Obama, the worst President ever!

Obama is definitely the worst in my lifetime. Carter used to be. Carter responded poorly to tough circumstances but Obama has actually created bad circumstances.
Describe what you see...
A deflection.
Median income is down, prices are up. Net; consumer economic contraction. Average American household lost over $10k annually for obama's first six years.

This is a bunch of inchoate gibberish......to demonstrate that you aren't just leaking from the lip, why don't you post the stats and the sources?
I have a budget. Consumer goods increased for our average household by over $100/week. $3400 annual increase in gasoline costs @ $2/gallon increase x mileage and mpg. Increased property taxes to offset lost gov income due to slumping sales tax revenues and the total exceeds $10k annually against a reduced net income due to property tax increases.

You are not what I would consider a "source".....

to what $2/gall increase are you referring?

Did you notice that you deducted property taxes twice?

allow me to demonstrate what I mean by SOURCES....

Obama is definitely the worst in my lifetime. Carter used to be. Carter responded poorly to tough circumstances but Obama has actually created bad circumstances.
Describe what you see...
A deflection.
Median income is down, prices are up. Net; consumer economic contraction. Average American household lost over $10k annually for obama's first six years.

This is a bunch of inchoate gibberish......to demonstrate that you aren't just leaking from the lip, why don't you post the stats and the sources?
I have a budget. Consumer goods increased for our average household by over $100/week. $3400 annual increase in gasoline costs @ $2/gallon increase x mileage and mpg. Increased property taxes to offset lost gov income due to slumping sales tax revenues and the total exceeds $10k annually against a reduced net income due to property tax increases.

You are not what I would consider a "source".....

to what $2/gall increase are you referring?

Did you notice that you deducted property taxes twice?

allow me to demonstrate what I mean by SOURCES....

Wrong. I mentioned two effects of property tax increases. One to enhance gov revenue and the other against our household budget.
The $2 gas increase was directly due to obama reimposing offshore drilling restrictions immediately upon taking office.
I'm ambivalent about Bill O'Reilly, however last night, or perhaps in the last two nights, he made a really good point about Obama and American voters: that the American people really didn't "know" Obama before voting for him (twice)...that we didn't adequately vet him, that we didn't demand enough forums wherein he could be tested.

Whether O'Reilly has a good point - or not - it's really on us that we enabled Obama to do to us what he has done. Let's endeavor not to repeat such a fucking huge mistake.

In the interest of full disclosure, did you cast one or more votes for Obama's predecessor?
Still better than voting for obuthole the idiot.
Describe what you see...
A deflection.
Median income is down, prices are up. Net; consumer economic contraction. Average American household lost over $10k annually for obama's first six years.

This is a bunch of inchoate gibberish......to demonstrate that you aren't just leaking from the lip, why don't you post the stats and the sources?
I have a budget. Consumer goods increased for our average household by over $100/week. $3400 annual increase in gasoline costs @ $2/gallon increase x mileage and mpg. Increased property taxes to offset lost gov income due to slumping sales tax revenues and the total exceeds $10k annually against a reduced net income due to property tax increases.

You are not what I would consider a "source".....

to what $2/gall increase are you referring?

Did you notice that you deducted property taxes twice?

allow me to demonstrate what I mean by SOURCES....

Wrong. I mentioned two effects of property tax increases. One to enhance gov revenue and the other against our household budget.
The $2 gas increase was directly due to obama reimposing offshore drilling restrictions immediately upon taking office.

Seriously......you're a moron.....the "two effects" net to ONE with respect to income...and no, the increase in gas prices had nothing to do with offshore drilling....and gas prices are now near decade lows on a NOMINAL basis...

I'm ambivalent about Bill O'Reilly, however last night, or perhaps in the last two nights, he made a really good point about Obama and American voters: that the American people really didn't "know" Obama before voting for him (twice)...that we didn't adequately vet him, that we didn't demand enough forums wherein he could be tested.

Whether O'Reilly has a good point - or not - it's really on us that we enabled Obama to do to us what he has done. Let's endeavor not to repeat such a fucking huge mistake.

In the interest of full disclosure, did you cast one or more votes for Obama's predecessor?
Still better than voting for obuthole the idiot.

Is the red line ABOVE or BELOW the green line, Cretone?

A deflection.
Median income is down, prices are up. Net; consumer economic contraction. Average American household lost over $10k annually for obama's first six years.

This is a bunch of inchoate gibberish......to demonstrate that you aren't just leaking from the lip, why don't you post the stats and the sources?
I have a budget. Consumer goods increased for our average household by over $100/week. $3400 annual increase in gasoline costs @ $2/gallon increase x mileage and mpg. Increased property taxes to offset lost gov income due to slumping sales tax revenues and the total exceeds $10k annually against a reduced net income due to property tax increases.

You are not what I would consider a "source".....

to what $2/gall increase are you referring?

Did you notice that you deducted property taxes twice?

allow me to demonstrate what I mean by SOURCES....

Wrong. I mentioned two effects of property tax increases. One to enhance gov revenue and the other against our household budget.
The $2 gas increase was directly due to obama reimposing offshore drilling restrictions immediately upon taking office.

Seriously......you're a moron.....the "two effects" net to ONE with respect to income...and no, the increase in gas prices had nothing to do with offshore drilling....and gas prices are now near decade lows on a NOMINAL basis...

Here's a link, just for you, detailing the chronology in case you've already forgotten or that you just weren't paying attention at the time...

Gas Prices Are Up Because of Obama's Offshore Ban
This is a bunch of inchoate gibberish......to demonstrate that you aren't just leaking from the lip, why don't you post the stats and the sources?
I have a budget. Consumer goods increased for our average household by over $100/week. $3400 annual increase in gasoline costs @ $2/gallon increase x mileage and mpg. Increased property taxes to offset lost gov income due to slumping sales tax revenues and the total exceeds $10k annually against a reduced net income due to property tax increases.

You are not what I would consider a "source".....

to what $2/gall increase are you referring?

Did you notice that you deducted property taxes twice?

allow me to demonstrate what I mean by SOURCES....

Wrong. I mentioned two effects of property tax increases. One to enhance gov revenue and the other against our household budget.
The $2 gas increase was directly due to obama reimposing offshore drilling restrictions immediately upon taking office.

Seriously......you're a moron.....the "two effects" net to ONE with respect to income...and no, the increase in gas prices had nothing to do with offshore drilling....and gas prices are now near decade lows on a NOMINAL basis...

Here's a link, just for you, detailing the chronology in case you've already forgotten or that you just weren't paying attention at the time...

Gas Prices Are Up Because of Obama's Offshore Ban

"American Commitment"?

By source, I didn't mean to include "any imbecile scribbling on the innertubes".....
I have a budget. Consumer goods increased for our average household by over $100/week. $3400 annual increase in gasoline costs @ $2/gallon increase x mileage and mpg. Increased property taxes to offset lost gov income due to slumping sales tax revenues and the total exceeds $10k annually against a reduced net income due to property tax increases.

You are not what I would consider a "source".....

to what $2/gall increase are you referring?

Did you notice that you deducted property taxes twice?

allow me to demonstrate what I mean by SOURCES....

Wrong. I mentioned two effects of property tax increases. One to enhance gov revenue and the other against our household budget.
The $2 gas increase was directly due to obama reimposing offshore drilling restrictions immediately upon taking office.

Seriously......you're a moron.....the "two effects" net to ONE with respect to income...and no, the increase in gas prices had nothing to do with offshore drilling....and gas prices are now near decade lows on a NOMINAL basis...

Here's a link, just for you, detailing the chronology in case you've already forgotten or that you just weren't paying attention at the time...

Gas Prices Are Up Because of Obama's Offshore Ban

"American Commitment"?

By source, I didn't mean to include "any imbecile scribbling on the innertubes".....
It points out the facts. I used that link because it documents what happened and what I witnessed and realized per my own budget. Just because you were blinded and hoodwinked into not paying attention to your own losses doesn't mean everyone else was.
You lost money and apparently either don't realize it because you make too much or you are in utter denial.
Here's a link to the story as it unfolded...

Bush-era offshore drilling plan is set aside
Don't take it as sooth from me, GOOGLE it. The American public has said in a poll being reported by many publications that our current President Obama has been voted the worst President ever. Imagine that! For all of our socialist, progressive, give me more freebee's crowd, you should be proud of yourselves. Not only have you brought this once proud country to ruin, you have spawned the worst President who even surpasses your hated George W. Bush aka Bubba. By electing Frau Klinton, the heir apparent, perhaps you will destroy this nation during her first term. A day of celebration for all of you.

The survey asked over 42,000 people in 41 countries who they admire most, both in their own country and around the world.

The Obamas dominate as the most admired people in the U.S.
Don't take it as sooth from me, GOOGLE it. The American public has said in a poll being reported by many publications that our current President Obama has been voted the worst President ever. Imagine that! For all of our socialist, progressive, give me more freebee's crowd, you should be proud of yourselves. Not only have you brought this once proud country to ruin, you have spawned the worst President who even surpasses your hated George W. Bush aka Bubba. By electing Frau Klinton, the heir apparent, perhaps you will destroy this nation during her first term. A day of celebration for all of you.

In fairness, the average American probably isn't familiar with James Buchannan.
Don't take it as sooth from me, GOOGLE it. The American public has said in a poll being reported by many publications that our current President Obama has been voted the worst President ever. Imagine that! For all of our socialist, progressive, give me more freebee's crowd, you should be proud of yourselves. Not only have you brought this once proud country to ruin, you have spawned the worst President who even surpasses your hated George W. Bush aka Bubba. By electing Frau Klinton, the heir apparent, perhaps you will destroy this nation during her first term. A day of celebration for all of you.

The survey asked over 42,000 people in 41 countries who they admire most, both in their own country and around the world.

The Obamas dominate as the most admired people in the U.S.
Seeing how the rest of the world hates us and is jealous of us (while they bite our style), the Obama’s should be admired. They hate America, too.
In fairness, the average American probably isn't familiar with James Buchannan.
Obama is not the worst President ever, as that would imply even other horrible, just catastrophic leaders around the globe. Obama is not anywhere near as bad as the UK's Cameron, or Venezuelas Maduro.

But lets stick to American Presidents; I would take Obama over Harding, McKinly, Taft or Grant.

Obama saved our banking system with QE, though I complained about it at the time for not recapitalizing the whole country instead of the Big Banks.

Obama encouraged people to consume and invest and that helped Wall Street, and he did multiple things to help Main street as well.
In fairness, the average American probably isn't familiar with James Buchannan.
Obama is not the worst President ever, as that would imply even other horrible, just catastrophic leaders around the globe. Obama is not anywhere near as bad as the UK's Cameron, or Venezuelas Maduro.

But lets stick to American Presidents; I would take Obama over Harding, McKinly, Taft or Grant.

Obama saved our banking system with QE, though I complained about it at the time for not recapitalizing the whole country instead of the Big Banks.

Obama encouraged people to consume and invest and that helped Wall Street, and he did multiple things to help Main street as well.

I don't agree with everything he did, but he had good metrics. Lowest inflation rate over 8 years since Eisenhower. 40 years from now, conservatives will claim him as one of their own.
In fairness, the average American probably isn't familiar with James Buchannan.
Obama is not the worst President ever, as that would imply even other horrible, just catastrophic leaders around the globe. Obama is not anywhere near as bad as the UK's Cameron, or Venezuelas Maduro.

But lets stick to American Presidents; I would take Obama over Harding, McKinly, Taft or Grant.

Obama saved our banking system with QE, though I complained about it at the time for not recapitalizing the whole country instead of the Big Banks.

Obama encouraged people to consume and invest and that helped Wall Street, and he did multiple things to help Main street as well.
Obama destroyed our economy with his energy policy.
I can’t speak to presidents before Eisenhower but Obama is clearly the worst in my time.
Obama destroyed our economy with his energy policy.

Well, I do agree his energy policy reduced growth under his administration but your take is more hyperbole than fact, I think.

I can’t speak to presidents before Eisenhower but Obama is clearly the worst in my time.

Because you are a young whiper-snappper!
No hyperbole. Energy is the food of the economy. When energy goes up in price, everything goes up in price and it pays no dividends. The result is economic contraction.
Global circumstances impact energy prices. Obama intentionally stifled energy production and caused the economic problems.
Is President Obama the worst President ever?

No, and you offered no link to support your argument.

I would say Jimmy Carter was the worst, then Ford and then George W. Bush, but that is my opinion...
Was Lincoln the worst? Half the country broke away. Judging best or worse is hard and relative.
Lincoln was our greatest President. The scumbag fdr was the worst scoundrel to ever sully the office.

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