Obama - The Great Divider

This pretty much sums up the intelligence of Obama supporters.

Do you think the dems did not do everything possible to deny Bush a second term?

McConnel just said what has always been the case. Sorry if you were offended by the truth.

Gee, never a day goes by in these sort of venues that someone on the right doesn't go on and on about how the Democrats supported Bush on the Iraq War.

Are you saying those conservatives are full of shit?
The socialist game plan as put forth by Marx, Lenin, Alinsky, Mao, Castro, and others clearly has dividing the people as one of its tenets of success.

Divide and conquer. Divide the people by race, sex, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, wealth, etc. Then what you have is a bunch of small groups that individually have no power. Then the socialists take over and we all become slaves of the government.

Its happening as we sit here typing and pretending all is well. WAKE UP PEOPLE, ITS ALMOST TOO LATE ALREADY!

That is blood bloodcurdlingly true. United we stand, divided we fall. We are falling and failing, all and sundry.

Is he part of the 47% of america you on the right hate so much?

No one hates the 47% that pay no federal income tax. They are americans just like the rest of us.

Don't you think it would be better for everyone if those people had good paying jobs instead of welfare and foodstamps?

Conservatives want those people to get jobs and become taxpayers. We want them to succeed and get off of welfare.

Why do liberals want the continuation of the welfare state?

This may simply be a point of semantics, but I think conservatives of all persuasions want people to succeed, to have good jobs and contribute to the health of the nation. There are conservative Dems, just as there are liberal Reps. A basic difference lies in the means to the end, though. Some believe that individual responsibility and self-reliance are the keys to success. Others believe that the way for many to succeed is to have government provide for them; provide training, provide basic support until jobs are acquired; provide a "safety net" to compensate for personal responsibility should an individual fail.
The GOP made it very clear from the beginning that they would not work with this President on anything. They had candidates who ran promising not to compromise or even work with liberals or the President. Some of them won. Their party leadership publicly stated their primary goal was to make sure Obama did not win a second term. They've rebuffed his every offer to work together, mounted the most intense and prolific campaign of character assassination and lies directed at a President ever seen, have steadfastly refused to give him credit for anything, blamed him for everything, alienated minorities, women and poor people...and then have the nerve to accuse HIM of being a divider!

It's just amazing and, more amazing yet, is that there is anybody left who would believe the shit they're dishing out.

Even if that were true, how is it any different than how Democrats behaved during the Bush Administration?

what was it Obumturd said shortly after getting elected? . . . . . . Oh yeah, now I remember.

"Republicans have to ride in the back."

When America was attacked in 2001 I recall all the Dems and Reps all coming together. When we were attacked in 2012 the Republican candidate couldn't wait until the event was over before denigrating the President.

We were attacked in 2012? By whom?
When has all groups been "united" in America in the first place. Obama is an ineffective president but your criticism is based off an fantasy of an ideal.
The GOP made it very clear from the beginning that they would not work with this President on anything. They had candidates who ran promising not to compromise or even work with liberals or the President. Some of them won. Their party leadership publicly stated their primary goal was to make sure Obama did not win a second term. They've rebuffed his every offer to work together, mounted the most intense and prolific campaign of character assassination and lies directed at a President ever seen, have steadfastly refused to give him credit for anything, blamed him for everything, alienated minorities, women and poor people...and then have the nerve to accuse HIM of being a divider!

It's just amazing and, more amazing yet, is that there is anybody left who would believe the shit they're dishing out.
WoW!!! This is so, so, so true, succinct and clear.

Captures the essence of the last 4 years perfectly.

Welcome to my Bookmarks!


all I can do is laugh at that. character assasination?? WTF? were you on Mars during Bush's 8 years? Refusing to compromise? same question re:Mars and Bush. Wanting him to fail? same question again.

the hypocrisy of you libs knows no bounds. You rant and rave against anyone who dares challenge anything done or said by obama, but you constantly bashed bush for 8 years.

Pay back is hell, isn't it? :cool:

Hell, they're still bashing Bush, and blaming him for everything from crop failures to Mooshell's piles.
WoW!!! This is so, so, so true, succinct and clear.

Captures the essence of the last 4 years perfectly.

Welcome to my Bookmarks!


all I can do is laugh at that. character assasination?? WTF? were you on Mars during Bush's 8 years? Refusing to compromise? same question re:Mars and Bush. Wanting him to fail? same question again.

the hypocrisy of you libs knows no bounds. You rant and rave against anyone who dares challenge anything done or said by obama, but you constantly bashed bush for 8 years.

Pay back is hell, isn't it? :cool:
With all of that RW pablum and claptrap, can you produce evidence of ONE Democrat on record saying anything like "our number one goal is to make Bush a one-term President?"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-A09a_gHJc]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]

The bastard said it with such glee and smugness too.

Please produce something, ANYTHING, even REMOTELY like this from the left.


But they sure pissed, whined, and filed serial lawsuits (voter fraud) when Bush won his second term, didn't they?
WoW!!! This is so, so, so true, succinct and clear.

Captures the essence of the last 4 years perfectly.

Welcome to my Bookmarks!


all I can do is laugh at that. character assasination?? WTF? were you on Mars during Bush's 8 years? Refusing to compromise? same question re:Mars and Bush. Wanting him to fail? same question again.

the hypocrisy of you libs knows no bounds. You rant and rave against anyone who dares challenge anything done or said by obama, but you constantly bashed bush for 8 years.

Pay back is hell, isn't it? :cool:

Hell, they're still bashing Bush, and blaming him for everything from crop failures to Mooshell's piles.

And if a Republican Candidate wins in 2016, then blame game will shift once again.
Both parties play the blame game.

2008-2012: Blame Bush
2004-2008: Blame Clinton
And so on.
all I can do is laugh at that. character assasination?? WTF? were you on Mars during Bush's 8 years? Refusing to compromise? same question re:Mars and Bush. Wanting him to fail? same question again.

the hypocrisy of you libs knows no bounds. You rant and rave against anyone who dares challenge anything done or said by obama, but you constantly bashed bush for 8 years.

Pay back is hell, isn't it? :cool:

Hell, they're still bashing Bush, and blaming him for everything from crop failures to Mooshell's piles.

And if a Republican Candidate wins in 2016, then blame game will shift once again.
Both parties play the blame game.

2008-2012: Blame Bush
2004-2008: Blame Clinton
And so on.

I'm not saying they don't. It's part of the "game", as is all the liberal bellyaching about how their boi is taking it in the shorts.
This pretty much sums up the intelligence of Obama supporters.

A decent editor would have called or written the man and told him if he couldn't putlish the name, the paper wouldn't publish it at all because it would have no credibility.
This pretty much sums up the intelligence of Obama supporters.

A decent editor would have called or written the man and told him if he couldn't putlish the name, the paper wouldn't publish it at all because it would have no credibility.

The local paper will not publish a letter without a name and address (although the paper doesn't publish the address, the publish the location).
We've got ignorant white Republicans on one side.

The other side has men, women, young, old, rich, poor, black, brown, white, educated, uneducated, scientists, teachers, engineers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, atheists, gay, straight and the list goes on and on.......

Now to a "casual observer", one might think that party that's nearly all white might be "Confederates". And it's the Confederates that want to secede. Oops.
Everything is about race with you, isn't it?
How do you explain the exhorbantly high number of whites in your party while simealtaneously low number of minorities in it?

Been black all my life and a conservative since the 70s. What would you suggest? Concentration camps for all republicans? And you wonder why the majority of Americans call you liberals "stupid".........
How do you explain the exhorbantly high number of whites in your party while simealtaneously low number of minorities in it?

Been black all my life and a conservative since the 70s. What would you suggest? Concentration camps for all republicans? And you wonder why the majority of Americans call you liberals "stupid".........

You being black doesn't make his point any less true. And the majority of people voted in a liberal president so I doubt the 'majority' of Americans think themselves stupid...

Actually, it does make a difference. The OPs inference was that blacks would NEVER vote against Barry. I voted against him the first time and I voted against him the second time. I refuse to vote for ANY candidate that his sole reason for being voted in office is because he "gives stuff away".

Wake up. This man is destroying the United States of America. That is why we are NOT a democracy. We are a representative republic. One has only to look at YOUR examples of representatives (Nancy "dumber than dirt" Pelosi, Maxine "the stump" Watters, Harry "Howdy Doody Reid") to name but a few, to understand that left to YOUR devices, we would already be sunk. As it is, we listen to you fools blame Bush for the 5th straight year while giving the "supreme idiot" a complete pass on his ridiculous job performance.

That's on YOUR side. Birds of a feather......
all I can do is laugh at that. character assasination?? WTF? were you on Mars during Bush's 8 years? Refusing to compromise? same question re:Mars and Bush. Wanting him to fail? same question again.

the hypocrisy of you libs knows no bounds. You rant and rave against anyone who dares challenge anything done or said by obama, but you constantly bashed bush for 8 years.

Pay back is hell, isn't it? :cool:
With all of that RW pablum and claptrap, can you produce evidence of ONE Democrat on record saying anything like "our number one goal is to make Bush a one-term President?"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-A09a_gHJc]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]

The bastard said it with such glee and smugness too.

Please produce something, ANYTHING, even REMOTELY like this from the left.


When has the party out of power ever not had the goal of replacing the president with one from their party?

Do you think the dems did not do everything possible to deny Bush a second term?

McConnel just said what has always been the case. Sorry if you were offended by the truth.
This is nothing but RW propaganda and conjecture...you're simply making crap up.

Again I ask you....

Please produce something, ANYTHING, even REMOTELY like this from the left.

I read through this, and see people calling minorities "moochers", claiming that ALL minorities, EVERYBODY that's a minority, doesn't want to work, is lazy, etc.

Does that include Asians, the majority of whom voted for Obama?

Does that include Hispanics, the majority of whom voted for Obama?

Does that include Jews, the majority of whom voted for Obama?

I am a law-abiding, tax-paying, retired-military (twenty years and two wars) African-American.

I can guarantee you that I've voted both Democratic and Republican.

I can also guarantee you that while you are running your mouths calling minorities "moochers", "lazy", accusing us of "not wanting to work", of "residing on the Democrat plantation ", of being "brainwashed", etc., you sure aren't succeeding in winning minority hearts and minds with your stereotypical racist cheap shots.

I didn't vote for Obama.

But after continually listening to this garbage, I am glad he won.

One word....POWERFUL!!! :clap2:

Really now? Projection much?

BTW, are you currently engaged in helping to unite w/our current President?

How many times has the President put one group against another? I lost track, but during health care is was big bad doctors, it was big bad insurance, it was big bad Republicans, it was the big bad rich people. He used four big bad groups, since then it has been big bad bankers, auto execs, hedge fund managers, big bad businesses, women vs men, black vs white, tea party vs America, gun lovers vs citizens, in the health care debate he demeaned Republicans and the list goes on and on. I'm tired of all the rhetoric he had his chance and yet he keeps it up and uses the divide and conquer tactics. In this area he has excelled.
This is just pure, unadulterated, radical, RW, reactionary hackery.

None of that is true. Post a statement of Obama bashing docters. Post one of him bashing rich people.

With what happened in 06 - 08, by the greed of the banksters, shouldn't some of them be in jail? Are you defending those bastards? Even still, post a statement from Obama bashing the banksters.

I bet you can't find a legitimate one of any.

Obama in a 60 Minutes interview in December 2009, ""I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of, you know, fat-cat bankers on Wall Street,"
That's it? That's all you got? What is harsh in that? Where's the attack?

Another dud.


With all of that RW pablum and claptrap, can you produce evidence of ONE Democrat on record saying anything like "our number one goal is to make Bush a one-term President?"

Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube

The bastard said it with such glee and smugness too.

Please produce something, ANYTHING, even REMOTELY like this from the left.


When has the party out of power ever not had the goal of replacing the president with one from their party?

Do you think the dems did not do everything possible to deny Bush a second term?

McConnel just said what has always been the case. Sorry if you were offended by the truth.
This is nothing but RW propaganda and conjecture...you're simply making crap up.

Again I ask you....

Please produce something, ANYTHING, even REMOTELY like this from the left.

One word....POWERFUL!!! :clap2:

Really now? Projection much?

BTW, are you currently engaged in helping to unite w/our current President?

This is just pure, unadulterated, radical, RW, reactionary hackery.

None of that is true. Post a statement of Obama bashing docters. Post one of him bashing rich people.

With what happened in 06 - 08, by the greed of the banksters, shouldn't some of them be in jail? Are you defending those bastards? Even still, post a statement from Obama bashing the banksters.

I bet you can't find a legitimate one of any.

Obama in a 60 Minutes interview in December 2009, ""I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of, you know, fat-cat bankers on Wall Street,"
That's it? That's all you got? What is harsh in that? Where's the attack?

Another dud.



That isn't all you asked for one, I found just one, I had many to choose from but I know you would dismiss it all as most partisan hacks do. Thanks for playing.
Actually, it does make a difference. The OPs inference was that blacks would NEVER vote against Barry. I voted against him the first time and I voted against him the second time. I refuse to vote for ANY candidate that his sole reason for being voted in office is because he "gives stuff away".

Wake up. This man is destroying the United States of America. That is why we are NOT a democracy. We are a representative republic. One has only to look at YOUR examples of representatives (Nancy "dumber than dirt" Pelosi, Maxine "the stump" Watters, Harry "Howdy Doody Reid") to name but a few, to understand that left to YOUR devices, we would already be sunk. As it is, we listen to you fools blame Bush for the 5th straight year while giving the "supreme idiot" a complete pass on his ridiculous job performance.

That's on YOUR side. Birds of a feather......

I disagree. He inferred most blacks would never vote against Obama, and he was right.

His job performance, while not being outstanding, is certainly better than Bush's - by a long shot. But the bar was set pretty low.

As for Reid and Pelosi, they are no more 'my' people than the freak Santorum is yours...unless he is off course...:eek:

Again, this is where you and I part company. Here's why...Bush was/is a buffoon. Can you say the same about YOUR boy? I didn't think so. That's what separates us. I think for myself and you (like most liberals) are guilty of "group think" and sudden "black love".

You can't bring yourself to say that Barry is a complete and utter moron because he is a black (bi-racial) man and you feel that it might be construed as somehow "racist". He gets EVERY break in the world. He has done NOTHING but compound the already dire situation in this country, yet liberals steadfastly remain belligerent towards George Bush. Frankly, I couldn't care less what color Barry is - he is an incompetent fool; hell bent on destroying the "American way" of life in this country. Basically - he is a communist.

Here's another surprise for you: I actually thought Bill Clinton (although a bottom feeder) did a great job. Couldn't keep his damn pants up, but married to Hillary, who can be surprised?

You go ahead and drink the Obama kool-aid. You go ahead and tell yourself how "great" it is that America FINALLY has a "man of color" as president. Whatever it takes to appease your BS "white guilt". No matter how you cut it, this man has absolutely no business whatsoever being in the position he is in. He was never qualified, will NEVER be qualified and is an America Hater of the highest order. But as long as the liberals feel good about themselves. The road to hell is ALWAYS paved with good intentions.

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