Obama steals a town and gives it to indians

I certainly hope the governor nullifies this illegal EPA ruling. This illegal administration needs to learn that obamy isn't king. He and his minions don't rule by edict. He will learn this eventually even if it's the hard way.

Hopefully he'll spend years in prison for the shit he pulls by virtue of his czars and appointees.

My take is screw these 'wagon burners'. Hundreds of thousands of wagon burners signed over their land/rights for a bottle of fire water. Why? If one ascribes to the theory of evolution, the Indian found himself a stone-age creature confronting people on the verge of the industrial age. He could not cope and until this day is far behind. Progress has left him behind. Here is a comment from a poster on another website:

"This really is another attack on Whites. The town is 85% white. People built their business there. What next? Are we going to give Texas back to Mexico?

I've been to Riverton quite a few times and the surrounding reservations when I used to have to deliver down there (drove truck for a bit). The reservations are full wild dogs, trash, drugs, and alcoholism. I think it was around the mid-1980's, the Shoshone and Arapahoe went at it. It wasn't in the news much but there were many murders. The best thing to happen to the Native Americans down there are the Whites."

Next time those whites need to get permission from the people that were there first. Everyone should know by now they knew the land belonged to the NA's but took it anyway per the play book.

It is a matter of a treaty. In the treaty, the land was given over to the Native Americans. Then the government turned around, broke the treaty, and took back part of the land given to the NAs. It is illegally obtained land. It's really extremely simple. Seems like it was the US government who were the Indian givers.
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These claims are for real. Please. Treaty rights. Signed into law.

Oh trust me I know that already. This is just more of the same stuff that has been going on since Europeans got to this continent. Someone knew full well that land belonged to the NA's. They just got caught.

So let "someone" compensate all the people who legally purchased the land on which their homes and businesses sit.
This bullshit is just another version of those frivolous and very costly Indian land claims that affected Connecticut towns.
Frivolous but the cost in legal fees to the property owners who were caught in the middle of this were immense.
The shit ended with what the Mashantucket Pequots were wanting all along. A payoff.
25 USC § 1754 - Mashantucket Pequot Settlement Fund | Title 25 - Indians | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute
The Pequots wanted two things from the federal government.
Federal Tribal recognition AND the right to build and open a Gaming facility(casino)
Otherwise, the homeowners of CT would continue to be dragged into court for the foreseeable future.
BTW, many homeowners got to declare bankruptcy. Lots lost their homes.

Yep, seriously, when you beat a people down, decimate their culture, kill their people, steal their land, and send their kids to boarding schools hundreds or thousands of miles away from home for years, thus destroying the family and tribal unit, they should just crawl into a hole somewhere, never to be heard from again. What a God awful nuisance they have made of themselves. Shameful.
For those who in support of the natives in this situation, what are you going to think when the day comes when the law gives back large parts of Mississippi, Florida, Georgia and Alabama to the Choctaw, Seminole, Chickasaw, Creek and Cherokee people?

The removal of these people from the lands, and their displacement to Oklahama on the "Trail of Tears" was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court back in 1832, but was openly defied by then President Jackson.

I think most people, me included, can see the terrible injustice in that. But to make amends now would be well nigh impossible without crippling those states.

Um...talk to the elders and make some kind of agreement? One that cannot be BROKEN like the government did to the Native they originally kicked off their own land?
Catch more flies with sugar than you can with vinegar.

But elders are evil too. This is what you must understand.

We had have the worst moments out here recently. And the elders while leaving their people in the worse way took money and ran to Iran to plead for cash. It's for another day but this is going down.

Idle no more? What a joke. You should see the cash and transfers these elders get. More than my prime minister and your president.
Now I will not and shall not blacklist everyone. But this is what is happening up here. Oh and it is so bad.
Wait! Are you guys telling me that genocide by European immigrants was a bad thing? Say it isn't so, Joe! Why, our native American cousins should be proud to have been slaughtered and robbed by such a generous and forgiving group of people! Hell, we gave them food stamps! (Well, some of them anyway. They were never given USA citizenship status, here in AZ, unless they actually applied for it).

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Wait! Are you guys telling me that genocide by European immigrants was a bad thing? Say it isn't so, Joe! Why, our native American cousins should be proud to have been slaughtered and robbed by such a generous and forgiving group of people! Hell, we gave them food stamps! (Well, some of them anyway. They were never given USA citizenship status, here in AZ, unless they actually applied for it).

Johnny Cash - The Ballad of Ira Hayes - YouTube

Oh just shut up. I can take you on in a heart beat on what "first nations" did. So just shut up with that crap will you?

You should study what the Sioux Nations did. Holy toledo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To each other..................

Would you like me to tell you what first nations did to each other?

Because I can. And would you like me to tell you in graphic detail? Because I can. It didn't take the white man from Europe to teach one how to do these "special" things.
Get a mods permission and I would be more than happy to tell you what First Nations did to each other. Especially out here mate.

Wild ride out here. Now for me I know my shit from working for a mate called AL. I hope he's still out there because he gave me a chance. But he ran this crazy store in downtown Toronto called the Beaverhead. It was a trading post.
I've had a crazy life but I never mind sharing it. But First Nations are close to me because when I left off with my first husband and back in the early 70's divorce still was considered a sin, big sin, one woman didn't even want me dating her son because I was a divorcee.....NO SHIT.....but First Nations were cool with me. Pretty big deal at the time.

So when Al took me into the Beaver Head to work with my daughter Tanya it was a pretty big deal and I will be grateful to the day I die.
The question is who governs the land - the Reservation, or the city, state, and federal governments.

Not the ownership of the property. No one's property has been taken, and everyone who lives there is still there.

No one is being forced out, as the OP claims.

Oh, imagine that, a RWNJ who just lied out his ass when he wrote the OP.

Color me shocked.
My take is screw these 'wagon burners'. Hundreds of thousands of wagon burners signed over their land/rights for a bottle of fire water. Why? If one ascribes to the theory of evolution, the Indian found himself a stone-age creature confronting people on the verge of the industrial age. He could not cope and until this day is far behind. Progress has left him behind. Here is a comment from a poster on another website:

"This really is another attack on Whites. The town is 85% white. People built their business there. What next? Are we going to give Texas back to Mexico?

I've been to Riverton quite a few times and the surrounding reservations when I used to have to deliver down there (drove truck for a bit). The reservations are full wild dogs, trash, drugs, and alcoholism. I think it was around the mid-1980's, the Shoshone and Arapahoe went at it. It wasn't in the news much but there were many murders. The best thing to happen to the Native Americans down there are the Whites."

Next time those whites need to get permission from the people that were there first. Everyone should know by now they knew the land belonged to the NA's but took it anyway per the play book.

The conquered don't get to make the rules up except in liberal la la land.

Evidence that you were dropped on your head as a child is beginning to mount...
Before we go too far down the Right Wing Rabbit Hole, some clarity on the issue.

EPA reservation boundary decision sparks controversy in Riverton, Wyo.

The announcement came five years after the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone tribes filed an application with the EPA to have more authority in monitoring the reservation's air quality.

The boundaries of Riverton and environmental policy may seem independent of one another.

But the application process forced the EPA, Department of Interior and Department of Justice to dig through the annals of history to delineate what areas the tribes are in charge of monitoring.

In their research, the agencies discovered that a 1905 land act previously thought to have passed tribal land to homesteaders didn’t legally do so.

The 1905 legislation set aside land for non-Indian settlers. The tribes sold 9 percent of the land to settlers. That 9 percent comprises Riverton. The remaining 91 percent was returned to the reservation.

In the wake of the 1905 act, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on a number of cases that created precedents for determining valid land transactions from tribes to nontribal members. They are based on three criteria: congressional authority, payment method and contract language. The EPA claims the latter two were not met in regards to the 1905 case.

The U.S. Supreme Court has heard two cases where land sales similar to the one in Riverton have proved unsound, giving the EPA the impetus to make its ruling on Riverton.

“The ruling, from my perspective, is not surprising. I believe the 1905 boundaries did not diminish the Wind River Indian Reservation,” Northern Arapaho member and state Rep. Patrick Goggles, D-Ethete, said. “I realize there is frustration in terms of jurisdiction issues, but this is a good opportunity for local governments and tribes to work together to minimize those differences of opinion and disputes. Tomorrow the sun will rise and life will go on.”
Obama Kicks Wyoming Residents Off Property And Gives It Away To Indians // Mr. Conservative

I really, really hope it doesn't end well for this asshole of a pResident we have now.

the people of the town do not seem to worried about it

lots of non native Americans live on reservation land

one thing though

this is a back door step to the "feds" having the land

both parties agree that this matter needs to go to federal court

on the other hand the obama admin though the BIA

tried to scarf up a bunch of Indian land here in South Dakota a couple of years ago
Native American Rights Fund, Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Native Peoples

Do Indians pay taxes?

All Indians are subject to federal income taxes. As sovereign entities, tribal governments have the power to levy taxes on reservation lands. Some tribes do and some don't. As a result, Indians and non-Indians may or may not pay sales taxes on goods and services purchased on the reservation depending on the tribe. However, whenever a member of an Indian tribe conducts business off the reservation, that person, like everyone else, pays both state and local taxes. State income taxes are not paid on reservation or trust lands.
Native American Rights Fund, Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Native Peoples

Do Indians pay taxes?

All Indians are subject to federal income taxes. As sovereign entities, tribal governments have the power to levy taxes on reservation lands. Some tribes do and some don't. As a result, Indians and non-Indians may or may not pay sales taxes on goods and services purchased on the reservation depending on the tribe. However, whenever a member of an Indian tribe conducts business off the reservation, that person, like everyone else, pays both state and local taxes. State income taxes are not paid on reservation or trust lands.

American Indian land sold off by IRS to pay off taxes
US tax officials have sold off thousands of acres of an impoverished Indian reservation in what the tribe claims is a "shameful" and unprecedented breach of laws protecting Native Americans.

American Indian land sold off by IRS to pay off taxes - Telegraph
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU4ROHahSWk]Tim Mcgraw Indian Outlaw w/ lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
Riddle me this PALEFACE................

You have stolen my lands, even though my ancestors sold the land for a bottle of Jack Daniels........................You have broken your treaties and built on our lands...........We have lost in the courts but have found a new arrow to RE-INTERPRET TO YOUR LYING LAWS the EPA............A puppet court of the U.S. Gov't PALEFACE.................We will GET OUR LAND BACK.............But unlike you we will let you stay there..............But we will not pay your local taxes or your State Taxes there................On top of that Paleface...........our TRIBE will decide on what taxes you will pay the for allowing you to live on our land..........................

We will build a Casino, and allow you to work there...........The Buffalo will return and a SCREAMING EAGLE called the EPA will show us the way................

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