Obama shames America, again

Why, because he's crtical of Obama and is repeating known facts about him? Obama's past is littered with associations with radicals who have shown their disdain with America. Stop kidding yourself. We have a highly unqualified and very dangerous person in office now. You should be praying America and the free world make it through the next two years of this disaster called the Obama presidency.

Stop kidding yourself.....you only repeat what you hear from FOX News and Rush Limbaugh. You haven't really thought about any of this, but keep raising the alarms. We've been hearing the most dire predictions for the past six years. What's taking so long? Why haven't any right wing nut job predictions come true? You guys are running out of time.

Never listen to Rush, he's in AM radio and I usually listen to satellite radio news. Believe it not I listen to CNN more than I do FOX, and then once in a while I check out your favorite channel PMSNBC for laughs.

I watch FOX News every day......it's good to know what the enemy is thinking.
All you have to do is come here and watch the idiots regurgitate the main talking points.

Pretty much verbatim, like they all read from the same script.

If you're referring specifically of this issue, you're sadly mistaken.
For one thing it's not just the American right that has noticed Obama was a no-show.
As I have been showing, there are news sources outside of the U.S. that have also been critical.
Isn't France one of our allies? Why was nobody there to represent the USA??? THAT is the question.
Look at the bright side, no Hillary, Obama or Biden saying stupid shit for the whole world to hear.

True. I can see Obama. I can't stop the terrorist. But I can stop the seas rising and heal the planet too...:badgrin:
I am sure he couldn't have helped but make a statement about how brave it was of these terrorists to die for their cause.

I imagine he didn't show up because as soon as he said something stupid, the Parisian mob would have ripped him limb from limb.

Or maybe it was years of oppression and persecution by the French whites and the French police, which led to the Muslims having no choice but to go out and slaughter those cartoonists and the Jews.

Maybe Obama and Holder could lead an anti French police / anti cartoonist rally, and ask Al Sharpton to help organize it.

I bet my right arm they will do just that, just as soon and you make a post that isn't as stupid and a flat truck tire.
obumble can shame us by not going or embarrass us by going. Is anyone really interested in another public disaster like the one at Mandela's funeral?
A comment posted on Yahoo for this story "White House: Should have sent high official to Paris march"
White House Should have sent high official to Paris march - Yahoo News
this guy summed it up perfectly!!! :bow2::bow3::bowdown:
posted by "Beautiful Flower"
Holder went to Paris because the Islamic terrorist shot and killed in the grocery store was black. It was getting smoky inside, so he likely "couldn't breathe", compelling him to run toward fresh air with his "hands up". Holder probably thought the SWAT team was racist for shooting an armed black man who clearly was trying to surrender, which is why he was "too busy" to represent the US (along with significantly higher leaders from 40+ other countries). I guess that's what you get with a racist, Muslim president in the White House. He chooses to call the 10+ million illegal aliens in the US by softer and softer names (that don't immediately define them as being here illegally), so why on earth would we expect him to call Islamic terrorists by the right name, either?
NOBODY can fix this. Kerry going now is like trying to put the cart in front of the horse. Too late. Damage is done. But...Obama knows nobody can do a damn thing about it. He is going out of office soon, so he doesn't give a shit what the USA looks like to the rest of the world.
The whole world is flabbergasted that the most powerful man in the world, the so called "leader of the free world" and his high ranking officers, who are supposed to set an example on how to behave, were conspicuously absent.

This absence in itself is a powerful statement... and a direct insult to his ally France.

The Islamists are only strengthened when they notice this lack of response which denotes submission and appeasement.

Too late now.

The damage done by this useless Administration...yet again..... has been done.
NOBODY can fix this. Kerry going now is like trying to put the cart in front of the horse. Too late. Damage is done. But...Obama knows nobody can do a damn thing about it. He is going out of office soon, so he doesn't give a shit what the USA looks like to the rest of the world.

the damage is done. now the terrorist see us weak and open for attack
Danesh is merely repeating known facts. Obama's background is deeply rooted in anti capitalism. anti Americanism and anti colonialism.

And he's a thousand times more knowledgable and American than Obama. Your racism is showing.

How stupid would have to be to believe that anti colonialism has been an important factor in anyone's thinking for the past half century? Dinesh D'Souza is a politically motivated, completely dishonest, pseudo intellectual.

Why, because he's crtical of Obama and is repeating known facts about him? Obama's past is littered with associations with radicals who have shown their disdain with America. Stop kidding yourself. We have a highly unqualified and very dangerous person in office now. You should be praying America and the free world make it through the next two years of this disaster called the Obama presidency.

Stop kidding yourself.....you only repeat what you hear from FOX News and Rush Limbaugh. You haven't really thought about any of this, but keep raising the alarms. We've been hearing the most dire predictions for the past six years. What's taking so long? Why haven't any right wing nut job predictions come true? You guys are running out of time.

Never listen to Rush, he's in AM radio and I usually listen to satellite radio news. Believe it not I listen to CNN more than I do FOX, and then once in a while I check out your favorite channel PMSNBC for laughs.

I watch FOX News every day......it's good to know what the enemy is thinking.

CNN and FOX are very similar when it comes to programming. They keep brining stylistically different hosts who then repeat the same talking points. And when one format seems to work, it's copied by the other one. I like certain CNN hosts for example Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper, and then FOX has certain hosts that are pretty good as well. PMSNBC hosts are a bunch of crazed lunatics like Al Sharpton with minimal viewership, but good for the laughs, which is why they keep firing one host after another.
Why, because he's crtical of Obama and is repeating known facts about him? Obama's past is littered with associations with radicals who have shown their disdain with America. Stop kidding yourself. We have a highly unqualified and very dangerous person in office now. You should be praying America and the free world make it through the next two years of this disaster called the Obama presidency.

Stop kidding yourself.....you only repeat what you hear from FOX News and Rush Limbaugh. You haven't really thought about any of this, but keep raising the alarms. We've been hearing the most dire predictions for the past six years. What's taking so long? Why haven't any right wing nut job predictions come true? You guys are running out of time.

Never listen to Rush, he's in AM radio and I usually listen to satellite radio news. Believe it not I listen to CNN more than I do FOX, and then once in a while I check out your favorite channel PMSNBC for laughs.

I watch FOX News every day......it's good to know what the enemy is thinking.
All you have to do is come here and watch the idiots regurgitate the main talking points.

Pretty much verbatim, like they all read from the same script.

And your talking points would be the PMSNBC aka MSLSD? :lmao:
Obama stuck his nose into the Gates affair
He stuck his nose into the
Donald Sterling affair
he stuck his nose into the Ferguson riots
he stuck his nose into the trayvon affair

he was a no-show in France

notice a pattern?
Yes. All the things he stuck his nose in occurred on American soil.

He incited riots and division not to mention a race war and a war on America's law enforcement. That's probably why he didn't attend the gathering in France. He couldn't apologize for America and the West once again, and incite the Muslims to start rioting.
Obama stuck his nose into the Gates affair
He stuck his nose into the
Donald Sterling affair
he stuck his nose into the Ferguson riots
he stuck his nose into the trayvon affair

he was a no-show in France

notice a pattern?
Yes. All the things he stuck his nose in occurred on American soil.

He incited riots and division not to mention a race war and a war on America's law enforcement. That's probably why he didn't attend the gathering in France. He couldn't apologize for America and the West once again, and incite the Muslims to start rioting.
That was pretty lame and a sign my post hurt your feelings.
Obama stuck his nose into the Gates affair
He stuck his nose into the
Donald Sterling affair
he stuck his nose into the Ferguson riots
he stuck his nose into the trayvon affair

he was a no-show in France

notice a pattern?
Yes. All the things he stuck his nose in occurred on American soil.

He incited riots and division not to mention a race war and a war on America's law enforcement. That's probably why he didn't attend the gathering in France. He couldn't apologize for America and the West once again, and incite the Muslims to start rioting.
That was pretty lame and a sign my post hurt your feelings.

Thanks for your concern, but my feelings aren't hurt. On the other hand it looks like you get extremely upset anytime somebody says anything negative about Saint Obama or Islam.

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