Obama sends troops to the US Mexico border. Can you believe this fool?

Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.
Obama never made disparaging statements about Mexico like your big assed orange buddy did.
He was CLEARLY a racist if you use leftist parameters.
Deported more? Check
Sent troops? Check

Leftist certified racist confirmed

So now you say deporting undocumented people is racist.

Nice try asswipe but Trump is the racist & that makes you one for supporting him Nothing new.
I don't say it, you libwits say it. I'm just applying your own fucking logic back at you fools.

And I don't really care if you think I'm a racist, faggot.
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

seems like an economy decision to me------good idea---it is NOT

What do you think the Army is there for?

It IS in effect a declaration of war. THAT'S WHAT THE ARMY DOES. :banghead:

The Army can't declare war. But regardless, the US doesn't declare war anymore. When's the last time the US officially declared war?

I believe that would be 1941.

The Army doesn't declare war, Congress does. But when it does ---- that's what the Army exists for --- War.

No, the Army (military) exists to defend our country - huge difference.
Bodecea: What does the military have to do with securing our borders???


OMG, you pretended you were in the military and you didn't even know what the role of the military is in this country. That's classic. OMG.

It's Article IV Section 4, my dear. You may want to remember that in case you ever decide to pretend you were in the military again.


Let's have a look, shall we?

>> The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. <<​

Where's the "invasion" Spaz?

OMG, that's funny. A million criminals a year crossing our borders and you don't see any invasion. I'm so sad for you being still born and all

Correct. I don't.

---- or did you buy that bullshit about "Mexico sending rapists"? :rofl:

Gullible's Travels. You actually think the government of Mexico is recruiting/drafting rapists and ordering them across the border.

'Scuse me for a sec :banghead:

Strawman. I never took any position on whether the government sends criminals here or not. I have unsufficient information to make that determination and never have.

100% of Mexican illegal aliens though are criminals by definition. And yes, there are rapists in there. You're truly an idiot that you think of a million illegals a year none of them are rapists

And your reasoning ability is in negative numbers if you believe the Mexican government is "sending" them.

I just said I don't, dumb ass
OMG, that's funny. A million criminals a year crossing our borders and you don't see any invasion. I'm so sad for you being still born and all
No...that's not an invasion....if it was, why have we not declared war on the invading country like we have done in all times past?

You're just babbling now.

Bodecea: The military is not tasked Constitutionally with securing our borders

Bodecea: When the Constitution says it's the Federal government's job to protect the States from invasion, they aren't referring to the military

Now it's the military can only defend our borders if we declare war on someone

You're proud of this? You do have a frail ego since apparently it needs to be propped up by your claiming to speak for hordes of people
Correct...the military is not tasked Constitutionally with securing our borders. It IS tasked with defending the U.S. from invasion. Our government has created an Executive Agency....the Border Patrol...to secure our borders.

So protecting us from invasion isn't securing our borders. Do you ever read your own crap? Try it, you'd be shocked
Protecting us from invasion is not always securing our borders, nor is securing our borders always done to protect us from invasion. Dogs are mammals, but not all mammals are dogs. You seem to think all mammals are dogs.

You're just babbling incoherently
No...that's not an invasion....if it was, why have we not declared war on the invading country like we have done in all times past?

You're just babbling now.

Bodecea: The military is not tasked Constitutionally with securing our borders

Bodecea: When the Constitution says it's the Federal government's job to protect the States from invasion, they aren't referring to the military

Now it's the military can only defend our borders if we declare war on someone

You're proud of this? You do have a frail ego since apparently it needs to be propped up by your claiming to speak for hordes of people
Correct...the military is not tasked Constitutionally with securing our borders. It IS tasked with defending the U.S. from invasion. Our government has created an Executive Agency....the Border Patrol...to secure our borders.

So protecting us from invasion isn't securing our borders. Do you ever read your own crap? Try it, you'd be shocked
Protecting us from invasion is not always securing our borders, nor is securing our borders always done to protect us from invasion. Dogs are mammals, but not all mammals are dogs. You seem to think all mammals are dogs.

You're just babbling incoherently
And that is a polite way to describe her. She might as well been posting random Egyptian hieroglyphics
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Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

seems like an economy decision to me------good idea---it is NOT

What do you think the Army is there for?

It IS in effect a declaration of war. THAT'S WHAT THE ARMY DOES. :banghead:

The Army can't declare war. But regardless, the US doesn't declare war anymore. When's the last time the US officially declared war?

I believe that would be 1941.

The Army doesn't declare war, Congress does. But when it does ---- that's what the Army exists for --- War.

No, the Army (military) exists to defend our country - huge difference.

Sure is.

Does the Army issue weather warnings? Disease control? Watch for asteroids?

Nope. They're there for War. Period. Whether a given war is offensive or defensive has no bearing on that.

Just as your football team is still a football team whether it has the ball or the other team does.
No...that's not an invasion....if it was, why have we not declared war on the invading country like we have done in all times past?

You're just babbling now.

Bodecea: The military is not tasked Constitutionally with securing our borders

Bodecea: When the Constitution says it's the Federal government's job to protect the States from invasion, they aren't referring to the military

Now it's the military can only defend our borders if we declare war on someone

You're proud of this? You do have a frail ego since apparently it needs to be propped up by your claiming to speak for hordes of people
Correct...the military is not tasked Constitutionally with securing our borders. It IS tasked with defending the U.S. from invasion. Our government has created an Executive Agency....the Border Patrol...to secure our borders.

So protecting us from invasion isn't securing our borders. Do you ever read your own crap? Try it, you'd be shocked
Protecting us from invasion is not always securing our borders, nor is securing our borders always done to protect us from invasion. Dogs are mammals, but not all mammals are dogs. You seem to think all mammals are dogs.

You're just babbling incoherently
Nope...you cannot see that not all mammals aren't dogs.
I hope the Minute Men and Oath Keepers show up as well. We need to take back our country through force

Big difference is, Hussein had the National Guard there to assist Illegals crossing. He invited them here. He was an Open Borders Communist Globalist. He put foreign interests above American Citizen interests. Trump's the first President i've ever seen actually attempting to fix our decimated Immigration System. Good on em. :clap:
Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

seems like an economy decision to me------good idea---it is NOT

What do you think the Army is there for?

It IS in effect a declaration of war. THAT'S WHAT THE ARMY DOES. :banghead:

You believe that when armies protect their country's borders, that's a declaration of war against their neighbors???


OMG, you're an imbecile

Yeah, Open Borders Communists are pretty loony. Defending your border does not = 'Declaration of War.'
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Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?
"Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders".....why would the Northern border not be included? And yes, the Northern Border is a sieve....perhaps even worse because it's easier for people to get into Canada and then the U.S. than it is for people to get into Mexico and then the U.S.

Canadians tend to be a much higher grade human being...we like high grade humans. When was the last time you heard of a Canadian raping and killing Americans? Thirdworld, immoral, indecent, low iQ wetbacks have ZERO to offer Americans. The truth sucks...and hurts feelings huh?
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.

O'bama sent the National Guard. So did Dubya.

Rump is talking about sending the military.

You do know the difference ---- right?

When did Congress declare war with Mexico then? Refresh us. I must have slept through it the same way you slept through the distinction between "National Guard" and "the US Army".
we've been through this before on the other thread--it is perfectly legal and correct to sent the military to the border
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.

O'bama sent the National Guard. So did Dubya.

Rump is talking about sending the military.

You do know the difference ---- right?

When did Congress declare war with Mexico then? Refresh us. I must have slept through it the same way you slept through the distinction between "National Guard" and "the US Army".
I didn't know he was sending them to Mexico? I thought it was in the US at our border. what is it you missed. Oh and he can because mexicans crossing aren't US citizens.
Canadians crossing aren't US citizens either.
what does that have to do with where they are deployed? they aren't going after citizens. So I give two shits if it's mexicans or canadiens. illegal is illegal.
The point is we only deploy troops where there is a shit load of illegal crossing, we are not covering the northern border because there are n ot a bunch of crossings and man power costs money. We wil never stopp all of them the point to stop deangerous ones and where the largest flow is. That is where we stick our troops. I do not care that they are not trained as border crossing agents their training is similar enough to get the job done
Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?
"Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders".....why would the Northern border not be included? And yes, the Northern Border is a sieve....perhaps even worse because it's easier for people to get into Canada and then the U.S. than it is for people to get into Mexico and then the U.S.

Canadians tend to be a much higher grade human being...we like high grade humans. When was the last time you heard of a Canadian raping and killing Americans? Thirdworld, immoral, indecent, low iQ wetbacks have ZERO to offer Americans. The truth sucks...and hurts feelings huh?
If the Canadians were coming and staying in droves we will put them up there but until then it is not cost efficient to have them there!
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.

O'bama sent the National Guard. So did Dubya.

Rump is talking about sending the military.

You do know the difference ---- right?

When did Congress declare war with Mexico then? Refresh us. I must have slept through it the same way you slept through the distinction between "National Guard" and "the US Army".
Always the pretend superior pos aren't you? You can't make a post without trying to put someone down can you? We need the military at the border and we need to use them to catch liberal scum and detain them permanently. Screw Mexico. They wanna send 1500 invaders to us, we can send 1500 body bags.
Fine...put the military at the border. And you have no problem with our military having a "shoot on sight" ROE then.
Anyone trying to cross the border should be warned to turn back. If they refuse, shoot them.
and we don't care if they are women and children
this CRAP must be stopped --now!
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Guess Obama was a racist too huh?
That's right, let's expose the hypocrites in all their TDS.

Trump was neither the first, nor will he likely be the last.
Obama never made disparaging statements about Mexico like your big assed orange buddy did.
And?> Really.

Racism is so inbred into your very being that you can't see racism? Or is your head that far up Trump's ass?

Oh I get it,. you know Trump is a racist & you love him for it.
Racism is so inbred into your very being that you can't see racism? Or is your head that far up Obama's ass?
Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:

No they don't.... A lot have boarder agents & customs but unless in a warfare sense military on boarders is not common...
Just about all nations on earth have Military deployed on their borders. I like what Trump's doing. It's about time an American President really did something about our Immigration nightmare. Go Trump! :thup:
They will be going to the Northern border too, right?

Do we have as big of a problem on the Northern border?

We have no problem on either border. The border crisis is steaming pile of bullshit that Trump supporters willingly eat in healthy portions. But we are talking about Trump supporters so that goes without saying.

Border crossings are at all time record lows. The reason the orange ass clown is pulling this stunt, and have no illusions in that pea little brain, it is a stunt, is because he lost his wall permanently. He lost funding for it in the last budget, and when Democrats control the House after November, there will never be another dime for any wall, so this is his attempt at keeping morons like you engaged.

Hussein sent the National Guard in for a completely different reason than Trump has. They were ordered to assist Illegals crossing the border. Everything Hussein did in regards to Immigration, was a big 'FUCK YOU' to American Citizens.

The Democratic Party sees millions of future voters in Illegals. It's thrown American Citizens overboard. I'm so perplexed so many continue to vote Democrat. They're voting against their own interests.

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