Obama Superpac Runs "Romney Killed My Wife" Ad

Uh oh. Malkin just connected Mr. Soptic to the Obama Campaign. He appears in an ad on their "official" youtube channel. Coincidently (???) he is wearing the same shirt.

From May:

Steel - YouTube

You mean they got caught LYING?

God forbid, that has nevere happened before.


There is more at stake here than who lies the most.

IMO, the Dems lie more often, but the Romn-bots lie better.
Why does it matter? Obama did not ruin this country, it was failing when they got elected, The whole Industrialized world was faltering. It is very likely that the country would have collapsed in less than 1 Year with out Obama's actions.

I often wonder how street-level conservatives perceive the nature of the meltdown, the sheer depth, breadth and implications of it. It may be that they know and won't admit it; it may be that they simply don't know and are parroting their heroes. They keep pretending (and is it pretending?) that this was just another recession and that we should have happily bounced out of it by now.

Obama didn't do this, neither did Bush. This was decades in the making, and far more destructive than these people seem to understand.

I guess I'll never know what they're really thinking, huh?


There are many contributing factors to all this. One is the international free trade agreements do not do enough to level the playing field and force Western workers to compete with dirt cheap labor in the third world. A second is that many nations like the US still encourage businesses to leave and go to the thrid world and provide tax breaks for doing so. This is a vestige of the Cold War and no longer needed at all.

But the dot com bubble and the recent real estate bubble have caused more problems by destroying unimaginable amounts of M3 wealth which is drying up credit and that is dragging the economies down. Banks are too nervous to loan money to anyone and the asset levels are too slim. They are scared to death someone might come along and make them evaluate their level 3 assets on a mark to market basis and that would expose the truth that so much of the fraudulent assets that they have on the books is all that is keeping them fraudulently solvent on the books.

Obama could have take steps to turn this around, instead he spent the two years his party had a lock on the Congress and WH to satisfy his patronage obligations and put fixing the economy on the back burner.

He fucked up and will likely pay the price this November.

As I recall it, he tried to do a major New Deal style stimulus... and teh GOP blocked him at every turn. The stimulus failed becaue it was too small. It was an average of 300 Billion a year in a 15 Trillion economy... that's about as effective as fairy wings on a cement truck.

I think the biggest problem is that our economy used to be labor intensive, and now it isn't. Instead of being floated by working people with good wages, you have automation, outsourcing, offshoring, and so on.

But since a very few people make a lot of money off this kind of thing, neither party is willing to tackle it.
Why does it matter? Obama did not ruin this country, it was failing when they got elected, The whole Industrialized world was faltering. It is very likely that the country would have collapsed in less than 1 Year with out Obama's actions.

I often wonder how street-level conservatives perceive the nature of the meltdown, the sheer depth, breadth and implications of it. It may be that they know and won't admit it; it may be that they simply don't know and are parroting their heroes. They keep pretending (and is it pretending?) that this was just another recession and that we should have happily bounced out of it by now.

Obama didn't do this, neither did Bush. This was decades in the making, and far more destructive than these people seem to understand.

I guess I'll never know what they're really thinking, huh?


There are many contributing factors to all this. One is the international free trade agreements do not do enough to level the playing field and force Western workers to compete with dirt cheap labor in the third world. A second is that many nations like the US still encourage businesses to leave and go to the thrid world and provide tax breaks for doing so. This is a vestige of the Cold War and no longer needed at all.

But the dot com bubble and the recent real estate bubble have caused more problems by destroying unimaginable amounts of M3 wealth which is drying up credit and that is dragging the economies down. Banks are too nervous to loan money to anyone and the asset levels are too slim. They are scared to death someone might come along and make them evaluate their level 3 assets on a mark to market basis and that would expose the truth that so much of the fraudulent assets that they have on the books is all that is keeping them fraudulently solvent on the books.

Obama could have take steps to turn this around, instead he spent the two years his party had a lock on the Congress and WH to satisfy his patronage obligations and put fixing the economy on the back burner.

He fucked up and will likely pay the price this November.

I think it goes much deeper than this. Our financial/economic problems are cultural, and they are the result of wrong-headed thinking on the part of politicians and consumers alike.

The problem in perfect microcosm was the mortgage market of roughly 2003 to 2008, when the perfect storm hit: This was when mortgage companies (yes, prodded by politicians) relaxed their standards to absurd levels, 125% LTV, no credit check, make up your income. Of course, Americans, driven by their cultural need for conspicuous consumption, gutted the equity in their homes to buy cool new cars, big screen TV's, whatever made them "feel" better about themselves. Then, predictably, the shit hit the fan.

I don't think it's a coincidence that our culture and our economy are both in decay. And there's no way in HELL a politician will say this, it would cost them precious votes.

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I often wonder how street-level conservatives perceive the nature of the meltdown, the sheer depth, breadth and implications of it. It may be that they know and won't admit it; it may be that they simply don't know and are parroting their heroes. They keep pretending (and is it pretending?) that this was just another recession and that we should have happily bounced out of it by now.

Obama didn't do this, neither did Bush. This was decades in the making, and far more destructive than these people seem to understand.

I guess I'll never know what they're really thinking, huh?


There are many contributing factors to all this. One is the international free trade agreements do not do enough to level the playing field and force Western workers to compete with dirt cheap labor in the third world. A second is that many nations like the US still encourage businesses to leave and go to the thrid world and provide tax breaks for doing so. This is a vestige of the Cold War and no longer needed at all.

But the dot com bubble and the recent real estate bubble have caused more problems by destroying unimaginable amounts of M3 wealth which is drying up credit and that is dragging the economies down. Banks are too nervous to loan money to anyone and the asset levels are too slim. They are scared to death someone might come along and make them evaluate their level 3 assets on a mark to market basis and that would expose the truth that so much of the fraudulent assets that they have on the books is all that is keeping them fraudulently solvent on the books.

Obama could have take steps to turn this around, instead he spent the two years his party had a lock on the Congress and WH to satisfy his patronage obligations and put fixing the economy on the back burner.

He fucked up and will likely pay the price this November.

As I recall it, he tried to do a major New Deal style stimulus... and teh GOP blocked him at every turn. The stimulus failed becaue it was too small. It was an average of 300 Billion a year in a 15 Trillion economy... that's about as effective as fairy wings on a cement truck.

I think the biggest problem is that our economy used to be labor intensive, and now it isn't. Instead of being floated by working people with good wages, you have automation, outsourcing, offshoring, and so on.

But since a very few people make a lot of money off this kind of thing, neither party is willing to tackle it.

One party is willing to tackle it and has attempted to, but then all of their attempts have been stymied by Harry Reid.

BTW, a new Stimulus, going deeper into dept, is not the answer.

The best thing we can do is get this lying asshole out of the White House because he's scaring people into not investing. Many don't know what he's gonna do next. They don't trust him.

A prime example of the fear a radical progressive can cause in government is what is happening in France. The new president just announced a 75% income tax for the rich. Most of them have already started to restructure their incomes so the government can't touch it. The unintended consequence is that jobs will be lost during all of this restructuring. The end result is less revenue. The purpose of the tax increase is to punish the rich. The only folks that end up being punished is the working-class.
I often wonder how street-level conservatives perceive the nature of the meltdown, the sheer depth, breadth and implications of it. It may be that they know and won't admit it; it may be that they simply don't know and are parroting their heroes. They keep pretending (and is it pretending?) that this was just another recession and that we should have happily bounced out of it by now.

Obama didn't do this, neither did Bush. This was decades in the making, and far more destructive than these people seem to understand.

I guess I'll never know what they're really thinking, huh?


There are many contributing factors to all this. One is the international free trade agreements do not do enough to level the playing field and force Western workers to compete with dirt cheap labor in the third world. A second is that many nations like the US still encourage businesses to leave and go to the thrid world and provide tax breaks for doing so. This is a vestige of the Cold War and no longer needed at all.

But the dot com bubble and the recent real estate bubble have caused more problems by destroying unimaginable amounts of M3 wealth which is drying up credit and that is dragging the economies down. Banks are too nervous to loan money to anyone and the asset levels are too slim. They are scared to death someone might come along and make them evaluate their level 3 assets on a mark to market basis and that would expose the truth that so much of the fraudulent assets that they have on the books is all that is keeping them fraudulently solvent on the books.

Obama could have take steps to turn this around, instead he spent the two years his party had a lock on the Congress and WH to satisfy his patronage obligations and put fixing the economy on the back burner.

He fucked up and will likely pay the price this November.

As I recall it, he tried to do a major New Deal style stimulus... and teh GOP blocked him at every turn. The stimulus failed becaue it was too small. It was an average of 300 Billion a year in a 15 Trillion economy... that's about as effective as fairy wings on a cement truck.

I think the biggest problem is that our economy used to be labor intensive, and now it isn't. Instead of being floated by working people with good wages, you have automation, outsourcing, offshoring, and so on.

But since a very few people make a lot of money off this kind of thing, neither party is willing to tackle it.

Oh come on! Obama appointed all the Big Bankers to his Treasury Department and their little shill Timmy; more foxes to guard the hen house.

Obama is owned lock stock and barrel by Wall Street just like Bush and Romney.
One party is willing to tackle it and has attempted to, but then all of their attempts have been stymied by Harry Reid.

BTW, a new Stimulus, going deeper into dept, is not the answer.

The best thing we can do is get this lying asshole out of the White House because he's scaring people into not investing. Many don't know what he's gonna do next. They don't trust him.

A prime example of the fear a radical progressive can cause in government is what is happening in France. The new president just announced a 75% income tax for the rich. Most of them have already started to restructure their incomes so the government can't touch it. The unintended consequence is that jobs will be lost during all of this restructuring. The end result is less revenue. The purpose of the tax increase is to punish the rich. The only folks that end up being punished is the working-class.

Nothing will ever get fixed for average working Americans until the Wall Street Bankers lose their grip on the Treasury Department.
One party is willing to tackle it and has attempted to, but then all of their attempts have been stymied by Harry Reid.

BTW, a new Stimulus, going deeper into dept, is not the answer.

The best thing we can do is get this lying asshole out of the White House because he's scaring people into not investing. Many don't know what he's gonna do next. They don't trust him.

A prime example of the fear a radical progressive can cause in government is what is happening in France. The new president just announced a 75% income tax for the rich. Most of them have already started to restructure their incomes so the government can't touch it. The unintended consequence is that jobs will be lost during all of this restructuring. The end result is less revenue. The purpose of the tax increase is to punish the rich. The only folks that end up being punished is the working-class.

Actually, we had our greatest prosperity when teh wealthy paid their fair share... So this is horseshit... as usual.

Fact is, we've never gotten out of recession without a spurt of government spending. Good presidents buy houses and bad presidents buy bombers, but it still puts people to work.
One party is willing to tackle it and has attempted to, but then all of their attempts have been stymied by Harry Reid.

BTW, a new Stimulus, going deeper into dept, is not the answer.

The best thing we can do is get this lying asshole out of the White House because he's scaring people into not investing. Many don't know what he's gonna do next. They don't trust him.

A prime example of the fear a radical progressive can cause in government is what is happening in France. The new president just announced a 75% income tax for the rich. Most of them have already started to restructure their incomes so the government can't touch it. The unintended consequence is that jobs will be lost during all of this restructuring. The end result is less revenue. The purpose of the tax increase is to punish the rich. The only folks that end up being punished is the working-class.

Nothing will ever get fixed for average working Americans until the Wall Street Bankers lose their grip on the Treasury Department.

Obama has had almost 4 years to do that and it's still not accomplished. Do you think he can do it with another 4 years?

Why do you think he was elected? To make it easier for them the pilfer the treasury.
Ooooooops...............seems team Obama really stepped in the poop big time on this one!!!:poop: Opportunity of the summer for Romney if they can first fire that idiot campaign manager over there.

Who cant see that you send out Ann Romney in a 60 second ad, run it for 2 weeks in about 6 states and the election is over................
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Ooooooops...............seems team Obama really stepped in the poop big time on this one!!!:poop: Opportunity of the summer for Romney if they can first fire that idiot campaign manager over there.

I thought Romney was supposed to be way ahead by now?

Remember, SCOTUS was going to overturn ObamaCare, the economy was going to tank over the summer and Romney would introduce himself to the American people...

Except what he did was embarrass himself overseas, hid his taxes leaving everyone with the impression he was kind of shifty, and let Team Obama define him.
they already have access to health care if they fall on hard times..

We can't all live in Massachusetts, Mitt.

Luckily, now we won't have to.

yeah, now luckily others will get to pay for your health care...must make you proud to be a Obama supporter

Others were already paying for it, Genius. What's different, is now the system will level out and premiums won't sky-rocket as fast as they've been, because people who *could* afford it but were sitting on their hands - then getting catastrophically sick and having other Americans foot the bill - will now be pulling their own weight, and at the same time - the needy that couldn't afford it before but were still not denied, are in the same basic predicament.

But I'm sure you've read, studied and understand the entire 2, 000+ page Law to be able to comment on it and make a fair assessment.

And before you quote Nancy Pelosi, most of our Congressmen have advisers who read and study the bills presented to them for a vote, and make a recommendation. That's what they're employed to do.
Romney's spokeswoman said that if they had lived in Massachusetts his wife would have been covered ... Oops.

they could of moved there..instead he makes some low down lying ad for Obama..
When I first heard the clip, I imediately felt that this guy was being completly disingenuois and dishonest in his words as they were spoken. People have got to beware of the game these days in which these people are playing, because it is an extremely dirty one for sure.

I had a co-worker once, who would take his wife's story after her death, and did this for many years later, in order to then play a beat down widowed husband in which was his game, and this he did in order to get money out of people with his story, even sometimes making people think that she had died most recently when he would do this sort of thing. I fired him over his game once learned, where as you couldnot trust this guy with any kind of trust anymore, as he had become a bad person who took advantage of his own wifes passing, as was found in the story behind it, and he did this just to get ill gotten gain from it.......wow I thought wow..
We can't all live in Massachusetts, Mitt.

Luckily, now we won't have to.

yeah, now luckily others will get to pay for your health care...must make you proud to be a Obama supporter

Others were already paying for it, Genius. What's different, is now the system will level out and premiums won't sky-rocket as fast as they've been, because people who *could* afford it but were sitting on their hands - then getting catastrophically sick and having other Americans foot the bill - will now be pulling their own weight, and at the same time - the needy that couldn't afford it before but were still not denied, are in the same basic predicament.

But I'm sure you've read, studied and understand the entire 2, 000+ page Law to be able to comment on it and make a fair assessment.

And before you quote Nancy Pelosi, most of our Congressmen have advisers who read and study the bills presented to them for a vote, and make a recommendation. That's what they're employed to do.

You need to add Stephanie and the Great Gasbag to your list of birthers.
If stories like this fly with Obama supporters then it's clear they have no sense of decency.

I guess it's okay for us to ask him about when was the last time he smoked crack or pot. Why don't we ask him about his philandering serial-bigamist father. How about his whore mother being punished with a baby and marrying his Dad who then run out on him. Why nobody at Columbia seems to remember a Barrack Obama.

You wanna know why?

Because Romney has more class than Obama. Or should I say has some. Obama obviously doesn't.
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