Obama shames America, again

Obama stuck his nose into the Gates affair
He stuck his nose into the
Donald Sterling affair
he stuck his nose into the Ferguson riots
he stuck his nose into the trayvon affair

he was a no-show in France

notice a pattern?
Yes. All the things he stuck his nose in occurred on American soil.

He incited riots and division not to mention a race war and a war on America's law enforcement. That's probably why he didn't attend the gathering in France. He couldn't apologize for America and the West once again, and incite the Muslims to start rioting.
That was pretty lame and a sign my post hurt your feelings.

no hurt feelings, just amusement at your low IQ
Obama stuck his nose into the Gates affair
He stuck his nose into the
Donald Sterling affair
he stuck his nose into the Ferguson riots
he stuck his nose into the trayvon affair

he was a no-show in France

notice a pattern?
Yes. All the things he stuck his nose in occurred on American soil.

He incited riots and division not to mention a race war and a war on America's law enforcement. That's probably why he didn't attend the gathering in France. He couldn't apologize for America and the West once again, and incite the Muslims to start rioting.
That was pretty lame and a sign my post hurt your feelings.

Thanks for your concern, but my feelings aren't hurt. On the other hand it looks like you get extremely upset anytime somebody says anything negative about Saint Obama or Islam.
Yes your feelings are hurt. There is a Black man in office and you havent gotten over it yet. That second term must have really got your panties in a knot. On the other hand no matter what you say about your POTUS. He is still your POTUS and you will pay your taxes to make sure he is well taken care of in his retirement. Why would I be upset? Nothing is going to change that. :laugh:
With more and more of the media now getting on board and admitting Obama should have been there, the libs on this board defending Obama are looking stupider by the minute.
Talk about partisan hacks !
Obama stuck his nose into the Gates affair
He stuck his nose into the
Donald Sterling affair
he stuck his nose into the Ferguson riots
he stuck his nose into the trayvon affair

he was a no-show in France

notice a pattern?
Yes. All the things he stuck his nose in occurred on American soil.

He incited riots and division not to mention a race war and a war on America's law enforcement. That's probably why he didn't attend the gathering in France. He couldn't apologize for America and the West once again, and incite the Muslims to start rioting.
That was pretty lame and a sign my post hurt your feelings.

Thanks for your concern, but my feelings aren't hurt. On the other hand it looks like you get extremely upset anytime somebody says anything negative about Saint Obama or Islam.
Yes your feelings are hurt. There is a Black man in office and you havent gotten over it yet. That second term must have really got your panties in a knot. On the other hand no matter what you say about your POTUS. He is still your POTUS and you will pay your taxes to make sure he is well taken care of in his retirement. Why would I be upset? Nothing is going to change that. :laugh:

Remove the chip off your shoulders. I have many black friends. I could give a rats ass about the race of the person in office. I care about his ideology and how he views the world, and that's one fucked up radical we have in office today.

Morons like you are always making it about Obama being black.

But I have to admit, after Obama and his disastrous presidency, he's made it a lot harder for America to vote for another black Democrat president. A black conservative would have a much better chance. All he has to do is be the "anti Obama". :clap2:
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It may be that Obama knew he should have attended, but he simply was too scared to.
He is a narcissist. He would not be getting attention with all the other world leaders. THAT is why he didn't go. Plus, he doesn't give a shit. He is doing what he can to fuck everything up for the next potus.
Yes. All the things he stuck his nose in occurred on American soil.

He incited riots and division not to mention a race war and a war on America's law enforcement. That's probably why he didn't attend the gathering in France. He couldn't apologize for America and the West once again, and incite the Muslims to start rioting.
That was pretty lame and a sign my post hurt your feelings.

Thanks for your concern, but my feelings aren't hurt. On the other hand it looks like you get extremely upset anytime somebody says anything negative about Saint Obama or Islam.
Yes your feelings are hurt. There is a Black man in office and you havent gotten over it yet. That second term must have really got your panties in a knot. On the other hand no matter what you say about your POTUS. He is still your POTUS and you will pay your taxes to make sure he is well taken care of in his retirement. Why would I be upset? Nothing is going to change that. :laugh:

Remove the chip off your shoulders. I have many black friends. I could give a rats ass about the race of the person in office. I care about his ideology and how he views the world, and that's one fucked up radical we have in office today.

Morons like you are always making it about Obama being black.

But I have to admit, after Obama and his disastrous presidency, he's made it a lot harder for America to vote for another black Democrat president. A black conservative would have a much better chance. All he has to do is be the "anti Obama". :clap2:
SOME people forget that Obama is HALF black. HALF.
Eric Holder did Meet the Press instead of Paris Solidarity March

It was bad enough that none of President Obama, Vice President Biden or Secretary of State Kerry attended Sunday’s Solidarity March in Paris, attended by dozens of world leaders.

It would have been the right thing for Obama to attend. There was enough security to protect obvious targets like the French President, the German Chancellor and the Israeli Prime Minister.

There is no indication that security kept Obama away. But what about Biden, Kerry, or some other very senior official?

France is a key U.S. ally. The attacks in Paris were carried out by followers of groups that also kill Americans. Having at least one senior official, even if not the President, in attendance would have been a no-brainer.

But not with this President. The attacks in Paris did not fit a narrative the administration wants to address.

The problem was not security, but that the Solidarity March was against not just terrorism, but radical Islam and its suppression of free speech and the press through ideological and physical intimidation. That apparently was too much for a President who considers that we are the source of the problem through past behavior.

Eric Holder was in Paris for a security conference. There were rumors that he would represent the U.S. at the march. Surely that would have been an easy, though imperfect, solution.

I watched the march online via live video stream while covering it for Legal Insurrection. I tooknumerous screen shots of the leaders lined up. I didn’t see Holder anywhere.

U.S. Officials Paris March Eric Holder Obama Biden
He incited riots and division not to mention a race war and a war on America's law enforcement. That's probably why he didn't attend the gathering in France. He couldn't apologize for America and the West once again, and incite the Muslims to start rioting.
That was pretty lame and a sign my post hurt your feelings.

Thanks for your concern, but my feelings aren't hurt. On the other hand it looks like you get extremely upset anytime somebody says anything negative about Saint Obama or Islam.
Yes your feelings are hurt. There is a Black man in office and you havent gotten over it yet. That second term must have really got your panties in a knot. On the other hand no matter what you say about your POTUS. He is still your POTUS and you will pay your taxes to make sure he is well taken care of in his retirement. Why would I be upset? Nothing is going to change that. :laugh:

Remove the chip off your shoulders. I have many black friends. I could give a rats ass about the race of the person in office. I care about his ideology and how he views the world, and that's one fucked up radical we have in office today.

Morons like you are always making it about Obama being black.

But I have to admit, after Obama and his disastrous presidency, he's made it a lot harder for America to vote for another black Democrat president. A black conservative would have a much better chance. All he has to do is be the "anti Obama". :clap2:
SOME people forget that Obama is HALF black. HALF.

That's correct. And he was raised by his white half. In fact, everything he is is because of his white half. Sad.
Eric Holder did Meet the Press instead of Paris Solidarity March

It was bad enough that none of President Obama, Vice President Biden or Secretary of State Kerry attended Sunday’s Solidarity March in Paris, attended by dozens of world leaders.

It would have been the right thing for Obama to attend. There was enough security to protect obvious targets like the French President, the German Chancellor and the Israeli Prime Minister.

There is no indication that security kept Obama away. But what about Biden, Kerry, or some other very senior official?

France is a key U.S. ally. The attacks in Paris were carried out by followers of groups that also kill Americans. Having at least one senior official, even if not the President, in attendance would have been a no-brainer.

But not with this President. The attacks in Paris did not fit a narrative the administration wants to address.

The problem was not security, but that the Solidarity March was against not just terrorism, but radical Islam and its suppression of free speech and the press through ideological and physical intimidation. That apparently was too much for a President who considers that we are the source of the problem through past behavior.

Eric Holder was in Paris for a security conference. There were rumors that he would represent the U.S. at the march. Surely that would have been an easy, though imperfect, solution.

I watched the march online via live video stream while covering it for Legal Insurrection. I tooknumerous screen shots of the leaders lined up. I didn’t see Holder anywhere.

U.S. Officials Paris March Eric Holder Obama Biden

The asshole Holder was there but found it unnecessary to attend. This entire administration is like a private club for egotistical assholes.
Obama's just showing his ass again, no surprise here.

1.5 million people marching in France. Many major world leaders showing up and symbolically marching for human rights and free speech. Yet the U.S. president and the leader of the free world didn't find it necessary to either attend or at least send his Vice President or secretary of state to send a message of solitary with the the free world and democracy on such a historical event?!

Shame on the US. Shame shame shame.

Shame on the left and the leftist media for not holding Obama accountable for this huge mistake.

US was abset today.


The more I think about it, I do believe Obama was afraid to go. The security concerns are ridiculous, if other leaders were safe Obama would have been safe. He just simply didn't have the balls to get out there on the street and walk.
The more I think about it, I do believe Obama was afraid to go. The security concerns are ridiculous, if other leaders were safe Obama would have been safe. He just simply didn't have the balls to get out there on the street and walk.
Again, he didn't go due to fear. He didn't go due to being a narcissist.

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:

  • Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
  • Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
  • Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
  • Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
  • Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
The more I think about it, I do believe Obama was afraid to go. The security concerns are ridiculous, if other leaders were safe Obama would have been safe. He just simply didn't have the balls to get out there on the street and walk.
Again, he didn't go due to fear. He didn't go due to being a narcissist.

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:

  • Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
  • Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
  • Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
  • Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
  • Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Sounds about right. He wasn't going to be the main attraction.
I think the fascinating thing about these threads is how quickly all the conservatives fall into lockstep whenever their masters issue them a new talking point. If nothing else, they're a reliable group of parrots.
you see that with lefties too.....
Lets see. 2000 dead in Nigeria, 17 in France. Who had the bigger tragedy? I dont remember seeing any outcry over the POTUS not going to Nigeria. Why not?
i havent seen to much at all on the Nigerian thing......once again....go after these fuckers and exterminate them....what the fuck is the UN Security Council for?...what do they do besides have lunch?....

UN security council is for passing bullshit resolutions and meaningless condemnations.
all while they are eating lunch.....what a job.....

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