Obama, the worst President ever!

All right, I'm game, give us an objective measure, provide a link.
Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

Presidential Administrations are not responsible for the creation of jobs knucklehead. Nice try though.

The two largest factors responsible for job growth in the economy are the management of the Federal Reserve and the Budget.

That means it is largely in the hands of the House and the Chair of the Fed. It doesn't have that much to do with the guy in the Oval office.

This is just a partisan pissing game to keep you rubes distracted.

All presidents are equally awful.

Been hearing a lot of that since Pretzeldunce Innocent Bystander left the Ship of State on the rocks and burning....apparently their role in fiscal policy has been completely neutered...

A president's role in fiscal policy has been neutered since, essentially the creation of the FED in 1913. They do have an important role in choosing the chair, and the district heads, but that is under advice and consent from not only the Fed itself, but from congress. So, essentially, it's largely ceremonially.

Unless some maverick wanted to go in there and shake things up.

Someone like a Ron Paul or a Rand Paul.

Or a. . . . . . . Trump?

Unlike Donald Trump's Campaign, His Take On The Federal Reserve Is Sort Of Serious

For the love of G*d, make it stop...

Hyperbolic claims on behalf of Ricardian Equivalence notwithstanding, Presidents exercise a degree of control over fiscal policy........the Fed exercises none....

The budget process begins with a request from the WH.....

"While the world breathlessly awaits the outcome of this week’s FOMC meeting—will the Federal Reserve raise interest rates or won’t it?—one thing is clear regardless: the Fed is driving the U.S. into a 2nd depression in order to carry out its one and only remit now that America’s ability to produce real jobs has been reduced to ash, namely, propping up criminal banks with multi-trillion-dollar giveaways.

What’s so disturbing about the fatal path that the Fed has been on for 7 years is that it's one the Fed went down before, when—by its own admission—it extended and deepened the Great Depression in the late 1930s with a foolhardy policy that jacked up total reserves and destroyed bank lending. In the words of Janet Yellen, "[t]he economy plunged back into depression." (6/23/09 tr. at p. 175)

That's curious, because exactly the same dynamic is at work now, as total reserves have skyrocketed since 2008 in perfect dollar-for-dollar tandem with a plunge in lending. The effect on the birth- and death rates of new and existing businesses, respectively, has been catastrophic.

And what has propelled total reserve balances into the stratosphere? Why, it's the Fed's fateful decision to pay banks interest for holding money with the Fed--money provided by none other than the Fed itself when it printed $1.73 trillion and handed it to the bustout banks in exchange for worthless mortgage-backed securities. The Fed pulled nearly exactly the same stunt in 1936-37 when it suddenly required banks to maintain higher reserves at the Fed. In both cases, the Fed's diversion of monies away from the economy proved disastrous. It remains to be seen whether the Fed will need another world war to cover up its ruinous acts.

BestEvidence’s newest film, “They Come from Planet Klepto,” undertakes an intensive examination of the transcript and exhibits from the Fed’s June 2009 FOMC meeting held during the first few critical months of the most ambitious monetary experiment of all time, which the Fed falsely swore was temporary in nature.

As it turns out, the Federal Reserve never intended to unwind the radical balance sheet expansion it began 7 years ago at all, as one of the central purposes of the Fed programs—aside from enabling broke banks to erect an illusion of solvency big enough to justify bonuses—was to cover up the very Wall Street crimes that caused the meltdown of 2008 in the first place.

“Planet Klepto" distinguishes itself from many other worthy efforts along the same lines in its granular treatment of untrammeled criminality driving Federal Reserve policy by lavishing attention on the Fed’s own words, charts, documents, projections, speeches, papers, spreadsheets and data.

Viewers are urged to consider the implications of the Federal Reserve’s proven willingness to prop up, at all costs, the criminal banks controlling it. If criminal giveaways aren’t out of bounds, what’s to stop takeaways when the next meltdown hits?

Source materials:

Bank deposits: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Bank loans: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Bernanke speech (text): http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/1...
Bernanke speech (video): http://www.c-span.org/video/?284139-1...

Excess reserves: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

June 2009 FOMC transcript: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetar...

June 2009 FOMC presentation materials: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetar...

Total reserve balances: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Fed “Oceans of Cash” paper: http://www.clevelandfed.org/en/Newsro...

Mortgage-backed securities held by the Fed: https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2...

Merrill Lynch’s MBS sales, July 2008: http://www.economonitor.com/analysts/...

Bailout (2012): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1928331/?... (N.B.: I wrote and produced this film before learning how to turn on a camera. -JET)

Business birth and death rates: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/rese...

Aldrich Plan cartoon: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06...

Ford Theatre Reunion’s Godzilla cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMt4Oe...
Obama is the worst President ever...an empty chair

Yet when Republicans asked....Wouldn't you rather have a Republican President?
The American public replied....Hell NO!
Obama is the worst President ever...an empty chair

Yet when Republicans asked....Wouldn't you rather have a Republican President?
The American public replied....Hell NO!

That's probably true.

But then again, they seem to be hypnotized with, on the one hand, a woman on the verge of being indicted, and on the other, a reality TV star.

SO. . . . that's not really saying much.

Obama is the worst President ever...an empty chair

Yet when Republicans asked....Wouldn't you rather have a Republican President?
The American public replied....Hell NO!

That's probably true.

But then again, they seem to be hypnotized with, on the one hand, a woman on the verge of being indicted, and on the other, a reality TV star.

SO. . . . that's not really saying much.

It is saying plenty; that criminals control the Dhimmicratics Party, no real shock there, and that GOP rank and file loath their party establishment enough to trust and prefer a Reality TV star with a checkered liberal past to represent them instead.

Presidential Administrations are not responsible for the creation of jobs knucklehead. Nice try though.

The two largest factors responsible for job growth in the economy are the management of the Federal Reserve and the Budget.

That means it is largely in the hands of the House and the Chair of the Fed. It doesn't have that much to do with the guy in the Oval office.

This is just a partisan pissing game to keep you rubes distracted.

All presidents are equally awful.

Been hearing a lot of that since Pretzeldunce Innocent Bystander left the Ship of State on the rocks and burning....apparently their role in fiscal policy has been completely neutered...

A president's role in fiscal policy has been neutered since, essentially the creation of the FED in 1913. They do have an important role in choosing the chair, and the district heads, but that is under advice and consent from not only the Fed itself, but from congress. So, essentially, it's largely ceremonially.

Unless some maverick wanted to go in there and shake things up.

Someone like a Ron Paul or a Rand Paul.

Or a. . . . . . . Trump?

Unlike Donald Trump's Campaign, His Take On The Federal Reserve Is Sort Of Serious

For the love of G*d, make it stop...

Hyperbolic claims on behalf of Ricardian Equivalence notwithstanding, Presidents exercise a degree of control over fiscal policy........the Fed exercises none....

The budget process begins with a request from the WH.....

"While the world breathlessly awaits the outcome of this week’s FOMC meeting—will the Federal Reserve raise interest rates or won’t it?—one thing is clear regardless: the Fed is driving the U.S. into a 2nd depression in order to carry out its one and only remit now that America’s ability to produce real jobs has been reduced to ash, namely, propping up criminal banks with multi-trillion-dollar giveaways.

What’s so disturbing about the fatal path that the Fed has been on for 7 years is that it's one the Fed went down before, when—by its own admission—it extended and deepened the Great Depression in the late 1930s with a foolhardy policy that jacked up total reserves and destroyed bank lending. In the words of Janet Yellen, "[t]he economy plunged back into depression." (6/23/09 tr. at p. 175)

That's curious, because exactly the same dynamic is at work now, as total reserves have skyrocketed since 2008 in perfect dollar-for-dollar tandem with a plunge in lending. The effect on the birth- and death rates of new and existing businesses, respectively, has been catastrophic.

And what has propelled total reserve balances into the stratosphere? Why, it's the Fed's fateful decision to pay banks interest for holding money with the Fed--money provided by none other than the Fed itself when it printed $1.73 trillion and handed it to the bustout banks in exchange for worthless mortgage-backed securities. The Fed pulled nearly exactly the same stunt in 1936-37 when it suddenly required banks to maintain higher reserves at the Fed. In both cases, the Fed's diversion of monies away from the economy proved disastrous. It remains to be seen whether the Fed will need another world war to cover up its ruinous acts.

BestEvidence’s newest film, “They Come from Planet Klepto,” undertakes an intensive examination of the transcript and exhibits from the Fed’s June 2009 FOMC meeting held during the first few critical months of the most ambitious monetary experiment of all time, which the Fed falsely swore was temporary in nature.

As it turns out, the Federal Reserve never intended to unwind the radical balance sheet expansion it began 7 years ago at all, as one of the central purposes of the Fed programs—aside from enabling broke banks to erect an illusion of solvency big enough to justify bonuses—was to cover up the very Wall Street crimes that caused the meltdown of 2008 in the first place.

“Planet Klepto" distinguishes itself from many other worthy efforts along the same lines in its granular treatment of untrammeled criminality driving Federal Reserve policy by lavishing attention on the Fed’s own words, charts, documents, projections, speeches, papers, spreadsheets and data.

Viewers are urged to consider the implications of the Federal Reserve’s proven willingness to prop up, at all costs, the criminal banks controlling it. If criminal giveaways aren’t out of bounds, what’s to stop takeaways when the next meltdown hits?

Source materials:

Bank deposits: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Bank loans: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Bernanke speech (text): http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/1...
Bernanke speech (video): http://www.c-span.org/video/?284139-1...

Excess reserves: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

June 2009 FOMC transcript: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetar...

June 2009 FOMC presentation materials: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetar...

Total reserve balances: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Fed “Oceans of Cash” paper: http://www.clevelandfed.org/en/Newsro...

Mortgage-backed securities held by the Fed: https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2...

Merrill Lynch’s MBS sales, July 2008: http://www.economonitor.com/analysts/...

Bailout (2012): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1928331/?... (N.B.: I wrote and produced this film before learning how to turn on a camera. -JET)

Business birth and death rates: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/rese...

Aldrich Plan cartoon: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06...

Ford Theatre Reunion’s Godzilla cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMt4Oe...

Judging by that bit of filibuster, I'm guessing that you listen to a lot of wingnut talk radio...

Obama is definitely the worst in my lifetime. Carter used to be. Carter responded poorly to tough circumstances but Obama has actually created bad circumstances.

Give it a year and you will be claiming Hillary is the worst in your lifetime
Presidential Administrations are not responsible for the creation of jobs knucklehead. Nice try though.

The two largest factors responsible for job growth in the economy are the management of the Federal Reserve and the Budget.

That means it is largely in the hands of the House and the Chair of the Fed. It doesn't have that much to do with the guy in the Oval office.

This is just a partisan pissing game to keep you rubes distracted.

All presidents are equally awful.

Been hearing a lot of that since Pretzeldunce Innocent Bystander left the Ship of State on the rocks and burning....apparently their role in fiscal policy has been completely neutered...

A president's role in fiscal policy has been neutered since, essentially the creation of the FED in 1913. They do have an important role in choosing the chair, and the district heads, but that is under advice and consent from not only the Fed itself, but from congress. So, essentially, it's largely ceremonially.

Unless some maverick wanted to go in there and shake things up.

Someone like a Ron Paul or a Rand Paul.

Or a. . . . . . . Trump?

Unlike Donald Trump's Campaign, His Take On The Federal Reserve Is Sort Of Serious

For the love of G*d, make it stop...

Hyperbolic claims on behalf of Ricardian Equivalence notwithstanding, Presidents exercise a degree of control over fiscal policy........the Fed exercises none....

The budget process begins with a request from the WH.....

"While the world breathlessly awaits the outcome of this week’s FOMC meeting—will the Federal Reserve raise interest rates or won’t it?—one thing is clear regardless: the Fed is driving the U.S. into a 2nd depression in order to carry out its one and only remit now that America’s ability to produce real jobs has been reduced to ash, namely, propping up criminal banks with multi-trillion-dollar giveaways.

What’s so disturbing about the fatal path that the Fed has been on for 7 years is that it's one the Fed went down before, when—by its own admission—it extended and deepened the Great Depression in the late 1930s with a foolhardy policy that jacked up total reserves and destroyed bank lending. In the words of Janet Yellen, "[t]he economy plunged back into depression." (6/23/09 tr. at p. 175)

That's curious, because exactly the same dynamic is at work now, as total reserves have skyrocketed since 2008 in perfect dollar-for-dollar tandem with a plunge in lending. The effect on the birth- and death rates of new and existing businesses, respectively, has been catastrophic.

And what has propelled total reserve balances into the stratosphere? Why, it's the Fed's fateful decision to pay banks interest for holding money with the Fed--money provided by none other than the Fed itself when it printed $1.73 trillion and handed it to the bustout banks in exchange for worthless mortgage-backed securities. The Fed pulled nearly exactly the same stunt in 1936-37 when it suddenly required banks to maintain higher reserves at the Fed. In both cases, the Fed's diversion of monies away from the economy proved disastrous. It remains to be seen whether the Fed will need another world war to cover up its ruinous acts.

BestEvidence’s newest film, “They Come from Planet Klepto,” undertakes an intensive examination of the transcript and exhibits from the Fed’s June 2009 FOMC meeting held during the first few critical months of the most ambitious monetary experiment of all time, which the Fed falsely swore was temporary in nature.

As it turns out, the Federal Reserve never intended to unwind the radical balance sheet expansion it began 7 years ago at all, as one of the central purposes of the Fed programs—aside from enabling broke banks to erect an illusion of solvency big enough to justify bonuses—was to cover up the very Wall Street crimes that caused the meltdown of 2008 in the first place.

“Planet Klepto" distinguishes itself from many other worthy efforts along the same lines in its granular treatment of untrammeled criminality driving Federal Reserve policy by lavishing attention on the Fed’s own words, charts, documents, projections, speeches, papers, spreadsheets and data.

Viewers are urged to consider the implications of the Federal Reserve’s proven willingness to prop up, at all costs, the criminal banks controlling it. If criminal giveaways aren’t out of bounds, what’s to stop takeaways when the next meltdown hits?

Source materials:

Bank deposits: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Bank loans: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Bernanke speech (text): http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/1...
Bernanke speech (video): http://www.c-span.org/video/?284139-1...

Excess reserves: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

June 2009 FOMC transcript: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetar...

June 2009 FOMC presentation materials: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetar...

Total reserve balances: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Fed “Oceans of Cash” paper: http://www.clevelandfed.org/en/Newsro...

Mortgage-backed securities held by the Fed: https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2...

Merrill Lynch’s MBS sales, July 2008: http://www.economonitor.com/analysts/...

Bailout (2012): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1928331/?... (N.B.: I wrote and produced this film before learning how to turn on a camera. -JET)

Business birth and death rates: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/rese...

Aldrich Plan cartoon: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06...

Ford Theatre Reunion’s Godzilla cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMt4Oe...

Judging by that bit of filibuster, I'm guessing that you listen to a lot of wingnut talk radio...

Why don't you go back to the Badland's sock thread where you belong?
Obama is the worst President ever...an empty chair

Yet when Republicans asked....Wouldn't you rather have a Republican President?
The American public replied....Hell NO!

That's probably true.

But then again, they seem to be hypnotized with, on the one hand, a woman on the verge of being indicted, and on the other, a reality TV star.

SO. . . . that's not really saying much.

It is saying plenty; that criminals control the Dhimmicratics Party, no real shock there, and that GOP rank and file loath their party establishment enough to trust and prefer a Reality TV star with a checkered liberal past to represent them instead.

The whole nation was subverted by internationalists a century ago. When ever a politician has the audacity to put American interests before the interests of international business or the visions of the globalists the get pushed out.

Naturally the regional governments suffer.

And the little folks get called traitors when they want to cling to the Bill of Rights. . . .
Don't take it as sooth from me, GOOGLE it. The American public has said in a poll being reported by many publications that our current President Obama has been voted the worst President ever. Imagine that! For all of our socialist, progressive, give me more freebee's crowd, you should be proud of yourselves. Not only have you brought this once proud country to ruin, you have spawned the worst President who even surpasses your hated George W. Bush aka Bubba. By electing Frau Klinton, the heir apparent, perhaps you will destroy this nation during her first term. A day of celebration for all of you.

Where is this ruin? Are repubs so soft they think this is ruin? Stop crying we are ok.
The whole nation was subverted by internationalists a century ago. When ever a politician has the audacity to put American interests before the interests of international business or the visions of the globalists the get pushed out.

But that was back when the internationalists wanted to lure civilians to the cities and thus provided them with jobs which made it easier for them to give up their family farms. Working in a clean new factory then seemed to be an acceptable alternative to independent but sweaty and dirty agricultural work.

Now that corporations own most of the privatgely owned land in this country that is not owned by the federal government, the international corporations n ow are selling off the factories overseas, importing cheap labor and exporting jobs, reducing the once proud and powerful American Middle Class to peasantry.

And with the international corporations in control of both major parties, their work is nearly complete.

But they will not succeed, as we still have numerous options remaining to us, such as an Article V Constitutional Convention and there is also just burning the whole place to the ground and making this land undesirable to the internationalists and rebuilding it once they leave.
Presidential Administrations are not responsible for the creation of jobs knucklehead. Nice try though.

The two largest factors responsible for job growth in the economy are the management of the Federal Reserve and the Budget.

That means it is largely in the hands of the House and the Chair of the Fed. It doesn't have that much to do with the guy in the Oval office.

This is just a partisan pissing game to keep you rubes distracted.

All presidents are equally awful.

Been hearing a lot of that since Pretzeldunce Innocent Bystander left the Ship of State on the rocks and burning....apparently their role in fiscal policy has been completely neutered...

A president's role in fiscal policy has been neutered since, essentially the creation of the FED in 1913. They do have an important role in choosing the chair, and the district heads, but that is under advice and consent from not only the Fed itself, but from congress. So, essentially, it's largely ceremonially.

Unless some maverick wanted to go in there and shake things up.

Someone like a Ron Paul or a Rand Paul.

Or a. . . . . . . Trump?

Unlike Donald Trump's Campaign, His Take On The Federal Reserve Is Sort Of Serious

For the love of G*d, make it stop...

Hyperbolic claims on behalf of Ricardian Equivalence notwithstanding, Presidents exercise a degree of control over fiscal policy........the Fed exercises none....

The budget process begins with a request from the WH.....

"While the world breathlessly awaits the outcome of this week’s FOMC meeting—will the Federal Reserve raise interest rates or won’t it?—one thing is clear regardless: the Fed is driving the U.S. into a 2nd depression in order to carry out its one and only remit now that America’s ability to produce real jobs has been reduced to ash, namely, propping up criminal banks with multi-trillion-dollar giveaways.

What’s so disturbing about the fatal path that the Fed has been on for 7 years is that it's one the Fed went down before, when—by its own admission—it extended and deepened the Great Depression in the late 1930s with a foolhardy policy that jacked up total reserves and destroyed bank lending. In the words of Janet Yellen, "[t]he economy plunged back into depression." (6/23/09 tr. at p. 175)

That's curious, because exactly the same dynamic is at work now, as total reserves have skyrocketed since 2008 in perfect dollar-for-dollar tandem with a plunge in lending. The effect on the birth- and death rates of new and existing businesses, respectively, has been catastrophic.

And what has propelled total reserve balances into the stratosphere? Why, it's the Fed's fateful decision to pay banks interest for holding money with the Fed--money provided by none other than the Fed itself when it printed $1.73 trillion and handed it to the bustout banks in exchange for worthless mortgage-backed securities. The Fed pulled nearly exactly the same stunt in 1936-37 when it suddenly required banks to maintain higher reserves at the Fed. In both cases, the Fed's diversion of monies away from the economy proved disastrous. It remains to be seen whether the Fed will need another world war to cover up its ruinous acts.

BestEvidence’s newest film, “They Come from Planet Klepto,” undertakes an intensive examination of the transcript and exhibits from the Fed’s June 2009 FOMC meeting held during the first few critical months of the most ambitious monetary experiment of all time, which the Fed falsely swore was temporary in nature.

As it turns out, the Federal Reserve never intended to unwind the radical balance sheet expansion it began 7 years ago at all, as one of the central purposes of the Fed programs—aside from enabling broke banks to erect an illusion of solvency big enough to justify bonuses—was to cover up the very Wall Street crimes that caused the meltdown of 2008 in the first place.

“Planet Klepto" distinguishes itself from many other worthy efforts along the same lines in its granular treatment of untrammeled criminality driving Federal Reserve policy by lavishing attention on the Fed’s own words, charts, documents, projections, speeches, papers, spreadsheets and data.

Viewers are urged to consider the implications of the Federal Reserve’s proven willingness to prop up, at all costs, the criminal banks controlling it. If criminal giveaways aren’t out of bounds, what’s to stop takeaways when the next meltdown hits?

Source materials:

Bank deposits: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Bank loans: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Bernanke speech (text): http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/1...
Bernanke speech (video): http://www.c-span.org/video/?284139-1...

Excess reserves: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

June 2009 FOMC transcript: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetar...

June 2009 FOMC presentation materials: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetar...

Total reserve balances: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Fed “Oceans of Cash” paper: http://www.clevelandfed.org/en/Newsro...

Mortgage-backed securities held by the Fed: https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2...

Merrill Lynch’s MBS sales, July 2008: http://www.economonitor.com/analysts/...

Bailout (2012): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1928331/?... (N.B.: I wrote and produced this film before learning how to turn on a camera. -JET)

Business birth and death rates: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/rese...

Aldrich Plan cartoon: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06...

Ford Theatre Reunion’s Godzilla cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMt4Oe...

Judging by that bit of filibuster, I'm guessing that you listen to a lot of wingnut talk radio...

Incidentally, "wingnut" radio agrees with your position, they think the president and congress have more to do with "jobs" than the FED. They don't understand that the Fed and the world banking manipulations, currency wars and the currency bubble have more to do with stopping job growth than government does.

Grow up.
Incidentally, "wingnut" radio agrees with your position, they think the president and congress have more to do with "jobs" than the FED. They don't understand that the Fed and the world banking manipulations, currency wars and the currency bubble have more to do with stopping job growth than government does.
Grow up.
But then the US government controls the Fed....right?

Been hearing a lot of that since Pretzeldunce Innocent Bystander left the Ship of State on the rocks and burning....apparently their role in fiscal policy has been completely neutered...

A president's role in fiscal policy has been neutered since, essentially the creation of the FED in 1913. They do have an important role in choosing the chair, and the district heads, but that is under advice and consent from not only the Fed itself, but from congress. So, essentially, it's largely ceremonially.

Unless some maverick wanted to go in there and shake things up.

Someone like a Ron Paul or a Rand Paul.

Or a. . . . . . . Trump?

Unlike Donald Trump's Campaign, His Take On The Federal Reserve Is Sort Of Serious

For the love of G*d, make it stop...

Hyperbolic claims on behalf of Ricardian Equivalence notwithstanding, Presidents exercise a degree of control over fiscal policy........the Fed exercises none....

The budget process begins with a request from the WH.....

"While the world breathlessly awaits the outcome of this week’s FOMC meeting—will the Federal Reserve raise interest rates or won’t it?—one thing is clear regardless: the Fed is driving the U.S. into a 2nd depression in order to carry out its one and only remit now that America’s ability to produce real jobs has been reduced to ash, namely, propping up criminal banks with multi-trillion-dollar giveaways.

What’s so disturbing about the fatal path that the Fed has been on for 7 years is that it's one the Fed went down before, when—by its own admission—it extended and deepened the Great Depression in the late 1930s with a foolhardy policy that jacked up total reserves and destroyed bank lending. In the words of Janet Yellen, "[t]he economy plunged back into depression." (6/23/09 tr. at p. 175)

That's curious, because exactly the same dynamic is at work now, as total reserves have skyrocketed since 2008 in perfect dollar-for-dollar tandem with a plunge in lending. The effect on the birth- and death rates of new and existing businesses, respectively, has been catastrophic.

And what has propelled total reserve balances into the stratosphere? Why, it's the Fed's fateful decision to pay banks interest for holding money with the Fed--money provided by none other than the Fed itself when it printed $1.73 trillion and handed it to the bustout banks in exchange for worthless mortgage-backed securities. The Fed pulled nearly exactly the same stunt in 1936-37 when it suddenly required banks to maintain higher reserves at the Fed. In both cases, the Fed's diversion of monies away from the economy proved disastrous. It remains to be seen whether the Fed will need another world war to cover up its ruinous acts.

BestEvidence’s newest film, “They Come from Planet Klepto,” undertakes an intensive examination of the transcript and exhibits from the Fed’s June 2009 FOMC meeting held during the first few critical months of the most ambitious monetary experiment of all time, which the Fed falsely swore was temporary in nature.

As it turns out, the Federal Reserve never intended to unwind the radical balance sheet expansion it began 7 years ago at all, as one of the central purposes of the Fed programs—aside from enabling broke banks to erect an illusion of solvency big enough to justify bonuses—was to cover up the very Wall Street crimes that caused the meltdown of 2008 in the first place.

“Planet Klepto" distinguishes itself from many other worthy efforts along the same lines in its granular treatment of untrammeled criminality driving Federal Reserve policy by lavishing attention on the Fed’s own words, charts, documents, projections, speeches, papers, spreadsheets and data.

Viewers are urged to consider the implications of the Federal Reserve’s proven willingness to prop up, at all costs, the criminal banks controlling it. If criminal giveaways aren’t out of bounds, what’s to stop takeaways when the next meltdown hits?

Source materials:

Bank deposits: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Bank loans: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Bernanke speech (text): http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/1...
Bernanke speech (video): http://www.c-span.org/video/?284139-1...

Excess reserves: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

June 2009 FOMC transcript: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetar...

June 2009 FOMC presentation materials: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetar...

Total reserve balances: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Fed “Oceans of Cash” paper: http://www.clevelandfed.org/en/Newsro...

Mortgage-backed securities held by the Fed: https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2...

Merrill Lynch’s MBS sales, July 2008: http://www.economonitor.com/analysts/...

Bailout (2012): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1928331/?... (N.B.: I wrote and produced this film before learning how to turn on a camera. -JET)

Business birth and death rates: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/rese...

Aldrich Plan cartoon: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06...

Ford Theatre Reunion’s Godzilla cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMt4Oe...

Judging by that bit of filibuster, I'm guessing that you listen to a lot of wingnut talk radio...

Why don't you go back to the Badland's sock thread where you belong?

Occasionally, I like to bring a bit of light to the dark slums of USMB......complacent ignorance is the playground of the Devil....
The whole nation was subverted by internationalists a century ago. When ever a politician has the audacity to put American interests before the interests of international business or the visions of the globalists the get pushed out.

But that was back when the internationalists wanted to lure civilians to the cities and thus provided them with jobs which made it easier for them to give up their family farms. Working in a clean new factory then seemed to be an acceptable alternative to independent but sweaty and dirty agricultural work.

Now that corporations own most of the privatgely owned land in this country that is not owned by the federal government, the international corporations n ow are selling off the factories overseas, importing cheap labor and exporting jobs, reducing the once proud and powerful American Middle Class to peasantry.

And with the international corporations in control of both major parties, their work is nearly complete.

But they will not succeed, as we still have numerous options remaining to us, such as an Article V Constitutional Convention and there is also just burning the whole place to the ground and making this land undesirable to the internationalists and rebuilding it once they leave.

Wow. You haven't heard anything about Agenda 21 have you?

Although I don't support those actions of how the ranchers went about what they were fighting for out in Oregon, I do understand the political issues.

The Government forced itself to be the one that was going to be the first to have the option to buy that guys land.

Their goal is to REPLACE the constitution with international law. As it stands, international law, via treaties, supersedes that constitution.

Already, NAFTA takes precedence over the Constitution because it is a treaty. This is, in the end, how they plan to do away with the second amendment.

A president's role in fiscal policy has been neutered since, essentially the creation of the FED in 1913. They do have an important role in choosing the chair, and the district heads, but that is under advice and consent from not only the Fed itself, but from congress. So, essentially, it's largely ceremonially.

Unless some maverick wanted to go in there and shake things up.

Someone like a Ron Paul or a Rand Paul.

Or a. . . . . . . Trump?

Unlike Donald Trump's Campaign, His Take On The Federal Reserve Is Sort Of Serious

For the love of G*d, make it stop...

Hyperbolic claims on behalf of Ricardian Equivalence notwithstanding, Presidents exercise a degree of control over fiscal policy........the Fed exercises none....

The budget process begins with a request from the WH.....

"While the world breathlessly awaits the outcome of this week’s FOMC meeting—will the Federal Reserve raise interest rates or won’t it?—one thing is clear regardless: the Fed is driving the U.S. into a 2nd depression in order to carry out its one and only remit now that America’s ability to produce real jobs has been reduced to ash, namely, propping up criminal banks with multi-trillion-dollar giveaways.

What’s so disturbing about the fatal path that the Fed has been on for 7 years is that it's one the Fed went down before, when—by its own admission—it extended and deepened the Great Depression in the late 1930s with a foolhardy policy that jacked up total reserves and destroyed bank lending. In the words of Janet Yellen, "[t]he economy plunged back into depression." (6/23/09 tr. at p. 175)

That's curious, because exactly the same dynamic is at work now, as total reserves have skyrocketed since 2008 in perfect dollar-for-dollar tandem with a plunge in lending. The effect on the birth- and death rates of new and existing businesses, respectively, has been catastrophic.

And what has propelled total reserve balances into the stratosphere? Why, it's the Fed's fateful decision to pay banks interest for holding money with the Fed--money provided by none other than the Fed itself when it printed $1.73 trillion and handed it to the bustout banks in exchange for worthless mortgage-backed securities. The Fed pulled nearly exactly the same stunt in 1936-37 when it suddenly required banks to maintain higher reserves at the Fed. In both cases, the Fed's diversion of monies away from the economy proved disastrous. It remains to be seen whether the Fed will need another world war to cover up its ruinous acts.

BestEvidence’s newest film, “They Come from Planet Klepto,” undertakes an intensive examination of the transcript and exhibits from the Fed’s June 2009 FOMC meeting held during the first few critical months of the most ambitious monetary experiment of all time, which the Fed falsely swore was temporary in nature.

As it turns out, the Federal Reserve never intended to unwind the radical balance sheet expansion it began 7 years ago at all, as one of the central purposes of the Fed programs—aside from enabling broke banks to erect an illusion of solvency big enough to justify bonuses—was to cover up the very Wall Street crimes that caused the meltdown of 2008 in the first place.

“Planet Klepto" distinguishes itself from many other worthy efforts along the same lines in its granular treatment of untrammeled criminality driving Federal Reserve policy by lavishing attention on the Fed’s own words, charts, documents, projections, speeches, papers, spreadsheets and data.

Viewers are urged to consider the implications of the Federal Reserve’s proven willingness to prop up, at all costs, the criminal banks controlling it. If criminal giveaways aren’t out of bounds, what’s to stop takeaways when the next meltdown hits?

Source materials:

Bank deposits: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Bank loans: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Bernanke speech (text): http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/1...
Bernanke speech (video): http://www.c-span.org/video/?284139-1...

Excess reserves: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

June 2009 FOMC transcript: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetar...

June 2009 FOMC presentation materials: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetar...

Total reserve balances: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/...

Fed “Oceans of Cash” paper: http://www.clevelandfed.org/en/Newsro...

Mortgage-backed securities held by the Fed: https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2...

Merrill Lynch’s MBS sales, July 2008: http://www.economonitor.com/analysts/...

Bailout (2012): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1928331/?... (N.B.: I wrote and produced this film before learning how to turn on a camera. -JET)

Business birth and death rates: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/rese...

Aldrich Plan cartoon: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-06...

Ford Theatre Reunion’s Godzilla cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMt4Oe...

Judging by that bit of filibuster, I'm guessing that you listen to a lot of wingnut talk radio...

Why don't you go back to the Badland's sock thread where you belong?

Occasionally, I like to bring a bit of light to the dark slums of USMB......complacent ignorance is the playground of the Devil....

Au contraire you vile little sock

Dark slums of USMB? Let's not forget, 95% of your posts are in THE BADLANDS.

The very fact that you dismiss the previously post fact's as nothing more than a "filibuster" with out due consideration, quite evidently means that it is you that are spreading partisan fear mongering with nothing helpful to the community.

The information I posted you will not find either on talk radio or on CFR controlled media. It is the truth about what is going on behind the scenes. It is a patriot's warning.

Why do you think the "Audit the Fed" Bill failed?

IT failed for the very reason that if the information above were known to the general public, the global economy would melt down tomorrow.

This ISN'T a partisan issue sir. I think you know that, you are just scared shitless. It is your job to spread disinfo. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you are an Obbabble minion.
Incidentally, "wingnut" radio agrees with your position, they think the president and congress have more to do with "jobs" than the FED. They don't understand that the Fed and the world banking manipulations, currency wars and the currency bubble have more to do with stopping job growth than government does.
Grow up.
But then the US government controls the Fed....right?

Sort of.

The Fed controls who gets elected.

So it's a wash.

The only candidate for president that is currently not sponsored by the FED is. . . . . Trump.

(Cruz wife works for Goldman's! :eusa_doh:)

(See my previous link about his ideas about what he would do to the Fed.)

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