Obama: Style is more like Ike than JFK

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Obama: Style is more like Ike than JFK - Yahoo! News

In 2008, many of Barack Obama's supporters thought they might be electing another John F. Kennedy. But his recent maneuvers increasingly suggest that they selected another Dwight Eisenhower.

That's not a comment on President Obama's effectiveness or ideology, but rather on his conception of presidential leadership. Whether he is confronting the turmoil reshaping the Middle East or the escalating budget wars in Washington, Obama most often uses a common set of strategies to pursue his goals. Those strategies have less in common with Kennedy's inspirational, public-oriented leadership than with the muted, indirect, and targeted Eisenhower model that political scientist Fred Greenstein memorably described as a "hidden hand" presidency.

This approach has allowed Obama to achieve many of his domestic and international aims—from passing the health reform legislation that marked its stormy first anniversary this week to encouraging Egypt's peaceful transfer of power. But, like it did for Eisenhower, this style has exposed Obama to charges of passivity, indecisiveness, and leading from behind. The pattern has left even some of his supporters uncertain whether he is shrewd—or timid.

Shrewd or timid? Well, bowing down to the Republitards on the Bush taxcuts wasn't shrewd or timid, it was downright stupid. There is nothing shrewd about a president that has shown he is more willing to bend to the opposition as opposed to bending the opposition. There is nothing shrewd about bombing Libya and using lies as justification as opposed to taking the fight to Republitards who want to "balance the budget" but putting more money in the pockets of the rich who created a financial crisis and making cuts to the unfortunate and middle class. Its easy to drop bombs on a dictator in an oil rich African country that the West has long sought to exploit than to stand up to the bullies back at home that are really having an effect on Americans, thats not shrewd, thats incompetence and a sense of misplaced priorities.
There's not a damn thing about obie wan that even remotely resembles JFK. Get the hell over it.
Like Ike's not JFK's? hhmmmmm

On first blush, I was going to say more like Carter's or James Buchanan's... but neither fit him quite right either.

You can't pick a 'do-nothing' president, because he's done incredible damage to the economy. So, in that vein, Grant, Hoover or Wilson may be more appropriate. His international attitude is certainly Wilsonian. So's his love affair with the literati and not-so-intelligentsia and european powers. His economic incompetence is very much Hooverian to New Dealer. His corruption rivals Grant.

So I'd say 3 parts Wilson, 1 part Hoover, 1 Part FDR and 1 part Grant.
the prince of obama isn't cool hand luke, and he's not mandela. but he does, like clinton , bask in the warm rays of a positive media push.
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the prince of obama isn't cool hand luke, and he's not mandela. but he does, like clinton , bask in the warm rays of a positive media push.
Last time the media was so blatantly partisan, they were called yellow dogs and muckrakers.

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