Obama steals a town and gives it to indians

1. The EPA, while it does have the right to enforce Environmental Laws, is overreaching it's authority on this matter...........I believe they have NO RIGHT to EVEN BE INVOLVED in this case...........this is a legal BACK DOOR way to CHALLENGE the LAND DISPUTE................

2. If they win in court, which is DOUBTFUL, as the 1905 law will more than likely TRUMP the TREATY, no one will be required to leave the town...............But then comes in the Catch 22 part of this equation...................If they win, BASICALLY NO ONE IN THAT TOWN HAS TO PAY STATE AND LOCAL TAXES ANYMORE..............Whether they are PALEFACE or INDIAN..............

So, the people of that town can now say WE DON'T HAVE TO PAY STATE TAXES ANYMORE OR LOCAL.................

Then the Indians can IMPOSE A TAX ON THE TOWN...............

This is a FREAKING LEGAL NIGHTMARE which WILL BE SETTLED IN THE COURTS..............What the EPA should have done was RESPOND that THIS IS A LEGAL MATTER to be DECIDED IN THE COURTS...............And if you have a LAND DISPUTE, GO TO COURT................

But the EPA, DECIDED TO MAKE A DECISION on the issue when they SHOULD HAVE sent it to the courts WITHOUT BUTTING INTO THE SITUATION.

To me it's a clear ABUSE OF POWER, which doesn't surprise me at all.
1. The EPA, while it does have the right to enforce Environmental Laws, is overreaching it's authority on this matter...........I believe they have NO RIGHT to EVEN BE INVOLVED in this case...........this is a legal BACK DOOR way to CHALLENGE the LAND DISPUTE................

2. If they win in court, which is DOUBTFUL, as the 1905 law will more than likely TRUMP the TREATY, no one will be required to leave the town...............But then comes in the Catch 22 part of this equation...................If they win, BASICALLY NO ONE IN THAT TOWN HAS TO PAY STATE AND LOCAL TAXES ANYMORE..............Whether they are PALEFACE or INDIAN..............

So, the people of that town can now say WE DON'T HAVE TO PAY STATE TAXES ANYMORE OR LOCAL.................

Then the Indians can IMPOSE A TAX ON THE TOWN...............

This is a FREAKING LEGAL NIGHTMARE which WILL BE SETTLED IN THE COURTS..............What the EPA should have done was RESPOND that THIS IS A LEGAL MATTER to be DECIDED IN THE COURTS...............And if you have a LAND DISPUTE, GO TO COURT................

But the EPA, DECIDED TO MAKE A DECISION on the issue when they SHOULD HAVE sent it to the courts WITHOUT BUTTING INTO THE SITUATION.

To me it's a clear ABUSE OF POWER, which doesn't surprise me at all.

of course it is

and it should not surprise you at all
Native American Rights Fund, Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Native Peoples

Do Indians pay taxes?

All Indians are subject to federal income taxes. As sovereign entities, tribal governments have the power to levy taxes on reservation lands. Some tribes do and some don't. As a result, Indians and non-Indians may or may not pay sales taxes on goods and services purchased on the reservation depending on the tribe. However, whenever a member of an Indian tribe conducts business off the reservation, that person, like everyone else, pays both state and local taxes. State income taxes are not paid on reservation or trust lands.

American Indian land sold off by IRS to pay off taxes
US tax officials have sold off thousands of acres of an impoverished Indian reservation in what the tribe claims is a "shameful" and unprecedented breach of laws protecting Native Americans.

American Indian land sold off by IRS to pay off taxes - Telegraph

Totally different situation............And a completely different subject..............The IRS does the same thing to the Farmers, especially using the Death TAX to force families of Farmers to pay an inheritance tax and thus lose their land.............I do believe that law has recently been changed to only if valued above 5 million..............

Either way, the IRS has been seizing property via non payment of taxes for a long time now..............It's not a PURELY INDIAN ISSUE.
Before we go too far down the Right Wing Rabbit Hole, some clarity on the issue.

EPA reservation boundary decision sparks controversy in Riverton, Wyo.

The announcement came five years after the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone tribes filed an application with the EPA to have more authority in monitoring the reservation's air quality.

The boundaries of Riverton and environmental policy may seem independent of one another.

But the application process forced the EPA, Department of Interior and Department of Justice to dig through the annals of history to delineate what areas the tribes are in charge of monitoring.

In their research, the agencies discovered that a 1905 land act previously thought to have passed tribal land to homesteaders didn’t legally do so.

The 1905 legislation set aside land for non-Indian settlers. The tribes sold 9 percent of the land to settlers. That 9 percent comprises Riverton. The remaining 91 percent was returned to the reservation.

In the wake of the 1905 act, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on a number of cases that created precedents for determining valid land transactions from tribes to nontribal members. They are based on three criteria: congressional authority, payment method and contract language. The EPA claims the latter two were not met in regards to the 1905 case.

The U.S. Supreme Court has heard two cases where land sales similar to the one in Riverton have proved unsound, giving the EPA the impetus to make its ruling on Riverton.

“The ruling, from my perspective, is not surprising. I believe the 1905 boundaries did not diminish the Wind River Indian Reservation,” Northern Arapaho member and state Rep. Patrick Goggles, D-Ethete, said. “I realize there is frustration in terms of jurisdiction issues, but this is a good opportunity for local governments and tribes to work together to minimize those differences of opinion and disputes. Tomorrow the sun will rise and life will go on.”

Too late!!


They are already frothy-mixing!!!
Too Late......................


The EPA should have deferred the land Dispute to the proper authority...............They are re-interpreting the law which isn't their damned place to decide............

While the decision FORCES COURT ACTION, it does not JUSTIFY their decision to believe they have the authority to choose the Treaty over the Congressional laws...................

To me that is just plain BS............

And as I've already stated this is a legal NIGHTMARE................The people of the city can say WELL I'M NOT PAYING STATE TAXES ANYMORE...............

and the Indians can DEMAND TAXES ON THE CITY...............

This is a Court ISSUE, not an EPA ISSUE............But of course the EPA BELIEVES.....................

wait for it.....................................

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miVoe7U6Lx4]Judge Dredd - I NEVER BROKE THE LAW... I AM THE LAW! - YouTube[/ame]
Native American Rights Fund, Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Native Peoples

Do Indians pay taxes?

All Indians are subject to federal income taxes. As sovereign entities, tribal governments have the power to levy taxes on reservation lands. Some tribes do and some don't. As a result, Indians and non-Indians may or may not pay sales taxes on goods and services purchased on the reservation depending on the tribe. However, whenever a member of an Indian tribe conducts business off the reservation, that person, like everyone else, pays both state and local taxes. State income taxes are not paid on reservation or trust lands.

American Indian land sold off by IRS to pay off taxes
US tax officials have sold off thousands of acres of an impoverished Indian reservation in what the tribe claims is a "shameful" and unprecedented breach of laws protecting Native Americans.

American Indian land sold off by IRS to pay off taxes - Telegraph

Totally different situation............And a completely different subject..............The IRS does the same thing to the Farmers, especially using the Death TAX to force families of Farmers to pay an inheritance tax and thus lose their land.............I do believe that law has recently been changed to only if valued above 5 million..............

Either way, the IRS has been seizing property via non payment of taxes for a long time now..............It's not a PURELY INDIAN ISSUE.

it is the first instance of the government seizing tribal lands this way
it is the first instance of the government seizing tribal lands this way

But it is an entirely different issue.............This case is about a Land Dispute not a seizure of land by the IRS.........
there has been two cases before the state Supreme court

one determined that Riverton was part of the reservation 1980

one determined it a Riverton was not part of the reservation 2008
When pretty much the same thing happened in Maine? (only then, it was a huge part of the state) The TAXPAYERS of MAINE paid the Indian tribes for the land.

A boy oh boy were the TIMBER COMPANIES that owned most of that stolen land happy THEY didn't have to pay up or lose their stolen lands.

Instead the average taxpayer ponied up the dough so the South African corporation could continue to cut timber.


hmm. colby's protecting its copyright I guess

here's the map

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Bottom line to me, aka my opinion................

One poster has stated that the Indians have attempted to get the land back through the courts in 2 different cases.........I have not seen those decisions and have no desire to research them, because had they won those cases the Indiana would not be trying to use a BACK DOOR LEGAL MOVE to claim the land....................

The EPA is not a court of law............While they can render decisions on Environmental Laws THEY Have attempted to Render a Decision on a LAND DISPUTE that is NOT IN THEIR JURISDICTION.....

This will be again settled in the Courts.............Which is the SOLE PURPOSE of the Indians filing with the EPA to begin with...........It's a back door attempt to try another SCOTUS RULING..............Nothing more and nothing less.
Stupid. Really, really stupid. So, who are you planning to shoot? Indians?

You're mentally retarded.

Which is why you are a leftist and belong to the AGW cult.

I've said repeatedly that the proper venue for resolving property rights disputes is the courts. IF the tribes in question have a treaty that grants them this land, why not go to court?

Obama is a thug, and rather than letting the courts settle the question, he DICTATES through the EPA, who have no legal authority to address property rights or treaty disputes.

Obama is engaging in the act PURELY to agitate, his background is as a Communist Agitator, and that is how he runs his administration.

Look, you have less IQ points than a pile of old rocks, but anyone with a brain knows that this nation is a powder keg. Your beloved fuckwad in chief keeps lighting matches and throwing them at it.

Have you ever been to a powwow, dumb fuck? The whole shebang is started with a presentation of the flags by veterans. You see, Native Americans have the highest rate of service of any group in the US. So you would not be dealing with a bunch of people liky yourself.

The Native Americans have been cheated repeatedly in land deals, and outright thefts. It is time that the lands promised in the treatys are returned to them.

Again, you are a fucking retard addressing a fantasy you got from KOS, which has nothing to do with my posts.
Before unsubscribing from this thread, just thought I'd make a couple of comments.

Someone referred to "Stone Age" Indians. Yes, they had not advanced beyond the stone age and their advances only came AFTER the arrival of Europeans. Before then, they had lived close to the land and prospered or died as the animals they depended upon for their sustenance.

Whether that is good or bad is not, IMHO, for us to judge.

Europeans came and took the land away that the Indians NEVER claimed title to. You see, no Indian tribe in North America ever claimed title to the land, deeply believing they were just stewards of where their gods placed them. Most tribal warfare took place due to disputes over who could hunt where - even though Jackson Hole, for instance, was neutral ground where none of them permanently lived and all could hunt.

As someone else pointed out, most reservations are garbage pits with high unemployment, drug use, and all sorts of other criminal activities. Who's to blame for that? The Indians or the Bureau of Indian Affairs that has NEVER made a major move to help those they are supposedly responsible for.

Judge for yourselves.
[ame=http://youtu.be/7TNmgxLJO8k]Obama Mispronounces Name Of Choctaw Nation - YouTube[/ame]

The 1905 Act area was formally opened to homestead entry by a Presidential
Proclamation issued June 2, 1906. The publications advertising the availability of land show the
opened area as part of the Shoshone or Wind River Reservation

Federal EPA Ruling: Riverton is part of Indian Country, 1905 law did not diminish Tribe's claim; Wyoming to appeal - County 10

Basically, there is no change of ownership and the land was always part of the reservation, as the 1905 law allowed settlement by whites, not a change in the borders of the reservation.

Obama has done nothing either way; just the EPA is following law as laid out by congress.

The OP lied.

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