Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

it amazes me ... we see these three people on Hannity show, we see this realtor woman, on Cnn, they are all ragging about how they won't get to keep their plan, which by the way is the worst plan they could get .... but not one of them went to the ACA web site to see what it would cost them ... they all got their increases from the provider or the provider telling them they are canceling their policy because they don't qualify for the ACA health care program ... they tell them they have to go to this new policy which cost them way to much money .... not one of them went to the ACA web site to actually see what it will cost them .... they are republicans, who have been duped in believing the ACA is a horrible plan... after real reporters went to them, asking them questions real questions instead of letting them ragg about it ... it all turned out that they didn't go to the web site ... or like one of the republicans on hannity show hate Obama so much that he would rather misquote his health care cost and look the fool that's he's looking like now on a national program ... come to find out the plan will cost them less money and they get a 10 times better plan ...

All spin to get your messiah out of his lies, "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period." Luckily, he has loyal faggots like you that will tow his line even if he says 2+2=5 ...... :thup:
None of JoeBs narrative rings true, not that he was a Republican not that he has Cuban friends who miss living under Fidel not his "insurance" story, none of it

My wife is Cuban, and her father says that anyone who prefers Cuba's "medical care" to the US should be locked up; they are clearly non compos mentis.

The exile community is not noted for its objectivity about Cuba.

But the stats are that Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate than we do, and life expectancy in Cuba is 79.1 years compared to 78 in the USA.

Amazing given that we embargo medicines and economically punish the country for rejecting us.
Only an idiot moonbat woukd believe the 'stats' a commi regime is producing. Mortality and morbidity stats in Stalin's USSR circa 1933 were also nice and peachy, while millions were starving to death because of the artificial famine in Ukraine.
Guy, if your CleetusCare is being cancelled, it was because you were being ripped off with a policy that wasn't any good.

I mean, you get this, right? That what you had before didn't actually cover anything?

the sad part here is they don't get it ... cause that would have to get them to understand what they were getting ... that they are too lazy to go to the web site to see actually what it would cost them

Well, to be fair, the website has been kind of a hot mess that people can't get on.

The reality is, most of us don't find out how good or bad our insurance is until we actually get sick.

once again the media has convinced you that the web site is down the majority of the time ... I've check it each day 3 times ... each time I went there it was functioning ...I've checked this morning !!!! I was there in a blink of a eye... like I've said the majority of these people complaining about their plan going up,which by they way the cost increase has come from their provider and not the ACA web site ... I suggest you to go there and see if it cost you less ...I've sigh up the second day I got through with no problem I guess thats because Our governor is a democrat and has the site running.... all I know is its costing way less money and it is costing me 300 less ...
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Guy, if your CleetusCare is being cancelled, it was because you were being ripped off with a policy that wasn't any good.

I mean, you get this, right? That what you had before didn't actually cover anything?

the sad part here is they don't get it ... cause that would have to get them to understand what they were getting ... that they are too lazy to go to the web site to see actually what it would cost them

Well, to be fair, the website has been kind of a hot mess that people can't get on.

The reality is, most of us don't find out how good or bad our insurance is until we actually get sick.

I have had a insurance plan all my life ... I made sure that I had one ...no matter what ...
it amazes me ... we see these three people on Hannity show, we see this realtor woman, on Cnn, they are all ragging about how they won't get to keep their plan, which by the way is the worst plan they could get .... but not one of them went to the ACA web site to see what it would cost them ... they all got their increases from the provider or the provider telling them they are canceling their policy because they don't qualify for the ACA health care program ... they tell them they have to go to this new policy which cost them way to much money .... not one of them went to the ACA web site to actually see what it will cost them .... they are republicans, who have been duped in believing the ACA is a horrible plan... after real reporters went to them, asking them questions real questions instead of letting them ragg about it ... it all turned out that they didn't go to the web site ... or like one of the republicans on hannity show hate Obama so much that he would rather misquote his health care cost and look the fool that's he's looking like now on a national program ... come to find out the plan will cost them less money and they get a 10 times better plan ...

All spin to get your messiah out of his lies, "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period." Luckily, he has loyal faggots like you that will tow his line even if he says 2+2=5 ...... :thup:

as the stupid people speak this clown is the typical uneducated repub-lie-tarded fool who hate dems/liberals at all cost soooo much that they refuse to go and look for themselves ... stay stupid,

Sorry. We decided that this country will be better off doing it our way.

Isn't it great! The American people heard every lie, every misrepresentation, every expression of outrage......that nutters across the land could dream up. And then we decided that we were not convinced.

have you gone to the ACA web site???? Doubt it

Are we going to do this again? Have you forgotten what happened the last time you misunderstood one of my posts? It was not pretty.

yes you lost it ... then I owned you the rest of the day ... ya want to get you ass kicked again have at it fool!!!
I can for a fact stay with my current provider.

I suppose it could be interpreted that I am keeping my plan and "choosing" to add provisions making it ACA compliant. But why would I choose to add maternity coverage and other required elements? We certainly don't NEED maternity. I also would NOT choose to increase my deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pockets. I've done so in the past, but only as a means of reducing the premiums.

So... here's what I have in front of me, from my current provider:

A policy that is ACA compliant and most closely resembles my current coverage.

The difference? A 120% increase in premiums, and a marked increase in deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pockets.

For what? The same coverage?

This whole sham has clusterfuck written all over it. Just wait until the tens of millions of people who have not yet seen for themselves what the ACA truly is actually sign up for this pile of shit program.

I tell you I am so fucking angry I can hardly see straight. Goddamn fucking moronic asshole sorry excuse for a President. Fuck him.

i like the "Fuck him." part, and it should be done with a red hot iron fence post :up: ... :lmao:
it amazes me ... we see these three people on Hannity show, we see this realtor woman, on Cnn, they are all ragging about how they won't get to keep their plan, which by the way is the worst plan they could get .... but not one of them went to the ACA web site to see what it would cost them ... they all got their increases from the provider or the provider telling them they are canceling their policy because they don't qualify for the ACA health care program ... they tell them they have to go to this new policy which cost them way to much money .... not one of them went to the ACA web site to actually see what it will cost them .... they are republicans, who have been duped in believing the ACA is a horrible plan... after real reporters went to them, asking them questions real questions instead of letting them ragg about it ... it all turned out that they didn't go to the web site ... or like one of the republicans on hannity show hate Obama so much that he would rather misquote his health care cost and look the fool that's he's looking like now on a national program ... come to find out the plan will cost them less money and they get a 10 times better plan ...

All spin to get your messiah out of his lies, "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period." Luckily, he has loyal faggots like you that will tow his line even if he says 2+2=5 ...... :thup:

as the stupid people speak this clown is the typical uneducated repub-lie-tarded fool who hate dems/liberals at all cost soooo much that they refuse to go and look for themselves ... stay stupid,


Like any other typical Obamabot, your faggot ass is no different. Obama and the dems knowingly lied to the american people. Obama said repeatedly "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period". He didn't say "were going to get you off the insurance you have now because the exchanges will offer better plans". Dickless wonders like you will spin and deflect it any way you can rather than admitting your heroes lied.... :thup:
Finally, on pre-existing conditions, here's the problem. You never know what they are going to call a pre-existing condition.

Example. You get diagnosed with Cancer, and the next week, you lose your job.

Next company that hires you can say, "Nope. Pre-existing condition. We ain't covering that!"

Don't care. If I am ever diagnosed with cancer, I will eat my shotgun within 24 hours.

Well, while I'm sure that Big Insurance would LOVE to offer that as a treatment option, most of us sensible people would find that a bit harsh.

Hey, you know what, both of my parents died from cancer, and they still fought bravely against it every step of the way. I don't think I would want "you can always eat your shotgun" to have been a treatment option.

I watched someone go through chemo. He wished every day he hadn't done it and died in agony after being basically an invalid for 2 years. Letting a DOG go through what a cancer patient goes through would get you locked up. No fucking way. Not worth it.
And you could probably get that. Frankly, that's what I have, and it's completely ACA compliant.

No, I can't. Liz can't...in fact, she had the option to get it, but no longer does.

The chance of my wife having a baby is--exactly--zero.

Finally, on pre-existing conditions, here's the problem. You never know what they are going to call a pre-existing condition.

Example. You get diagnosed with Cancer, and the next week, you lose your job.

Next company that hires you can say, "Nope. Pre-existing condition. We ain't covering that!"

Don't care. If I am ever diagnosed with cancer, I will eat my shotgun within 24 hours.

would you like some salt and pepper with that shot gun???? you can tell a obama hater when you read one ... its hate this hate that, hate !!! hate !!! hate !!!!

Da fuck you smokin, boy?
All spin to get your messiah out of his lies, "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period." Luckily, he has loyal faggots like you that will tow his line even if he says 2+2=5 ...... :thup:

as the stupid people speak this clown is the typical uneducated repub-lie-tarded fool who hate dems/liberals at all cost soooo much that they refuse to go and look for themselves ... stay stupid,


Like any other typical Obamabot, your faggot ass is no different. Obama and the dems knowingly lied to the american people. Obama said repeatedly "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period". He didn't say "were going to get you off the insurance you have now because the exchanges will offer better plans". Dickless wonders like you will spin and deflect it any way you can rather than admitting your heroes lied.... :thup:
PUFF !!! PUFF !!! dick smoker ... XXXXXXXXXX
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it amazes me ... we see these three people on Hannity show, we see this realtor woman, on Cnn, they are all ragging about how they won't get to keep their plan, which by the way is the worst plan they could get .... but not one of them went to the ACA web site to see what it would cost them ... they all got their increases from the provider or the provider telling them they are canceling their policy because they don't qualify for the ACA health care program ... they tell them they have to go to this new policy which cost them way to much money .... not one of them went to the ACA web site to actually see what it will cost them .... they are republicans, who have been duped in believing the ACA is a horrible plan... after real reporters went to them, asking them questions real questions instead of letting them ragg about it ... it all turned out that they didn't go to the web site ... or like one of the republicans on hannity show hate Obama so much that he would rather misquote his health care cost and look the fool that's he's looking like now on a national program ... come to find out the plan will cost them less money and they get a 10 times better plan ...

soooooo, you like Maobamacare, aka, ACA, have you signed up already ?? how is it compared to what you had prior to Maobamacare ? i'll bet you are just so thrilled you are in a constant state of sexual arousal :up:
Hi! I am a retard! I want to be denied skin cancer treatment because I had a mole removed when I was 7 years old. And I want to pay for the right to be denied! Freeeeedom!

I want the freedom to pay for a mole removal, be it cancerous or not, out of my own pocket instead of paying monthly for the removal of your and my mole. I prefer paying for a catastrophic health insurance policy, at a lot less pre month, that covers major cancer treatment, but Obama decided that he was a lot smarter than me and better at managing my money.
He isn't!

Sorry. We decided that this country will be better off doing it our way.

Isn't it great! The American people heard every lie, every misrepresentation, every expression of outrage......that nutters across the land could dream up. And then we decided that we were not convinced.
In fact, they haven't. The media has done an exemplary job in making sure that the truth about Obamacare won't reach them until they actually are forced to sign up. Of course, by that time, it is far to late to save their sorry asses.

The pendulum will swing yet again and then WE are going to decide that this country is better off when people are responsible for their own lives.

I pray that you survive it, because that would be the best revenge.
Don't care. If I am ever diagnosed with cancer, I will eat my shotgun within 24 hours.

Well, while I'm sure that Big Insurance would LOVE to offer that as a treatment option, most of us sensible people would find that a bit harsh.

Hey, you know what, both of my parents died from cancer, and they still fought bravely against it every step of the way. I don't think I would want "you can always eat your shotgun" to have been a treatment option.

I watched someone go through chemo. He wished every day he hadn't done it and died in agony after being basically an invalid for 2 years. Letting a DOG go through what a cancer patient goes through would get you locked up. No fucking way. Not worth it.

I with draw my do you want salt and pepper statement ... I too have seen it being given and I'm currently seen two other of my friends going through Chemo ... its not pretty ... my friends sister is alive today because of the treatment ... there are no guarantees when it comes to the treatment ... that's a choice you have to make ... I not sure what I'd do

I watched someone go through chemo. He wished every day he hadn't done it and died in agony after being basically an invalid for 2 years. Letting a DOG go through what a cancer patient goes through would get you locked up. No fucking way. Not worth it.

And I've seen people go through Chemo and actually get better. So there's that.

Of course, if an insurance company lets you die, it's just business.

if the government does it, it's a "Death Panel".
it amazes me ... we see these three people on Hannity show, we see this realtor woman, on Cnn, they are all ragging about how they won't get to keep their plan, which by the way is the worst plan they could get .... but not one of them went to the ACA web site to see what it would cost them ... they all got their increases from the provider or the provider telling them they are canceling their policy because they don't qualify for the ACA health care program ... they tell them they have to go to this new policy which cost them way to much money .... not one of them went to the ACA web site to actually see what it will cost them .... they are republicans, who have been duped in believing the ACA is a horrible plan... after real reporters went to them, asking them questions real questions instead of letting them ragg about it ... it all turned out that they didn't go to the web site ... or like one of the republicans on hannity show hate Obama so much that he would rather misquote his health care cost and look the fool that's he's looking like now on a national program ... come to find out the plan will cost them less money and they get a 10 times better plan ...

soooooo, you like Maobamacare, aka, ACA, have you signed up already ?? how is it compared to what you had prior to Maobamacare ? i'll bet you are just so thrilled you are in a constant state of sexual arousal :up:

if you're serious, as for the other guy, if he wants to talk trash, I can talk trash too ... for right, now I'll tell you what I had and what I have now ...
my plan was through covered colorado .... it cost me $550.00 a month I have a 5000 dollar deductible and no max payout with a 25 dollar copay ... when I went through the ACA site and selected the plan I want its costing me 251. 21 a month with a 250 dollar deductible, with a max payout of 2000 dollars ... 15 dollar copay ... it covers all the time I go and not just two and yes I happy as hell that I will be saving 300 each and every month
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Wow! What did I get myself into?!?

New to this place, if I offer my opinion, will I get trashed??? LOL!

I understand the whole "people should pay their own way" stuff, but as of yet, they haven't ... to the tune of 50 billion a year in unpaid hospital bills. While I don't completely agree with the ACA, it sure beats the current system.
if you're serious, as for the other guy, if he wants to talk trash, I can talk trash too ... for right, now I'll tell you what I had and what I have now ...
my plan was through covered colorado .... it cost me $550.00 a month I have a 5000 dollar deductible and no max payout with a 25 dollar copay ... when I went through the ACA site and selected the plan I want it its costing me 251. 21 a month with a 250 dollar deductible, with a max payout of 2000 dollars ... 15 dollar copay ... it covers all the time I go and not just two and yes I happy as hell that I will be saving 300 each and every month

Which plan in what exchange ?
for the dick smoker on the board driveby ... I could care less about what obama said or didn't say ... all I care about is what's it going to cost me ...so you stay stupid ... most repub-lie-tard dick smokers are

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