Obama spending binge never happened

Another right wing lie debunked.

Obama spending binge never happened
Commentary: Government outlays rising at slowest pace since 1950s

Of all the falsehoods told about President Barack Obama, the biggest whopper is the one about his reckless spending spree.

As would-be president Mitt Romney tells it: “I will lead us out of this debt and spending inferno.”

Almost everyone believes that Obama has presided over a massive increase in federal spending, an “inferno” of spending that threatens our jobs, our businesses and our children’s future. Even Democrats seem to think it’s true.

But it didn’t happen. Although there was a big stimulus bill under Obama, federal spending is rising at the slowest pace since Dwight Eisenhower brought the Korean War to an end in the 1950s.


True Cost of Stimulus: $3.27 Trillion

The US Gov't provides infrastructure to everybody, no?

Deployments by our military to the ME to protect US oil interests? I thought it was done to preclude WMDs getting into the wrong hands, or to try to preclude terrorist attacks on the US from terrorist camps in Afghanistan. And BTW, are you ready for gas at $10/gal if we didn't go? What would that do to our economy I wonder.

So tell me, you wanna cut the tax breaks for the oil companies. which I gather nets us about 4 billion a year, BFD. Where's the line going to be drawn for who gets tax subsidies and who doesn't? How much profit is going to be designated as too much? How comfortable are you that crony capitalism, already a problem, doesn't get even worse as companies and industries fight to get exemptions? You really wanna go down that road?

The US has had a presence in the Middle East since the discovery of oil in that region. Iran was knocked over because Mosaddegh was going to nationalize it's oil industries.

And as for "to much profit"..

Well profit becomes a problem when the profitable replace the elected.

That's not a problem for conservatives.

That is a problem for people who love our constitutional DEMOCRATIC republic.
Yes, but when was that debt incurred?

On each an every new budget, of course.

I know that you know you're lying. Debt was incurred every year that Bush's debt financed tax cut was in place. It was realized when the debt became due.

Call me when you're not trying to blame spending bills Obama lobbied for and signed on someone who was already back in Texas by the time he did it.

Until then, you calling someone else a liar is just the height of hilarity.
The same Progressives belive the economy is STATIC...and have to wreck it to prove thier point.

They live in a Zero Sum Game world.

"The pie never grows...and we'll make sure it doesn't." ;)

Says the guy with a "made up patriot" in his avatar and sig line.

This country and it's economy has grown much since 1776.

Your "small government" vision seems to have not..

Made up Patriot? Tells ME that you have nothing else...

He and his story was REAL...[names changed...story isn't]

The Swamp Fox

Educate yourself. Stop looking stupid.

When did Mel Gibson fight in any war for the United States?
Obviously, you have no understanding of basic math. In 2001, Clinton's final budget, revenues were 20.5% of GDP. The last couple of years, revenues have been under 15% of GDP. That is a net loss in revenue of nearly 30%, and that loss in revenue of 30% accounts for over 65% of the yearly deficits. That is a revenue problem, and anyone that denies it is a moron, plain and simple. In the last 60 plus years, we have never run the federal government on 14% of GDP. This is the problem with cons; you can't figure out basic math.

Again.. wrong

US Government Spending As Percent Of GDP United States 1903-2010 - Federal State Local Data
Historical Source of Revenue as Share of GDP

We have a HUGE spending problem

Yes we do. Were you stupid enough to believe that the bills being run up by the prior administration would never become due? This is the high point of intellectual dishonesty. You want to blame Obama for the fact that he's required under law, to pay debt when it's due.

Your little "Aha!" lie was sliced, diced, and pureed before you ever even showed up here to crow about it. You're done.

Yes we do. Were you stupid enough to believe that the bills being run up by the prior administration would never become due? This is the high point of intellectual dishonesty. You want to blame Obama for the fact that he's required under law, to pay debt when it's due.

Your little "Aha!" lie was sliced, diced, and pureed before you ever even showed up here to crow about it. You're done.

Wrong again. All the facts hold water, but tell partisan hacks like yourself, things they don't want to hear.
Says the guy with a "made up patriot" in his avatar and sig line.

This country and it's economy has grown much since 1776.

Your "small government" vision seems to have not..

Made up Patriot? Tells ME that you have nothing else...

He and his story was REAL...[names changed...story isn't]

The Swamp Fox

Educate yourself. Stop looking stupid.

When did Mel Gibson fight in any war for the United States?

Pehaps you missed the stupid on YOUR part?
The same Progressives belive the economy is STATIC...and have to wreck it to prove thier point.

They live in a Zero Sum Game world.

"The pie never grows...and we'll make sure it doesn't." ;)

Says the guy with a "made up patriot" in his avatar and sig line.

This country and it's economy has grown much since 1776.

Your "small government" vision seems to have not..

First of all, we've had an economy long before 1776, Secondly "small government" was the rule of thumb in the "New World" since 1492, Thirdly that trend continued until about 1900...

The Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights played a crucial role in developing this nation and you progressive fucks are doing everything possible to destroy those ideas.

The Magna Carta was a part of a long evolution from Monarchy to Democracy..but not the end of it.

And it defines the rights of the aristocracy in respect to that of the king.

And that's the problem with you folks. You fail to understand that.

The system you want to go back to, holds that folks who are "lords" or "landed gentry" are the only folks with any rights.
I don't know what progressives don't understand about that...

These alleged companies and corporations are still writing a check to the government for millions and sometimes billions.....

It's almost like progressives believe the government allows companies and corporations to keep some of their earnings like some kind of an allowance, but the government is entitled to what they want.

Of course in reality and in the educated world it's the exact opposite....

The same Progressives belive the economy is STATIC...and have to wreck it to prove thier point.

They live in a Zero Sum Game world.

"The pie never grows...and we'll make sure it doesn't." ;)

Says the guy with a "made up patriot" in his avatar and sig line.

This country and it's economy has grown much since 1776.

Your "small government" vision seems to have not..

There is no such thing as ‘small government,’ it’s a rightist contrivance and fantasy like Camelot or Shangri-La.

The United States is a First World, industrialized Nation, and its government reflects that fact. There is no ‘going back.’

Conservatives need to get over this ‘small government’ nonsense and abandon their reactionary myth of an American past that never existed to begin with.

I believe that's a big part of the problem. Your hero spent the money, and didn't actually get shit for it in return. Could be that's why people are so pissed off about it.
Dick and Salt need to read this and come back:


Not really. I already know that one of the biggest causes of the deficit is due to a huge drop in revenue, after the Bush economy collapsed. The problem with some of the right wing morons here, is they're too dense to understand that a drop in revenue is automatically effect a balance sheet. They like to live in their lalaland that revenue doesn't matter, since if they didn't they'd have to accept the reality of the OP article.

I believe that's a big part of the problem. Your hero spent the money, and didn't actually get shit for it in return. Could be that's why people are so pissed off about it.

Except it wasn't the spending that created the deficit problem, it was the collapse of Bush's failed economic policies that sent revenues through the floor. The fact remains that Obama raised spending at the lowest rate since Ike.
The same Progressives belive the economy is STATIC...and have to wreck it to prove thier point.

They live in a Zero Sum Game world.

"The pie never grows...and we'll make sure it doesn't." ;)

Says the guy with a "made up patriot" in his avatar and sig line.

This country and it's economy has grown much since 1776.

Your "small government" vision seems to have not..

There is no such thing as ‘small government,’ it’s a rightist contrivance and fantasy like Camelot or Shangri-La.

The United States is a First World, industrialized Nation, and its government reflects that fact. There is no ‘going back.’

Conservatives need to get over this ‘small government’ nonsense and abandon their reactionary myth of an American past that never existed to begin with.

Well yeah.

Starting with the fact..that after disbanding the Continental Army (Which is part and parcel with "Small Government" because it shifts the idea of a full time professional army that is funded by the government to a part time militia (Second Amendment) that are citizens responsible for the defense of the nation) they quickly put it back together again. And it was Washington that suppressed the "State's right's" types in the Whiskey Rebellion. And for all his talk of limited government, nothing "limited" Jefferson from purchasing warships on the government dime..despite the complaints of conservatives of that time.

We've grown a great deal. And we need a big government to manage that growth.

"Small" feeble government..won't cut it.
About those oil subsidies, it's really tax breaks that every business gets,isn't it? And what's that got to do with the subject of the thread? Doesn't count as spending.

Indeed. Government didn't spend anything to foment commerce by such breaks as you rightly pointed out every business gets.

A Taxbreak is NOT an expenditure by the government.

A subsidy reduces revenue. Oh that's right, you don't know how to compute surplus/deficit.

you 'sir' are a dolt.
Indeed. Government didn't spend anything to foment commerce by such breaks as you rightly pointed out every business gets.

A Taxbreak is NOT an expenditure by the government.

A subsidy reduces revenue. Oh that's right, you don't know how to compute surplus/deficit.

you 'sir' are a dolt.

So he's been told many times...he is on a run to prove it conclusively.

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