Obama still hasn't commented on the story about the teacher being raped and killed

Yup that is what keeps me up at night seething in rage, whether the President of the United States has commented on every single capital crime. I noticed he has not yet commented on the murder of Kevin Ore in Sunnyslope either. How dare he.

OMG, Obama doesn't comment on every world news story.
Disaster, plague, floods, locusts and other biblical shit will befall America.

How many did Bush manage?
The point is, Obama only comments when the victim is black
Yup, like right after that dude murdered three Jewish people in Kansas City, they were probably black jews right?

“Michelle and I offer our thoughts and prayers to the families and friends who lost a loved one and everyone affected by this tragedy. I have asked my team to stay in close touch with our federal, state and local partners and provide the necessary resources to support the ongoing investigation. While we do not know all of the details surrounding today’s shooting, the initial reports are heartbreaking. I want to offer my condolences to all the families trying to make sense of this difficult situation and pledge the full support from the federal government as we heal and cope during this trying time.” — President Barack Obama.
The point is, Obama only comments when the victim is black

Obama commenting on teacher Melissa Jenkins....

"This is a woman by all accounts who dedicated her life to her community and helping to shape young minds and I know Vermont is heartbroken. So all we can do is live our lives the way that pays tribute to hers by looking out for students and her son. Michelle and I want to express our thoughts and prayers to everyone who knew her," the president said.

I seem to remember Obama commenting on Gabby Giffords....she is white
I somewhat remember him commenting on the kids at Sandy Hook Elementary.....they were white

But I must be mistaken, Obama is a racist and only comments when things happen to black people
Obama on the murder of Christopher Lane, shot by three thugs while jogging:

As the president has expressed on too many tragic occasions, there is an extra measure of evil in an act of violence that cuts a young life short. The president and first lady’s thoughts and prayers are with Chris Lane’s family and friends in these trying times


I seem to remember Obama commenting on Gabby Giffords....she is white
I somewhat remember him commenting on the kids at Sandy Hook Elementary.....they were white

But I must be mistaken, Obama is a racist and only comments when things happen to black people

The only reason obama commented on those is so he could use the tragedy for more gun control. If a knife was used instead of a gun, he would've been off to the next fundraiser.
The only reason obama commented on those is so he could use the tragedy for more gun control. If a knife was used instead of a gun, he would've been off to the next fundraiser.
Sheesh can you guys be any more fail in this thread? Everywhere you turn in your flailings you just fail again, like the fail train rolled into the station and said all aboard.

Obama offers Franklin Regional High School principal sympathy after stabbings | Local News - WTAE Home
MURRYSVILLE, Pa. —President Barack Obama has offered his sympathy and gratitude to the principal of Franklin Regional High School, where 21 students and a security guard were stabbed early Wednesday morning.

The White House said Obama called Principal Ron Suvak on Thursday as the president flew home from a two-day trip to Texas. White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama offered his deepest sympathies to those affected. He said Obama talked about the heroism of students, teachers and staff whose actions saved lives
I seem to remember Obama commenting on Gabby Giffords....she is white
I somewhat remember him commenting on the kids at Sandy Hook Elementary.....they were white

But I must be mistaken, Obama is a racist and only comments when things happen to black people

Not that it matters, but your point falls apart since these two attacks were perpetrated by white males.
I seem to remember Obama commenting on Gabby Giffords....she is white
I somewhat remember him commenting on the kids at Sandy Hook Elementary.....they were white

But I must be mistaken, Obama is a racist and only comments when things happen to black people

Not that it matters, but your point falls apart since these two attacks were perpetrated by white males.
Yeah, he pretty much sticks to commenting on crimes committed by whites, and apparently "white Hispanics".

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