Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

Except you're ALREADY paying for their care, just in the stupidest, cruelest, most expensive way- no doctor, no preventive care, no regulation, ER care- bankruptcies, deaths etc etc etc. THIMK - Everything you know is Pubcrappe from greedy scammers...
How in the world does Obama's ass not get chapped from so many people sucking it? :confused:

listen, you vulgar dingbat, we like his POLICIES because we're not brainwashed 50 per cent racist dupes of the greedy idiot rich...READ SOMETHING, FOOL.
He lied right in your face, dolt. And you kiss his ass for it.

No. Nobody will have premiums of $20,000.

Nobody will pay $1666 monthly for a bronze plan.

You people will simply have to get some facts. You are freeing yourselves out.

Did you even bother to go to the link? It isn't some bogus website. Go. Read. Learn. Weep that you have been played for a fool by the obama. Open your eyes.

(pssst, click on the first link and scroll down the page. Then click on the second link and fucking read what is there. Those are your facts, Jack.)

Compare Health Insurance Plans: Medicare, Individual, Medicaid & Dental Coverage. HealthPocket saves you money and time by comparing all health plans in 1 click

Obamacare Bronze Health Insurance Plans
How in the world does Obama's ass not get chapped from so many people sucking it? :confused:

listen, you vulgar dingbat, we like his POLICIES because we're not brainwashed 50 per cent racist dupes of the greedy idiot rich...READ SOMETHING, FOOL.
He lied right in your face, dolt. And you kiss his ass for it.

Not only that dm, he's more than likely being PAID to post his COMMIE LEFTIST SHIT here. He's a DNC operative/activist.
Big picture. I'll bet if you try, you will be able to think of a few good reasons why. Give it a shot.

The problem with covering expensive situations that are not ever going to materialize is that it costs more. The female server is not rated on penile cancer because she will never get it. That's why I should not be rated and charged for maternity care.

Try again. Why do I need to buy a plan that includes maternity coverage and birth control?

EVERYONE is covered for EVERYTHING- change the gd channel LOL Stupidest argument EVER- though the dupes have a million of them...

Except vasectomies.
I know what a deductible is, it's right there at the link. It appears you don't.

If you know what a deductible is, why are you claiming that yours will be $20,000. That is not true.

So [MENTION=24388]asterism[/MENTION] mixed up a word. Big whoop!
From the link:
$20,000 per year
Obamacare Bronze Health Insurance Plans

Premiums for Bronze Plans are only guesses until insurance companies unveil their qualified health plans for open enrollment.
Some sources have estimated a Bronze Plan premium in 2016 to be $4,500 to $5,800 annually for individuals and $12,000 to $20,000 for familes of four or five.

^^^ typo on the website^^^
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

oops, my mistake.

Yes I meant premium.
I can for a fact stay with my current provider.

I suppose it could be interpreted that I am keeping my plan and "choosing" to add provisions making it ACA compliant. But why would I choose to add maternity coverage and other required elements? We certainly don't NEED maternity. I also would NOT choose to increase my deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pockets. I've done so in the past, but only as a means of reducing the premiums.

So... here's what I have in front of me, from my current provider:

A policy that is ACA compliant and most closely resembles my current coverage.

The difference? A 120% increase in premiums, and a marked increase in deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pockets.

For what? The same coverage?

This whole sham has clusterfuck written all over it. Just wait until the tens of millions of people who have not yet seen for themselves what the ACA truly is actually sign up for this pile of shit program.

I tell you I am so fucking angry I can hardly see straight. Goddamn fucking moronic asshole sorry excuse for a President. Fuck him.

I have seen some instances where people are claiming their premiums are doubling, and I've actually checked it out in a few instances. There is truth that for some this is happening. It seems to be happening more for those who are over 60 from what I have seen so far. I'm 50 and the plan I am looking at will be almost exactly the same price as my current plan but the deductible will double. The only offset is that all my well care doctor visits and tests will be paid for 100%. For me having the deductible double isn't an issue because I never hit my deductible now, but I could see it being a very big problem for someone who needs regular treatment or care.

I'm not sure why the rates seem to be so high for those over 60 other than to think the insurance companies are afraid not enough younger people will sign up so they jacked up the rates on older people.
No. Nobody will have premiums of $20,000.

Nobody will pay $1666 monthly for a bronze plan.

You people will simply have to get some facts. You are freeing yourselves out.

You wanna take take the Obamacare Challenge Lone?

What was it again?

Gawd yer stupid, Lunger.

Yeah? You know what Politico's challenge is? Go ahead. I am waiting.

The all knowing LUNGER doesn't know? Imagine that? NEWSFLASH.

Look it up asswipe. I don't work for losers as you.

You don't know do you? Why say anything? You have a need to look stupid?

Yeah he does. The point is you do too. I have asked you before and each time you just pretend it didn't happen and don't respond because you know you would lose.
If you know what a deductible is, why are you claiming that yours will be $20,000. That is not true.

So [MENTION=24388]asterism[/MENTION] mixed up a word. Big whoop!
From the link:
$20,000 per year
Obamacare Bronze Health Insurance Plans

Premiums for Bronze Plans are only guesses until insurance companies unveil their qualified health plans for open enrollment.
Some sources have estimated a Bronze Plan premium in 2016 to be $4,500 to $5,800 annually for individuals and $12,000 to $20,000 for familes of four or five.

^^^ typo on the website^^^
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

oops, my mistake.

Yes I meant premium.

This would be a good time to actually admit that.....even after a couple of years of discussing the ACA, you had no idea what a deductible is.

And....you WILL NOT BE PAYING $20,000 in premiums either.
ObamaCare 2016: Happy Yet?
The website problems were finally solved. But the doctor shortage is a nightmare.

Oct. 22, 2013 7:04 p.m. ET
Three years after the disastrous launch of the Affordable Care Act, most of the website troubles finally have been ironed out. People are now able to log on to the government's ACA website and to most of the state health-insurance exchanges. The public has grudgingly come to accept higher insurance premiums, new taxes and increases in part-time workers who were formerly full-time. But Americans are irate anyway—because now they're seeing the health-care law's destructive effect on the fundamental nature of the way their care is delivered.

Even before the ACA's launch in 2013, many physicians—seeing the changes in their profession that lay ahead—had begun talking their children out of going to medical school. After the launch, compensation fell, while nothing in the ACA stopped lawsuits and malpractice premiums from rising. Doctors must now see many more patients each day to meet expenses, all while dealing with the mountains of paperwork mandated by the health-care law.

Read more here

Bradley Allen: ObamaCare 2016: Happy Yet? - WSJ.com
I can for a fact stay with my current provider.

I suppose it could be interpreted that I am keeping my plan and "choosing" to add provisions making it ACA compliant. But why would I choose to add maternity coverage and other required elements? We certainly don't NEED maternity. I also would NOT choose to increase my deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pockets. I've done so in the past, but only as a means of reducing the premiums.

So... here's what I have in front of me, from my current provider:

A policy that is ACA compliant and most closely resembles my current coverage.

The difference? A 120% increase in premiums, and a marked increase in deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pockets.

For what? The same coverage?

This whole sham has clusterfuck written all over it. Just wait until the tens of millions of people who have not yet seen for themselves what the ACA truly is actually sign up for this pile of shit program.

I tell you I am so fucking angry I can hardly see straight. Goddamn fucking moronic asshole sorry excuse for a President. Fuck him.

I have seen some instances where people are claiming their premiums are doubling, and I've actually checked it out in a few instances. There is truth that for some this is happening. It seems to be happening more for those who are over 60 from what I have seen so far. I'm 50 and the plan I am looking at will be almost exactly the same price as my current plan but the deductible will double. The only offset is that all my well care doctor visits and tests will be paid for 100%. For me having the deductible double isn't an issue because I never hit my deductible now, but I could see it being a very big problem for someone who needs regular treatment or care.

I'm not sure why the rates seem to be so high for those over 60 other than to think the insurance companies are afraid not enough younger people will sign up so they jacked up the rates on older people.

1. Many, if not most, of the premium quotes have been off by as much as 50%.... Not in the Insured's favor, either.

2. You do plan on getting older, right?

3. What happens when you reach 60 and have to pay exorbitant premiums in order to subsidize Suzy's Birth Control Pills and abortions?

You know, that age when you'd like to retire young enough that you can actually enjoy life for a few more years but can't because you're paying out the ass for Insurance? Believe me when I tell you -- I KNOW what that's like

The ACA is a Train Wreck.

But it's from the minds of dimocraps. What else could you expect? :dunno:
You are a lying scumbag.

I was in the Insurance business for 25 years and I NEVER heard of such bullshit.

You're a lying scumbag.

But you're a dimocrap so that's understood.

There was some underhanded SHIT going on but you're not even close to what it was.

I'll tell you what and how they did it if you ask nice.

Or maybe I won't. I don't like irrational, lying dirtbags.... Meaning you.

Ohhhh, I'm sorry.

You are part of the evil insurance industry and you can't cheat your customers anymore.

I get it.

I'm sorry. I feel your pain. Really. :lol::lol::lol:

Frankly, the problem with private insurance is that it would never work if you guys were kept honest, but this is the transitional step to Single Payer, which is what we should have done 40 years ago.

Typical joeblow response. you really are a one trick pony, ain't ya?

He's basically a human spambot.
Ohhhh, I'm sorry.

You are part of the evil insurance industry and you can't cheat your customers anymore.

I get it.

I'm sorry. I feel your pain. Really. :lol::lol::lol:

Frankly, the problem with private insurance is that it would never work if you guys were kept honest, but this is the transitional step to Single Payer, which is what we should have done 40 years ago.

Typical joeblow response. you really are a one trick pony, ain't ya?

He's basically a human spambot.

He may be one of the paid Obama shills sent to websites to deflect and spread misinformation

Having been screwed over by an insurance company, I have about as much sympathy for them as the ebola virus...

We should have gone to single payer 40 years ago when the rest of the industrialized world did.

Yeah so we can have 6 month waits for things like hip surgery, outstanding

Had to wait 6 months for knee surgery.... before my insurance company would finally admit that it wasn't an "elective". Then I had to wait another month becuase my douchebag boss wouldn't let me have a day off for the surgery with an IT upgrade ongoing.

Oh, yeah, and then the insurance company started lobbying to get me off the payroll because I was costing them too much money.

No. Seriously. Fuck private insurance.

Dude, just STOP. FUCKING. LYING. My wife had knee surgery a few years ago. She did have to wait, though...had to wait two days for an MRI, one day for her orthopedist to arrange things, and then two more days for the surgery. From first call to her doctor to surgery was ONE WEEK. It cost her, IIRC, about $100 in copays.
None of JoeBs narrative rings true, not that he was a Republican not that he has Cuban friends who miss living under Fidel not his "insurance" story, none of it

My wife is Cuban, and her father says that anyone who prefers Cuba's "medical care" to the US should be locked up; they are clearly non compos mentis.
I'm still waiting to hear from someone who supposedly just loooved his non-compliant policy...

I loved mine. No mammogram coverage because I'm a guy, no maternity coverage because I can't give birth to a child, no pre-existing conditions covered which is fine because I have no pre-existing conditions.

I'll take that. Honestly, I WANT a high-deductible plan! ALL I WANT is a catastrophic care plan. That's ALL I WANT! I do not need coverage for maternity, fertility treatments, hair replacement, or Botox.
Blah, blah, blah... we didn't get health reform because the insurance industry was doing a bang-up job.

We got it because people looked at folks like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant because it cost too much, but Cigna still paid its CEO $83,000,000 to not work anymore.

Seriously, fuck the insurance industry.

I can assure you that some Sarkizyan girl won't get any transplants if there are more important folks in line for tha. Both this crap obamacare, but much more the recent debacle with a court deciding on who fits and who does not very strict transplant medical criteria which jydges have no business in deciding on - those two screwed transplant surgery in this country
I'm still waiting to hear from someone who supposedly just loooved his non-compliant policy...

I loved mine. No mammogram coverage because I'm a guy, no maternity coverage because I can't give birth to a child, no pre-existing conditions covered which is fine because I have no pre-existing conditions.

I'll take that. Honestly, I WANT a high-deductible plan! ALL I WANT is a catastrophic care plan. That's ALL I WANT! I do not need coverage for maternity, fertility treatments, hair replacement, or Botox.

Uhhh.... Dewd....

Tough shit. You're gonna get it, you're gonna like it and you're gonna pay for it.


Because obama says so, that's why

Hi! I am a retard! I want to be denied skin cancer treatment because I had a mole removed when I was 7 years old. And I want to pay for the right to be denied! Freeeeedom!

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