Obama steals a town and gives it to indians

show me the proof that Native Americans were the only ones on this land FIRST.

You first and dont try the debunked Soultrain myth posted up above.

nope, YOU - first a s it is you who stated that there were nobody before Native Americans on this continent.

Link :D

No you said there where whites here first. Thats why I told you not to show me the failed Soultrain myth. Show me the link or admit your are stupid.
You first and dont try the debunked Soultrain myth posted up above.

nope, YOU - first a s it is you who stated that there were nobody before Native Americans on this continent.

Link :D

No you said there where whites here first. Thats why I told you not to show me the failed Soultrain myth. Show me the link or admit your are stupid.

It just doesn't matter who was here 13,000 years ago or 9 thousand years ago, or 200 years ago. The land was won in battles and wars. The issue is that treaties were made and should be adhered to. It is a legal issue about treaties. If we tried to return land to people who lived there thousands of years ago, we'd be exchanging land all over the world. The history of mankind is migration, and often those migrations resulted in wars over land.
But this was not thousands of years ago. This was 1905. It was their land, given to them in a treaty. Then the nearby towns began to encroach and did indeed encroach.


Give the home owners that do not wish to stay, what the property is worth. Those that do want to stay and are allowed to by the elders, come to some kind of terms both parties agree to. The government allowed the encroachment. The government should pay to GET BACK what they ALLOWED to happen.

This will be messy, but if this is what is going down, then those who bought homes should be recompensated...not by the NA's either. And I am thinking the elders of that nation will WANT most to stay because it would be in their best interests. Kinda like mexico..where they have a life estate. Once the home owners pass on...the property reverts back to the owners of the land...the NA's.
The problem with the reservations were...they took all tribes they could find and slapped them in one small parcel of land. Didn't matter if those tribes warred with each other for hundreds of years. They were all cooped up in one "cell", so to speak. Now..imagine the USA being seized by, lets say China, and they decide to give americans parcels in bad locations where there is no oil, no coal, no good farm land and say "there ya go. All yours", but change their minds and move us all again because gold or silver was discovered on that land. Up we all go, get moved again, slapped on another parcel that is hard to farm or even survive on. The topping on the cake? They take all the christians and all the muslims and slap them all together. On that one parcel.

How would you (general you) feel then?
It seems this controversy has been going on since 1905 and that the town took property away from reservation land awarded to the Native Americans. It's the kind of controversy that has occurred many times over land and resources during all the time the US has existed. And other administrations have gone against someone or some group in trying to settle them. This is really nothing new and nothing that other presidents haven't done. Let the people involved settle it as has been done before. Looking at the picture at the town, I'm wondering why anyone would want it anyway. But then that's the case in the ME as well: killing each other over land that is essentially barren wasteland. People are nuts. I'll bet these people in Wyoming have been offered more money for their land than it's worth and have refused it because they are clinging to that ugly piece of shit town.

Sometimes, home is what it is and we cherish our homes. If it's such an ugly shit town, why would the Natives want it?

A casino comes to mind...
Riverton is just 120 miles from Casper and 4 hours from Cheyenne.
Wyoming's two most populous cities.
Riverton is also oat the junction of two major routes which cross Wyoming. US 20 and US 26

Thanks for the additional info. I'm sure that having a town already established is also attractive.
Funny thing, NAs whine about how they were driven off "their" land and now they want to treat others just as badly. You would thinkmthey'd have more understanding.
Well...probably gonna get some flack for this, but....I think it's great. For the iNative Americans. However, those in town that do not wish to stay should be bought out so they can buy land somewhere else. Obama seems to be flashing money around so why not compensate the land owners THEN give the town BACK TO WHOM IT BELONGED TO FROM THE GETGO?

Personally, if it was me, I would make damn sure to meet with the elders and see if they would honor me owning the home I am in. Once I am dead, they can have it back.

But that's me.

The entire country belonged to Native Americans at one time. Do you propose some kind of statute of limitations, or should all of it be returned to its "rightful" owners? I would venture to say that most people who live in this town, own property there, were not aware of this possibility when they made their decision. If anything, why not sue the title companies for negligence? That will probably happen, anyway. At some point, we have to draw a line and admit that what was is no longer and move into the future.
If I lived in this town and was getting evicted for this purpose, I guarantee that the "inheritors" would have to like shades of charcoal because I'd see them take razed earth before they took what I earned, or built, or bought in good faith.

I am proposing that the government FINALLY stick to their treaties promised instead of continually shoving them around to make room for non native americans. That town was built on NA land. The town belongs to the NA's. Period. No ands ifs or buts.

Then let them have the land. I would still raze the town to the ground before I left. They didn't build that, after all. It just bothers me that people claiming to have been mistreated turn around an d perpetrate the same mistreatment on others. As if two wrongs would make it right. At some point, I would hope that the adults in the room would demand that the shit stops NOW. Let go of the bitter past, move on to the future. We can change that.
The entire country belonged to Native Americans at one time. Do you propose some kind of statute of limitations, or should all of it be returned to its "rightful" owners? I would venture to say that most people who live in this town, own property there, were not aware of this possibility when they made their decision. If anything, why not sue the title companies for negligence? That will probably happen, anyway. At some point, we have to draw a line and admit that what was is no longer and move into the future.
If I lived in this town and was getting evicted for this purpose, I guarantee that the "inheritors" would have to like shades of charcoal because I'd see them take razed earth before they took what I earned, or built, or bought in good faith.

I am proposing that the government FINALLY stick to their treaties promised instead of continually shoving them around to make room for non native americans. That town was built on NA land. The town belongs to the NA's. Period. No ands ifs or buts.

Then let them have the land. I would still raze the town to the ground before I left. They didn't build that, after all. It just bothers me that people claiming to have been mistreated turn around an d perpetrate the same mistreatment on others. As if two wrongs would make it right. At some point, I would hope that the adults in the room would demand that the shit stops NOW. Let go of the bitter past, move on to the future. We can change that.

They are not mistreating anyone. They are asking that a legal document be honored the way it was supposed to be. The mistreatment came from the State of Wyoming and the US government who reneged on the original treaty. And you don't know if the NAs didn't have a part in building that town. You don't know that at all. Just because they live on reservation land doesn't mean they didn't go into town and help build the town and work in other jobs there. The shit that needs to stop is the US government and state government illegally taking back land that was deeded through treaty to the NAs.
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No one has been evicted. No one has had their land or property taken from them. Nothing has been seized, nothing has been "given" to anyone.

The only question is whether the town is under the jurisdiction of the state, or the tribe.
The entire country belonged to Native Americans at one time. Do you propose some kind of statute of limitations, or should all of it be returned to its "rightful" owners? I would venture to say that most people who live in this town, own property there, were not aware of this possibility when they made their decision. If anything, why not sue the title companies for negligence? That will probably happen, anyway. At some point, we have to draw a line and admit that what was is no longer and move into the future.
If I lived in this town and was getting evicted for this purpose, I guarantee that the "inheritors" would have to like shades of charcoal because I'd see them take razed earth before they took what I earned, or built, or bought in good faith.

I am proposing that the government FINALLY stick to their treaties promised instead of continually shoving them around to make room for non native americans. That town was built on NA land. The town belongs to the NA's. Period. No ands ifs or buts.

There is a huge difference between giving back the entire country and honoring treaties. So obvious I can't understand how people don't see it. But, they are thinking in extremes, without logic, as they usually do. This topic is about honoring legal agreements, treaties. The US government made treaties about land/reservations being set aside for the Native Americans, and the government has broken those legal agreements. As Gracie says, they need to stick to their treaties. It is the US government who is behaving illegally. This is about a legal issue, not about giving back a country that was essentially won in wars and battles with the native population.

The Bolded is spot on.............It's a LEGAL ISSUE.............Exactly at what time did the EPA become A COURT OF LAW.................It is a Land Dispute, which should be settled in the Courts, and their INTERPRETATION of the land area without REGARD to the Congressional LAWS is quite Frankly LEGAL...............

They are NOT A COURT OF LAW..........And their JUDGEMENT is INVALID on settling the land dispute...........They are trying to BE THE COURT, instead of delegating it to the PROPER AUTHORITY.............Which is an Abuse of Power................Something this administration has no problem doing...............

Won in Battles and Wars with the Native Population....

Riddle me this...............

Name a country in the world that's boundaries are not defined by the Wars fought for the land over time..........................

Before the Europeans came to North America, the INDIANS ENGAGED IN WARS between themselves...........In some cases certain Tribes were wiped off the face of the earth in these Wars..............Their HUNTING GROUNDS or COUNTRY were the BATTLE GROUNDS AND WARS that they fought to maintain their territories...............

While this does not justify their Conquest, it is REALITY............So please spare me the outrage of today from what happened Centuries ago.........No one alive today fought in those battles...........None of those Indian tribes wiped out are even here today to reclaim the land in the Indian to Indian Wars.............

To the OP......Go to court...........

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pCv7k_Hzvg]The Gael - Last of the Mohicans Theme (Dougie Maclean) - YouTube[/ame]

It's hopeless.

How so.......................

It's hopeless that someone like me thinks the EPA is overstepping it's bounds................

How about a novel idea.....................Obama's EPA stops acting like a Court of Law instead of interpreting the laws that a apply to their jurisdiction............Which certainly don't include a Land Dispute...............

How about they learn the Basics of Gov't for a Change...............On which part of Gov't is responsible for this issue.................................

Next..............Should it be part of the Reservation what will happen next..........Will you now say we ignore that this town doesn't have to pay State Taxes anymore.................Will you then support that issue................Will you support the Tribe imposing a tax on that town afterwards.........................

Are you ignoring these points.................Is this a legal nightmare in the end............
Read the whole thread; maybe you'll figure it out. I'm neither interested in repeating myself over and over again nor in repeating what others have posted. One point: EPA did not make the decision.
Read the whole thread; maybe you'll figure it out. I'm neither interested in repeating myself over and over again nor in repeating what others have posted. One point: EPA did not make the decision.


By interpreting the law to the Treaty, yes they did................

As you ignore my points..............one poster said this has gone to court TWICE............

So why are the boundaries still the same..............

Because they lost.............So now this is legal Back Door attempt to change the land map.
It is a very simple legal issue. The Native Americans were deeded the land in a treaty. In 1905, the State of Wyoming and the US Congress ignored the treaty and took the land away from the NAs. They are the ones who broke the law. It belongs to the NAs. Just because it went to court twice and didn't win doesn't make it right. The treaty was broken, by the white guys. They need to give the land back. Very, very simple.
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It is a very simple legal issue. The Native Americans were deeded the land in a treaty. In 1905, the State of Wyoming and the US Congress ignored the treaty and took the land away from the NAs. They are the ones who broke the law. It belongs to the NAs. Just because it went to court twice and didn't win doesn't make it right. The treaty was broken, by the white guys. They need to give the land back. Very, very simple.

No it's not..............

If it's that simple, then they should have already won in court................

Why haven't they.....................
Read the effing thread.

I already have.....................

And I've read the articles...........Researched more of the same..............Even posted data on what could happen should the courts decide in their favor...........

As much as your done with me, I'm done with you........
I can't frigging believe it.

Talk about overstepping their authority.

Why isn't the Congress Critters from Wyoming raising all kinds of hell?

Because Congress has been intimidated into going along with anything Obama does.

The only Constitutional power given to Congress to reign in the executive branch is to cut funding, but after the last government shut down by Obama, the GOP pisses its pants at the mere thought of challenging Obama on this issue again.

GOP opposition is a sham and contrivance to pose as opposition and suck up all the oxygen a real third party might use to challenge the fascists that run the Democratic Party.
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