Obama - The Great Divider

The GOP made it very clear from the beginning that they would not work with this President on anything. They had candidates who ran promising not to compromise or even work with liberals or the President. Some of them won. Their party leadership publicly stated their primary goal was to make sure Obama did not win a second term. They've rebuffed his every offer to work together, mounted the most intense and prolific campaign of character assassination and lies directed at a President ever seen, have steadfastly refused to give him credit for anything, blamed him for everything, alienated minorities, women and poor people...and then have the nerve to accuse HIM of being a divider!

It's just amazing and, more amazing yet, is that there is anybody left who would believe the shit they're dishing out.
We've got ignorant white Republicans on one side.

The other side has men, women, young, old, rich, poor, black, brown, white, educated, uneducated, scientists, teachers, engineers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, atheists, gay, straight and the list goes on and on.......

Now to a "casual observer", one might think that party that's nearly all white might be "Confederates". And it's the Confederates that want to secede. Oops.

lol, too damn funny and so RACIST..but that's a liberal for you
The GOP made it very clear from the beginning that they would not work with this President on anything. They had candidates who ran promising not to compromise or even work with liberals or the President. Some of them won. Their party leadership publicly stated their primary goal was to make sure Obama did not win a second term. They've rebuffed his every offer to work together, mounted the most intense and prolific campaign of character assassination and lies directed at a President ever seen, have steadfastly refused to give him credit for anything, blamed him for everything, alienated minorities, women and poor people...and then have the nerve to accuse HIM of being a divider!

It's just amazing and, more amazing yet, is that there is anybody left who would believe the shit they're dishing out.

Even if that were true, how is it any different than how Democrats behaved during the Bush Administration?

what was it Obumturd said shortly after getting elected? . . . . . . Oh yeah, now I remember.

"Republicans have to ride in the back."
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We've got ignorant white Republicans on one side.

The other side has men, women, young, old, rich, poor, black, brown, white, educated, uneducated, scientists, teachers, engineers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, atheists, gay, straight and the list goes on and on.......

Now to a "casual observer", one might think that party that's nearly all white might be "Confederates". And it's the Confederates that want to secede. Oops.

You just proved to the entire forum that you're a bigot, deanie.
Why won't you lazy moochers vote Republican? :dig:
Because they would have to work for a living, something that's foreign to them.

Unlike these hardworking examples of Right Wing Republicanism:

The GOP made it very clear from the beginning that they would not work with this President on anything. They had candidates who ran promising not to compromise or even work with liberals or the President. Some of them won. Their party leadership publicly stated their primary goal was to make sure Obama did not win a second term. They've rebuffed his every offer to work together, mounted the most intense and prolific campaign of character assassination and lies directed at a President ever seen, have steadfastly refused to give him credit for anything, blamed him for everything, alienated minorities, women and poor people...and then have the nerve to accuse HIM of being a divider!

It's just amazing and, more amazing yet, is that there is anybody left who would believe the shit they're dishing out.

So what could you have done with that hundred bucks ya lost last month.
Everything is about race with you, isn't it?
How do you explain the exhorbantly high number of whites in your party while simealtaneously low number of minorities in it?
That's easy. Why would minorities want to join a party that believes in working for a living when there's another party that gives 'em free shit at Whitey's expense (who they hate anyway)? Not so hard to figure out.

My sig says it all!
Let's see how uniting the next Republican whatever will be...shall we?

since there seems to be no actual leaders on the horizon from both parties,just 3rd rate Politicians......i think this Country is going to be divided for a while.....until one actually comes along....
We've got ignorant white Republicans on one side.

The other side has men, women, young, old, rich, poor, black, brown, white, educated, uneducated, scientists, teachers, engineers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, atheists, gay, straight and the list goes on and on.......

Now to a "casual observer", one might think that party that's nearly all white might be "Confederates". And it's the Confederates that want to secede. Oops.
Everything is about race with you, isn't it?
How do you explain the exhorbantly high number of whites in your party while simealtaneously low number of minorities in it?

I think we all know why each side votes the way they do.
It's not a big secret.
One side is backed by makers the other.....?
I read through this, and see people calling minorities "moochers", claiming that ALL minorities, EVERYBODY that's a minority, doesn't want to work, is lazy, etc.

Does that include Asians, the majority of whom voted for Obama?

Does that include Hispanics, the majority of whom voted for Obama?

Does that include Jews, the majority of whom voted for Obama?

I am a law-abiding, tax-paying, retired-military (twenty years and two wars) African-American.

I can guarantee you that I've voted both Democratic and Republican.

I can also guarantee you that while you are running your mouths calling minorities "moochers", "lazy", accusing us of "not wanting to work", of "residing on the Democrat plantation ", of being "brainwashed", etc., you sure aren't succeeding in winning minority hearts and minds with your stereotypical racist cheap shots.

I didn't vote for Obama.

But after continually listening to this garbage, I am glad he won.

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The Great Divider in this country is $$$.
There are the haves and the have nots. Niether thinks they have enough.
We've got ignorant white Republicans on one side.

The other side has men, women, young, old, rich, poor, black, brown, white, educated, uneducated, scientists, teachers, engineers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, atheists, gay, straight and the list goes on and on.......

Now to a "casual observer", one might think that party that's nearly all white might be "Confederates". And it's the Confederates that want to secede. Oops.
you should talk Dean.....you are one of the most divisive posters in this place....Ooops!....
We've got ignorant white Republicans on one side.

The other side has men, women, young, old, rich, poor, black, brown, white, educated, uneducated, scientists, teachers, engineers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, atheists, gay, straight and the list goes on and on.......

Now to a "casual observer", one might think that party that's nearly all white might be "Confederates". And it's the Confederates that want to secede. Oops.

You just proved to the entire forum that you're a bigot, deanie.

he did that quite a while ago.....

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