Obama Superpac Runs "Romney Killed My Wife" Ad

We can afford union salaries.

What we can't afford are greedy corporations who never know the meaning of "enough".

Or greedy liberals that never know the meaning of "enough".

How is it greedy to say that the people who do the work should get a fair share of the profits?

Republicans used to understand this.. Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

You guys whine about an autoworker getting $28.00 an hour, but you think that failed CEO's getting 12 million a year is perfectly fine by you...

fair share of the profits:lol:
We can afford union salaries.

What we can't afford are greedy corporations who never know the meaning of "enough".

Or greedy liberals that never know the meaning of "enough".

How is it greedy to say that the people who do the work should get a fair share of the profits?

Republicans used to understand this.. Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

You guys whine about an autoworker getting $28.00 an hour, but you think that failed CEO's getting 12 million a year is perfectly fine by you...

What do you consider fair?

Are the people who do the work actually going to get this fair share or is the government?

I mean Obama doesn't take from the rich and give directly to the poor. He simply takes from everyone, and does what he wants with it. He spends like a drunken sailor. His campaign is $20 million in debt. He doesn't know how to budget himself.

Wouldn't it be better to have someone in office that knows how to save money and put it to good use? Romney has a reputation for being socially moderate. He also has a reputation for making money. Wouldn't it be nice for once having someone who knows how to make money? Maybe that will decrease some of this debt. I see nothing Obama does that will do that. I don't think he really knows how.
Or greedy liberals that never know the meaning of "enough".

How is it greedy to say that the people who do the work should get a fair share of the profits?

Republicans used to understand this.. Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

You guys whine about an autoworker getting $28.00 an hour, but you think that failed CEO's getting 12 million a year is perfectly fine by you...

fair share of the profits:lol:

Isn't that a laughable idea...

How dare we deny Wagoneer his 12 million. He only ran the company into the ground to the point where it needed a federal bailout.

And wow, that auto worker, you know, the guy who actually assembled the car- getting well paid. What a stupid idea that is.

Hey, you now what, when I'm driving a hunk of metal down a highway at 65 MPH powered by a flammable liquid, I really do want the guy who assembled it to be well-paid and happy with his job.

I'm just not sure why you don't. Or you think paying a Mexican $3.00 an hour is so much better.
What do you consider fair?

Are the people who do the work actually going to get this fair share or is the government?

I mean Obama doesn't take from the rich and give directly to the poor. He simply takes from everyone, and does what he wants with it. He spends like a drunken sailor. His campaign is $20 million in debt. He doesn't know how to budget himself.

Wouldn't it be better to have someone in office that knows how to save money and put it to good use? Romney has a reputation for being socially moderate. He also has a reputation for making money. Wouldn't it be nice for once having someone who knows how to make money? Maybe that will decrease some of this debt. I see nothing Obama does that will do that. I don't think he really knows how.

I don't know, I think a guy who spends $77,000 a year maintaining a horse isn't nearly as money smart as you think he is...

As for what Obama is "spending" on. He's spending on government services...

Again, I want these guys to be well paid. I want the guy who went into the Sihk temple to save lives to be well paid and have a good pension. I don't want him to be a Mall Cop getting minimum wage and saying "I ain't getting shot for this shit!"

Never heard of an act of heroism from a Mall Cop, have you?
The Truth is not a matter of opinion, so no... it's not an "open question". :rolleyes:
Every assertion that Soptic made in that ad was a lie. Mitt Romney left Bain in 1999. The plant closed in 2001 (oh, and one of the managing directors at THAT time was an Obama bundler!). The guy's wife didn't die until 2006. What's more, she had her own insurance for some time after the plant closed.

This was just another political attack from a parasitic union which had bled its host dry:

Maybe if the unions hadn't sucked this company dry, these people wouldn't have lost their jobs. Maybe if they'd pitched in and worked hard to save it instead of asking for double-time while they slept on the job, they'd still have one. And maybe, having failed to do any of that, this guy could have gotten off his lazy ASS and supported his family, so that they had health insurance. Lung cancer isn't exactly a silent killer like heart attack or stroke. People typically get very sick before they succumb.

You stand with LIARS.

Did the Governor own Bain when the steel mill was shut down?

are you purposely trying to be obtuse?

No Seigfried; just asking if he owned Bain when it shut down the steel mill.
How is it greedy to say that the people who do the work should get a fair share of the profits?

Republicans used to understand this.. Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

You guys whine about an autoworker getting $28.00 an hour, but you think that failed CEO's getting 12 million a year is perfectly fine by you...

fair share of the profits:lol:

Isn't that a laughable idea...

How dare we deny Wagoneer his 12 million. He only ran the company into the ground to the point where it needed a federal bailout.

And wow, that auto worker, you know, the guy who actually assembled the car- getting well paid. What a stupid idea that is.

Hey, you now what, when I'm driving a hunk of metal down a highway at 65 MPH powered by a flammable liquid, I really do want the guy who assembled it to be well-paid and happy with his job.

I'm just not sure why you don't. Or you think paying a Mexican $3.00 an hour is so much better.

So you think a person who makes $55-75 an hour isn't making his fair share?

Thousands of folks were actually paid not to work for years at GM. They just showed up and watched TV as per the agreement between the company and the unions.

And you wonder why GM needed a bailout?
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The fact this this guy is blaming Bain, seven years after the fact and that this is an "effective ad" like candycrackcorn has said 100 times proves one thing. The Obama presidency has pushed America further and further toward an entitlement society. Or the guy in the ad is just a lying piece of shit political hack being exploited and manipulated by Obama's people, which is it?

Well, it's my opinion that it's an effective ad. Anyone of us could be in that chair.
If you disagree with me, thats what makes horse racing.

Calling the widower a "lying piece of shit" isn't helpful to anyone though. In my opinion.

If memory serves, 86.6% of Americans already had health insurance when Obama and the Pelosi/Reid Congress passed their healthcare disaster in the dark of night. So, that's more than 8 in 10 people who managed to get off their asses and make sure their families could receive some sort of coverage, even if it was Medicaid. What that means is that your insistence that "any one of us could be in that chair" is bullshit, because MOST people do see to their family's needs. That guy had about five years between the time when the plant closed and the time when his wife died.

You should check the qualifications for Medicaid before making such statements.

You're lots of fun.
The Truth is not a matter of opinion, so no... it's not an "open question". :rolleyes:
Every assertion that Soptic made in that ad was a lie. Mitt Romney left Bain in 1999. The plant closed in 2001 (oh, and one of the managing directors at THAT time was an Obama bundler!). The guy's wife didn't die until 2006. What's more, she had her own insurance for some time after the plant closed.

This was just another political attack from a parasitic union which had bled its host dry:

Maybe if the unions hadn't sucked this company dry, these people wouldn't have lost their jobs. Maybe if they'd pitched in and worked hard to save it instead of asking for double-time while they slept on the job, they'd still have one. And maybe, having failed to do any of that, this guy could have gotten off his lazy ASS and supported his family, so that they had health insurance. Lung cancer isn't exactly a silent killer like heart attack or stroke. People typically get very sick before they succumb.

You stand with LIARS.

Did the Governor own Bain when the steel mill was shut down?

Romney has had no managerial role at Bain since 1999. That's been established repeatedly.

Really, by whom? Was he drawing some sort of compensation from them? Because according to one source--I posted the link earlier--he was still the owner; right?
So, how many years after Romney left Bain did this go down?
More importantly, how exactly is Romney responsible for a woman having cancer?

It turns out, she had health insurance even after her (loser and liar) of a husband lost his job.

More importantly, how exactly is Romney responsible for a woman having cancer?

He's not of course but that's what the majority of the Obama supporters will believe now.
They love this kind of stuff like they love those government checks....
I expect they can be in the hands of the unscrupulous. There's no evidence whatsoever though that Mitt Romney is a dishonest person. Again, if you have some sort of accusation to make, let's hear it.

Well there are mysterious tax records that he won't release and about 10 documented flip flops which speaks to the Governor's casual relationship with his convictions. If you say you're for a woman's right to choose one day and say you're against it the next; isn't that dishonesty?

There's nothing mysterious about Romney's tax records. If there was, the IRS would be all over it. So, if you've got some specific accusation to make, by all means, regale us.
Not all mysteries are illegalities. So IRS involvement is something that's trotted out as a face-saving gesture.

In terms of his stance on abortion... so what? People change their opinions on social issues all the time. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say they'd probably be more likely to change their opinion regarding abortion in favor of life, given the brutality of the procedure when one is confronted with it.

Oh so saying one thing and then taking the exact opposite position is now "so what"? As he did with Reagan, hiring illegal aliens, abortion, healthcare, the stimulus...etc... Oh and "blind trusts" and their dependability as well.

You're lotsa fun.
Did the Governor own Bain when the steel mill was shut down?

Romney has had no managerial role at Bain since 1999. That's been established repeatedly.

Really, by whom? Was he drawing some sort of compensation from them? Because according to one source--I posted the link earlier--he was still the owner; right?

Why does it matter? Bain did not ruin this Company, it was failing when they Bought it, The whole Steel Industry was faltering. It is very likely that the Company would have closed in less than 1 Year with out Bain's Investment. So Really Bain kept this guy employed for 3 years longer than he would have been with out Bain.
Well, it's my opinion that it's an effective ad. Anyone of us could be in that chair.
If you disagree with me, thats what makes horse racing.

Calling the widower a "lying piece of shit" isn't helpful to anyone though. In my opinion.

If memory serves, 86.6% of Americans already had health insurance when Obama and the Pelosi/Reid Congress passed their healthcare disaster in the dark of night. So, that's more than 8 in 10 people who managed to get off their asses and make sure their families could receive some sort of coverage, even if it was Medicaid. What that means is that your insistence that "any one of us could be in that chair" is bullshit, because MOST people do see to their family's needs. That guy had about five years between the time when the plant closed and the time when his wife died.

You should check the qualifications for Medicaid before making such statements.

You're lots of fun.

I think an unemployed couple would qualify. My parents did.

Just saying.
Well there are mysterious tax records that he won't release and about 10 documented flip flops which speaks to the Governor's casual relationship with his convictions. If you say you're for a woman's right to choose one day and say you're against it the next; isn't that dishonesty?

There's nothing mysterious about Romney's tax records. If there was, the IRS would be all over it. So, if you've got some specific accusation to make, by all means, regale us.
Not all mysteries are illegalities. So IRS involvement is something that's trotted out as a face-saving gesture.

What a load of Horse Shit. If it does not rise to the level of Illegality, than it is not important enough to be an issue.

I am not going to Fault anyone for taking advantage of Legal ways to reduce their Tax Burden. Everyone does it.
Romney has had no managerial role at Bain since 1999. That's been established repeatedly.

Really, by whom? Was he drawing some sort of compensation from them? Because according to one source--I posted the link earlier--he was still the owner; right?

Why does it matter? Bain did not ruin this Company, it was failing when they Bought it, The whole Steel Industry was faltering. It is very likely that the Company would have closed in less than 1 Year with out Bain's Investment. So Really Bain kept this guy employed for 3 years longer than he would have been with out Bain.

It speaks to the Candidate's behavior. Just answer the question; did the governor own Bain at the time Bain shut down the plant. If the answer is yes...okay. If the answer is no...okay, I'm enlightened.

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