Obama - The Great Divider

The socialist game plan as put forth by Marx, Lenin, Alinsky, Mao, Castro, and others clearly has dividing the people as one of its tenets of success.

Divide and conquer. Divide the people by race, sex, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, wealth, etc. Then what you have is a bunch of small groups that individually have no power. Then the socialists take over and we all become slaves of the government.

Its happening as we sit here typing and pretending all is well. WAKE UP PEOPLE, ITS ALMOST TOO LATE ALREADY!
Why won't you lazy moochers vote Republican? :dig:
Because they would have to work for a living, something that's foreign to them.

Unlike these hardworking examples of Right Wing Republicanism:


that looks like the hard rock group "Rabble Rouser"....
He's such a divider that the country got together and re-elected him.
no only half the Country did.....and many of them looked at him as being....the so called "lessor" of two evils....why people like that dont go third party ......
It's ironic that nobody on the right sees calling the POTUS "The Great Divider" as being divisive.

How many times has the President put one group against another? I lost track, but during health care is was big bad doctors, it was big bad insurance, it was big bad Republicans, it was the big bad rich people. He used four big bad groups, since then it has been big bad bankers, auto execs, hedge fund managers, big bad businesses, women vs men, black vs white, tea party vs America, gun lovers vs citizens, in the health care debate he demeaned Republicans and the list goes on and on. I'm tired of all the rhetoric he had his chance and yet he keeps it up and uses the divide and conquer tactics. In this area he has excelled.
We've got ignorant white Republicans on one side.

The other side has men, women, young, old, rich, poor, black, brown, white, educated, uneducated, scientists, teachers, engineers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, atheists, gay, straight and the list goes on and on.......

Now to a "casual observer", one might think that party that's nearly all white might be "Confederates". And it's the Confederates that want to secede. Oops.

lol, too damn funny and so RACIST..but that's a liberal for you

"men, women, young, old, rich, poor, black, brown, white, educated, uneducated, scientists, teachers, engineers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, atheists, gay, straight"

Yes, Staph, that is such a racist list. And, at present, I have my feet in two very differant worlds, academic in college, and blue collar working men and women in the steel mill I work in. Guess what? In neither place are the people very impressed with the present GOP. Not only that, some of them that claim to be Republican are very much against the present direction of the party, and wish the right wingnuts would just get the hell out of their party.

Is he part of the 47% of america you on the right hate so much?

No one hates the 47% that pay no federal income tax. They are americans just like the rest of us.

Don't you think it would be better for everyone if those people had good paying jobs instead of welfare and foodstamps?

Conservatives want those people to get jobs and become taxpayers. We want them to succeed and get off of welfare.

Why do liberals want the continuation of the welfare state?
We've got ignorant white Republicans on one side.

The other side has men, women, young, old, rich, poor, black, brown, white, educated, uneducated, scientists, teachers, engineers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, atheists, gay, straight and the list goes on and on.......

Now to a "casual observer", one might think that party that's nearly all white might be "Confederates". And it's the Confederates that want to secede. Oops.

That's a pretty broad paint brush there partner.
We've got ignorant white Republicans on one side.

The other side has men, women, young, old, rich, poor, black, brown, white, educated, uneducated, scientists, teachers, engineers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, atheists, gay, straight and the list goes on and on.......

Now to a "casual observer", one might think that party that's nearly all white might be "Confederates". And it's the Confederates that want to secede. Oops.
Everything is about race with you, isn't it?
How do you explain the exhorbantly high number of whites in your party while simealtaneously low number of minorities in it?

What is "exhorbantly"?

All non-whites , regardless of their age, gender, race or education, who dare to be Republicans/conservatives are demonized beyond any reasonable measure of political opposition.

According to Democrats/liberals they are traitors to their race and gender.
The GOP made it very clear from the beginning that they would not work with this President on anything. They had candidates who ran promising not to compromise or even work with liberals or the President. Some of them won. Their party leadership publicly stated their primary goal was to make sure Obama did not win a second term. They've rebuffed his every offer to work together, mounted the most intense and prolific campaign of character assassination and lies directed at a President ever seen, have steadfastly refused to give him credit for anything, blamed him for everything, alienated minorities, women and poor people...and then have the nerve to accuse HIM of being a divider!

It's just amazing and, more amazing yet, is that there is anybody left who would believe the shit they're dishing out.

Even if that were true, how is it any different than how Democrats behaved during the Bush Administration?

what was it Obumturd said shortly after getting elected? . . . . . . Oh yeah, now I remember.

"Republicans have to ride in the back."

When America was attacked in 2001 I recall all the Dems and Reps all coming together. When we were attacked in 2012 the Republican candidate couldn't wait until the event was over before denigrating the President.
The GOP made it very clear from the beginning that they would not work with this President on anything. They had candidates who ran promising not to compromise or even work with liberals or the President. Some of them won. Their party leadership publicly stated their primary goal was to make sure Obama did not win a second term. They've rebuffed his every offer to work together, mounted the most intense and prolific campaign of character assassination and lies directed at a President ever seen, have steadfastly refused to give him credit for anything, blamed him for everything, alienated minorities, women and poor people...and then have the nerve to accuse HIM of being a divider!

It's just amazing and, more amazing yet, is that there is anybody left who would believe the shit they're dishing out.

Even if that were true, how is it any different than how Democrats behaved during the Bush Administration?

what was it Obumturd said shortly after getting elected? . . . . . . Oh yeah, now I remember.

"Republicans have to ride in the back."

When America was attacked in 2001 I recall all the Dems and Reps all coming together. When we were attacked in 2012 the Republican candidate couldn't wait until the event was over before denigrating the President.

because the president LIED about Benghazi. He and his entire administration lied about it because they were afraid it might hurt his campaign if americans were killed because the govt failed to protect them in a very dangerous part of the world
We've got ignorant white Republicans on one side.

The other side has men, women, young, old, rich, poor, black, brown, white, educated, uneducated, scientists, teachers, engineers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, atheists, gay, straight and the list goes on and on.......

Now to a "casual observer", one might think that party that's nearly all white might be "Confederates". And it's the Confederates that want to secede. Oops.

lol, too damn funny and so RACIST..but that's a liberal for you

"men, women, young, old, rich, poor, black, brown, white, educated, uneducated, scientists, teachers, engineers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, atheists, gay, straight"

Yes, Staph, that is such a racist list. And, at present, I have my feet in two very differant worlds, academic in college, and blue collar working men and women in the steel mill I work in. Guess what? In neither place are the people very impressed with the present GOP. Not only that, some of them that claim to be Republican are very much against the present direction of the party, and wish the right wingnuts would just get the hell out of their party.

and i worked with quite a few Democrats Rock who were not to impressed with the present DNC.....or Obama.....and yes i think i convinced a few to go 3rd Party who were tired of voting for the "lessor" of two evils....
We've got ignorant white Republicans on one side.

The other side has men, women, young, old, rich, poor, black, brown, white, educated, uneducated, scientists, teachers, engineers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, atheists, gay, straight and the list goes on and on.......

Now to a "casual observer", one might think that party that's nearly all white might be "Confederates". And it's the Confederates that want to secede. Oops.

That's a pretty broad paint brush there partner.

Dean is in the Guinness Book of Records for having the broadest Paint Brush in America....

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