Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City

President Barack Obama taught everyone a little lesson about racist Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy during the 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Obama was touting the success of Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who was in attendance at the dinner, saying he hadn't "seen someone pull a 180 that fast until Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner."

"As a general rule, things don't end well if the sentence starts with, 'Let me tell you something about the Negro,'" Obama said. "You don't really need to know the rest of it, just a tip for you."
Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy


President Barack Obama taught everyone a little lesson about racist Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy during the 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Obama was touting the success of Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who was in attendance at the dinner, saying he hadn't "seen someone pull a 180 that fast until Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner."

"As a general rule, things don't end well if the sentence starts with, 'Let me tell you something about the Negro,'" Obama said. "You don't really need to know the rest of it, just a tip for you."
Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy


The difference between Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling is one is a major Democrat donor.
Obama"s saying that Negro is a racist word? :lol: He can get back to me when he forces the United Negro College Fund to change their name.

And anyone who backed off of the main issue with Bundy over this comment needs to really truly look in their heart to see why they jumped on the bandwagon to begin with if they couldn't hold steady.

It wasn't a racist comment.
There is one thing that keeps Republicans busy. They have tried more than 50 times to repeal Obamacare. Despite that, 8 million people signed up for healthcare in the first open enrollment. [Applause] Which does lead one to ask, how well does Obamacare have to work before you don’t want to repeal it? What if everyone’s cholesterol drops to 120? What if your yearly checkup came with tickets to a Clippers’ game? Not the old Donald Sterling Clippers, the new Oprah Clippers. What if it gave Mitch McConnell a pulse? What is it going to take?

:D Funny.
You would think they would appreciate a more assertive approach, considering that the new conservative darling is non other than Vladimir Putin. Last year, Pat Buchanan said Putin’s headed straight for the Nobel Peace Prize. He said this. Now I know it sounds crazy but to be fair they give those to just about anybody these days. It could happen. [Laughter] [applause]

But it’s not just Pat, Rudy Giuliani said, “Putin is what you would call a leader. Mike Huckabee and Shawn Hannity keep talking about his bare chest, which is kind of weird. [Laughter] [applause] Look it up. They talk about it a lot. [Laughter]

They do.

President Barack Obama taught everyone a little lesson about racist Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy during the 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Obama was touting the success of Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who was in attendance at the dinner, saying he hadn't "seen someone pull a 180 that fast until Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner."

"As a general rule, things don't end well if the sentence starts with, 'Let me tell you something about the Negro,'" Obama said. "You don't really need to know the rest of it, just a tip for you."
Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy


The difference between Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling is one is a major Democrat donor.

Yeah? How major?
Then burn the first amendment and declare we can't say anything insulting to anyone.

What a bunch of idiots.

Why you can say anything insulting about anyone you please. And they can reply in kind. And those observing can pick sides. And if the vast majority is on the other side from you, if you are a fucking idiot, you can claim that violates your first amendment rights.

Your first amendment rights simply states that you have the right to make the statement, it does not protect you from the rest of us stating what an idiot you are to say that.
Obama"s saying that Negro is a racist word? :lol: He can get back to me when he forces the United Negro College Fund to change their name.

And anyone who backed off of the main issue with Bundy over this comment needs to really truly look in their heart to see why they jumped on the bandwagon to begin with if they couldn't hold steady.

It wasn't a racist comment.

OK, that is your opinion. Seems like the rest of us have a differant opinion. And hold steady for what? A thief? As more of the facts have came out, they were very glad to have an excuse to get off of that wagon.

Our President has a wicked sense of humor. He should use it more often in speaking.
Obama"s saying that Negro is a racist word? :lol: He can get back to me when he forces the United Negro College Fund to change their name.

And anyone who backed off of the main issue with Bundy over this comment needs to really truly look in their heart to see why they jumped on the bandwagon to begin with if they couldn't hold steady.

It wasn't a racist comment.

OK, that is your opinion. Seems like the rest of us have a differant opinion. And hold steady for what? A thief? As more of the facts have came out, they were very glad to have an excuse to get off of that wagon.

Our President has a wicked sense of humor. He should use it more often in speaking.

You claim you are a conservationist. I'll hold you to that standard.

You have no problem with the desert being sold off I see.
So you little people. You are happy that your guy picks on little people. You show your stuff big time here.

The difference between Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling is one is a major Democrat donor.

Yeah? How major?

Ha! Not even moderate let alone major:


Know what else is "open" in California? Political Party affiliation...you can call the registrar and ask...he's a Republican and has been since 1998.

President Barack Obama taught everyone a little lesson about racist Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy during the 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Obama was touting the success of Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who was in attendance at the dinner, saying he hadn't "seen someone pull a 180 that fast until Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner."

"As a general rule, things don't end well if the sentence starts with, 'Let me tell you something about the Negro,'" Obama said. "You don't really need to know the rest of it, just a tip for you."
Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy


The difference between Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling is one is a major Democrat donor.

Donald Sterling (Republican) was banned for life......what is your point?

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