Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy

So what if it was a racist comment?


Stupid worthless redneck white trash American Taliban terrorist pieces of shit drove from all over the country to take up arms against America from behind human shields in defense of a racist **** who thinks that Negroes would be better off as slaves picking cotton.

The key words there are: "Stupid worthless redneck white trash American Taliban terrorist pieces of shit took up arms against America".

That's a big fucking deal because white trash American Taliban pieces of shit were taking up arms against America for reasons that they didn't understand in the first place. When you have stupid worthless redneck white trash American Taliban terrorist pieces of shit taking up arms against America and they don't even really know why they're doing it or who they're doing it for, then yeah, that's a really big fucking deal. That's what happened during the Civil War. The Civil War was a big fucking deal and stupid worthless redneck white trash American Taliban terrorist pieces of shit want another Civil War. They took up arms against America for someone who thinks that black people should be slaves.

That is a big fucking deal.
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Obama"s saying that Negro is a racist word? :lol: He can get back to me when he forces the United Negro College Fund to change their name.

And anyone who backed off of the main issue with Bundy over this comment needs to really truly look in their heart to see why they jumped on the bandwagon to begin with if they couldn't hold steady.

It wasn't a racist comment.

OK, that is your opinion. Seems like the rest of us have a differant opinion. And hold steady for what? A thief? As more of the facts have came out, they were very glad to have an excuse to get off of that wagon.

Our President has a wicked sense of humor. He should use it more often in speaking.

disaagree with td on this

I went to school in St George with folks like Cliven, some of whom are distant cousins

his remark was racist in the context he used it

racism does not have intent to be racist to occur

unintentional racism is fact
Obama"s saying that Negro is a racist word? :lol: He can get back to me when he forces the United Negro College Fund to change their name.

And anyone who backed off of the main issue with Bundy over this comment needs to really truly look in their heart to see why they jumped on the bandwagon to begin with if they couldn't hold steady.

It wasn't a racist comment.

Sorry...but that's was not the meaning...

What if I were to say..."Let me tell you something about the Whites..." Or "Let me tell you something about the Straights..."

oh, heck....why am I even having to explain this.....:rolleyes:

President Barack Obama taught everyone a little lesson about racist Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy during the 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Obama was touting the success of Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who was in attendance at the dinner, saying he hadn't "seen someone pull a 180 that fast until Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner."

"As a general rule, things don't end well if the sentence starts with, 'Let me tell you something about the Negro,'" Obama said. "You don't really need to know the rest of it, just a tip for you."
Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy


The difference between Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling is one is a major Democrat donor.

No the difference is that I haven't heard anyone defending Sterling. The right was all over defending that criminal bundy.
So what if it was a racist comment?


Stupid worthless redneck white trash American Taliban terrorist pieces of shit drove from all over the country to take up arms against America from behind human shields in defense of a racist **** who thinks that Negroes would be better off as slaves picking cotton.

The key words there are: "Stupid worthless redneck white trash American Taliban terrorist pieces of shit took up arms against America".

That's a big fucking deal because white trash American Taliban pieces of shit were taking up arms against America for reasons that they didn't understand in the first place. When you have stupid worthless redneck white trash American Taliban terrorist pieces of shit taking up arms against America and they don't even really know why they're doing it or who they're doing it for, then yeah, that's a really big fucking deal. That's what happened during the Civil War. The Civil War was a big fucking deal and stupid worthless redneck white trash American Taliban terrorist pieces of shit want another Civil War. They took up arms against America for someone who thinks that black people should be slaves.

That is a big fucking deal.

Just wow...

have one on me... :coffee:
“Let’s face it, Fox, you’ll miss me when I’m gone. It’ll be harder to convince the American people that Hillary was born in Kenya.”


What if a Republican President:

Took a bribe from a Convicted felon
Told his publisher he was foreign born
Used a drone to kill an American Teenager
Armed a violent Mexican Gang that resulted in the death of a border guard
Used the Federal Reserve to benefit the 1%
Lied about Keeping your doctor and health insurance
Lied about a terrorist attack that got 4 American killed
Didn't know how many states there were in the USA
Didn't know "Judicial Review" and said "Ultimately I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," What???
Called Democrats "the enemy"
A thread fawnng over the PTB in this country, what a surprise. Are you all afraid that if you don't laugh at their jokes the IRS will audit you?

President Barack Obama taught everyone a little lesson about racist Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy during the 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Obama was touting the success of Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who was in attendance at the dinner, saying he hadn't "seen someone pull a 180 that fast until Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner."

"As a general rule, things don't end well if the sentence starts with, 'Let me tell you something about the Negro,'" Obama said. "You don't really need to know the rest of it, just a tip for you."
Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy


lol, it's a good marker between the people who think that joke is great and the people who

So what if it was a racist comment?


Stupid worthless redneck white trash American Taliban terrorist pieces of shit drove from all over the country to take up arms against America from behind human shields in defense of a racist **** who thinks that Negroes would be better off as slaves picking cotton.

The key words there are: "Stupid worthless redneck white trash American Taliban terrorist pieces of shit took up arms against America".

That's a big fucking deal because white trash American Taliban pieces of shit were taking up arms against America for reasons that they didn't understand in the first place. When you have stupid worthless redneck white trash American Taliban terrorist pieces of shit taking up arms against America and they don't even really know why they're doing it or who they're doing it for, then yeah, that's a really big fucking deal. That's what happened during the Civil War. The Civil War was a big fucking deal and stupid worthless redneck white trash American Taliban terrorist pieces of shit want another Civil War. They took up arms against America for someone who thinks that black people should be slaves.

That is a big fucking deal.

I don't know whether ALL democrats feel the way you do, but if they do, it is long past time to take action. Act on these ideas, don't just post on them. Grab your guns, run out to Nevada is chase that red neck Taliban all the back to wherever they came from.

Let's get it started. We all know that the US has the future of Ukraine and Syria right in its grasp. Take it.

President Barack Obama taught everyone a little lesson about racist Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy during the 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Obama was touting the success of Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who was in attendance at the dinner, saying he hadn't "seen someone pull a 180 that fast until Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner."

"As a general rule, things don't end well if the sentence starts with, 'Let me tell you something about the Negro,'" Obama said. "You don't really need to know the rest of it, just a tip for you."
Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy


The difference between Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling is one is a major Democrat donor.

Clive Bundy made a HUGE political donation to the Democratic Party, which was evidenced by how fast many Republicans with higher political aspirations ran away from him.

President Barack Obama taught everyone a little lesson about racist Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy during the 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Obama was touting the success of Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who was in attendance at the dinner, saying he hadn't "seen someone pull a 180 that fast until Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner."

"As a general rule, things don't end well if the sentence starts with, 'Let me tell you something about the Negro,'" Obama said. "You don't really need to know the rest of it, just a tip for you."
Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy


I wonder who wrote that line for him? Had it been off script all you would have gotten is um um duh um um duh duh um.
There is one thing that keeps Republicans busy. They have tried more than 50 times to repeal Obamacare. Despite that, 8 million people signed up for healthcare in the first open enrollment. [Applause] Which does lead one to ask, how well does Obamacare have to work before you don’t want to repeal it? What if everyone’s cholesterol drops to 120? What if your yearly checkup came with tickets to a Clippers’ game? Not the old Donald Sterling Clippers, the new Oprah Clippers. What if it gave Mitch McConnell a pulse? What is it going to take?

:D Funny.

3 points from this Study: A guide to understanding Obamacare?s sign-up numbers

* McKinsey Center for U.S. Health Reform that finds only 11 percent of those buying coverage through the exchange were previously uninsured.
11% of YOUR "applause" 8 million is 880,000 !
* 89 percent were replacing a plan that they already had.

* There are lots of people who were eligible for Medicaid prior to the Affordable Care Act but didn't enroll in the program.

Some of the 8 million (applause!)were these 14 million per the Census of the inflated 46 million uninsured are people eligible under Medicaid BEFORE ACA .. all need to do is register. I personally know 2 people like that!

So again the "applause" 8 million is a bogus number JUST as there being "46 million uninsured" was a bogus number that included:
* 10 million NON CITIZENS that NOW Obama says will not be part of Obamacare... so that leaves 36 million of the bogus "uninsured!
* 14 million of the remaining 36 million should have been enrolled in Medicaid if weren't for the INEPTNESS of Obama's HHS ! These 14 million
were eligible for Medicaid.. but didn't know it... who's fault??? OBAMA! His solution count them as part of the bogus 36 million uninsured and pass MORE laws!
* 18 million are under 34 that make over $50k and didn't want their employers' health plans as they spent less per year on out of pocket health services.

That means there were less the 4 million that truly wanted and needed health insurance!
“Let’s face it, Fox, you’ll miss me when I’m gone. It’ll be harder to convince the American people that Hillary was born in Kenya.”


I would still be pointing out the bubble of the market compared to commodities and asking people if they could draw a historical paralleled to any other period in history. So far the only people that have seen it are the racists that hate Obama simply because he is black, but I am willing to bet a lot of non racist who don't pay any attention to Obama's skin color would see it if he was actually white.
No, say anything you want, but what you seem to not understand is the right of others to criticize the stupidity of the remark.
Do you understand that is others right!

Then burn the first amendment and declare we can't say anything insulting to anyone.

What a bunch of idiots.

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