Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

Big picture. I'll bet if you try, you will be able to think of a few good reasons why. Give it a shot.

No, I'm asking you why.

And I am telling you to use your brain and figure it out for yourself. I want to see if you can. Play the "devil's advocate". See if you can argue my side if this issue for a minute.

Argue your side...even for a moment? I'm supposed to want to pay more so that some bitch can get her rotting pussy cleaned up so she can go fuck some moron, so she can get preggers and pop out some spawn...for which I should feel privileged and charitable. After all, I have enabled said welfare whore to burden me with one more mouth to feed, clothe, house, and indoctrinate.
Nah. I don't think so. I will never, ever produce offspring at this point. The one daughter I did engender is now self-supporting. I paid for her 100%, from birth to adulthood. So, why exactly should I pay for maternity coverage?
Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

You are working for a company that sponsors your health insurance before the ACA was enacted.

The ACA allows your company to keep the plan it has. Your company is "grandfathered".

Then, a few months ago, your company announces it is increasing the deductible on your insurance.

Is that the insurance plan you had when Obama made his promise?

Not any more. No.

Was it ObamaCare that changed the insurance plan you had?

Nope. This was a corporate decision.

So now your company loses its grandfather status, and now must meet the ACA's minimum services and affordability requirements. This would actually result in ObamaCare forcing your company to provide you BETTER health insurance if it has been below those standards before now.

But chances are your company is already exceeding those standards.

In any case, ObamaCare is not cancelling your insurance.
Doesn't change the fact that Obama lied when he said you could keep your plan.
Viola'? As in the instrument or the pitcher?

You failed to answer the question. You described two types of people. How do you determine which is which? Do you have a test? I will take it.

was obama being truthful when he said; you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan.......?

No. Not entirely. How many times do you need to hear that? Do you get off on hearing it?

Politicians sometimes refrain from telling the absolute truth. As do ALL humans.

Get over it. The man was selling a plan to get people insured. Our sound bite culture demands that the full story is not told. People can't handle it. As evidenced by the absolute bullshit outrage that EVEN YOU are exhibiting over the sentence.

When will you think in larger terms? Ever?

At least you admit you're an OAS.
Your deductible will not be $22,000. Why are you being dishonest?

On why you need to help fund birth control........read this.

A few quick things that continue to annoy me | The Incidental Economist

Sorry, $20,000 per year.

So why do I need maternity care again? I can't physically get anyone pregnant. My wife cannot physically be impregnated. Are you denying medical science?

You don't know what a deductible is, do you? You deductible will not be $20,000.

I did not say that you need maternity care. I said you need to help cover those who do. Just like the waitress who serves your coffee does not need to have coverage for penile cancer. But she does. It is insurance. It requires everyone to pitch in. Get over it.

Uh, no it likely isn't. The waitress probably has an individual policy and it would be stupid for her to opt to pay for coverage for something that she neither needs nor wants.

It's also wrong for people who don't have a pre-existing condition to pay more so people who do have pre-existing conditions get to pay less . You have a pe, you're a higher risk and should pay more. Period.

So you're for everyone paying for everything via mandates from the federal government vs. people choosing what coverage fits their needs and pay for it themselves?
Not really.

Letter I got from my insurer.

No changes. We are completely ACA compliant.

I guess the ones who got letters saying their insurance was cancelled didn't really understand how terrible their policies really are.

Why do I need free birth control? I've had a vasectomy and my wife can't get pregnant. Why do we need maternity coverage? Why do I need a policy that covers pre-existing conditions? I don't have any.

My deductible will double from $10,000 per year to $22,000 per year and it still costs me more per month.

What was wrong with my previous policy if the new one is worse?
Because Obama.

Right, Sarah?
You don't know what a deductible is, do you? You deductible will not be $20,000.

I did not say that you need maternity care. I said you need to help cover those who do. Just like the waitress who serves your coffee does not need to have coverage for penile cancer. But she does. It is insurance. It requires everyone to pitch in. Get over it.

I know what a deductible is, it's right there at the link. It appears you don't.

If you know what a deductible is, why are you claiming that yours will be $20,000. That is not true.

So [MENTION=24388]asterism[/MENTION] mixed up a word. Big whoop!
From the link:
$20,000 per year
Obamacare Bronze Health Insurance Plans

Premiums for Bronze Plans are only guesses until insurance companies unveil their qualified health plans for open enrollment.
Some sources have estimated a Bronze Plan premium in 2016 to be $4,500 to $5,800 annually for individuals and $12,000 to $20,000 for familes of four or five.

^^^ typo on the website^^^
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

I know what a deductible is, it's right there at the link. It appears you don't.

If you know what a deductible is, why are you claiming that yours will be $20,000. That is not true.

So [MENTION=24388]asterism[/MENTION] mixed up a word. Big whoop!
From the link:
$20,000 per year
Obamacare Bronze Health Insurance Plans

Premiums for Bronze Plans are only guesses until insurance companies unveil their qualified health plans for open enrollment.
Some sources have estimated a Bronze Plan premium in 2016 to be $4,500 to $5,800 annually for individuals and $12,000 to $20,000 for familes of four or five.

^^^ typo on the website^^^
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

out here for me at least a single plan 626 a month
Obama should just man up and say "okay i'm sorry".

Instead he sounds more and more like a snake oil salesman and credibility is falling faster than miley cyrus' panties, except with the ones who are completely programmed.

Either he knew what he was doing or he is just Valerie Jarrett's puppet and just went out
and read the script as written.
Your deductible will not be $22,000. Why are you being dishonest?

On why you need to help fund birth control........read this.

A few quick things that continue to annoy me | The Incidental Economist

Sorry, $20,000 per year.

So why do I need maternity care again? I can't physically get anyone pregnant. My wife cannot physically be impregnated. Are you denying medical science?

From your link:

Premiums for Bronze Plans are only guesses until insurance companies unveil their qualified health plans for open enrollment. Some sources have estimated a Bronze Plan premium in 2016 to be $4,500 to $5,800 annually for individuals and $12,000 to $20,000 for familes of four or five.

Your premium can go to $20K/yr ($1,666 per month) not your deductible.

What are you paying per month for your premium now?

Also from your link:

Bronze are expected to have the lowest premium rates for the four new types of plans

$1,666 per month is one of the lowest premium rates?? We pay $260 per month (including vision and dental) for a family of five. This amount is pre-taxed, something that will be taxed in a few years ala the (un)aca. How in the world is $1,666 cheap?? This is nuts!

Demmital! You beat me to the post! But you didn't catch the typo! :lol:
It didn't require everyone to pitch in until Obama told you it did. Otherwise, insurance companies would not have sold policies with those exclusions for all these years.

Agreed.. Obama did not like the fact that those of us who did not make much money, still found a way to cover our families with the policy we could afford. He cried foul and decided to take our little money, then charge us more under threat of fine, to pay for deadbeats and lowlifes who would not give up a cell phone, a night out on the town etc, to pay for healthcare.

By us doing the right thing for our families, we were rooted out and punished!

Communism at its best


iF YOU DON'T make much money, you'll be a helluva lot better off- you'are misinformed, of course.

And if you make too much to get the subsidies, you're paying for the insurance of those who DO get the subsidies.

That means you're NOT better off.
Agreed.. Obama did not like the fact that those of us who did not make much money, still found a way to cover our families with the policy we could afford. He cried foul and decided to take our little money, then charge us more under threat of fine, to pay for deadbeats and lowlifes who would not give up a cell phone, a night out on the town etc, to pay for healthcare.

By us doing the right thing for our families, we were rooted out and punished!

Communism at its best


iF YOU DON'T make much money, you'll be a helluva lot better off- you'are misinformed, of course.

And if you make too much to get the subsidies, you're paying for the insurance of those who DO get the subsidies.

That means you're NOT better off.

I ran our numbers through this website (I got if from the healtcare.gov facebook page). Pennsylvania Health Insurance Exchange | Healthcare.gov

Our premium would run about $100-$150 more per month, higher deductible and co-insurance and on top of that, it would be subsidized in the amount of $1,338. That's approx $1,738 or so and I don't think that includes vision or dental. Holy shit! This thing has to implode, this is simply not sustainable. Oh wait, my bad. I forgot that was the plan all along.
iF YOU DON'T make much money, you'll be a helluva lot better off- you'are misinformed, of course.

And if you make too much to get the subsidies, you're paying for the insurance of those who DO get the subsidies.

That means you're NOT better off.

I ran our numbers through this website (I got if from the healtcare.gov facebook page). Pennsylvania Health Insurance Exchange | Healthcare.gov

Our premium would run about $100-$150 more per month, higher deductible and co-insurance and on top of that, it would be subsidized in the amount of $1,338. That's approx $1,738 or so and I don't think that includes vision or dental. Holy shit! This thing has to implode, this is simply not sustainable. Oh wait, my bad. I forgot that was the plan all along.
Of course it was. ACA is just a stepping stone to nationalizing the health care industry.

And then we're TRULY screwed.

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