Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy

Obama"s saying that Negro is a racist word? :lol: He can get back to me when he forces the United Negro College Fund to change their name.

And anyone who backed off of the main issue with Bundy over this comment needs to really truly look in their heart to see why they jumped on the bandwagon to begin with if they couldn't hold steady.

It wasn't a racist comment.

OK, that is your opinion. Seems like the rest of us have a differant opinion. And hold steady for what? A thief? As more of the facts have came out, they were very glad to have an excuse to get off of that wagon.

Our President has a wicked sense of humor. He should use it more often in speaking.

You claim you are a conservationist. I'll hold you to that standard.

You have no problem with the desert being sold off I see.

Tiny, you are a partisan idiot. Bundy was overgrazing that area in the high desert. He should not only be charged the grazing fees he owes, but also charged damages for that overgrazing. And that area, as the drought continues, will support fewer and fewer cow per section.

Now you are the one doing the cheering for damaging the desert.
Obabble's ancestral heritage does not include the American slave
experience...though at critical moments he is quick to embrace it as his own. And he never acknowledges his white side though they gave him all he is.
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See, there is hope for Al Franken's presidential aspiration.

I mean, if this incompetent amateur liberal comedian can do it...an incompetent professional liberal comedian should be able to do it better!
See, there is hope for Al Franken's presidential aspiration.

I mean, if this incompetent amateur liberal comedian can do it...an incompetent professional liberal comedian should be able to do it better!

Ronald Reagan made movies with a chimpanzee and he did become President. Have you paid attention to what Senator Franken has done since taking office?

From Wiki:

His first piece of legislation was the Service Dogs for Veterans Act (S. 1495), which he wrote jointly with Republican Johnny Isakson. The bill, which passed the Senate with unanimous consent, established a program with the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to pair disabled veterans with service dogs.[64]...

He authored an amendment, called the Medical Loss Ratio, to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that required insurance companies spend at least 80% of premiums on actual health care costs, rising to 85% for large group plans.[70] In June 2013, it was reported that the amendment had saved consumers $3.4 billion on premiums and resulted in nationwide rebates of $1.1 billion in 2012 and $500 million in 2013.[71] ...

Citing the case of Jamie Leigh Jones, Franken offered an amendment to the 2010 Defense Appropriations bill that would withhold defense contracts from companies that restrict their employees from taking workplace sexual assault, battery and discrimination cases to court. It passed the U.S. Senate in November 2010, 68 to 30 in a roll-call vote.[75]

In May 2010, Franken proposed a financial reform legislation amendment which would create a board to select which credit rating agency would evaluate a given security; currently any companies issuing a security may select which company evaluates the security.[76] The amendment was passed; however, the financial industry lobbied to have Franken's amendment removed from the final bill.[77] Negotiations between the Senate and House, whose version of financial reform did not include such a provision, resulted in the amendment's being watered down to require only a series of studies being done upon the issue for two years.[78] After the studies, if the Securities and Exchange Commission has not implemented another solution to the conflict of interest problem, Franken's solution will go into effect.[79][80]​
Obama"s saying that Negro is a racist word? :lol: He can get back to me when he forces the United Negro College Fund to change their name.

And anyone who backed off of the main issue with Bundy over this comment needs to really truly look in their heart to see why they jumped on the bandwagon to begin with if they couldn't hold steady.

It wasn't a racist comment.

OK, that is your opinion. Seems like the rest of us have a differant opinion. And hold steady for what? A thief? As more of the facts have came out, they were very glad to have an excuse to get off of that wagon.

Our President has a wicked sense of humor. He should use it more often in speaking.

the rest of us ??????


hummmmmm....., i wonder if they agree with you ..........????
Obama"s saying that Negro is a racist word? :lol: He can get back to me when he forces the United Negro College Fund to change their name.

And anyone who backed off of the main issue with Bundy over this comment needs to really truly look in their heart to see why they jumped on the bandwagon to begin with if they couldn't hold steady.

It wasn't a racist comment.

OK, that is your opinion. Seems like the rest of us have a differant opinion. And hold steady for what? A thief? As more of the facts have came out, they were very glad to have an excuse to get off of that wagon.

Our President has a wicked sense of humor. He should use it more often in speaking.

the rest of us ??????


hummmmmm....., i wonder if they agree with you ..........????

The lib whack O nut jobs like counting all 4 of them as 'US'

See, there is hope for Al Franken's presidential aspiration.

I mean, if this incompetent amateur liberal comedian can do it...an incompetent professional liberal comedian should be able to do it better!

yea you are a hee Haw "humor" type

Hint, take the hanger out of your shirt before you put it on
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Then burn the first amendment and declare we can't say anything insulting to anyone.

What a bunch of idiots.

Why you can say anything insulting about anyone you please. And they can reply in kind. And those observing can pick sides. And if the vast majority is on the other side from you, if you are a fucking idiot, you can claim that violates your first amendment rights.

Your first amendment rights simply states that you have the right to make the statement, it does not protect you from the rest of us stating what an idiot you are to say that.

Nor does it stop the marketplace from reacting.
“Let’s face it, Fox, you’ll miss me when I’m gone. It’ll be harder to convince the American people that Hillary was born in Kenya.”

The difference between Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling is one is a major Democrat donor.

Yeah? How major?

Ha! Not even moderate let alone major:


Know what else is "open" in California? Political Party affiliation...you can call the registrar and ask...he's a Republican and has been since 1998.

Don't expect the nutters from continuing the lie that he's Democrat though. Once they latch on to a lie, they refuse to allow even a glimmer of intelligent fact to squeeze through.
“Let’s face it, Fox, you’ll miss me when I’m gone. It’ll be harder to convince the American people that Hillary was born in Kenya.”


If he had been white he would have been impeached by now. However, this racist country continues to hold the black man down,


Impeached? On EXACTLY what grounds?

No, you don't get to say "because you don't like him" or "because you don't believe him".


EXACTLY what has he done that is impeachable?
Obama is qualified to talk about racism; he's the biggest racist in the White House sine LBJ
Obama"s saying that Negro is a racist word? :lol: He can get back to me when he forces the United Negro College Fund to change their name.

And anyone who backed off of the main issue with Bundy over this comment needs to really truly look in their heart to see why they jumped on the bandwagon to begin with if they couldn't hold steady.

It wasn't a racist comment.

OK, that is your opinion. Seems like the rest of us have a differant opinion. And hold steady for what? A thief? As more of the facts have came out, they were very glad to have an excuse to get off of that wagon.

Our President has a wicked sense of humor. He should use it more often in speaking.

the rest of us ??????


hummmmmm....., i wonder if they agree with you ..........????

The more you toss around the word "commie", the less it means and the more ignorant you look.

Why don't you look up the definition and then start using the accusation accurately? Think for yourself.

Show PROOF that there are Communists posting here.
Obabble's ancestral heritage does not include the American slave
experience...though at critical moments he is quick to embrace it as his own. And he never acknowledges his white side though they gave him all he is.


Obama would like the world to believe that he is successful because he is black, totally forgetting - by amnesia or dishonest design - the fact that he did not end up in the gutter, like many biracial children (almost always rejected ignored and abandoned by the oh so loving black relatives), only because of his WHITE grandparents.

If one wants to stereotype people by skin color there is no better example than Obama's father versus his grandparents.

Also, nothing proves the overwhelming presence of freeloading genes in their bodies and brains, than the fact that recent immigrants from Africa, with the only connection with slavery that their ancestors were selling their neighbors to American slave traders, take advantage of the outrageous and discriminatory affirmative action.
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I feel obligated to remind you ALL that impeachment really takes NO CRIME to initiate.

IMPEACHMENT is NOT something that the courts do.

IMPEACHMENT is entirely a political decision.

RE-read your constitution...misdemeanors?

Anything can be a misdemeanor in the world of congressional politics.

It's a nothing word in this case.
Obabble's ancestral heritage does not include the American slave
experience...though at critical moments he is quick to embrace it as his own. And he never acknowledges his white side though they gave him all he is.


Obama would like the world to believe that he is successful because he is black, totally forgetting - by amnesia or dishonest design - the fact that he did not end up in the gutter, like many biracial children (almost always rejected ignored and abandoned by the oh so loving black relatives), only because of his WHITE grandparents.

If one wants to stereotype people by skin color there is no better example than Obama's father versus his grandparents.

Also, nothing proves the overwhelming presence of freeloading genes in their bodies and brains, than the fact that recent immigrants from Africa, with the only connection with slavery that their ancestors were selling their neighbors to American slave traders, take advantage of the outrageous and discriminatory affirmative action.

"freeloading genes"?

That is a great one! You should copyright that shit.

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