Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles

The world does not look at us as policemen.

They look at us as a empire!

No, they don't. But, they would be right if they looked at you as an idiot.
Too much "Ugly American" propaganda for that one. The muslims in the Adriatic LOVE our useful idiocy. Poland loves us for the most part, and at last check, much of Western Europe does too... Unfortunately much of that IS due to our tourist dollars and foreign aid and military spending in our over seas bases.

In the middle east, they'd love us more if they could trust an administration to not let them be murdered by the local warlord, I mean 'democratically elected leadership'. I've heard many times how Israel likes the US generally, but views us as having a serious case of 'cluelessitis' regarding the PLO and actual muslim goals for their nation.
Isn't this the same CIC who demanded regime change in Egypt and assisted in forcing Mubarak out of power?

And then turned around and demanded regime change in Libya and spent a million dollars a day bombing the ever living shit out of that country till he successfully got Ghaddafi assasinated?

That same CIC?
I am curious though. Basically he is going to lay off 500,00 men and women (by all the reports I've read).

Where are they going to find jobs?
I am curious though. Basically he is going to lay off 500,00 men and women (by all the reports I've read).

Where are they going to find jobs?

I thought you righties were after smaller govt, and less govt jobs?

Guess they'll have to go looking for them like the rest of us....
Isn't this the same CIC who demanded regime change in Egypt and assisted in forcing Mubarak out of power?

And then turned around and demanded regime change in Libya and spent a million dollars a day bombing the ever living shit out of that country till he successfully got Ghaddafi assasinated?

That same CIC?

Welllllllll... THAAAAAT!


That's just absolves the bank in the case that Mr. Provolone would incur any... LEGAL entanglements.
I am curious though. Basically he is going to lay off 500,00 men and women (by all the reports I've read).

Where are they going to find jobs?

I thought you righties were after smaller govt, and less govt jobs?

Guess they'll have to go looking for them like the rest of us....

I'd prefer Obama started with truly useless government employees. EPA comes to mind.:D
The military budget is still more than it was under Bush, Jr.
You are correct about the huge military budget. It has trippled since Bush II took office.
We also lost 4,484 soldiers & 1,001 contractors in Iraq alone. Total = 5,485 US citizens killed in Iraq.
We also lost over 2,000 US citizens in Afghanistan. We have about 40,000 casualties. We will be paying for them for the rest of their lives.

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obama will do anything to make sure that America can't defend itself. The sooner we are defeated and crushed the sooner he can claim his place as caliph as promised.

Ah yes, the typical neo-con fearmongering. The U.S. spends more on our military than every other nation in the world combined, but somehow making some cuts translates into us no longer being able to defend ourselves. Tell me, whose ass would you like to pull the money out of to keep paying for our worldwide military empire, being how we're going broke and all?
Subject their spoiled heirs to the draft at age 18 and the Chickenhawks will quit squawking about beefing up the military. Beef is just something we get from bull.

I have a better idea-how about we run that draft age from 18-35, effective now. After all, I would not want some of you young liberals here who worship democrat military policies not having the opportunity to put your carcasses at the tip of the spear. No exemptions-if you physically qualify, you go, straight to combat! You voted for him, now you fight for him! You want to put it on someone else, then you go first. I've been to war-I walked the walk, and put myself where my mouth is. How many of you would, I wonder?
I thought you righties were after smaller govt, and less govt jobs?

Guess they'll have to go looking for them like the rest of us....

they don't believe in small government. they want overwhelmingly large government when it comes to military intervention and telling people what to do with their bodies.
The 'world,' like you, is stupid. We are niether.

We do act like policemen.
We are an empire. Culturally, economically and militarily we are an empire.

We do NOT "act like policemen," you fool. We use our resources to look after OUR interests. And we are NOT an empire. Don't try to use words you don't understand.

Can't see how we have "interests" inside someone else's country. That's called "intervention", and sometimes it's necessary, but usually, it isn't.
We do act like policemen.
We are an empire. Culturally, economically and militarily we are an empire.

We do NOT "act like policemen," you fool. We use our resources to look after OUR interests. And we are NOT an empire. Don't try to use words you don't understand.

Can't see how we have "interests" inside someone else's country. That's called "intervention", and sometimes it's necessary, but usually, it isn't.


WE (as in the average American workers) don't have interests in those nations, Joe.

But our MASTERS do.

And as long as the MASTERS can borrow money (in our names, of course) to fight their wars?

They are going to do so.

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