Obama Superpac Runs "Romney Killed My Wife" Ad

If stories like this fly with Obama supporters then it's clear they have no sense of decency.

I guess it's okay for us to ask him about when was the last time he smoked crack or pot. Why don't we ask him about his philandering serial-bigamist father. How about his whore mother being punished with a baby and marrying his Dad who then run out on him. Why nobody at Columbia seems to remember a Barrack Obama.

You wanna know why?

Because Romney has more class than Obama. Or should I say has some. Obama obviously doesn't.

Or perhaps you could question his place of birth even after being handed a document confirming it...

Oh wait the racist...errr "classy" right wing did that already. And they are still doing it. And you're not denouncing them.

Birds of the feather.
If stories like this fly with Obama supporters then it's clear they have no sense of decency.

I guess it's okay for us to ask him about when was the last time he smoked crack or pot. Why don't we ask him about his philandering serial-bigamist father. How about his whore mother being punished with a baby and marrying his Dad who then run out on him. Why nobody at Columbia seems to remember a Barrack Obama.

You wanna know why?

Because Romney has more class than Obama. Or should I say has some. Obama obviously doesn't.

Or perhaps you could question his place of birth even after being handed a document confirming it...

Oh wait the racist...errr "classy" right wing did that already. And they are still doing it. And you're not denouncing them.

Birds of the feather.

First...Democrats created the issue, second he still has not explained the SS number controversy He stated he would not release it on principle only to be later punked by a developer. Then with what was released, authenticity questions remain.

Then you have the nerve to talk about classy in this thread.

Are you comfortable as a campaign whore.....?
If stories like this fly with Obama supporters then it's clear they have no sense of decency.

I guess it's okay for us to ask him about when was the last time he smoked crack or pot. Why don't we ask him about his philandering serial-bigamist father. How about his whore mother being punished with a baby and marrying his Dad who then run out on him. Why nobody at Columbia seems to remember a Barrack Obama.

You wanna know why?

Because Romney has more class than Obama. Or should I say has some. Obama obviously doesn't.

Or perhaps you could question his place of birth even after being handed a document confirming it...

Oh wait the racist...errr "classy" right wing did that already. And they are still doing it. And you're not denouncing them.

Birds of the feather.

First...Democrats created the issue, second he still has not explained the SS number controversy He stated he would not release it on principle only to be later punked by a developer. Then with what was released, authenticity questions remain.
Then you have the nrve to talk about classy in this thread.
Are you comfortable as a campaign whore.....?

Ahh, more birther speak. Please keep it up. Gee maybe Romney should do the same...I know...IRS records are more personal than birth records....

Are you comfortable as a birther? You guys are the 9/11 truthers of 2012. Enjoy the crown; you wear it well.
If stories like this fly with Obama supporters then it's clear they have no sense of decency.

I guess it's okay for us to ask him about when was the last time he smoked crack or pot. Why don't we ask him about his philandering serial-bigamist father. How about his whore mother being punished with a baby and marrying his Dad who then run out on him. Why nobody at Columbia seems to remember a Barrack Obama.

You wanna know why?

Because Romney has more class than Obama. Or should I say has some. Obama obviously doesn't.

I seem to remember Romney dumping buckets of manure on Perry, (wants to kill little girls with vaccines) Santorum and Gingrich (cheated on his wife!)

But I honestly hope that Romney asks him some of the questions you suggest. It should be amusing.

Here's the problem with the Soptic commerical. It puts a human face on Romney's kind of Capitalism.

You say, "Bain Liquidated GS Steel and 200 people were laid off" that's a cold, static number people don't get.

You say, "Joe Soptic lost his job after Bain liquidated his company, and as a result, his wife died of cancer." That's a human face on a tragedy.
If stories like this fly with Obama supporters then it's clear they have no sense of decency.

I guess it's okay for us to ask him about when was the last time he smoked crack or pot. Why don't we ask him about his philandering serial-bigamist father. How about his whore mother being punished with a baby and marrying his Dad who then run out on him. Why nobody at Columbia seems to remember a Barrack Obama.

You wanna know why?

Because Romney has more class than Obama. Or should I say has some. Obama obviously doesn't.

I seem to remember Romney dumping buckets of manure on Perry, (wants to kill little girls with vaccines) Santorum and Gingrich (cheated on his wife!)

But I honestly hope that Romney asks him some of the questions you suggest. It should be amusing.

Here's the problem with the Soptic commerical. It puts a human face on Romney's kind of Capitalism.

You say, "Bain Liquidated GS Steel and 200 people were laid off" that's a cold, static number people don't get.

You say, "Joe Soptic lost his job after Bain liquidated his company, and as a result, his wife died of cancer." That's a human face on a tragedy.

Except it's a Great Fat Lie :rolleyes:
They might as well have made this Soptic guy up from whole cloth. THAT's how much he has in common with the actual facts.

I'd be bothered by that. This isn't like the Gardasil debate between Perry and Romney. If you'll remember, Perry himself thought better of his decision not long afterward and rescinded it. And in terms of Gingrich's history of adultery... that wasn't a lie. What's more, it goes to character. I, myself, won't vote for an adulterer unless the alternative is in other ways unacceptable. I figure if a guy can't even be honest with his family, no way he's going to be honest with me.
Except it's a Great Fat Lie :rolleyes:
They might as well have made this Soptic guy up from whole cloth. THAT's how much he has in common with the actual facts.

I'd be bothered by that. This isn't like the Gardasil debate between Perry and Romney. If you'll remember, Perry himself thought better of his decision not long afterward and rescinded it. And in terms of Gingrich's history of adultery... that wasn't a lie. What's more, it goes to character. I, myself, won't vote for an adulterer unless the alternative is in other ways unacceptable. I figure if a guy can't even be honest with his family, no way he's going to be honest with me.

Except Mr. Soptic actually thinks his wife died because Romney and Bain ran roughshod over his life... So it isn't a lie, as far as Mr. Soptic is concerned. The two facts you use to excuse Romney was "He wasn't at Bain when they finally got done looting the company" (But he set it in motion) and "Well, this guy's wife had other insurance" (which was obviously not adequate nor as good.)

For Gingrich, we weren't in that family, and we don't know what went on, and frankly, it's not anyone's business. Half of marriages end in divorce. Most after five years. Newt kept his marriages going about 18 years each...
Except it's a Great Fat Lie :rolleyes:
They might as well have made this Soptic guy up from whole cloth. THAT's how much he has in common with the actual facts.

I'd be bothered by that. This isn't like the Gardasil debate between Perry and Romney. If you'll remember, Perry himself thought better of his decision not long afterward and rescinded it. And in terms of Gingrich's history of adultery... that wasn't a lie. What's more, it goes to character. I, myself, won't vote for an adulterer unless the alternative is in other ways unacceptable. I figure if a guy can't even be honest with his family, no way he's going to be honest with me.

Except Mr. Soptic actually thinks his wife died because Romney and Bain ran roughshod over his life... So it isn't a lie, as far as Mr. Soptic is concerned. The two facts you use to excuse Romney was "He wasn't at Bain when they finally got done looting the company" (But he set it in motion) and "Well, this guy's wife had other insurance" (which was obviously not adequate nor as good.)

For Gingrich, we weren't in that family, and we don't know what went on, and frankly, it's not anyone's business. Half of marriages end in divorce. Most after five years. Newt kept his marriages going about 18 years each...

If Soptic thought he was a potted plant, that wouldn't make him one. His personal perception is not the truth. He'd have likely been out of work in 1993 if Bain hadn't come along. If you read back through the thread, you'll find that Romney had left Bain in 1999, the plant didn't close until 2001. Soptic was offered a buyout, which he refused. His wife had her own insurance for a year or two after the closing. She died in 2006. And the guy was making 42k per year between his janitorial job and his pension. With some careful budgeting, he might have bought his own insurance during that time.

Seriously, by this guy's math, the company I worked for in 1999 that went out of business should still be paying my medical care. That's crazy.

p.s. Why is it you guys aren't going after the Obama bundler who WAS at Bain when the plant closed? :eusa_eh:
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If stories like this fly with Obama supporters then it's clear they have no sense of decency.

I guess it's okay for us to ask him about when was the last time he smoked crack or pot. Why don't we ask him about his philandering serial-bigamist father. How about his whore mother being punished with a baby and marrying his Dad who then run out on him. Why nobody at Columbia seems to remember a Barrack Obama.

You wanna know why?

Because Romney has more class than Obama. Or should I say has some. Obama obviously doesn't.

I seem to remember Romney dumping buckets of manure on Perry, (wants to kill little girls with vaccines) Santorum and Gingrich (cheated on his wife!)

But I honestly hope that Romney asks him some of the questions you suggest. It should be amusing.

Here's the problem with the Soptic commerical. It puts a human face on Romney's kind of Capitalism.

You say, "Bain Liquidated GS Steel and 200 people were laid off" that's a cold, static number people don't get.

You say, "Joe Soptic lost his job after Bain liquidated his company, and as a result, his wife died of cancer." That's a human face on a tragedy.

Except it's a Great Fat Lie :rolleyes:
They might as well have made this Soptic guy up from whole cloth. THAT's how much he has in common with the actual facts.

I'd be bothered by that. This isn't like the Gardasil debate between Perry and Romney. If you'll remember, Perry himself thought better of his decision not long afterward and rescinded it. And in terms of Gingrich's history of adultery... that wasn't a lie. What's more, it goes to character. I, myself, won't vote for an adulterer unless the alternative is in other ways unacceptable. I figure if a guy can't even be honest with his family, no way he's going to be honest with me.
I don't know, oddly enough people seem to be able to seperate their jobs and their personal life always.

Ever heard of the old saying do as I say, but don't do as I do ? There are people who can actually run something to benefit society at large, even though they may actually be a destroyer of their own family at home either because of or not (dirty little secrets no one knows or knew about), and this sometimes the people didn't know about until even decades later, but what people do remember about certain people, is how the person they had chosen was once responsible for great things be it in this or found in that, and for which were things in which helped the nation big time while occupying a high office in the process oddly enough.

Explaining this phenomenom is something that maybe some could do in review of history, but it is something that I know can be true as it has been known throughout time in this world as we have known it.

There are many examples of this, and even so we still always thrive for the person who has far less faults as possible, and we do this when we seek the next man and/or woman for our President and/or others for the highest positions in the land. Lately we have run aground or so it seems, but we must get this ship to sailing again somehow, and we must judge righteously and honestly in our search for the next President of the American people, and for this United States.

Sadly we have not the right ones picked I don't think, but as I said above, we must decifer this situation as best we can, and then make a choice as best we can. None perfect no not one, but we must strive to get as close to what we want to represent us as we can, and take nothing any less if at all possible.
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If Soptic thought he was a potted plant, that wouldn't make him one. His personal perception is not the truth. He'd have likely been out of work in 1993 if Bain hadn't come along. If you read back through the thread, you'll find that Romney had left Bain in 1999, the plant didn't close until 2001. Soptic was offered a buyout, which he refused. His wife had her own insurance for a year or two after the closing. She died in 2006. And the guy was making 42k per year between his janitorial job and his pension. With some careful budgeting, he might have bought his own insurance during that time.

Seriously, by this guy's math, the company I worked for in 1999 that went out of business should still be paying my medical care. That's crazy.

p.s. Why is it you guys aren't going after the Obama bundler who WAS at Bain when the plant closed? :eusa_eh:

First, I don't believe that Romney left Bain in 1999.

I just find it impossible to believe that a guy was going to leave billions of investments, including millions of his own money, unattended while he was designing the Curling Rink. Romney had a thumb in Bain in that time period. He took a salary. He flew back to Boston to see how things were going.

Second, 42K isn't that much.. Not enough to maintain a home and a family. And obviously, you have no idea how hard it is to get insurance on an individual level...

Obama's Bundler isn't running for President.
I seem to remember Romney dumping buckets of manure on Perry, (wants to kill little girls with vaccines) Santorum and Gingrich (cheated on his wife!)

But I honestly hope that Romney asks him some of the questions you suggest. It should be amusing.

Here's the problem with the Soptic commerical. It puts a human face on Romney's kind of Capitalism.

You say, "Bain Liquidated GS Steel and 200 people were laid off" that's a cold, static number people don't get.

You say, "Joe Soptic lost his job after Bain liquidated his company, and as a result, his wife died of cancer." That's a human face on a tragedy.

Except it's a Great Fat Lie :rolleyes:
They might as well have made this Soptic guy up from whole cloth. THAT's how much he has in common with the actual facts.

I'd be bothered by that. This isn't like the Gardasil debate between Perry and Romney. If you'll remember, Perry himself thought better of his decision not long afterward and rescinded it. And in terms of Gingrich's history of adultery... that wasn't a lie. What's more, it goes to character. I, myself, won't vote for an adulterer unless the alternative is in other ways unacceptable. I figure if a guy can't even be honest with his family, no way he's going to be honest with me.
I don't know, oddly enough people seem to be able to seperate their jobs and their personal life always.

Ever heard of the old saying do as I say, but don't do as I do ? There are people who can actually run something to benefit society at large, even though they may actually be a destroyer of their own family at home either because of or not (dirty little secrets no one knows or knew about), and this sometimes the people didn't know about until even decades later, but what people do remember about certain people, is how the person they had chosen was once responsible for great things be it in this or found in that, and for which were things in which helped the nation big time while occupying a high office in the process oddly enough.

Explaining this phenomenom is something that maybe some could do in review of history, but it is something that I know can be true as it has been known throughout time in this world as we have known it.

There are many examples of this, and even so we still always thrive for the person who has far less faults as possible, and we do this when we seek the next man and/or woman for our President and/or others for the highest positions in the land. Lately we have run aground or so it seems, but we must get this ship to sailing again somehow, and we must judge righteously and honestly in our search for the next President of the American people, and for this United States.

Sadly we have not the right ones picked I don't think, but as I said above, we must decifer this situation as best we can, and then make a choice as best we can. None perfect no not one, but we must strive to get as close to what we want to represent us as we can, and take nothing any less if at all possible.

I'm typically wary of people who can compartmentalize to that degree. One has to rationalize a dishonest behavior in order to engage in it. To my mind, that makes them willing not only to lie to others, but to lie to themselves. Politicians tend to be a bit more egocentric anyway, surrounded by 'yes' men as they are. A complicated personality isn't a plus, if you ask me.
If Soptic thought he was a potted plant, that wouldn't make him one. His personal perception is not the truth. He'd have likely been out of work in 1993 if Bain hadn't come along. If you read back through the thread, you'll find that Romney had left Bain in 1999, the plant didn't close until 2001. Soptic was offered a buyout, which he refused. His wife had her own insurance for a year or two after the closing. She died in 2006. And the guy was making 42k per year between his janitorial job and his pension. With some careful budgeting, he might have bought his own insurance during that time.

Seriously, by this guy's math, the company I worked for in 1999 that went out of business should still be paying my medical care. That's crazy.

p.s. Why is it you guys aren't going after the Obama bundler who WAS at Bain when the plant closed? :eusa_eh:

First, I don't believe that Romney left Bain in 1999.

I just find it impossible to believe that a guy was going to leave billions of investments, including millions of his own money, unattended while he was designing the Curling Rink. Romney had a thumb in Bain in that time period. He took a salary. He flew back to Boston to see how things were going.

Second, 42K isn't that much.. Not enough to maintain a home and a family. And obviously, you have no idea how hard it is to get insurance on an individual level...

Obama's Bundler isn't running for President.

No. Romney had no managerial role at Bain after 1999. There's ZERO evidence that he did, and lots of people have been REALLY looking. :rolleyes:
Mitt Romney didn't do a goddamn thing to this guy, except provide him with several more years of pay and benefits that he wouldn't have had if Bain hadn't come along.

And yeah... 42k isn't a big salary. But it all depends on one's priorities, doesn't it?
First, I don't believe that Romney left Bain in 1999.

I just find it impossible to believe that a guy was going to leave billions of investments, including millions of his own money, unattended while he was designing the Curling Rink. Romney had a thumb in Bain in that time period. He took a salary. He flew back to Boston to see how things were going.

Second, 42K isn't that much.. Not enough to maintain a home and a family. And obviously, you have no idea how hard it is to get insurance on an individual level...

Obama's Bundler isn't running for President.

No. Romney had no managerial role at Bain after 1999. There's ZERO evidence that he did, and lots of people have been REALLY looking. :rolleyes:

And Romney has been working very hard to hide his past. His tax records, his records as governor of massachuestts, who his bundlers are, what his contacts at the Olympics were.

Again, simple logic. No rich guy leaves his money unattended like that. Nor has Romney ever said, "Gee, if I were still there, we'd have never fired those poor people."

Mitt Romney didn't do a goddamn thing to this guy, except provide him with several more years of pay and benefits that he wouldn't have had if Bain hadn't come along.

HOrseshit. Bain gutted and looted that company. Once again, you fall for the bullshit that parasites are vital organs. Again, if Romney is going to cite Bain as his main qualification, we should look at the bad parts as well as the good parts.

The guy doesn't want to talk about his time as Governor. The Wingnuts and teabaggers went apeshit when his spokesbabe said that if Soptic had lived in Massachusetts, he'd have had coverage.

And yeah... 42k isn't a big salary. But it all depends on one's priorities, doesn't it?

Yeah, I guess it is.. Food and shelter are daily needs, insurance is something you MIGHT need.
Except it's a Great Fat Lie :rolleyes:
They might as well have made this Soptic guy up from whole cloth. THAT's how much he has in common with the actual facts.

I'd be bothered by that. This isn't like the Gardasil debate between Perry and Romney. If you'll remember, Perry himself thought better of his decision not long afterward and rescinded it. And in terms of Gingrich's history of adultery... that wasn't a lie. What's more, it goes to character. I, myself, won't vote for an adulterer unless the alternative is in other ways unacceptable. I figure if a guy can't even be honest with his family, no way he's going to be honest with me.
I don't know, oddly enough people seem to be able to seperate their jobs and their personal life always.

Ever heard of the old saying do as I say, but don't do as I do ? There are people who can actually run something to benefit society at large, even though they may actually be a destroyer of their own family at home either because of or not (dirty little secrets no one knows or knew about), and this sometimes the people didn't know about until even decades later, but what people do remember about certain people, is how the person they had chosen was once responsible for great things be it in this or found in that, and for which were things in which helped the nation big time while occupying a high office in the process oddly enough.

Explaining this phenomenom is something that maybe some could do in review of history, but it is something that I know can be true as it has been known throughout time in this world as we have known it.

There are many examples of this, and even so we still always thrive for the person who has far less faults as possible, and we do this when we seek the next man and/or woman for our President and/or others for the highest positions in the land. Lately we have run aground or so it seems, but we must get this ship to sailing again somehow, and we must judge righteously and honestly in our search for the next President of the American people, and for this United States.

Sadly we have not the right ones picked I don't think, but as I said above, we must decifer this situation as best we can, and then make a choice as best we can. None perfect no not one, but we must strive to get as close to what we want to represent us as we can, and take nothing any less if at all possible.

I'm typically wary of people who can compartmentalize to that degree. One has to rationalize a dishonest behavior in order to engage in it. To my mind, that makes them willing not only to lie to others, but to lie to themselves. Politicians tend to be a bit more egocentric anyway, surrounded by 'yes' men as they are. A complicated personality isn't a plus, if you ask me.

There are degrees of lying of course, where as some will lie maybe to their wives over some things in life or even to the next door neighbor maybe, you know about his shrubbery being run over when asked if he was the one who done it and such, but many will or do understand that lying in a situation that could cause catostrophic consequences in a job like The Presidency where so many are affected, is totally unacceptable and therefore wouldnot happen in many cases at these levels.

Now what is bad, is when we have someone who will lie no matter what the situation is (obitual liar), and that is what we have been getting for a good many years now looking back, because it has become a situation where lying to many degree's has become an acceptable practice in our society. The question now these days, is can we somehow get a person back into that office, who will not be an obitual liar ?

It's time we begin making history again, but first we must send a strong message to the obitual liars in or midst, that we don't accept obitual liars to the office of our Presidency anymore or many other high offices anymore.
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This is Bill Burton.....the same asshole that released the "Romney Killed My Wife" ad.

Here he is spending over 6 mins denying that Obama is going to redistribute wealth after he said he would "spread the wealth" to Joe the Plumber.

He was lying then and he's lying now.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1qE6onrdCo&feature=related]Megyn Kelly Loses It - YouTube[/ame]
Why did you pick a clip of a Faux "News" person going nuts...

Guess you didn't watch the video.

You're heading toward the ignore function.

I watched about two minutes of it... which is all I needed to get the flavor of the thing.. And frankly, that's really all I needed.... It was typical Faux "Let's get all indignant when someone questions our journalistic ethics.

Faux and MSNBC aren't journalism, they are advocacy...
If stories like this fly with Obama supporters then it's clear they have no sense of decency.

I guess it's okay for us to ask him about when was the last time he smoked crack or pot. Why don't we ask him about his philandering serial-bigamist father. How about his whore mother being punished with a baby and marrying his Dad who then run out on him. Why nobody at Columbia seems to remember a Barrack Obama.

You wanna know why?

Because Romney has more class than Obama. Or should I say has some. Obama obviously doesn't.

I seem to remember Romney dumping buckets of manure on Perry, (wants to kill little girls with vaccines) Santorum and Gingrich (cheated on his wife!)

But I honestly hope that Romney asks him some of the questions you suggest. It should be amusing.

Here's the problem with the Soptic commerical. It puts a human face on Romney's kind of Capitalism.

You say, "Bain Liquidated GS Steel and 200 people were laid off" that's a cold, static number people don't get.

You say, "Joe Soptic lost his job after Bain liquidated his company, and as a result, his wife died of cancer." That's a human face on a tragedy.

It's at least a manufactured face. I would assume that people who lost their jobs at GST are still dying. Soptic's wife died 7 years after GST closed. What difference does a few more years make. Soptic's wife did not die as a result of Bain's liquidation. She died as a result of cancer. She had insurance, so she wasn't without insurance. For whatever reason, she elected not to go to a doctor earlier. Why? We don't know since she had insurance through her work and insurance through Soptic's worth as a school custodian. What did Bain do or not do, that gave this woman cancer?

That Bain sold GST to owners who eventually closed it is meaningful in only one sense. If Bain had not taken control of GST would it have remained in business and Soptic would have kept his job? But for Bain's take over, GST would have survived Chinese steel dumping when so many other companies could not?
First, I don't believe that Romney left Bain in 1999.

I just find it impossible to believe that a guy was going to leave billions of investments, including millions of his own money, unattended while he was designing the Curling Rink. Romney had a thumb in Bain in that time period. He took a salary. He flew back to Boston to see how things were going.

Second, 42K isn't that much.. Not enough to maintain a home and a family. And obviously, you have no idea how hard it is to get insurance on an individual level...

Obama's Bundler isn't running for President.

No. Romney had no managerial role at Bain after 1999. There's ZERO evidence that he did, and lots of people have been REALLY looking. :rolleyes:

And Romney has been working very hard to hide his past. His tax records, his records as governor of massachuestts, who his bundlers are, what his contacts at the Olympics were.

Again, simple logic. No rich guy leaves his money unattended like that. Nor has Romney ever said, "Gee, if I were still there, we'd have never fired those poor people."

Mitt Romney didn't do a goddamn thing to this guy, except provide him with several more years of pay and benefits that he wouldn't have had if Bain hadn't come along.

HOrseshit. Bain gutted and looted that company. Once again, you fall for the bullshit that parasites are vital organs. Again, if Romney is going to cite Bain as his main qualification, we should look at the bad parts as well as the good parts.

The guy doesn't want to talk about his time as Governor. The Wingnuts and teabaggers went apeshit when his spokesbabe said that if Soptic had lived in Massachusetts, he'd have had coverage.

And yeah... 42k isn't a big salary. But it all depends on one's priorities, doesn't it?

Yeah, I guess it is.. Food and shelter are daily needs, insurance is something you MIGHT need.

Sorry, but there's no stretch of the imagination that makes anything said in that ad factual. That company wouldn't have even been on Bain's radar if they weren't already in trouble, and they spent YEARS trying to get it back off the ground while people like Joe Soptic were picketing out front for their union's right to be paid double-time while sleeping on the job. Blaming Mitt Romney for his misfortunes and bad choices doesn't make it all Romney's fault.
If stories like this fly with Obama supporters then it's clear they have no sense of decency.

I guess it's okay for us to ask him about when was the last time he smoked crack or pot. Why don't we ask him about his philandering serial-bigamist father. How about his whore mother being punished with a baby and marrying his Dad who then run out on him. Why nobody at Columbia seems to remember a Barrack Obama.

You wanna know why?

Because Romney has more class than Obama. Or should I say has some. Obama obviously doesn't.

I seem to remember Romney dumping buckets of manure on Perry, (wants to kill little girls with vaccines) Santorum and Gingrich (cheated on his wife!)

But I honestly hope that Romney asks him some of the questions you suggest. It should be amusing.

Here's the problem with the Soptic commerical. It puts a human face on Romney's kind of Capitalism.

You say, "Bain Liquidated GS Steel and 200 people were laid off" that's a cold, static number people don't get.

You say, "Joe Soptic lost his job after Bain liquidated his company, and as a result, his wife died of cancer." That's a human face on a tragedy.

It's at least a manufactured face. I would assume that people who lost their jobs at GST are still dying. Soptic's wife died 7 years after GST closed. What difference does a few more years make. Soptic's wife did not die as a result of Bain's liquidation. She died as a result of cancer. She had insurance, so she wasn't without insurance. For whatever reason, she elected not to go to a doctor earlier. Why? We don't know since she had insurance through her work and insurance through Soptic's worth as a school custodian. What did Bain do or not do, that gave this woman cancer?

That Bain sold GST to owners who eventually closed it is meaningful in only one sense. If Bain had not taken control of GST would it have remained in business and Soptic would have kept his job? But for Bain's take over, GST would have survived Chinese steel dumping when so many other companies could not?

Bain sold the company off to close it... after loading it down with debt to pay dividends, slashing benefits, and leaving the Pension fund with a 44 million dollar hole that the Feds had to fill.

Would things have been worse or better if someone else was there? Maybe. But that's like saying it was okay to run over a homeless person because he was probably going to die on the street anyway.

Now, the argument that she "had insurance" is questionable as well. She had insurance on a job that she was forced to quit due to an unrelated injury. And her husband was making half what he made at GS STeel.

This is the Romney economy in a nutshell. We should all be happy working for less so the wealthy can have more. Most of us are living it right now.

And there has to be a point where we say, enough!

Beating Romney into a pulp would be a good start.

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