Obama Terrorism Policies: Was Bush Right?

Considering all the example you gave, I don't have to. Examples like

Actually, pointing out Republican failure seems to be example enough. Not sure how that is "fear mongering".

As far as "Right Wingers" attacking the president. Boyking Obama is a “boy” who is an empty suit, a racist, terrorist, child molester, Marxist, Kenyan, watermelon eating, totalitarian, Socialist, drug addicted, gay, Nazi, black, Muslim, Communist, illegal Alien who wants to kill your grandmother and is the "anti Christ" are NOT attacks, no, they are "endearments", obviously.

so as usual Dean has nothing....just more left wing bullshit....you made the fucking statements Dean....back them up or go do the laundry and get the shit stains off your Hanes....its funny how when you make these stupid statements and are asked to back them up....you give nothing but more bullshit.....but yet you expect those on the Right to back it up when they say something just as stupid.....
and how about you include the names you and yours called Bush.....i guess they were Far-left terms of endearments ....right?...then you wonder why so many here dont take you seriously......
Since he has been in office...


Saying that Republicans...



fuck off nitwit

The "lack of control" must bother you. Oh well, that's what "free speech" is all about.[/QUOTE]

lack of control and free speech? do not confuse urges with rights granted or otherwise


The fact that anyone could still be looking for something where Bush was "right" is misplaced and pathetic.


You would need to view the video or have a link to it's content to comment rationally on this subject. I apologize for ignoring your raving rant against Bush, but the OP is about a serious look at where we are and where we are going. Part of that is looking honestly and dispassionately at the truth as it unfolds before us.


your not going to get that from Dean Dev.....he hates ANYTHING and ANYONE who disagrees with what he thinks....and since this piece is about Bush and the Republicans....Dean does not have to view it....he already knows....case closed with him....like his mind....

The thread OP is about a conversation between Glenn Gereenwald and David Frum. I disingenuously called them both progressives. I waited for somebody like dean to pay attention to what they were commenting on...

my mistake


I think Greenwald's column here Bloggingheads with David Frum and other matters - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com, is insightful and raises some interesting subjects and questions...

A couple of days ago, I had a BloggingheadsTV discussion with David Frum, posted below, regarding Elena Kagan and Harriet Miers; the extent to which "epistemic closure" exists among progressives as well as conservatives; Obama's embrace of Bush's Terrorism policies; and the Times Square incident and what it reflects about Terrorists and civil liberties. The discussion was congenial, in large part because the David Frum of 2010 bears so little resemblance to the David Frum of 2002-03 (for the latest evidence of that, see his new column condemning Joe Lieberman's despicable [and nonsensical] proposal to strip Americans accused of supporting foreign Terrorist organizations of their U.S. citizenship).

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