Obama Superpac Runs "Romney Killed My Wife" Ad

No. It was NOT a "powerful ad". And you insisting that it was over and over again doesn't make it one.
It's my opinion that it is a powerful ad. Are you now telling me that opinions are wrong or right depending on other's opinions?

The veracity is an open question as with all things you hear in political discourse these days. I think you're more upset because the ad is so effective.

Well, if the President's presumptive opponent says it, it must be true. LOL

Republicans aren't used to having attack ads hurled at them, quite clearly. Hence the whine-fest we just witnessed.

Work hard, carry on.

The Truth is not a matter of opinion, so no... it's not an "open question". :rolleyes:
Every assertion that Soptic made in that ad was a lie. Mitt Romney left Bain in 1999. The plant closed in 2001 (oh, and one of the managing directors at THAT time was an Obama bundler!). The guy's wife didn't die until 2006. What's more, she had her own insurance for some time after the plant closed.

This was just another political attack from a parasitic union which had bled its host dry:
But there are quite a few problems with all these hoary claims of the evils of Bain Capital. First of all is the fact that every voice in this video is that of a union thug. Most especially a man noted as the lead union negotiator, David Foster. Does anyone think a unionista will tell the truth about what went on with a company they spent decades extorting?

It is never noted in the Obama ad that GST Steel had troubles long, long before Bain Capital bought the company. In fact that Bain bought them in the first place is an obvious indicator that the company was in financial trouble. After all, that is what Bain did, buy troubled companies and try to turn them around or shut them down if that proves impossible.

Along those lines, a former GST worker told the National Review, the unions were the ones bleeding GST dry, not Bain.

Cont.... FAIL: Obama Ad Attacks Romney for Bain Bought Company That Laid People Off? But Romney DIDN’T Work There Then! &laquo Publius Forum

Maybe if the unions hadn't sucked this company dry, these people wouldn't have lost their jobs. Maybe if they'd pitched in and worked hard to save it instead of asking for double-time while they slept on the job, they'd still have one. And maybe, having failed to do any of that, this guy could have gotten off his lazy ASS and supported his family, so that they had health insurance. Lung cancer isn't exactly a silent killer like heart attack or stroke. People typically get very sick before they succumb.

You stand with LIARS.

Did the Governor own Bain when the steel mill was shut down?
The one topic we cannot discuss......Obama's record!!!


now cut that out:mad:

It's my opinion that it is a powerful ad. Are you now telling me that opinions are wrong or right depending on other's opinions?

The veracity is an open question as with all things you hear in political discourse these days. I think you're more upset because the ad is so effective.

Well, if the President's presumptive opponent says it, it must be true. LOL

Republicans aren't used to having attack ads hurled at them, quite clearly. Hence the whine-fest we just witnessed.

Work hard, carry on.

The Truth is not a matter of opinion, so no... it's not an "open question". :rolleyes:
Every assertion that Soptic made in that ad was a lie. Mitt Romney left Bain in 1999. The plant closed in 2001 (oh, and one of the managing directors at THAT time was an Obama bundler!). The guy's wife didn't die until 2006. What's more, she had her own insurance for some time after the plant closed.

This was just another political attack from a parasitic union which had bled its host dry:
But there are quite a few problems with all these hoary claims of the evils of Bain Capital. First of all is the fact that every voice in this video is that of a union thug. Most especially a man noted as the lead union negotiator, David Foster. Does anyone think a unionista will tell the truth about what went on with a company they spent decades extorting?

It is never noted in the Obama ad that GST Steel had troubles long, long before Bain Capital bought the company. In fact that Bain bought them in the first place is an obvious indicator that the company was in financial trouble. After all, that is what Bain did, buy troubled companies and try to turn them around or shut them down if that proves impossible.

Along those lines, a former GST worker told the National Review, the unions were the ones bleeding GST dry, not Bain.

Cont.... FAIL: Obama Ad Attacks Romney for Bain Bought Company That Laid People Off? But Romney DIDN’T Work There Then! &laquo Publius Forum

Maybe if the unions hadn't sucked this company dry, these people wouldn't have lost their jobs. Maybe if they'd pitched in and worked hard to save it instead of asking for double-time while they slept on the job, they'd still have one. And maybe, having failed to do any of that, this guy could have gotten off his lazy ASS and supported his family, so that they had health insurance. Lung cancer isn't exactly a silent killer like heart attack or stroke. People typically get very sick before they succumb.

You stand with LIARS.

Did the Governor own Bain when the steel mill was shut down?

are you purposely trying to be obtuse?
The fact this this guy is blaming Bain, seven years after the fact and that this is an "effective ad" like candycrackcorn has said 100 times proves one thing. The Obama presidency has pushed America further and further toward an entitlement society. Or the guy in the ad is just a lying piece of shit political hack being exploited and manipulated by Obama's people, which is it?

Well, it's my opinion that it's an effective ad. Anyone of us could be in that chair.
If you disagree with me, thats what makes horse racing.

Calling the widower a "lying piece of shit" isn't helpful to anyone though. In my opinion.

If memory serves, 86.6% of Americans already had health insurance when Obama and the Pelosi/Reid Congress passed their healthcare disaster in the dark of night. So, that's more than 8 in 10 people who managed to get off their asses and make sure their families could receive some sort of coverage, even if it was Medicaid. What that means is that your insistence that "any one of us could be in that chair" is bullshit, because MOST people do see to their family's needs. That guy had about five years between the time when the plant closed and the time when his wife died.
It's my opinion that it is a powerful ad. Are you now telling me that opinions are wrong or right depending on other's opinions?

The veracity is an open question as with all things you hear in political discourse these days. I think you're more upset because the ad is so effective.

Well, if the President's presumptive opponent says it, it must be true. LOL

Republicans aren't used to having attack ads hurled at them, quite clearly. Hence the whine-fest we just witnessed.

Work hard, carry on.

The Truth is not a matter of opinion, so no... it's not an "open question". :rolleyes:
Every assertion that Soptic made in that ad was a lie. Mitt Romney left Bain in 1999. The plant closed in 2001 (oh, and one of the managing directors at THAT time was an Obama bundler!). The guy's wife didn't die until 2006. What's more, she had her own insurance for some time after the plant closed.

This was just another political attack from a parasitic union which had bled its host dry:
But there are quite a few problems with all these hoary claims of the evils of Bain Capital. First of all is the fact that every voice in this video is that of a union thug. Most especially a man noted as the lead union negotiator, David Foster. Does anyone think a unionista will tell the truth about what went on with a company they spent decades extorting?

It is never noted in the Obama ad that GST Steel had troubles long, long before Bain Capital bought the company. In fact that Bain bought them in the first place is an obvious indicator that the company was in financial trouble. After all, that is what Bain did, buy troubled companies and try to turn them around or shut them down if that proves impossible.

Along those lines, a former GST worker told the National Review, the unions were the ones bleeding GST dry, not Bain.

Cont.... FAIL: Obama Ad Attacks Romney for Bain Bought Company That Laid People Off? But Romney DIDN’T Work There Then! &laquo Publius Forum

Maybe if the unions hadn't sucked this company dry, these people wouldn't have lost their jobs. Maybe if they'd pitched in and worked hard to save it instead of asking for double-time while they slept on the job, they'd still have one. And maybe, having failed to do any of that, this guy could have gotten off his lazy ASS and supported his family, so that they had health insurance. Lung cancer isn't exactly a silent killer like heart attack or stroke. People typically get very sick before they succumb.

You stand with LIARS.

Did the Governor own Bain when the steel mill was shut down?

Romney has had no managerial role at Bain since 1999. That's been established repeatedly.
So Willard Mitt, rhymes with ...., was LYING when he said blind trusts were a RUSE.
Thank you.

I expect they can be in the hands of the unscrupulous. There's no evidence whatsoever though that Mitt Romney is a dishonest person. Again, if you have some sort of accusation to make, let's hear it.

Well there are mysterious tax records that he won't release and about 10 documented flip flops which speaks to the Governor's casual relationship with his convictions. If you say you're for a woman's right to choose one day and say you're against it the next; isn't that dishonesty?

There's nothing mysterious about Romney's tax records. If there was, the IRS would be all over it. So, if you've got some specific accusation to make, by all means, regale us.

In terms of his stance on abortion... so what? People change their opinions on social issues all the time. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say they'd probably be more likely to change their opinion regarding abortion in favor of life, given the brutality of the procedure when one is confronted with it.
Obama is really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this ad......

Anything to detour from talking about this administrations failed attempts to fix the economy. Even if that means a complete, off the wall ad put out by a Superpac with close affiliations to the Obama camp itself. They can deny responsibility all they want, but why did the same guy appear in an Obama ad in the same clothes he wore in the Superpac ad?! Either the dude's broke.. or there was a collaboration..
Obama has been president for over 3.5 years and the economy isn't his fault, but Mitt left Bain 7 years before this woman died and he's responsible?

That makes sense.

Is is any wonder nobody trusts the left, Democrat voters, Liberals in general.

This argument is asinine.
The ad is very carefully crafted. The man's wife died in 2006. He was laid off from GST in 2001. I sense a massive lie of omission in that ad.

But will it be effective?


Is it any different from any other partisan ad from either side? Not really. Dishonesty is a key ingredient in a partisan recipe.

This guy is becoming the Joe the Plumber of the Left.

Joe the plumber didn't accuse Obama of causing his wife's death and not even caring. It takes a real low-life to use his dead wife as a way to make money.
Obama has been president for over 3.5 years and the economy isn't his fault, but Mitt left Bain 7 years before this woman died and he's responsible?

That makes sense.

Is is any wonder nobody trusts the left, Democrat voters, Liberals in general.

This argument is asinine.

The ad is very carefully crafted. The man's wife died in 2006. He was laid off from GST in 2001. I sense a massive lie of omission in that ad.

But will it be effective?


Is it any different from any other partisan ad from either side? Not really. Dishonesty is a key ingredient in a partisan recipe.

This guy is becoming the Joe the Plumber of the Left.

Joe the plumber didn't accuse Obama of causing his wife's death and not even caring. It takes a real low-life to use his dead wife as a way to make money.

What's worse is the fact that anyone would exploit this mans grief, for political gain. Disgusting.
The ad is very carefully crafted. The man's wife died in 2006. He was laid off from GST in 2001. I sense a massive lie of omission in that ad.

But will it be effective?


Is it any different from any other partisan ad from either side? Not really. Dishonesty is a key ingredient in a partisan recipe.

This guy is becoming the Joe the Plumber of the Left.

Joe the plumber didn't accuse Obama of causing his wife's death and not even caring. It takes a real low-life to use his dead wife as a way to make money.

In 2001 they lost their main income and Good healthcare.

cancer takes time to kill and if caught early through early detection you have a chance.

Quit beating on this guy for telling his story
The ad is very carefully crafted. The man's wife died in 2006. He was laid off from GST in 2001. I sense a massive lie of omission in that ad.

But will it be effective?


Is it any different from any other partisan ad from either side? Not really. Dishonesty is a key ingredient in a partisan recipe.

This guy is becoming the Joe the Plumber of the Left.

Joe the plumber didn't accuse Obama of causing his wife's death and not even caring. It takes a real low-life to use his dead wife as a way to make money.

In 2001 they lost their main income and Good healthcare.

cancer takes time to kill and if caught early through early detection you have a chance.

Quit beating on this guy for telling his story

If the guy insists on lying he deserves to be called out.

I sense a double-standard, along with a great deal of psychosis on your part.

Obama tried to destroy Joe The Plumber simply for asking him a question. He had people looking into his divorce records, tried to ruin his life. Now you feel this liar should remain untouched.

I guess you landed on your head a lot when you were a baby.
So, how many years after Romney left Bain did this go down?
More importantly, how exactly is Romney responsible for a woman having cancer?

It turns out, she had health insurance even after her (loser and liar) of a husband lost his job.

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