Obama Superpac Runs "Romney Killed My Wife" Ad

He may have reached the bottom with no place left to go. If this doesn't work, what's he going to say Romney kills kittens? He eats dogs? No that's obama.

Will the democrats run on the platform they are creating or is it all going to be Romney?

Legalization of same sex marriage. Gun control. Stricter environmental regulations. Heightened hyper taxation. Are they going to talk about this stuff or hide it and hope no one notices.

Their not going to hide it, because they think the citizens are just that dum or "tolerant" anymore of it all, and this is where they figure the people are to lazy to challenge any of it or say anything about it anymore, at least with a straight face they won't. Lets hope that all changes soon, even if Romney has some flaws it's got to be better than this pandering President in which we find sadly as our so called leader now. More like a stand up comedian than a President is what I think Obama is. He could do great as a carsalesman once leaves the office and/or even a stand up comedian along these lines of work, but not so much in a job that represents the American people in a good majority again, because he just wasn't brought up that way. :eusa_angel:
Really, by whom? Was he drawing some sort of compensation from them? Because according to one source--I posted the link earlier--he was still the owner; right?

Why does it matter? Bain did not ruin this Company, it was failing when they Bought it, The whole Steel Industry was faltering. It is very likely that the Company would have closed in less than 1 Year with out Bain's Investment. So Really Bain kept this guy employed for 3 years longer than he would have been with out Bain.

It speaks to the Candidate's behavior. Just answer the question; did the governor own Bain at the time Bain shut down the plant. If the answer is yes...okay. If the answer is no...okay, I'm enlightened.

What behavior? The guy was in Salt Lake City running the Olympics. Where are the specific allegations of some kind of crime or other wrongdoing???

You know, we didn't just fall off the turnip truck. We KNOW that all this is just a smear and a deflection for the fact that Obama can't run on his record. It's the usual Democrat policy of personal destruction done for the sake of the fact that their policies suck ass. Romney didn't do a damn thing to this guy. And neither did Bain. In fact, he had a couple more years of paychecks and benefits that he wouldn't have had otherwise if Bain hadn't stepped in.
umm, Mitt Romney is quoted at the debates saying candidates do not control the content of their superpac ads.
Nothing wrong with covering your butt as a politician by saying this up front, especially if something goes wrong out there with so many trying to run these ads in a campaign, who are trying to represent their guy, so I guess Obama didn't learn this one in time...LOL

Wow, Obama the slickster must be slipping on his own grease more and more these days !
Why does it matter? Bain did not ruin this Company, it was failing when they Bought it, The whole Steel Industry was faltering. It is very likely that the Company would have closed in less than 1 Year with out Bain's Investment. So Really Bain kept this guy employed for 3 years longer than he would have been with out Bain.

It speaks to the Candidate's behavior. Just answer the question; did the governor own Bain at the time Bain shut down the plant. If the answer is yes...okay. If the answer is no...okay, I'm enlightened.

What behavior? The guy was in Salt Lake City running the Olympics. Where are the specific allegations of some kind of crime or other wrongdoing???

So is that a yes?

You know, we didn't just fall off the turnip truck. We KNOW that all this is just a smear and a deflection for the fact that Obama can't run on his record.
I'm guessing there are turnips smarter than you. I didn't bring up the topic, Mudwhistle did. I"m not making you discuss it; you are. If you want to talk about Obama's record, feel free. I'm comfortable having that debate. He is a good President. Not great.

It's the usual Democrat policy of personal destruction done for the sake of the fact that their policies suck ass. Romney didn't do a damn thing to this guy. And neither did Bain. In fact, he had a couple more years of paychecks and benefits that he wouldn't have had otherwise if Bain hadn't stepped in.

The speculation is wonderful and I'm glad you didn't call the widower another vulgar name this time. Good show.
Yep, the ad is so effective that the Obama administration is running from it faster than Axelrod runs toward an opponents sealed divorce record.....

The indictment is louder than the verdict in Politics. If you're the Governor, you do not want this ad on TV. While the details of this ad are controversial to some; there are going to be a lot of similar stories to this one;

* Bain shuts down plant
* Workers lose their insurance
* Health problems continue (or crop up).

So the Romney Campaign has a difficult job ahead in spinning this. CEO's make decisions every day that have these messy consequences. Which is why this is a powerful ad. It differentiates the qualities most want in a President from that most would want in a CEO.

As for running from the ad, Obama didn't put it out there. So there is nothing to really "run from". :eusa_hand:

Jay Carney is running from it, Burton is running from it and as we speak, evidence is coming forth that this lie came directly from the Obama campaign. I suppose the fact that Soptic is the same guy that did an Obama campaign ad in may is a coincidence? Stephanie Cutter has already been caught lying about her knowledge of Soptic's story. Very effective!........:thup:

Not sure who Burton is or Stephanie Cutter. If they are in the Obama Campaign and are denouncing the ad; well, isn't that what you wanted them to do?
Romney's spokeswoman said that if they had lived in Massachusetts his wife would have been covered ... Oops.

Do you have a link for that? If so...WOW!!!

Erick Erickson captured the quote and right's collective gasp earlier today.

The Moment All the Doubts About Romney Resurfaced on the Right | RedState

Priorities USA was damaging itself and Barack Obama over its mind numbingly insane ad painting Mitt Romney as a killer.

Then the Romney campaign decided to sabotage itself with a mind numbingly bit of spin that may mark the day the Romney campaign died.

Defending Romney and combatting the ad, Romney spokesman Andrea Saul . . . let’s go to the quotes

“To that point, if people had been in Massachusetts, under Governor Romney’s health care plan, they would have had health care,” Andrea Saul, Romney’s campaign press secretary, said during an appearance on Fox News. “There are a lot of people losing their jobs and losing their health care in President [Barack] Obama’s economy.”

Conservatives have put aside their distrust of Romney on this issue in the name of beating Barack Obama. They thought he and his campaign team had gotten the message and the hints. Consider the scab picked, the wound opened, and the distrust trickling out again.

About the only thing more stupid in terms of building bridges with the right would be to say something nice about fetal stem cell research.

Start your watches for that one!

Somewhere deep down inside Mitt Romney is a guy who isn't really all that bad. Pity he chose a party that forces him to repress those impulses.

He knows the good he did. And he knows the good his opponent did is 50-fold that. That's a tough spot to be in.
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The indictment is louder than the verdict in Politics. If you're the Governor, you do not want this ad on TV. While the details of this ad are controversial to some; there are going to be a lot of similar stories to this one;

* Bain shuts down plant
* Workers lose their insurance
* Health problems continue (or crop up).

So the Romney Campaign has a difficult job ahead in spinning this. CEO's make decisions every day that have these messy consequences. Which is why this is a powerful ad. It differentiates the qualities most want in a President from that most would want in a CEO.

As for running from the ad, Obama didn't put it out there. So there is nothing to really "run from". :eusa_hand:

Jay Carney is running from it, Burton is running from it and as we speak, evidence is coming forth that this lie came directly from the Obama campaign. I suppose the fact that Soptic is the same guy that did an Obama campaign ad in may is a coincidence? Stephanie Cutter has already been caught lying about her knowledge of Soptic's story. Very effective!........:thup:

Not sure who Burton is or Stephanie Cutter. If they are in the Obama Campaign and are denouncing the ad; well, isn't that what you wanted them to do?

Wow, ignorance is bliss, no wonder you think the ad is effective.....:clap2:
Yep, the ad is so effective that the Obama administration is running from it faster than Axelrod runs toward an opponents sealed divorce record.....

The indictment is louder than the verdict in Politics. If you're the Governor, you do not want this ad on TV. While the details of this ad are controversial to some; there are going to be a lot of similar stories to this one;

* Bain shuts down plant
* Workers lose their insurance
* Health problems continue (or crop up).

So the Romney Campaign has a difficult job ahead in spinning this. CEO's make decisions every day that have these messy consequences. Which is why this is a powerful ad. It differentiates the qualities most want in a President from that most would want in a CEO.

As for running from the ad, Obama didn't put it out there. So there is nothing to really "run from". :eusa_hand:

Obama is linked to this. Stephanie Cutter has already been caught out in a lie over Soptic.
And the advertisement is a lie. His wife had health care for a number of years after he lost his job.
ETA: for those that don't know Cutter is a major campaign manager for Obama.
AND btw when Soptic lost his job, one of Obama's major campaign donation bundlers was running Bain. Jonathan Lavine

If Romney's/Bain's victims are so well known and outspoken; the administration can' be blamed for knowing them.

Whether or not the deceased had healthcare is somewhat irrelevant given that the care was likely better when he had a job and a pension and all of that good stuff (before Bain got there). Maybe he should have retroactively retired. Can people do that? Retire after the fact?
Jay Carney is running from it, Burton is running from it and as we speak, evidence is coming forth that this lie came directly from the Obama campaign. I suppose the fact that Soptic is the same guy that did an Obama campaign ad in may is a coincidence? Stephanie Cutter has already been caught lying about her knowledge of Soptic's story. Very effective!........:thup:

Not sure who Burton is or Stephanie Cutter. If they are in the Obama Campaign and are denouncing the ad; well, isn't that what you wanted them to do?

Wow, ignorance is bliss, no wonder you think the ad is effective.....:clap2:

It is effective; otherwise it wouldn't be national news as it apparently is. If you're the Governor; you don't want to see this ad on television. That's for sure. If the ad is wrong, I'm glad the campaign is denouncing it if those are campaign officials. In another thread, Ms. Cutter is described as a "major campaign manager" (giggle) so I suppose she is. Isn't that what you wanted?
Romney's spokeswoman said that if they had lived in Massachusetts his wife would have been covered ... Oops.

Do you have a link for that? If so...WOW!!!

Erick Erickson captured the quote and right's collective gasp earlier today.

The Moment All the Doubts About Romney Resurfaced on the Right | RedState

Priorities USA was damaging itself and Barack Obama over its mind numbingly insane ad painting Mitt Romney as a killer.

Then the Romney campaign decided to sabotage itself with a mind numbingly bit of spin that may mark the day the Romney campaign died.

Defending Romney and combatting the ad, Romney spokesman Andrea Saul . . . let’s go to the quotes

“To that point, if people had been in Massachusetts, under Governor Romney’s health care plan, they would have had health care,” Andrea Saul, Romney’s campaign press secretary, said during an appearance on Fox News. “There are a lot of people losing their jobs and losing their health care in President [Barack] Obama’s economy.”

Conservatives have put aside their distrust of Romney on this issue in the name of beating Barack Obama. They thought he and his campaign team had gotten the message and the hints. Consider the scab picked, the wound opened, and the distrust trickling out again.

About the only thing more stupid in terms of building bridges with the right would be to say something nice about fetal stem cell research.

Start your watches for that one!

Somewhere deep down inside Mitt Romney is a guy who isn't really all that bad. Pity he chose a party that forces him to repress those impulses.

He knows the good he did. And he knows the good his opponent did is 50-fold that. That's a tough spot to be in.

Someone needs to lose their job for that one. Romney likes to fire people? He should really enjoy cutting this idiot loose...
Romney's spokeswoman said that if they had lived in Massachusetts his wife would have been covered ... Oops.

Do you have a link for that? If so...WOW!!!

Erick Erickson captured the quote and right's collective gasp earlier today.

The Moment All the Doubts About Romney Resurfaced on the Right | RedState

Priorities USA was damaging itself and Barack Obama over its mind numbingly insane ad painting Mitt Romney as a killer.

Then the Romney campaign decided to sabotage itself with a mind numbingly bit of spin that may mark the day the Romney campaign died.

Defending Romney and combatting the ad, Romney spokesman Andrea Saul . . . let’s go to the quotes

“To that point, if people had been in Massachusetts, under Governor Romney’s health care plan, they would have had health care,” Andrea Saul, Romney’s campaign press secretary, said during an appearance on Fox News. “There are a lot of people losing their jobs and losing their health care in President [Barack] Obama’s economy.”

Conservatives have put aside their distrust of Romney on this issue in the name of beating Barack Obama. They thought he and his campaign team had gotten the message and the hints. Consider the scab picked, the wound opened, and the distrust trickling out again.

About the only thing more stupid in terms of building bridges with the right would be to say something nice about fetal stem cell research.

Start your watches for that one!

Somewhere deep down inside Mitt Romney is a guy who isn't really all that bad. Pity he chose a party that forces him to repress those impulses.

He knows the good he did. And he knows the good his opponent did is 50-fold that. That's a tough spot to be in.

Didn't he just hire a new spin doctor? Where is she? First it was "kiss my ass" now this?
Didn't he just hire a new spin doctor? Where is she? First it was "kiss my ass" now this?

"A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth - some obvious truth he isn't supposed to say."

That poor spokesperson got caught making an obvious point that his campaign isn't allowed to acknowledge.
Romney's spokeswoman said that if they had lived in Massachusetts his wife would have been covered ... Oops.

Do you have a link for that? If so...WOW!!!

Erick Erickson captured the quote and right's collective gasp earlier today.

The Moment All the Doubts About Romney Resurfaced on the Right | RedState

Priorities USA was damaging itself and Barack Obama over its mind numbingly insane ad painting Mitt Romney as a killer.

Then the Romney campaign decided to sabotage itself with a mind numbingly bit of spin that may mark the day the Romney campaign died.

Defending Romney and combatting the ad, Romney spokesman Andrea Saul . . . let’s go to the quotes

“To that point, if people had been in Massachusetts, under Governor Romney’s health care plan, they would have had health care,” Andrea Saul, Romney’s campaign press secretary, said during an appearance on Fox News. “There are a lot of people losing their jobs and losing their health care in President [Barack] Obama’s economy.”

Conservatives have put aside their distrust of Romney on this issue in the name of beating Barack Obama. They thought he and his campaign team had gotten the message and the hints. Consider the scab picked, the wound opened, and the distrust trickling out again.

About the only thing more stupid in terms of building bridges with the right would be to say something nice about fetal stem cell research.

Start your watches for that one!

Somewhere deep down inside Mitt Romney is a guy who isn't really all that bad. Pity he chose a party that forces him to repress those impulses.

He knows the good he did. And he knows the good his opponent did is 50-fold that. That's a tough spot to be in.
She'll be out of a job tomorrow, prolly. Mitten hates it when people remind everyone that Romneycare was the model for Obamacare.

But how funny! If the biatch had moved to MASS it wouldn't matter that Bain gutted the company because she would have been covered. LMAO you can't make this shit up.

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