invited them here. He was an Open Borders Communist Globalist. He put foreign interests above American Citizen interests. Trump's the first President i've ever seen actually attempting to fix our decimated Immigration System. Good on em. :clap:

Don't know what Hussein did but here at home both Dubya and O'bama used National Guard at the border when they thought it necessary. But again neither of them sent the military.

Both Bush & Obama sent them for the wrong reasons. Hussein especially. Hussein assisted Illegals in every way possible. He spent $Millions in Tax Dollars doing it. He always put foreign interests ahead of Citizen interests. It's why so many still can't believe he was a Citizen himself. All he represented, was a big FUCK YOU to American Citizens.
Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

We have no problem on either border. The border crisis is steaming pile of bullshit that Trump supporters willingly eat in healthy portions. But we are talking about Trump supporters so that goes without saying.

Border crossings are at all time record lows. The reason the orange ass clown is pulling this stunt, and have no illusions in that pea little brain, it is a stunt, is because he lost his wall permanently. He lost funding for it in the last budget, and when Democrats control the House after November, there will never be another dime for any wall, so this is his attempt at keeping morons like you engaged.


Hahaha...funny shit.
If I were a filthy wetback or married to one, I’d claim there’s no southern border problem as well....hahaha...You lost all credibility.
"Filthy wetback"? I wonder how many get banned for saying this sh!t?

Probably the same number that say “Orange Clown” huh?
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

We have no problem on either border. The border crisis is steaming pile of bullshit that Trump supporters willingly eat in healthy portions. But we are talking about Trump supporters so that goes without saying.

Border crossings are at all time record lows. The reason the orange ass clown is pulling this stunt, and have no illusions in that pea little brain, it is a stunt, is because he lost his wall permanently. He lost funding for it in the last budget, and when Democrats control the House after November, there will never be another dime for any wall, so this is his attempt at keeping morons like you engaged.


Hahaha...funny shit.
If I were a filthy wetback or married to one, I’d claim there’s no southern border problem as well....hahaha...You lost all credibility.

You're so fucking stupid it defies logic.

Border-crossing arrests are at historic lows — but Trump is still bemoaning a 'drastic surge' in illegal immigration

You’re a shortsighted, ignorant fool motivated by your own personal situation...that’s obvious ...no one is so ignorant otherwise.
12-40 million unvetted illegal wetbacks on our soil...they’ve infiltrated our democracy, they drop 300,000 silver tooth money trees (anchor babies) in the laps of good REAL Americans every year, they rape and kill our people, they ruin communities, cities and states....at what point would you call it a problem?
(p.s. - what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?)
You mean it's been dropping since 2008? Thanks Obama.
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

We have no problem on either border. The border crisis is steaming pile of bullshit that Trump supporters willingly eat in healthy portions. But we are talking about Trump supporters so that goes without saying.

Border crossings are at all time record lows. The reason the orange ass clown is pulling this stunt, and have no illusions in that pea little brain, it is a stunt, is because he lost his wall permanently. He lost funding for it in the last budget, and when Democrats control the House after November, there will never be another dime for any wall, so this is his attempt at keeping morons like you engaged.


Hahaha...funny shit.
If I were a filthy wetback or married to one, I’d claim there’s no southern border problem as well....hahaha...You lost all credibility.
"Filthy wetback"? I wonder how many get banned for saying this sh!t?

Probably the same number that say “Orange Clown” huh?
Orange clown is as bad as saying "filthy wetback"?
One is a bout a reality star that paints himself orange.
The other is about racists.
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.

Amazing how alike Trump and Obama are. Thank you for highlighting this fact once again

Apples & Oranges. Hussein sent the National Guard in for a completely different reason than Trump has. Hussein ordered the Guard to assist Illegals in crossing. He invited Illegals to cross.

Everything Hussein did in regards to Immigration, was a big FUCK YOU to American Citizens. Thank God Trump's at least trying to right so many Hussein wrongs. I wish him the best of luck.

Apparently he didn't pull it off very well since border-jumping continued to decrease so much huh.

The proof of the old maxim "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" is in the demagoguery of an orange freak who found enough Gullibles to buy the story that it (a) it was out of control, (b) that he would "build a wall" to address that nonexistent paranoia-fantasy, and that (c) the country on the other side of that wall would actually pay for it, all of which are absurd.

Summa y'all will literally buy anything from any huckster who simply massages your paranoia buttons. Or to put it another way, y'all will bend over and spread 'em for nothing more than a few phony words.

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