Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

Lone Laugher?

I have asked for the questioner to give some thought to the possible answers first. I am tired of giving out free lessons here. Lets see if the questioner has any idea why I might have said something like that first. There are a ton of reasons why we should all foot the bill for shit like maternity care. Big picture stuff.

you're so full of shit, I mean really.

Juts say it,..........

Whatever. You suck in general. What now?
Personal responsibility is apparently a confusing topic to many here.

As is insurance.

As is experience with countries that have no choice but to offer no alternative to natural consequences.

Let's take them one at a time.

Personal responsibility means taking reasonable precautions against burdening other lives with yours.

Insurance is a financial mechanism for spreading risk. If policy holders pay for the average cost of the consequences covered, than those more lucky than average pay for those more unlucky.

Poverty is unavoidable. Humans are hard wired to survive. When faced with survival threats those without resources will get them. If there are no jobs available, they will still get them. So the alternative to welfare is crime.
The problem with covering expensive situations that are not ever going to materialize is that it costs more. The female server is not rated on penile cancer because she will never get it. That's why I should not be rated and charged for maternity care.

Try again. Why do I need to buy a plan that includes maternity coverage and birth control?

Lone Laugher?

I have asked for the questioner to give some thought to the possible answers first. I am tired of giving out free lessons here. Lets see if the questioner has any idea why I might have said something like that first. There are a ton of reasons why we should all foot the bill for shit like maternity care. Big picture stuff.

It's been proven in this thread and many others that your assertions are dead wrong, it wasn't a difficult task either...... :thup:
Lone Laugher?

I have asked for the questioner to give some thought to the possible answers first. I am tired of giving out free lessons here. Lets see if the questioner has any idea why I might have said something like that first. There are a ton of reasons why we should all foot the bill for shit like maternity care. Big picture stuff.

It's been proven in this thread and many others that your assertions are dead wrong, it wasn't a difficult task either...... :thup:

Interesting perspective. You are right in your mind so, therefore, everyone's.
So, in this case, big government is OK to decide what is 'adequate' when the end user already had 'adequate' coverage which met their individual needs?


All people had adiquate coverage? Me thinks only a select few.

A capped high deductible policy is hardly a saftey net that would prevent Uncle Sam from having to pick up the tab in the event of an enourmous calamity.

It was adequate within their fiscal means.

Who said the government has to pick up the tab?


Who "said?" They do ... it matters NOT who "said."

Bad medical debts are passed down to the tax payer via government help.
I have asked for the questioner to give some thought to the possible answers first. I am tired of giving out free lessons here. Lets see if the questioner has any idea why I might have said something like that first. There are a ton of reasons why we should all foot the bill for shit like maternity care. Big picture stuff.

It's been proven in this thread and many others that your assertions are dead wrong, it wasn't a difficult task either...... :thup:

Interesting perspective. You are right in your mind so, therefore, everyone's.

You and reading comprehension get along like Obama and the truth........
Lone Laugher?

I have asked for the questioner to give some thought to the possible answers first. I am tired of giving out free lessons here. Lets see if the questioner has any idea why I might have said something like that first. There are a ton of reasons why we should all foot the bill for shit like maternity care. Big picture stuff.

It's been proven in this thread and many others that your assertions are dead wrong, it wasn't a difficult task either...... :thup:

Yeah........no it hasn't. I wish I had a nickel for every direct question I have asked on these forums and gotten zero in reply. Nutters seem to dislike answering questions.
All people had adiquate coverage? Me thinks only a select few.

A capped high deductible policy is hardly a saftey net that would prevent Uncle Sam from having to pick up the tab in the event of an enourmous calamity.

It was adequate within their fiscal means.

Who said the government has to pick up the tab?


Who "said?" They do ... it matters NOT who "said."

Bad medical debts are passed down to the tax payer via government help.

Much of conservatism is based on the idea that there are free lunches and they deserve them.

The truth, as you point out, is that there are none.

People made poor by the unwillingness of businesses to pay a living wage for full time work, don't save us money. They just sweep the cost of survival under the rug to the taxpayers.
I have asked for the questioner to give some thought to the possible answers first. I am tired of giving out free lessons here. Lets see if the questioner has any idea why I might have said something like that first. There are a ton of reasons why we should all foot the bill for shit like maternity care. Big picture stuff.

It's been proven in this thread and many others that your assertions are dead wrong, it wasn't a difficult task either...... :thup:

Yeah........no it hasn't. I wish I had a nickel for every direct question I have asked on these forums and gotten zero in reply. Nutters seem to dislike answering questions.

Just because you don't like the reply doesn't mean there wasn't one. Since when do liberals answer questions anyway? They're taught to not answer questions by such wonderful minds like Lakoff and Alinsky........

Case in point, not one of you clowns have answered Mac's questions...... :thup:
It's been proven in this thread and many others that your assertions are dead wrong, it wasn't a difficult task either...... :thup:

Yeah........no it hasn't. I wish I had a nickel for every direct question I have asked on these forums and gotten zero in reply. Nutters seem to dislike answering questions.

Just because you don't like the reply doesn't mean there wasn't one. Since when do liberals answer questions anyway? They're taught to not answer questions by such wonderful minds like Lakoff and Alinsky........

Case in point, not one of you clowns have answered Mac's questions...... :thup:

Silliness. I said I get zero replies in many cases. That is to pointed questions directed at an individual who has made a claim of some kind. Nutters run when questioned.

And when nutters ask questions, they go something like this:

What has Obama done that is good for the middle class? Or...."Prove that liberals are not really socialists and want to shred the Constitution!" Or...they ask the same question over and over and bore others to death......"If we ban guns, why don't we ban cars or bathtubs??"

BTW.....Mac does not ask questions. He makes statements with question marks at the end. And...all Mac wants is for people to agree that we are all screwed.....but are too stupid to know it....and that PC is the worst horror ever to befall mankind.
listen, you vulgar dingbat, we like his POLICIES because we're not brainwashed 50 per cent racist dupes of the greedy idiot rich...READ SOMETHING, FOOL.
He lied right in your face, dolt. And you kiss his ass for it.

Not only that dm, he's more than likely being PAID to post his COMMIE LEFTIST SHIT here. He's a DNC operative/activist.
So is Lone Lunger.
Hi! I am a retard! I want to be denied skin cancer treatment because I had a mole removed when I was 7 years old. And I want to pay for the right to be denied! Freeeeedom!

What makes you think you have the authority to dictate what other people should want?

And no, "I'm a progressive!!" is not sufficient reason...but it's the only one you've got, isn't it?
Hi! I am a retard! I want to be denied skin cancer treatment because I had a mole removed when I was 7 years old. And I want to pay for the right to be denied! Freeeeedom!

I want the freedom to pay for a mole removal, be it cancerous or not, out of my own pocket instead of paying monthly for the removal of your and my mole. I prefer paying for a catastrophic health insurance policy, at a lot less pre month, that covers major cancer treatment, but Obama decided that he was a lot smarter than me and better at managing my money.
He isn't!

Sorry. We decided that this country will be better off doing it our way.

Isn't it great! The American people heard every lie, every misrepresentation, every expression of outrage......that nutters across the land could dream up. And then we decided that we were not convinced.
Scratch a leftist, find a fascist.
Yeah, because the exiles who got chased out of the country by their fellow Cubans who couldn't stand them are soooooo credible.

Fuck you.

He escaped with his daughter because that rotten, corrupt regime covered for the man who raped and murdered his wife.

Uh, huh.

Do you have proof of that story? Because honestly, I'm a little bit dubious of anything the exiles say.

And what does that have to do with the quality of their medical care system, anyway?
Man, you're hooked through the bag by Communists, aren't you?

Fucking pathetic.
Nothing in the law says you couldn't keep your insurance.


they used less than 80% of the money for your needs. Doesn't everyone want insurance companies to use at least 80% of what they take in on actual patients and not dividends?

That's part of the Health care law.

If insurance companies throw out non competitive policies, of course they cancel them to put out more competitive polices. That's the insurance companies, not the law.

Another Obamacare horror story debunked -

There is no insurance for "stupid". You just have to accept the GOP for who they are and limit their damage.
Hi! I am a retard! I want to be denied skin cancer treatment because I had a mole removed when I was 7 years old. And I want to pay for the right to be denied! Freeeeedom!

What makes you think you have the authority to dictate what other people should want?

And no, "I'm a progressive!!" is not sufficient reason...but it's the only one you've got, isn't it?

" What makes you think you have the authority to dictate what other people should want?"

Nobody dictates what others want.

In a democracy, the majority elects representatives to legislate the consequences to people who act to impose on others.

Freedom is when others can't impose on you. Freedom of speech is when others can't censor you. Freedom of religion is when others have to let you worship as you will.
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Much of conservatism is based on the idea that there are free lunches and they deserve them.

If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.

What has the ACA fixed?

Enlighten me.

And don't give me that bs about pre-existing conditions. Taking into account almost 2 million healthy individuals just got their insurance cancelled, and millions more are on the way, that just doesn't hold water.

Insurance companies have to spend 80% of their budgets on treatments.
Pre-existing conditions can no longer be excluded.

They NEVER were
Family planning services can no longer be excluded.

They NEVER were
Cancelling a policy that was inadeqate is like grounding an airplane that is not airworthy.... it's generally considered a good thing.

it's none of your business to poke your nose into my insurance and deem what is adequate and what is not. It is adequate FOR ME - and that is what is needed.
Hi! I am a retard! I want to be denied skin cancer treatment because I had a mole removed when I was 7 years old. And I want to pay for the right to be denied! Freeeeedom!

What makes you think you have the authority to dictate what other people should want?

And no, "I'm a progressive!!" is not sufficient reason...but it's the only one you've got, isn't it?

" What makes you think you have the authority to dictate what other people should want?"

Nobody dictates what others want.

In a democracy, the majority elects representatives to legislate the consequences to people who act to impose on others.

Freedom is when others can't impose on you. Freedom of speech is when others can't censor you. Freedom of religion is when others have to let you worship as you will.
Progressives determine that what people want is wrong, so they then dictate what they may have.

Progressives are totalitarians. It's undeniable.

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