Obama Should Have Been Vetted 'At First Mention'

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Says common sense and facts. Mr. Obama Jr.'s genealogy shows him to be 50% Caucasian, 43.75% Arab (due to his father being a Kenyan Muslim), 6.25% African and 100% ineligible to be a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States.

Common sense should tell you that Kenya isn't Arabian.

Oh, but you have none.
He didn't self identify as 'African', the politically correct forger did.


The forger who put together his fraudulent birth certificate release on April 27, 2011.[/QUOTE]

Ahhh, yes, that evil group of people working in the Hawaiian government. Shame on them.

We should believe the Youtube birf certificate created by some Australian guy in 2008, that's clearly real. [/eyeroll
Anyway, on the subject of vetting, President Cheney vetted himself.

Why don't you have a problem with that, Steve-o?
He needed no vetting. A 40 something year old community organizer who never had a real job? What more did one need to know?

Makes one thing Gruber was right.

Odd isn't it?

Calling a sitting U.S. Senator- a 'community organizer'? Someone who was also a former State Senator?

That would be like calling Ted Cruz a 40 something law clerk who never had a real job.

Apparently though, American voters had a much better knowledge of Barack Obama than you did. Why is why they elected him twice.
The search for major legislation authored by your vaunted senator turned up nary a smidgen of evidence of such achievement.

Odd isn't it?

Calling a sitting U.S. Senator- a 'community organizer'? Someone who was also a former State Senator?

That would be like calling Ted Cruz a 40 something law clerk who never had a real job.

Apparently though, American voters had a much better knowledge of Barack Obama than you did. Why is why they elected him twice.
They are on the Kenyan Census form. And its unlikely that the Kenyan census for would use terms and classifications that Kenyans had never heard of. Meaning that 'Arab' and 'African' were recognized as distinctly different racial classifications in Kenya.

If Obama's dad were 'Arab', as Stevey claimed and then ran from (you know, like you did your manchurian claims).....then why would he self identify as African?

I don't care what kenyans say...they still burn witches and practice slavery and cannibalism...
arab and african are not a race...

Says you. The Kenyans said otherwise. And Obama's father was a Kenyan. If Stevey's claim were true, and Obama's father were actually Arab, why would he self identify as African?

You can't say. Its okay, you're in excellent company. I can't think of a single reason either.
He didn't self identify as 'African', the politically correct forger did.

What forger?
The forger who put together his fraudulent birth certificate release on April 27, 2011.

Is that the Governor of Hawaii, the Director of Health of Hawaii or the Registrar of Records of Hawaii?

Or perhaps the former Republican Senator of Hawaii?

Or the former Republican Director of Health of Hawaii?

No wait- wait- I know who it was- it was Jack Lord!

I think I have figured it out!

It was Jack Lord in the LIbrary with the candle stick!

He didn't self identify as 'African', the politically correct forger did.

Ah, but Alvin Onaka the registrar of Hawaii said that all the information on Obama's LFBC is accurate and matches the original record. The LFBC says that Obama's father's race is 'african' (as does his 2007 COLB). And race is self identified in Hawaii.

So why would Obama's father self identify as 'African' if he were in fact, Arab? Remember, in Kenya, 'Arab' and 'Africa' are distinctly different racial groups.

And of course, you can't back a single part of your '42.75% Arab' nonsense. If your claims actually hard merit, you wouldn't need to keep embellishing them. They'd stand without your 'creative additions'. Yet like conspiracy theorists everywhere.....you just can't help yourself. And your claims get a little more elaborate, a little more fantastically complex with each recitation.
They are on the Kenyan Census form. And its unlikely that the Kenyan census for would use terms and classifications that Kenyans had never heard of. Meaning that 'Arab' and 'African' were recognized as distinctly different racial classifications in Kenya.

If Obama's dad were 'Arab', as Stevey claimed and then ran from (you know, like you did your manchurian claims).....then why would he self identify as African?

I don't care what kenyans say...they still burn witches and practice slavery and cannibalism...
arab and african are not a race...

Says you. The Kenyans said otherwise. And Obama's father was a Kenyan. If Stevey's claim were true, and Obama's father were actually Arab, why would he self identify as African?

You can't say. Its okay, you're in excellent company. I can't think of a single reason either.
He didn't self identify as 'African', the politically correct forger did.

What forger?
The forger who put together his fraudulent birth certificate release on April 27, 2011.

Says who? And please remember that Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has never released any report on the topic.
If white people voted for what's in their own best interests, we wouldn't be in the mess this country is in now.

I just have to hear more on (pronounced: moron) this.

Hey, Rotagilla - What's in white people's best interests, politically speaking. What's the white agenda?

Close and enforce the border...no amnesty for illegals.... no ACA.... no affirmative action or any race based preferences to artificially advance negroes into positions they didn't earn...

Just a few off the top of my head.

I heard obama has another tax plan he wants to try...He thinks aspirins should now be on the list of things the government taxes ..

.....because they're white and they work....
it's not "my" topic..I just pointed out you guys favorite tactic when losing a debate is to try to distract and derail...case in point.

Well, since you won't share what 'manchurian' means, I will. Its drawn from a book called 'The Manchurian Candidate'.
Major Bennett Marco, Sergeant Raymond Shaw, and the rest of their infantry platoon are kidnapped during the Korean War in 1952. They are taken to Manchuria, and are brainwashed to believe that Shaw saved their lives in combat — for which Congress awards him the Medal of Honor.

Years after the war, Marco, now back in the United States working as an intelligence officer, begins suffering the recurring nightmare of Shaw murdering two of his comrades, all while clinically observed by Chinese andSoviet intelligence officials. When Marco learns that another soldier from the platoon also has been suffering the same nightmare, he sets to uncovering the mystery and its meaning.

It is revealed that the Communists have been using Shaw as a sleeper agent, a guiltless assassin subconsciously activated by seeing the “Queen of Diamonds” playing card while playing solitaire. Provoked by the appearance of the card, he obeys orders which he then forgets. Shaw’s KGB handler is his domineering mother Eleanor, a ruthless power broker working with the Communists to execute a "palace coup d’état" to quietly overthrow the U.S. government, with her husband, McCarthy-esque Senator Johnny Iselin, as a puppet dictator.

So is this what you're accusing obama of? If yes, wouldn't this be immediately relevant to the Vetting of Barack Obama?

Laughing.....or you can just keep backpedalling!

I know all about the manchurian candidate, son.the book and the movie....that's why i referenced it...turn off the cartoons, put down your star wars dolls and get caught up..

If you know all about it then why didn't you answer the question?

Oh, because you're a liar. I see.

you kids are cute!

I estimate that I saw the movie decades before both of you were born, dear child.
arab and african are not a race...

So you're saying african-american isn't a racial definition.

Your flail just reached new heights.

That is correct.
african american isn't a "race" neither is "arab" or "african"..literally, one minute of research would clear that up for you..........but you don't want clarity or accuracy..you want an excuse to make snarky comments..
....just an aside: you went to public school, didn't you?

All good...that's what this forum is for..people who can't afford anger management need a place to act out...it's ok... Doesn't bother me and it makes you feel so much better about yourself...carry on.

So true. Obama was never officially vetted (like Palin was) and now we are paying the price with our Constitution, identity, family traditions and sovereigty at stake. What a great article and especially the comments section.

Obama Should Have Been Vetted at First Mention - Freedom Outpost

Constitution, before Obama, most people treated it like dirt but then turned around and said "I support the Constitution". After Obama, no difference.

Family Traditions. Before Obama divorce appeared to be a family tradition. After Obama, no difference.

Sovereigty (what?) [sovereignty] of State. Before Obama if it could be sold to the highest bidder it was sold. After Obama, no difference.
So true. Obama was never officially vetted (like Palin was) and now we are paying the price with our Constitution, identity, family traditions and sovereigty at stake. What a great article and especially the comments section.

Obama Should Have Been Vetted at First Mention - Freedom Outpost

Constitution, before Obama, most people treated it like dirt but then turned around and said "I support the Constitution". After Obama, no difference.

Family Traditions. Before Obama divorce appeared to be a family tradition. After Obama, no difference.

Sovereigty (what?) [sovereignty] of State. Before Obama if it could be sold to the highest bidder it was sold. After Obama, no difference.
So true. Obama was never officially vetted (like Palin was) and now we are paying the price with our Constitution, identity, family traditions and sovereigty at stake. What a great article and especially the comments section.

Obama Should Have Been Vetted at First Mention - Freedom Outpost

Constitution, before Obama, most people treated it like dirt but then turned around and said "I support the Constitution". After Obama, no difference.

Family Traditions. Before Obama divorce appeared to be a family tradition. After Obama, no difference.

Sovereigty (what?) [sovereignty] of State. Before Obama if it could be sold to the highest bidder it was sold. After Obama, no difference.

So true. Obama was never officially vetted (like Palin was) and now we are paying the price with our Constitution, identity, family traditions and sovereigty at stake. What a great article and especially the comments section.

Obama Should Have Been Vetted at First Mention - Freedom Outpost
What the fuck are you talking about?

What do you expect from the uninformed? They need to vett Faux News, they're getting so much misinformation and like parrots, they keep repeating.
How Obama should have been vetted:

What are your political views?
How do you propose to fix the economy?
What will you do in Iraq and Afghanistan?
We need to know more about your healthcare plan

How Republicans vetted Obama:

I need to see your birth certificate
Tell me more about Rev Wright
What is your connection to Bill Ayers?
Show me your college transcripts
oh, but they just HAD to have their "black" president, though....

If by "they" you men the majority of American voters, then yes.


Yes?..and your point is? No one said american voters were smart or well informed...case in point.

He was elected for his skin color...not his achievement...

Well we don't know that- but we know you opposed him because of his skin color.

And I think it is no coincidence that Stevie the Racist is also a Birther.
If white people voted for what's in their own best interests, we wouldn't be in the mess this country is in now.

I just have to hear more on (pronounced: moron) this.

Hey, Rotagilla - What's in white people's best interests, politically speaking. What's the white agenda?

Close and enforce the border...no amnesty for illegals.... no ACA.... no affirmative action or any race based preferences to artificially advance negroes into positions they didn't earn....

LOL....so you really, really hated Ronald Reagan......well of course you did- Reagan actually considered African Americans his equals.
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