Obama Taking Credit For Millions Of Jobs Created By GOP Governors. So Typical !!

Mar 16, 2012

When we see that Obama ad making preference to the 4.2 or so million jobs created, did you take notice that the states where most of those jobs were created in very red states? Wasn't it the policies of Rick Perry that made Texas the leader in job creation? How about North Dakota? Obama had nothing to do with their 3% unemployment. Thanks to Bob McDonnell,Virginia is doing well. Obama hasn't done much for Ohio,nor Wisconsin. Why hasn't Obama bragged about the job creating succsesses of California,Illinois,Michigan,Nevada and New York? Aren't those the states that voted him into office?
and all those blue states that voted for Obama are not exactly better off than they were in 2008.
i wonder if Obama will give the honorable Scott Walker any credit for saving the state that was about to go 6 feet under in 2009/2010.
A lot of GOP governors took credit for jobs created by stim money too so it evens out.
and to think with California going down the toilet,,,they are gonna vote for Obama again? what? 55% of the residents enjoy their life of being broke and seeing their town running out of money,then have to tell city employers,,,sorry,,,,u guys are screwed,,,we have already spent your pensions.
What a moronic thread. City, state, and federal employment is lower today. Our jobs have been created in the private sector. Due to the actions of our president, we still have a viable financial system to support job creation.
So the, if all the jobs that were created are the result of state governors, why do some folks want to blame Obama and even George W Bush for that matter,,for the jobs lost ala the result of the recession of 2007?
Obama has never credited any of the red state Governors for the polices they put in place to keep thier states in the black. To take credit for the work Rick Perry has done is beyond selfish. Over a millon jobs created in Texas? thats pretty good. and how many Jobs did Obama create in Callyfornia?
I think it's hilarious how the 'nuts here have to abandon all semblance of credibility and intellectual honesty just to carry out their marching orders.
and we will never hear Bambi speak about the states where millions have fled from cause of lack of jobs. and they were all states that voted for Obama. Great Job in all those Blue States Mr.President,,now u have scared away the residents,,,and where are they flocking to? the deep red south !!!
Obama has never credited any of the red state Governors for the polices they put in place to keep thier states in the black. To take credit for the work Rick Perry has done is beyond selfish. Over a millon jobs created in Texas? thats pretty good. and how many Jobs did Obama create in Callyfornia?

Actually, California ranked third in job growth last year. Behind New York. Both blue states.

California third in January annual job growth - Handling Hard Times : The Orange County Register
What a moronic thread. City, state, and federal employment is lower today. Our jobs have been created in the private sector. Due to the actions of our president, we still have a viable financial system to support job creation.

.......as opposed to a moronic act of making specious claims with no independent verifiable 3rd party source to substantiate the claims.
Obama would take credit for every time Moochelle takes a crap in the woods and a tree falls next to it.
What a moronic thread. City, state, and federal employment is lower today. Our jobs have been created in the private sector. Due to the actions of our president, we still have a viable financial system to support job creation.

.......as opposed to a moronic act of making specious claims with no independent verifiable 3rd party source to substantiate the claims.

The information is out there. Do your homework before posing as an idiot.

When we see that Obama ad making preference to the 4.2 or so million jobs created, did you take notice that the states where most of those jobs were created in very red states? Wasn't it the policies of Rick Perry that made Texas the leader in job creation? How about North Dakota? Obama had nothing to do with their 3% unemployment. Thanks to Bob McDonnell,Virginia is doing well. Obama hasn't done much for Ohio,nor Wisconsin. Why hasn't Obama bragged about the job creating succsesses of California,Illinois,Michigan,Nevada and New York? Aren't those the states that voted him into office?

How many GOP governors took Obama stimulus funds to balance their state budgets and then derided the stimulus?
I don't recall the conservatives around here saying that we can't blame Obama for any unemployment numbers in states that have governors.

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