Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

Hi! I am a retard! I want to be denied skin cancer treatment because I had a mole removed when I was 7 years old. And I want to pay for the right to be denied! Freeeeedom!

I want the freedom to pay for a mole removal, be it cancerous or not, out of my own pocket instead of paying monthly for the removal of your and my mole. I prefer paying for a catastrophic health insurance policy, at a lot less pre month, that covers major cancer treatment, but Obama decided that he was a lot smarter than me and better at managing my money.
He isn't!
Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

the problem with these so-called to high policy's are cases where the person received their new health care premium and it went up drastically ... these people instead of going to the web site wrote a letter to their congress person complaining about Obama care not allowing them to keep their plan like Obama said and keep their doctor.... they didn't go or call the ACA for information on their policy here is a prime example below

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-7FS-PlxCc]Another Obamacare Horror Story Debunked - YouTube[/ame]

none of these people on any news show asked her if she had gone to the ACA web site to see what it would cost her... they just assumed she went there,,,
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Hi! I am a retard! I want to be denied skin cancer treatment because I had a mole removed when I was 7 years old. And I want to pay for the right to be denied! Freeeeedom!

I want the freedom to pay for a mole removal, be it cancerous or not, out of my own pocket instead of paying monthly for the removal of your and my mole. I prefer paying for a catastrophic health insurance policy, at a lot less pre month, that covers major cancer treatment, but Obama decided that he was a lot smarter than me and better at managing my money.
He isn't!

Sorry. We decided that this country will be better off doing it our way.

Isn't it great! The American people heard every lie, every misrepresentation, every expression of outrage......that nutters across the land could dream up. And then we decided that we were not convinced.
Hi! I am a retard! I want to be denied skin cancer treatment because I had a mole removed when I was 7 years old. And I want to pay for the right to be denied! Freeeeedom!

I want the freedom to pay for a mole removal, be it cancerous or not, out of my own pocket instead of paying monthly for the removal of your and my mole. I prefer paying for a catastrophic health insurance policy, at a lot less pre month, that covers major cancer treatment, but Obama decided that he was a lot smarter than me and better at managing my money.
He isn't!

Sorry. We decided that this country will be better off doing it our way.

Isn't it great! The American people heard every lie, every misrepresentation, every expression of outrage......that nutters across the land could dream up. And then we decided that we were not convinced.

have you gone to the ACA web site???? Doubt it

Agreed.. Obama did not like the fact that those of us who did not make much money, still found a way to cover our families with the policy we could afford. He cried foul and decided to take our little money, then charge us more under threat of fine, to pay for deadbeats and lowlifes who would not give up a cell phone, a night out on the town etc, to pay for healthcare.

By us doing the right thing for our families, we were rooted out and punished!

Communism at its best


Guy, if your CleetusCare is being cancelled, it was because you were being ripped off with a policy that wasn't any good.

I mean, you get this, right? That what you had before didn't actually cover anything?
Hi! I am a retard! I want to be denied skin cancer treatment because I had a mole removed when I was 7 years old. And I want to pay for the right to be denied! Freeeeedom!

I want the freedom to pay for a mole removal, be it cancerous or not, out of my own pocket instead of paying monthly for the removal of your and my mole. I prefer paying for a catastrophic health insurance policy, at a lot less pre month, that covers major cancer treatment, but Obama decided that he was a lot smarter than me and better at managing my money.
He isn't!

The problem is you act like the CEO of a big insurance company, whose only real goal is to make money for his investors, is any more interested in managing your healthcare.

When often, just letting you die AFTER they have your money is the easiest way to go.
None of JoeBs narrative rings true, not that he was a Republican not that he has Cuban friends who miss living under Fidel not his "insurance" story, none of it

My wife is Cuban, and her father says that anyone who prefers Cuba's "medical care" to the US should be locked up; they are clearly non compos mentis.

The exile community is not noted for its objectivity about Cuba.

But the stats are that Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate than we do, and life expectancy in Cuba is 79.1 years compared to 78 in the USA.

Amazing given that we embargo medicines and economically punish the country for rejecting us.
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I'm still waiting to hear from someone who supposedly just loooved his non-compliant policy...

I loved mine. No mammogram coverage because I'm a guy, no maternity coverage because I can't give birth to a child, no pre-existing conditions covered which is fine because I have no pre-existing conditions.

I'll take that. Honestly, I WANT a high-deductible plan! ALL I WANT is a catastrophic care plan. That's ALL I WANT! I do not need coverage for maternity, fertility treatments, hair replacement, or Botox.

And you could probably get that. Frankly, that's what I have, and it's completely ACA compliant.

Also, you said you were married, so isn't there a possibility your spouse could have a baby? Then wouldn't maternity coverage be kind of sensible?

Finally, on pre-existing conditions, here's the problem. You never know what they are going to call a pre-existing condition.

Example. You get diagnosed with Cancer, and the next week, you lose your job.

Next company that hires you can say, "Nope. Pre-existing condition. We ain't covering that!"
Blah, blah, blah... we didn't get health reform because the insurance industry was doing a bang-up job.

We got it because people looked at folks like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant because it cost too much, but Cigna still paid its CEO $83,000,000 to not work anymore.

Seriously, fuck the insurance industry.

I can assure you that some Sarkizyan girl won't get any transplants if there are more important folks in line for tha. Both this crap obamacare, but much more the recent debacle with a court deciding on who fits and who does not very strict transplant medical criteria which jydges have no business in deciding on - those two screwed transplant surgery in this country

I think you need to read up on the case.

There was a liver available. Cigna refused to pay for it because they called it "expiramental" surgery, even though it had been performed on numerous other patients and she had a 50% survival expectation.

Her father sued, but was told by a court that since the insurance contract was between his employer and Cigna, he didn't have standing.

Then when Angry Mobs started protesting outside Cigna's offices, Ed Hanaway, all around scumwad, relented and allowed the payment, but by that time, the girl was too far gone to undergo the operation.

Seriously. Fuck insurance companies.
None of JoeBs narrative rings true, not that he was a Republican not that he has Cuban friends who miss living under Fidel not his "insurance" story, none of it

My wife is Cuban, and her father says that anyone who prefers Cuba's "medical care" to the US should be locked up; they are clearly non compos mentis.

Yeah, because the exiles who got chased out of the country by their fellow Cubans who couldn't stand them are soooooo credible.

Fuck you.

He escaped with his daughter because that rotten, corrupt regime covered for the man who raped and murdered his wife.
it amazes me ... we see these three people on Hannity show, we see this realtor woman, on Cnn, they are all ragging about how they won't get to keep their plan, which by the way is the worst plan they could get .... but not one of them went to the ACA web site to see what it would cost them ... they all got their increases from the provider or the provider telling them they are canceling their policy because they don't qualify for the ACA health care program ... they tell them they have to go to this new policy which cost them way to much money .... not one of them went to the ACA web site to actually see what it will cost them .... they are republicans, who have been duped in believing the ACA is a horrible plan... after real reporters went to them, asking them questions real questions instead of letting them ragg about it ... it all turned out that they didn't go to the web site ... or like one of the republicans on hannity show hate Obama so much that he would rather misquote his health care cost and look the fool that's he's looking like now on a national program ... come to find out the plan will cost them less money and they get a 10 times better plan ...
My wife is Cuban, and her father says that anyone who prefers Cuba's "medical care" to the US should be locked up; they are clearly non compos mentis.

Yeah, because the exiles who got chased out of the country by their fellow Cubans who couldn't stand them are soooooo credible.

Fuck you.

He escaped with his daughter because that rotten, corrupt regime covered for the man who raped and murdered his wife.

Uh, huh.

Do you have proof of that story? Because honestly, I'm a little bit dubious of anything the exiles say.

And what does that have to do with the quality of their medical care system, anyway?
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I loved mine. No mammogram coverage because I'm a guy, no maternity coverage because I can't give birth to a child, no pre-existing conditions covered which is fine because I have no pre-existing conditions.

I'll take that. Honestly, I WANT a high-deductible plan! ALL I WANT is a catastrophic care plan. That's ALL I WANT! I do not need coverage for maternity, fertility treatments, hair replacement, or Botox.

And you could probably get that. Frankly, that's what I have, and it's completely ACA compliant.

No, I can't. Liz can't...in fact, she had the option to get it, but no longer does.

Also, you said you were married, so isn't there a possibility your spouse could have a baby? Then wouldn't maternity coverage be kind of sensible?

The chance of my wife having a baby is--exactly--zero.

Finally, on pre-existing conditions, here's the problem. You never know what they are going to call a pre-existing condition.

Example. You get diagnosed with Cancer, and the next week, you lose your job.

Next company that hires you can say, "Nope. Pre-existing condition. We ain't covering that!"

Don't care. If I am ever diagnosed with cancer, I will eat my shotgun within 24 hours.

Agreed.. Obama did not like the fact that those of us who did not make much money, still found a way to cover our families with the policy we could afford. He cried foul and decided to take our little money, then charge us more under threat of fine, to pay for deadbeats and lowlifes who would not give up a cell phone, a night out on the town etc, to pay for healthcare.

By us doing the right thing for our families, we were rooted out and punished!

Communism at its best


Guy, if your CleetusCare is being cancelled, it was because you were being ripped off with a policy that wasn't any good.

I mean, you get this, right? That what you had before didn't actually cover anything?

the sad part here is they don't get it ... cause that would have to get them to understand what they were getting ... that they are too lazy to go to the web site to see actually what it would cost them
Finally, on pre-existing conditions, here's the problem. You never know what they are going to call a pre-existing condition.

Example. You get diagnosed with Cancer, and the next week, you lose your job.

Next company that hires you can say, "Nope. Pre-existing condition. We ain't covering that!"

Don't care. If I am ever diagnosed with cancer, I will eat my shotgun within 24 hours.

Well, while I'm sure that Big Insurance would LOVE to offer that as a treatment option, most of us sensible people would find that a bit harsh.

Hey, you know what, both of my parents died from cancer, and they still fought bravely against it every step of the way. I don't think I would want "you can always eat your shotgun" to have been a treatment option.

Agreed.. Obama did not like the fact that those of us who did not make much money, still found a way to cover our families with the policy we could afford. He cried foul and decided to take our little money, then charge us more under threat of fine, to pay for deadbeats and lowlifes who would not give up a cell phone, a night out on the town etc, to pay for healthcare.

By us doing the right thing for our families, we were rooted out and punished!

Communism at its best


Guy, if your CleetusCare is being cancelled, it was because you were being ripped off with a policy that wasn't any good.

I mean, you get this, right? That what you had before didn't actually cover anything?

the sad part here is they don't get it ... cause that would have to get them to understand what they were getting ... that they are too lazy to go to the web site to see actually what it would cost them

Well, to be fair, the website has been kind of a hot mess that people can't get on.

The reality is, most of us don't find out how good or bad our insurance is until we actually get sick.
I'll take that. Honestly, I WANT a high-deductible plan! ALL I WANT is a catastrophic care plan. That's ALL I WANT! I do not need coverage for maternity, fertility treatments, hair replacement, or Botox.

And you could probably get that. Frankly, that's what I have, and it's completely ACA compliant.

No, I can't. Liz can't...in fact, she had the option to get it, but no longer does.

Also, you said you were married, so isn't there a possibility your spouse could have a baby? Then wouldn't maternity coverage be kind of sensible?

The chance of my wife having a baby is--exactly--zero.

Finally, on pre-existing conditions, here's the problem. You never know what they are going to call a pre-existing condition.

Example. You get diagnosed with Cancer, and the next week, you lose your job.

Next company that hires you can say, "Nope. Pre-existing condition. We ain't covering that!"

Don't care. If I am ever diagnosed with cancer, I will eat my shotgun within 24 hours.

would you like some salt and pepper with that shot gun???? you can tell a obama hater when you read one ... its hate this hate that, hate !!! hate !!! hate !!!!
I'll take that. Honestly, I WANT a high-deductible plan! ALL I WANT is a catastrophic care plan. That's ALL I WANT! I do not need coverage for maternity, fertility treatments, hair replacement, or Botox.

And you could probably get that. Frankly, that's what I have, and it's completely ACA compliant.

No, I can't. Liz can't...in fact, she had the option to get it, but no longer does.

Also, you said you were married, so isn't there a possibility your spouse could have a baby? Then wouldn't maternity coverage be kind of sensible?

The chance of my wife having a baby is--exactly--zero.

Finally, on pre-existing conditions, here's the problem. You never know what they are going to call a pre-existing condition.

Example. You get diagnosed with Cancer, and the next week, you lose your job.

Next company that hires you can say, "Nope. Pre-existing condition. We ain't covering that!"

Don't care. If I am ever diagnosed with cancer, I will eat my shotgun within 24 hours.

That's sane.
I want the freedom to pay for a mole removal, be it cancerous or not, out of my own pocket instead of paying monthly for the removal of your and my mole. I prefer paying for a catastrophic health insurance policy, at a lot less pre month, that covers major cancer treatment, but Obama decided that he was a lot smarter than me and better at managing my money.
He isn't!

Sorry. We decided that this country will be better off doing it our way.

Isn't it great! The American people heard every lie, every misrepresentation, every expression of outrage......that nutters across the land could dream up. And then we decided that we were not convinced.

have you gone to the ACA web site???? Doubt it

Are we going to do this again? Have you forgotten what happened the last time you misunderstood one of my posts? It was not pretty.

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