Obama - The Great Divider

How do you explain the exhorbantly high number of whites in your party while simealtaneously low number of minorities in it?

Been black all my life and a conservative since the 70s. What would you suggest? Concentration camps for all republicans? And you wonder why the majority of Americans call you liberals "stupid".........

You being black doesn't make his point any less true. And the majority of people voted in a liberal president so I doubt the 'majority' of Americans think themselves stupid...

when a good deal of those Americans Grump voted for the guy because they considered him the "lessor of two evils" that sure as hell does not make them smart.....if people in this Country would stop voting for the "lessor of two evils" and cut the dam chords to these shit parties and maybe vote for someone outside the parties, it just might start sending a message to these "parties".....that they just may not have the job security they enjoy now....but since most people like to waste their votes and apparently like the same old shit......that just may be wishful thinking....
Been black all my life and a conservative since the 70s. What would you suggest? Concentration camps for all republicans? And you wonder why the majority of Americans call you liberals "stupid".........

You being black doesn't make his point any less true. And the majority of people voted in a liberal president so I doubt the 'majority' of Americans think themselves stupid...

Actually, it does make a difference. The OPs inference was that blacks would NEVER vote against Barry. I voted against him the first time and I voted against him the second time. I refuse to vote for ANY candidate that his sole reason for being voted in office is because he "gives stuff away".
Wake up. This man is destroying the United States of America. That is why we are NOT a democracy. We are a representative republic. One has only to look at YOUR examples of representatives (Nancy "dumber than dirt" Pelosi, Maxine "the stump" Watters, Harry "Howdy Doody Reid") to name but a few, to understand that left to YOUR devices, we would already be sunk. As it is, we listen to you fools blame Bush for the 5th straight year while giving the "supreme idiot" a complete pass on his ridiculous job performance.

That's on YOUR side. Birds of a feather......

That seems to be just as ridiculous as the letter from Proud to be a Democrat.

I disagree. He inferred most blacks would never vote against Obama, and he was right.

His job performance, while not being outstanding, is certainly better than Bush's - by a long shot. But the bar was set pretty low.

As for Reid and Pelosi, they are no more 'my' people than the freak Santorum is yours...unless he is off course...:eek:

Again, this is where you and I part company. Here's why...Bush was/is a buffoon. Can you say the same about YOUR boy? I didn't think so. That's what separates us. I think for myself and you (like most liberals) are guilty of "group think" and sudden "black love".

You can't bring yourself to say that Barry is a complete and utter moron because he is a black (bi-racial) man and you feel that it might be construed as somehow "racist". He gets EVERY break in the world. He has done NOTHING but compound the already dire situation in this country, yet liberals steadfastly remain belligerent towards George Bush. Frankly, I couldn't care less what color Barry is - he is an incompetent fool; hell bent on destroying the "American way" of life in this country. Basically - he is a communist.

Here's another surprise for you: I actually thought Bill Clinton (although a bottom feeder) did a great job. Couldn't keep his damn pants up, but married to Hillary, who can be surprised?

You go ahead and drink the Obama kool-aid. You go ahead and tell yourself how "great" it is that America FINALLY has a "man of color" as president. Whatever it takes to appease your BS "white guilt". No matter how you cut it, this man has absolutely no business whatsoever being in the position he is in. He was never qualified, will NEVER be qualified and is an America Hater of the highest order. But as long as the liberals feel good about themselves. The road to hell is ALWAYS paved with good intentions.

Randall, I'm not even American, so this 'black' thang is not an issue with me, and never will be.

Note, I said, that his job was not outstanding, but it was better than Bush.
Calling Bush a buffoon is doing a disservice to buffoons. Intellectually, Obama shits on Bush in so many places, you'd be lucky to tip toe through Bush's crap without getting yourself dirty.

He is not a hater. The only president in history that inherited a worse economy was Roosevelt. You Cons are all about responsibility, yet the moment he took office and us neutrals said "he inherited a shit economy", the shills in the GOP starting harping on about "blame Bush" and "bbooossshh" and all the other BS. The world's economy almost went into meltdown, and now you guys somehow think a guy you hate and isn't qualified was going to fix it all within four years. Really? pppffftttt..

As Clinton said during the election - and I'm paraphrashing here - "the GoP are saying we stuffed up the economy, you [the Dems] haven't fixed it fast enough, so give it back to us again"...

It's hard to believe you guys believe this shit...it's embarassing

whats embarrassing is the ignorance displayed in the above post. its embarrassing that any educated human being could actually believe what you just posted. I guess the defective liberal gene is alive and well.
Again, this is where you and I part company. Here's why...Bush was/is a buffoon. Can you say the same about YOUR boy? I didn't think so. That's what separates us. I think for myself and you (like most liberals) are guilty of "group think" and sudden "black love".

You can't bring yourself to say that Barry is a complete and utter moron because he is a black (bi-racial) man and you feel that it might be construed as somehow "racist". He gets EVERY break in the world. He has done NOTHING but compound the already dire situation in this country, yet liberals steadfastly remain belligerent towards George Bush. Frankly, I couldn't care less what color Barry is - he is an incompetent fool; hell bent on destroying the "American way" of life in this country. Basically - he is a communist.

Here's another surprise for you: I actually thought Bill Clinton (although a bottom feeder) did a great job. Couldn't keep his damn pants up, but married to Hillary, who can be surprised?

You go ahead and drink the Obama kool-aid. You go ahead and tell yourself how "great" it is that America FINALLY has a "man of color" as president. Whatever it takes to appease your BS "white guilt". No matter how you cut it, this man has absolutely no business whatsoever being in the position he is in. He was never qualified, will NEVER be qualified and is an America Hater of the highest order. But as long as the liberals feel good about themselves. The road to hell is ALWAYS paved with good intentions.

Randall, I'm not even American, so this 'black' thang is not an issue with me, and never will be.

Note, I said, that his job was not outstanding, but it was better than Bush.
Calling Bush a buffoon is doing a disservice to buffoons. Intellectually, Obama shits on Bush in so many places, you'd be lucky to tip toe through Bush's crap without getting yourself dirty.

He is not a hater. The only president in history that inherited a worse economy was Roosevelt. You Cons are all about responsibility, yet the moment he took office and us neutrals said "he inherited a shit economy", the shills in the GOP starting harping on about "blame Bush" and "bbooossshh" and all the other BS. The world's economy almost went into meltdown, and now you guys somehow think a guy you hate and isn't qualified was going to fix it all within four years. Really? pppffftttt..

As Clinton said during the election - and I'm paraphrashing here - "the GoP are saying we stuffed up the economy, you [the Dems] haven't fixed it fast enough, so give it back to us again"...

It's hard to believe you guys believe this shit...it's embarassing

whats embarrassing is the ignorance displayed in the above post. its embarrassing that any educated human being could actually believe what you just posted. I guess the defective liberal gene is alive and well.

Couldn't agree more. These liberals have heard Barry repeat (for the 1,500 time) that he "inherited the worst economy since the great depression" that THEY have began to believe it and, what's worse, they give him a pass for his inaction over the last 4 years. After all, it WAS the worst economy since the great depression, don't you know. That excuses all.

Barry IS an America hater. Everything about the man SCREAMS it, from the people he surrounds himself with, to his communist "mentors". From his hatred of our allies, to his self-professed love of Frank Marshall Davis. The man is a communist.

The only thing liberals can do - rather than face the fact that their boy is a clown - is blame Bush. That's all they have and it's pathetic.

Yeah, you're right. Barry inherited a crappy mess. Dems controlled BOTH houses 2 years BEFORE Barry took over. The last I heard, No president in American history PASSES LEGISLATION. The Congress does that. Now, whose fault is it that Barry inherited a crappy mess?
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Let's see how uniting the next Republican whatever will be...shall we?

Anything this side of:

"Bring a knife to a gun fight"
"Get even with our enemies"
"Elections have consequences"
"they can get to the back of the bus"

.......will be more uniting.

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