Obama steals a town and gives it to indians

Red... Indians...

You a racist RW?


lol, you have to ask?

Democrats are the party of race, racial laws and racial division.

And Republicans are the party who hates everyone who doesn't look, act and think just like them.

Bullshit, prove it.

It is the Democrats who want to pass laws that define people by their race, not the GOP.

And this racism has a long history in the Democratic Party going back to the days of racial slavery.

But now they use the racism of Identity Politics and target white men instead of nonwhites.
^^^ Read the whole thread. Facts have been provided that show the article was wrong. The article cited in the OP was intentionally inflamatory and incorrect.

The article I linked to is the same one that 'thedoctorisin' linked to, not the OP, dumbass.

If you would read and think before running your fucking mouth you would know that, but then again you wouldn't be a libtard.
^^^ Read the whole thread. Facts have been provided that show the article was wrong. The article cited in the OP was itentionally inflamatory and incorrect.

what was incorrect in the article. be specific.

She didn't even look at the article as she indicates by referring to it as the OP and it is an article posted by thedoctorisn instead.

She is an idiot.
I welcome the day when you perverts try and complete your vision of your Amerika.

So, YOU know what's coming? :lol:

I don't think you know at all and we'll see who's boss before it's all said and done.

I'm game. I'm ready.

ARE YOU? :lol:

They have no idea.

But those that do, that have fought in such wars over seas and live in this country; how many of them will back the libtards in their war on the white man, in their war on freedom and liberty that most white men defend?

It isn't just white men who have fought for America: Native Americans, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc., have all fought and died for this country.

I didn't say that they were all white, you stupid fucktard.
I can't frigging believe it.

Talk about overstepping their authority.

Why isn't the Congress Critters from Wyoming raising all kinds of hell?

Because Congress has been intimidated into going along with anything Obama does.

The only Constitutional power given to Congress to reign in the executive branch is to cut funding, but after the last government shut down by Obama, the GOP pisses its pants at the mere thought of challenging Obama on this issue again.

GOP opposition is a sham and contrivance to pose as opposition and suck up all the oxygen a real third party might use to challenge the fascists that run the Democratic Party.

Yeah, because clearly, you crazies represent such a large slice of the electorate.
Again he is over stepping his bounds. He does not have the authority to do this without congressional approval.

Yes, he does have the authority to do it. That's why he did it. It is completely legal.

It is legal because he did it?

roflmao, you just cant make this stupid shit up, you cant.

You are an idiot. I didn't say it is legal because he did it. I said he did it because it was legal for him to do so. There is a huge, huge difference. Are you too stupid to see it, or are you being intentionally obtuse?
The problem with the reservations were...they took all tribes they could find and slapped them in one small parcel of land. Didn't matter if those tribes warred with each other for hundreds of years. They were all cooped up in one "cell", so to speak. Now..imagine the USA being seized by, lets say China, and they decide to give americans parcels in bad locations where there is no oil, no coal, no good farm land and say "there ya go. All yours", but change their minds and move us all again because gold or silver was discovered on that land. Up we all go, get moved again, slapped on another parcel that is hard to farm or even survive on. The topping on the cake? They take all the christians and all the muslims and slap them all together. On that one parcel.

How would you (general you) feel then?

Have you read Heinlein's "The Sixth Column"?

There are other solutions. Perhaps the Feds could pay the NAs the fair market value for the land this town has been built on. Or maybe the tribe would accept another parcel in exchange for this property. It shouldn't be absolutely necessary to dispossess others of their homes and businesses.
I am proposing that the government FINALLY stick to their treaties promised instead of continually shoving them around to make room for non native americans. That town was built on NA land. The town belongs to the NA's. Period. No ands ifs or buts.

Then let them have the land. I would still raze the town to the ground before I left. They didn't build that, after all. It just bothers me that people claiming to have been mistreated turn around an d perpetrate the same mistreatment on others. As if two wrongs would make it right. At some point, I would hope that the adults in the room would demand that the shit stops NOW. Let go of the bitter past, move on to the future. We can change that.

They are not mistreating anyone. They are asking that a legal document be honored the way it was supposed to be. The mistreatment came from the State of Wyoming and the US government who reneged on the original treaty. And you don't know if the NAs didn't have a part in building that town. You don't know that at all. Just because they live on reservation land doesn't mean they didn't go into town and help build the town and work in other jobs there. The shit that needs to stop is the US government and state government illegally taking back land that was deeded through treaty to the NAs.

NAs in this case seem to have a legit complaint, and historically, they have been mistreated as they have been driven from their homes. So how is a demand that others be driven from their homes not also mistreatment? You seem to assume that the current property owners acquired their places fully cognizant that they were taking Indian land. You know that how? While some Natives may own homes or businesses in this town, their claim to have the current inhabitants evicted in their favor would indicate otherwise.
Yes, he does have the authority to do it. That's why he did it. It is completely legal.

It is legal because he did it?

roflmao, you just cant make this stupid shit up, you cant.

You are an idiot. I didn't say it is legal because he did it. I said he did it because it was legal for him to do so. There is a huge, huge difference. Are you too stupid to see it, or are you being intentionally obtuse?

Lol, I am not going to debate semantics with a fool like you, but anyone can see the tautology you used, at least by implication if not directly.

Obama has done lots of things that even some on the left believe to be illegal and/or constitutional, so you claim he wouldn't do it if it was illegal is plain old horse shit.
The problem with the reservations were...they took all tribes they could find and slapped them in one small parcel of land. Didn't matter if those tribes warred with each other for hundreds of years. They were all cooped up in one "cell", so to speak. Now..imagine the USA being seized by, lets say China, and they decide to give americans parcels in bad locations where there is no oil, no coal, no good farm land and say "there ya go. All yours", but change their minds and move us all again because gold or silver was discovered on that land. Up we all go, get moved again, slapped on another parcel that is hard to farm or even survive on. The topping on the cake? They take all the christians and all the muslims and slap them all together. On that one parcel.

How would you (general you) feel then?

Have you read Heinlein's "The Sixth Column"?

There are other solutions. Perhaps the Feds could pay the NAs the fair market value for the land this town has been built on. Or maybe the tribe would accept another parcel in exchange for this property. It shouldn't be absolutely necessary to dispossess others of their homes and businesses.

But then how would they get that casino built?


It's hopeless.

How so.......................

It's hopeless that someone like me thinks the EPA is overstepping it's bounds................

How about a novel idea.....................Obama's EPA stops acting like a Court of Law instead of interpreting the laws that a apply to their jurisdiction............Which certainly don't include a Land Dispute...............

How about they learn the Basics of Gov't for a Change...............On which part of Gov't is responsible for this issue.................................

Next..............Should it be part of the Reservation what will happen next..........Will you now say we ignore that this town doesn't have to pay State Taxes anymore.................Will you then support that issue................Will you support the Tribe imposing a tax on that town afterwards.........................

Are you ignoring these points.................Is this a legal nightmare in the end............

We do seem to have drifted away from the OP. I agree that the EPA, in acting on this case, has overstepped and should be called to heel. But this administration is all about pushing boundaries beyond their legal, legitimate mandate.

It's hopeless.

How so.......................

It's hopeless that someone like me thinks the EPA is overstepping it's bounds................

How about a novel idea.....................Obama's EPA stops acting like a Court of Law instead of interpreting the laws that a apply to their jurisdiction............Which certainly don't include a Land Dispute...............

How about they learn the Basics of Gov't for a Change...............On which part of Gov't is responsible for this issue.................................

Next..............Should it be part of the Reservation what will happen next..........Will you now say we ignore that this town doesn't have to pay State Taxes anymore.................Will you then support that issue................Will you support the Tribe imposing a tax on that town afterwards.........................

Are you ignoring these points.................Is this a legal nightmare in the end............

We do seem to have drifted away from the OP. I agree that the EPA, in acting on this case, has overstepped and should be called to heel. But this administration is all about pushing boundaries beyond their legal, legitimate mandate.

So who is going to bell the cat?

It wont be the GOP apparently, they still haven't changed their diapers from the last government shut down.

There is no genuine effective opposition to the Obama regime left anywhere in DC.
How so.......................

It's hopeless that someone like me thinks the EPA is overstepping it's bounds................

How about a novel idea.....................Obama's EPA stops acting like a Court of Law instead of interpreting the laws that a apply to their jurisdiction............Which certainly don't include a Land Dispute...............

How about they learn the Basics of Gov't for a Change...............On which part of Gov't is responsible for this issue.................................

Next..............Should it be part of the Reservation what will happen next..........Will you now say we ignore that this town doesn't have to pay State Taxes anymore.................Will you then support that issue................Will you support the Tribe imposing a tax on that town afterwards.........................

Are you ignoring these points.................Is this a legal nightmare in the end............

We do seem to have drifted away from the OP. I agree that the EPA, in acting on this case, has overstepped and should be called to heel. But this administration is all about pushing boundaries beyond their legal, legitimate mandate.

So who is going to bell the cat?

It wont be the GOP apparently, they still haven't changed their diapers from the last government shut down.

There is no genuine effective opposition to the Obama regime left anywhere in DC.

Why is that, I wonder?
We do seem to have drifted away from the OP. I agree that the EPA, in acting on this case, has overstepped and should be called to heel. But this administration is all about pushing boundaries beyond their legal, legitimate mandate.

So who is going to bell the cat?

It wont be the GOP apparently, they still haven't changed their diapers from the last government shut down.

There is no genuine effective opposition to the Obama regime left anywhere in DC.

Why is that, I wonder?

Because the same international corporations and Wall Street banks own BOTH parties.
The native Americans here turned all their land into casinos. They are richer than crap. Ruined some of the most beautiful country out here. In true American style.

They are richer than crap.

a few are but for the most part

no they are not

many still abide by the promise of the government

to take care of their every need

and this is the result

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7i0MT0NoxU]POOREST place in AMERICA Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Native American YouTu - YouTube[/ame]

it is disgusting what happened to these once proud

and self sufficient people

slowly they throwing away the promises of the democrats
Riddle me this PALEFACE................

You have stolen my lands, even though my ancestors sold the land for a bottle of Jack Daniels........................You have broken your treaties and built on our lands...........We have lost in the courts but have found a new arrow to RE-INTERPRET TO YOUR LYING LAWS the EPA............A puppet court of the U.S. Gov't PALEFACE.................We will GET OUR LAND BACK.............But unlike you we will let you stay there..............But we will not pay your local taxes or your State Taxes there................On top of that Paleface...........our TRIBE will decide on what taxes you will pay the for allowing you to live on our land..........................

We will build a Casino, and allow you to work there...........The Buffalo will return and a SCREAMING EAGLE called the EPA will show us the way................

lol, you really want to reignite white racism in this country, don't you?


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