Obama, The Great Protector Of Our Climate Leaves Massive Carbon Footprint!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
This just in . . . . Barack Obama just from his attendance at a World Summit on Climate Change (though I'm not exactly sure what he really knows or can do now, I mean, he isn't even a meteorologist), so how does the guy arrive and leave? He flies in on a massive private jet! Not enough? His jet was followed by a Helicopter (maybe his private chef and hairstylists were aboard), along with a 14-car convoy and 300 police on motorcycles.

But it wasn't all hard work for the guy. While there, he enjoyed a cruise on some sort of super-yacht. I gotta ask--- who paid for all of that? You know that Barack Obama isn't paying for anything out of HIS pocket! Barack Obama, just another great, selfless guy giving freely of his time for the good of the planet.
LOL Envy and butthurt talking. SOP for ex-Presidents. And it was Branson's yacht, not his own. But, no matter what President Obama does, you will find fault with it. And you will cry like a whipped pup when the senile old orange clown is impeached or the 25th Amendment is used for the first time.
A burned gallon of gasoline produces about 18lbs of CO2. A gallon of jet fuel burned produces slightly more, maybe 19. Let's round up and say each produces 20lbs of CO2 per gallon.

A passenger jet produces approx. 1,500lbs per person for a 5 hour flight, at very high altitude this is more like 4,500 lbs because of CO2 forcing (read up on it if you don't know). A one or two engine private jet a lot less.

Let's say a person's private jet produced 500lbs of CO2 per person for the flight. Their helicopter ride another 100lbs. The car ride, likely less than 20 miles, maybe 20lbs in a car that gets 20 miles to the gallon. 620 lbs of CO2, round it up to 800 for errors. Human beings put 35 billion tons, not pounds, into the atmosphere per year. That equals 70 trillion lbs.

I have no problem asking every single person to reduce their CO2 output every chance they get. Everyone should drive as little as possible and fly as little as possible. But to call the CO2 produced by Barack Obama or Al Gore taking a flight and driving a car 'a massive carbon footprint' is like saying a grain of sand on a beach is huge. It is intellectual laziness and lying and is used purely for the grand political hyperbole that it is because the person saying it doesn't know the numbers and believes no one else will either.

Adults recognize that a beach is indeed made up of grains of sand and holding a single one in your hand you wonder how many are on the beach. This is the point, there are 7 billion people on Earth with hundreds of millions of cars running globally 24/7 and 3-5 billion people flying each year. Each flight produces 1,500 - 4,500 lbs of CO2 per flight one way. Add in all the industry around the world putting out CO2 24/7 globally and you see how a grain of sand contributes to 70 trillion lbs of carbon injected into the atmosphere each year.
LOL Envy and butthurt talking. SOP for ex-Presidents.

Really libbot? Then tell me the last time one of the GOP ex-presidents went to a climate summit carrying all of that crap with him, who paid for all of that, and just what good he did by going there, not to mention the hypocrisy of it all. You are so thick you can't even agree that it was ridiculous to generate so much pollution and greenhouse gasses so that one person could go to a summit about saving the climate. Especially when absolutely nothing is accomplished by any of them,
This just in . . . . Barack Obama just from his attendance at a World Summit on Climate Change (though I'm not exactly sure what he really knows or can do now, I mean, he isn't even a meteorologist), so how does the guy arrive and leave? He flies in on a massive private jet! Not enough? His jet was followed by a Helicopter (maybe his private chef and hairstylists were aboard), along with a 14-car convoy and 300 police on motorcycles.

But it wasn't all hard work for the guy. While there, he enjoyed a cruise on some sort of super-yacht. I gotta ask--- who paid for all of that? You know that Barack Obama isn't paying for anything out of HIS pocket! Barack Obama, just another great, selfless guy giving freely of his time for the good of the planet.
This just in . . . . Barack Obama just from his attendance at a World Summit on Climate Change (though I'm not exactly sure what he really knows or can do now, I mean, he isn't even a meteorologist), so how does the guy arrive and leave? He flies in on a massive private jet! Not enough? His jet was followed by a Helicopter (maybe his private chef and hairstylists were aboard), along with a 14-car convoy and 300 police on motorcycles.

But it wasn't all hard work for the guy. While there, he enjoyed a cruise on some sort of super-yacht. I gotta ask--- who paid for all of that? You know that Barack Obama isn't paying for anything out of HIS pocket! Barack Obama, just another great, selfless guy giving freely of his time for the good of the planet.

So, if these conferences help the world lower their emissions, it is worth the effort to have them.

I have slashed my emissions. It does not mean I would not fly for a vacation or drive my car.,

This idea you assholes have that those of us lowering our emissions can't ever emit is just fucking stupid.

I have news for dumbasses like you. We all need to LOWER our emissions. We don't need to be emission free.
So, if these conferences help the world lower their emissions, it is worth the effort to have them.

I would love for anyone to tell me ONE THING these summits have done to affect climate change? And if so, why then is it still changing? I would love to know what a guy who spent a couple years as an unknown, do-nothing in the senate, a former Chicago social organizer, who by dint of his skin colour alone and a lot of people who wanted him in the Whitehouse, did for climate change by going to that summit and giving a speech about how we must act?

None of these people have any legal authority to enact laws, so what do they do? Say it is a problem? Raise awareness? How? Do you have a transcript of what they talked about? Has it been distributed to world leaders? And remember, if you tell me his authority was as a former US president, then GW Bush has, and Donald Trump will have, just as much authority to speak to the issue.

And while anyone is cutting their emissions, and nothing wrong with that if that is what you want to do, do you really think it matters one watt to the Earth while countries like China spew crap out like crazy?

And lastly, who says the climate is changing in any unusual way anyway? If it is changing, that we are effecting it? If you look at the climate data, we are likely right on the edge of the next mini-ice age. What is the climate doing that it hasn't done before? Might it not be a lot better rather than trying to crush economies and business and people with massive regulatory control and taxation, that we go to the REAL heart of the matter and curb over-population, so then we can all live free of guilt, regulations and government control?
Within 5 years, the Warmers will say that the indisputable Cooling is because of Manmade Global Warming
So, if these conferences help the world lower their emissions, it is worth the effort to have them.

I would love for anyone to tell me ONE THING these summits have done to affect climate change? And if so, why then is it still changing? I would love to know what a guy who spent a couple years as an unknown, do-nothing in the senate, a former Chicago social organizer, who by dint of his skin colour alone and a lot of people who wanted him in the Whitehouse, did for climate change by going to that summit and giving a speech about how we must act?

None of these people have any legal authority to enact laws, so what do they do? Say it is a problem? Raise awareness? How? Do you have a transcript of what they talked about? Has it been distributed to world leaders? And remember, if you tell me his authority was as a former US president, then GW Bush has, and Donald Trump will have, just as much authority to speak to the issue.

And while anyone is cutting their emissions, and nothing wrong with that if that is what you want to do, do you really think it matters one watt to the Earth while countries like China spew crap out like crazy?

And lastly, who says the climate is changing in any unusual way anyway? If it is changing, that we are effecting it? If you look at the climate data, we are likely right on the edge of the next mini-ice age. What is the climate doing that it hasn't done before? Might it not be a lot better rather than trying to crush economies and business and people with massive regulatory control and taxation, that we go to the REAL heart of the matter and curb over-population, so then we can all live free of guilt, regulations and government control?

First of all, I am not going to argue the science of Climate change with yet another dumbass Trumpette.

The world has moved to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Conferences share new studies & loom into solutions.

Unfortunately, there are too many dumbasses like you & your orange buddy.

You must hate your kids.
So, if these conferences help the world lower their emissions, it is worth the effort to have them.

I would love for anyone to tell me ONE THING these summits have done to affect climate change? And if so, why then is it still changing? I would love to know what a guy who spent a couple years as an unknown, do-nothing in the senate, a former Chicago social organizer, who by dint of his skin colour alone and a lot of people who wanted him in the Whitehouse, did for climate change by going to that summit and giving a speech about how we must act?

None of these people have any legal authority to enact laws, so what do they do? Say it is a problem? Raise awareness? How? Do you have a transcript of what they talked about? Has it been distributed to world leaders? And remember, if you tell me his authority was as a former US president, then GW Bush has, and Donald Trump will have, just as much authority to speak to the issue.

And while anyone is cutting their emissions, and nothing wrong with that if that is what you want to do, do you really think it matters one watt to the Earth while countries like China spew crap out like crazy?

And lastly, who says the climate is changing in any unusual way anyway? If it is changing, that we are effecting it? If you look at the climate data, we are likely right on the edge of the next mini-ice age. What is the climate doing that it hasn't done before? Might it not be a lot better rather than trying to crush economies and business and people with massive regulatory control and taxation, that we go to the REAL heart of the matter and curb over-population, so then we can all live free of guilt, regulations and government control?
Look, why don't you just start your posts admitting what and ignorant fuck you are. Yes, China has major emissions at present, but for a century or better, we were the major emitters of CO2. And China is trying to clean up their act, even as they try to provide the energy for all of their population to join the 21st century.


China intends to spend more than $360 billion through 2020 on renewable power sources like solar and wind, the government’s energy agency said on Thursday.

The country’s National Energy Administration laid out a plan to dominate one of the world’s fastest-growing industries, just at a time when the United States is set to take the opposite tack as Donald J. Trump, a climate-change doubter, prepares to assume the presidency.

The agency said in a statement that China would create more than 13 million jobs in the renewable energy sector by 2020, curb the growth of greenhouse gasses that contribute to global warming and reduce the amount of soot that in recent days has blanketed Beijing and other Chinese cities in a noxious cloud of smog.

China surpassed the United States a decade ago as the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gasses, and now discharges about twice as much. For years, its oil and coal industries prospered under powerful political patrons and the growth-above-anything mantra of the ruling Communist Party.

The rapid price reduction per kw of wind and solar that China is achieving has benefits to all of us.
This just in . . . . Barack Obama just from his attendance at a World Summit on Climate Change (though I'm not exactly sure what he really knows or can do now, I mean, he isn't even a meteorologist), so how does the guy arrive and leave? He flies in on a massive private jet! Not enough? His jet was followed by a Helicopter (maybe his private chef and hairstylists were aboard), along with a 14-car convoy and 300 police on motorcycles.

But it wasn't all hard work for the guy. While there, he enjoyed a cruise on some sort of super-yacht. I gotta ask--- who paid for all of that? You know that Barack Obama isn't paying for anything out of HIS pocket! Barack Obama, just another great, selfless guy giving freely of his time for the good of the planet.

Good idea, they could have a real catchy name like... skype?
A burned gallon of gasoline produces about 18lbs of CO2. A gallon of jet fuel burned produces slightly more, maybe 19. Let's round up and say each produces 20lbs of CO2 per gallon.

A passenger jet produces approx. 1,500lbs per person for a 5 hour flight, at very high altitude this is more like 4,500 lbs because of CO2 forcing (read up on it if you don't know). A one or two engine private jet a lot less.

Let's say a person's private jet produced 500lbs of CO2 per person for the flight. Their helicopter ride another 100lbs. The car ride, likely less than 20 miles, maybe 20lbs in a car that gets 20 miles to the gallon. 620 lbs of CO2, round it up to 800 for errors. Human beings put 35 billion tons, not pounds, into the atmosphere per year. That equals 70 trillion lbs.

I have no problem asking every single person to reduce their CO2 output every chance they get. Everyone should drive as little as possible and fly as little as possible. But to call the CO2 produced by Barack Obama or Al Gore taking a flight and driving a car 'a massive carbon footprint' is like saying a grain of sand on a beach is huge. It is intellectual laziness and lying and is used purely for the grand political hyperbole that it is because the person saying it doesn't know the numbers and believes no one else will either.

Adults recognize that a beach is indeed made up of grains of sand and holding a single one in your hand you wonder how many are on the beach. This is the point, there are 7 billion people on Earth with hundreds of millions of cars running globally 24/7 and 3-5 billion people flying each year. Each flight produces 1,500 - 4,500 lbs of CO2 per flight one way. Add in all the industry around the world putting out CO2 24/7 globally and you see how a grain of sand contributes to 70 trillion lbs of carbon injected into the atmosphere each year.
So by your own admission Obama dumped millions of tons of CO2 into the environment because he didn't Skype.

Like I keep saying, when those screaming it's a crisis start acting like it's a crisis......
This just in . . . . Barack Obama just from his attendance at a World Summit on Climate Change (though I'm not exactly sure what he really knows or can do now, I mean, he isn't even a meteorologist), so how does the guy arrive and leave? He flies in on a massive private jet! Not enough? His jet was followed by a Helicopter (maybe his private chef and hairstylists were aboard), along with a 14-car convoy and 300 police on motorcycles.

But it wasn't all hard work for the guy. While there, he enjoyed a cruise on some sort of super-yacht. I gotta ask--- who paid for all of that? You know that Barack Obama isn't paying for anything out of HIS pocket! Barack Obama, just another great, selfless guy giving freely of his time for the good of the planet.

So, if these conferences help the world lower their emissions, it is worth the effort to have them.

I have slashed my emissions. It does not mean I would not fly for a vacation or drive my car.,

This idea you assholes have that those of us lowering our emissions can't ever emit is just fucking stupid.

I have news for dumbasses like you. We all need to LOWER our emissions. We don't need to be emission free.

If these conferences help to reduce the carbon emissions, the attendees who claim to care so much, should find a way to use the wonders of technology, stay at home and talk to each other through the phone lines and the internet.

Fact is, though, that the leeches who attend these meetings are all hypocritical fat cats speaks of the validity of their false claim of love for the planet.

Specifically about Obama: You are now a regular citizen, so you deserve no more publicly funded protection than any and all other regular citizen.Your life or death is of no consequence of anyone any more. You had your unearned and undeserved time in the sun, so fade away now. You have no reason to fear for your life because no normal person would waste the cost of a pinch of gun powder go end it.

BTW, that goes to all previous presidents.
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This just in . . . . Barack Obama just from his attendance at a World Summit on Climate Change (though I'm not exactly sure what he really knows or can do now, I mean, he isn't even a meteorologist), so how does the guy arrive and leave? He flies in on a massive private jet! Not enough? His jet was followed by a Helicopter (maybe his private chef and hairstylists were aboard), along with a 14-car convoy and 300 police on motorcycles.

But it wasn't all hard work for the guy. While there, he enjoyed a cruise on some sort of super-yacht. I gotta ask--- who paid for all of that? You know that Barack Obama isn't paying for anything out of HIS pocket! Barack Obama, just another great, selfless guy giving freely of his time for the good of the planet.

So, if these conferences help the world lower their emissions, it is worth the effort to have them.

I have slashed my emissions. It does not mean I would not fly for a vacation or drive my car.,

This idea you assholes have that those of us lowering our emissions can't ever emit is just fucking stupid.

I have news for dumbasses like you. We all need to LOWER our emissions. We don't need to be emission free.

If these conferences help to reduce the carbon emissions, the attendees who claim to care so much, should find a way to use the wonders of technology, stay at home and talk to each other through the phone lines and the internet.

Fact is, though, that the leeches who attend these meetings are all hypocritical fat cats speaks of the validity of their false claim of love for the planet.

Specifically about Obama: You are now a regular citizen, so you deserve no more publicly funded protection than any and all other regular citizen.Your life or death is of no consequence of anyone any more. You had your unearned and undeserved time in the sun, so fade away now. You have no reason to fear for your life because no normal person would waste the cost of a pinch of gun powder go end it.

BTW, that goes to all previous presidents.

Mingling & talking with several people is much more effective than watching on the internet.

Quit being such a dick.
First of all, I am not going to argue the science of Climate change with yet another dumbass Trumpette.

Sucks to always lose to someone you cannot out-reason, eh? That is when you resort to calling others names because you've got nothing else.

BTW, there is no such thing as the science of climate change. It is a theory. Anywhere beyond that, it is simple climatology.
First of all, I am not going to argue the science of Climate change with yet another dumbass Trumpette.

Sucks to always lose to someone you cannot out-reason, eh? That is when you resort to calling others names because you've got nothing else.

BTW, there is no such thing as the science of climate change. It is a theory. Anywhere beyond that, it is simple climatology.
First, theory is science.

Second, more CO2 => heightened greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures. FACT.

I have provided facts.

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