Obama steals a town and gives it to indians

He said white people were there first dumbass. Learn how to read.

Irrelevant to the claim that "Indians" are indigenous. They are not, they are invaders every bit as much as Europeans are.

There is not an inch of occupied land on this Earth that has not been taken from someone else at some point in time.

There is no proof the NA's were not indigenous to that particular area. If so present your proof. N. America is very large.
Yes, Obama issued the order and delivered it himself, yet, when speaking on the subject of the killing of Bin Laden, the president did not kill him someone in a special ops unit did it. Do try to be consistent with usage.
He said white people were there first dumbass. Learn how to read.

Irrelevant to the claim that "Indians" are indigenous. They are not, they are invaders every bit as much as Europeans are.

There is not an inch of occupied land on this Earth that has not been taken from someone else at some point in time.

Which makes it okay when someone wants what you have, and will kill you to take it.

Don't bitch when it happens to you.
He said white people were there first dumbass. Learn how to read.

Irrelevant to the claim that "Indians" are indigenous. They are not, they are invaders every bit as much as Europeans are.

There is not an inch of occupied land on this Earth that has not been taken from someone else at some point in time.

Which makes it okay when someone wants what you have, and will kill you to take it.

Don't bitch when it happens to you.

Well thats logical isn't it? Any rationale will do to steal land.
Oh trust me I know that already. This is just more of the same stuff that has been going on since Europeans got to this continent. Someone knew full well that land belonged to the NA's. They just got caught.

So let "someone" compensate all the people who legally purchased the land on which their homes and businesses sit.
This bullshit is just another version of those frivolous and very costly Indian land claims that affected Connecticut towns.
Frivolous but the cost in legal fees to the property owners who were caught in the middle of this were immense.
The shit ended with what the Mashantucket Pequots were wanting all along. A payoff.
25 USC § 1754 - Mashantucket Pequot Settlement Fund | Title 25 - Indians | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute
The Pequots wanted two things from the federal government.
Federal Tribal recognition AND the right to build and open a Gaming facility(casino)
Otherwise, the homeowners of CT would continue to be dragged into court for the foreseeable future.
BTW, many homeowners got to declare bankruptcy. Lots lost their homes.

Yep, seriously, when you beat a people down, decimate their culture, kill their people, steal their land, and send their kids to boarding schools hundreds or thousands of miles away from home for years, thus destroying the family and tribal unit, they should just crawl into a hole somewhere, never to be heard from again. What a God awful nuisance they have made of themselves. Shameful.

Spare me the faux outrage.
The people of this town had precisely DICK to do with the contents of your diatribe.
They are the rightful owners of their homes and the land on which they sit.
So you can cut out the bullshit now.
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Well...probably gonna get some flack for this, but....I think it's great. For the iNative Americans. However, those in town that do not wish to stay should be bought out so they can buy land somewhere else. Obama seems to be flashing money around so why not compensate the land owners THEN give the town BACK TO WHOM IT BELONGED TO FROM THE GETGO?

Personally, if it was me, I would make damn sure to meet with the elders and see if they would honor me owning the home I am in. Once I am dead, they can have it back.

But that's me.

The entire country belonged to Native Americans at one time. Do you propose some kind of statute of limitations, or should all of it be returned to its "rightful" owners? I would venture to say that most people who live in this town, own property there, were not aware of this possibility when they made their decision. If anything, why not sue the title companies for negligence? That will probably happen, anyway. At some point, we have to draw a line and admit that what was is no longer and move into the future.
If I lived in this town and was getting evicted for this purpose, I guarantee that the "inheritors" would have to like shades of charcoal because I'd see them take razed earth before they took what I earned, or built, or bought in good faith.
It seems this controversy has been going on since 1905 and that the town took property away from reservation land awarded to the Native Americans. It's the kind of controversy that has occurred many times over land and resources during all the time the US has existed. And other administrations have gone against someone or some group in trying to settle them. This is really nothing new and nothing that other presidents haven't done. Let the people involved settle it as has been done before. Looking at the picture at the town, I'm wondering why anyone would want it anyway. But then that's the case in the ME as well: killing each other over land that is essentially barren wasteland. People are nuts. I'll bet these people in Wyoming have been offered more money for their land than it's worth and have refused it because they are clinging to that ugly piece of shit town.

Sometimes, home is what it is and we cherish our homes. If it's such an ugly shit town, why would the Natives want it?
it is the first instance of the government seizing tribal lands this way

But it is an entirely different issue.............This case is about a Land Dispute not a seizure of land by the IRS.........

And once again this administration is choosing a side, creating winners and losers.
It is not the job of government to be an advocate. Government should be an arbitrator.
Well what I don't understand and let me preface this with I AM A KICKASS CONSERVATIVE I don't understand why we treat these souls like they are some third class peoples? Me too up here. I'm freaking out over this because this is wrong. And not addressed.

I t is wrong. It should be addressed.

I would like to think this is the right way, but knowing that obama admin ALWAYS screws somewhere - watch out - because there could be mines hidden in the nowadays reparations as well.

That does not mean that I do not consider it is fair to give back what belongs to the tribes. I do. I am just suspicious as as vile as this admin is, they might hide inside some unexpected consequences.

you know, you have to pass it first in order to learn what is inside.

Tribal lawyers or whoever is hired should be sharks in dealing with the government

I've been dealing with this for years. For true. I think you know me by now I am not a liar. I've worked so hard on First Nations but outside the realm because you should see what their chiefs are doing to fuck them over.

Its so screwed up.

So, you're telling us that First Nations people are just as screwed over by their so-called "leaders" as the rest of us are?
To each other..................

Would you like me to tell you what first nations did to each other?

Because I can. And would you like me to tell you in graphic detail? Because I can. It didn't take the white man from Europe to teach one how to do these "special" things.

Oh, good Lord.

our leftards are simply racists in assuming only white people could be evil.

we all have the same 46 chromosomes. With the same 4 nucleotides :D

we don't differ much. on here.

and out there - don't differ at all.
Vikings stayed for a hot second. Show me proof anyone else got here before the NA's besides Black people.

show me the proof that Native Americans were the only ones on this land FIRST.

You first and dont try the debunked Soultrain myth posted up above.

nope, YOU - first a s it is you who stated that there were nobody before Native Americans on this continent.

Link :D
It seems this controversy has been going on since 1905 and that the town took property away from reservation land awarded to the Native Americans. It's the kind of controversy that has occurred many times over land and resources during all the time the US has existed. And other administrations have gone against someone or some group in trying to settle them. This is really nothing new and nothing that other presidents haven't done. Let the people involved settle it as has been done before. Looking at the picture at the town, I'm wondering why anyone would want it anyway. But then that's the case in the ME as well: killing each other over land that is essentially barren wasteland. People are nuts. I'll bet these people in Wyoming have been offered more money for their land than it's worth and have refused it because they are clinging to that ugly piece of shit town.

Sometimes, home is what it is and we cherish our homes. If it's such an ugly shit town, why would the Natives want it?

A casino comes to mind...
Riverton is just 120 miles from Casper and 4 hours from Cheyenne.
Wyoming's two most populous cities.
Riverton is also oat the junction of two major routes which cross Wyoming. US 20 and US 26
It seems this controversy has been going on since 1905 and that the town took property away from reservation land awarded to the Native Americans. It's the kind of controversy that has occurred many times over land and resources during all the time the US has existed. And other administrations have gone against someone or some group in trying to settle them. This is really nothing new and nothing that other presidents haven't done. Let the people involved settle it as has been done before. Looking at the picture at the town, I'm wondering why anyone would want it anyway. But then that's the case in the ME as well: killing each other over land that is essentially barren wasteland. People are nuts. I'll bet these people in Wyoming have been offered more money for their land than it's worth and have refused it because they are clinging to that ugly piece of shit town.

You are really an idiot. The middle east is not a barren wasteland. I have been and I have seen. Neither is the American southwest. I have been and I have seen. I would imagine about any third world hell hole to be superior to where you live.
If the federal government wants to take your land they will take it. Western KY had the experience of the TVA taking land for a federal wildlife preserve known as Land Between the Lakes. That land had been in those families for generations. The feds ran them off of it. But first they rant them out of the little towns and flooded the towns with the building of two dams, KY Dam and Barkley Dam.

Obama is a racist shithead. This is just another of his racist shit head behaviors. Be prepared for more of a magnitude which you would never have predicted.
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Well...probably gonna get some flack for this, but....I think it's great. For the iNative Americans. However, those in town that do not wish to stay should be bought out so they can buy land somewhere else. Obama seems to be flashing money around so why not compensate the land owners THEN give the town BACK TO WHOM IT BELONGED TO FROM THE GETGO?

Personally, if it was me, I would make damn sure to meet with the elders and see if they would honor me owning the home I am in. Once I am dead, they can have it back.

But that's me.

The entire country belonged to Native Americans at one time. Do you propose some kind of statute of limitations, or should all of it be returned to its "rightful" owners? I would venture to say that most people who live in this town, own property there, were not aware of this possibility when they made their decision. If anything, why not sue the title companies for negligence? That will probably happen, anyway. At some point, we have to draw a line and admit that what was is no longer and move into the future.
If I lived in this town and was getting evicted for this purpose, I guarantee that the "inheritors" would have to like shades of charcoal because I'd see them take razed earth before they took what I earned, or built, or bought in good faith.

I am proposing that the government FINALLY stick to their treaties promised instead of continually shoving them around to make room for non native americans. That town was built on NA land. The town belongs to the NA's. Period. No ands ifs or buts.
Well...probably gonna get some flack for this, but....I think it's great. For the iNative Americans. However, those in town that do not wish to stay should be bought out so they can buy land somewhere else. Obama seems to be flashing money around so why not compensate the land owners THEN give the town BACK TO WHOM IT BELONGED TO FROM THE GETGO?

Personally, if it was me, I would make damn sure to meet with the elders and see if they would honor me owning the home I am in. Once I am dead, they can have it back.

But that's me.

The entire country belonged to Native Americans at one time. Do you propose some kind of statute of limitations, or should all of it be returned to its "rightful" owners? I would venture to say that most people who live in this town, own property there, were not aware of this possibility when they made their decision. If anything, why not sue the title companies for negligence? That will probably happen, anyway. At some point, we have to draw a line and admit that what was is no longer and move into the future.
If I lived in this town and was getting evicted for this purpose, I guarantee that the "inheritors" would have to like shades of charcoal because I'd see them take razed earth before they took what I earned, or built, or bought in good faith.

I am proposing that the government FINALLY stick to their treaties promised instead of continually shoving them around to make room for non native americans. That town was built on NA land. The town belongs to the NA's. Period. No ands ifs or buts.

There is a huge difference between giving back the entire country and honoring treaties. So obvious I can't understand how people don't see it. But, they are thinking in extremes, without logic, as they usually do. This topic is about honoring legal agreements, treaties. The US government made treaties about land/reservations being set aside for the Native Americans, and the government has broken those legal agreements. As Gracie says, they need to stick to their treaties. It is the US government who is behaving illegally. This is about a legal issue, not about giving back a country that was essentially won in wars and battles with the native population.
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