Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

I want the freedom to pay for a mole removal, be it cancerous or not, out of my own pocket instead of paying monthly for the removal of your and my mole. I prefer paying for a catastrophic health insurance policy, at a lot less pre month, that covers major cancer treatment, but Obama decided that he was a lot smarter than me and better at managing my money.
He isn't!

Sorry. We decided that this country will be better off doing it our way.

Isn't it great! The American people heard every lie, every misrepresentation, every expression of outrage......that nutters across the land could dream up. And then we decided that we were not convinced.
Scratch a leftist, find a fascist.

You forgot to include some content in your posts.
Sorry. We decided that this country will be better off doing it our way.

Isn't it great! The American people heard every lie, every misrepresentation, every expression of outrage......that nutters across the land could dream up. And then we decided that we were not convinced.
Scratch a leftist, find a fascist.

You forgot to include some content in your posts.
There's plenty of content in that one, to those who aren't willfully ignorant of both history and current events.

Run along now.
Nothing in the law says you couldn't keep your insurance.


they used less than 80% of the money for your needs. Doesn't everyone want insurance companies to use at least 80% of what they take in on actual patients and not dividends?

That's part of the Health care law.

If insurance companies throw out non competitive policies, of course they cancel them to put out more competitive polices. That's the insurance companies, not the law.

Another Obamacare horror story debunked -

There is no insurance for "stupid". You just have to accept the GOP for who they are and limit their damage.

It's sort of bizarre how conservatives now support slimy companies offering deceptive products rather than responsible business.
Nothing in the law says you couldn't keep your insurance.


they used less than 80% of the money for your needs. Doesn't everyone want insurance companies to use at least 80% of what they take in on actual patients and not dividends?

That's part of the Health care law.

If insurance companies throw out non competitive policies, of course they cancel them to put out more competitive polices. That's the insurance companies, not the law.

Another Obamacare horror story debunked -

There is no insurance for "stupid". You just have to accept the GOP for who they are and limit their damage.

It's sort of bizarre how conservatives now support slimy companies offering deceptive products rather than responsible business.
If you were too stupid to read the fine print, that's your problem.
Nothing in the law says you couldn't keep your insurance.


they used less than 80% of the money for your needs. Doesn't everyone want insurance companies to use at least 80% of what they take in on actual patients and not dividends?

That's part of the Health care law.

If insurance companies throw out non competitive policies, of course they cancel them to put out more competitive polices. That's the insurance companies, not the law.

Another Obamacare horror story debunked -

There is no insurance for "stupid". You just have to accept the GOP for who they are and limit their damage.

It's sort of bizarre how conservatives now support slimy companies offering deceptive products rather than responsible business.
If you were too stupid to read the fine print, that's your problem.

Ahhh, the dark heart of a slimy businessman revealed.
Nothing in the law says you couldn't keep your insurance.


they used less than 80% of the money for your needs. Doesn't everyone want insurance companies to use at least 80% of what they take in on actual patients and not dividends?

That's part of the Health care law.

If insurance companies throw out non competitive policies, of course they cancel them to put out more competitive polices. That's the insurance companies, not the law.

Another Obamacare horror story debunked -

There is no insurance for "stupid". You just have to accept the GOP for who they are and limit their damage.

Uh......are you trying to prove our case our the White House's.

Because this all seems to center on what are the requirements of the new law. That's the sticking point.

1. The ACA made affordable health care insurance less affordable

2. The ACA taxes what they call "Cadillac Health Plans" which are plans that give you great coverage

3. The insurance companies are only trying to remain in compliance to ACA rules and regulations

Seems to me there is nothing being "debunked" here other than the insurance companies are just out for themselves. Obama says they have to comply, drop their customers, or go out of business. Seems to me this is all pretty cut and dried.
It's sort of bizarre how conservatives now support slimy companies offering deceptive products rather than responsible business.
If you were too stupid to read the fine print, that's your problem.

Ahhh, the dark heart of a slimy businessman revealed.

Yeah, like everyone who voted for Obamacare.

"We have to pass it to find out what's in it!!!"

Thanks for setting the record straight.
it amazes me ... we see these three people on Hannity show, we see this realtor woman, on Cnn, they are all ragging about how they won't get to keep their plan, which by the way is the worst plan they could get .... but not one of them went to the ACA web site to see what it would cost them ... they all got their increases from the provider or the provider telling them they are canceling their policy because they don't qualify for the ACA health care program ... they tell them they have to go to this new policy which cost them way to much money .... not one of them went to the ACA web site to actually see what it will cost them .... they are republicans, who have been duped in believing the ACA is a horrible plan... after real reporters went to them, asking them questions real questions instead of letting them ragg about it ... it all turned out that they didn't go to the web site ... or like one of the republicans on hannity show hate Obama so much that he would rather misquote his health care cost and look the fool that's he's looking like now on a national program ... come to find out the plan will cost them less money and they get a 10 times better plan ...

soooooo, you like Maobamacare, aka, ACA, have you signed up already ?? how is it compared to what you had prior to Maobamacare ? i'll bet you are just so thrilled you are in a constant state of sexual arousal :up:

if you're serious, as for the other guy, if he wants to talk trash, I can talk trash too ... for right, now I'll tell you what I had and what I have now ...
my plan was through covered colorado .... it cost me $550.00 a month I have a 5000 dollar deductible and no max payout with a 25 dollar copay ... when I went through the ACA site and selected the plan I want it its costing me 251. 21 a month with a 250 dollar deductible, with a max payout of 2000 dollars ... 15 dollar copay ... it covers all the time I go and not just two and yes I happy as hell that I will be saving 300 each and every month

What kind of subsidies do you qualify for?
Nothing in the law says you couldn't keep your insurance.


they used less than 80% of the money for your needs. Doesn't everyone want insurance companies to use at least 80% of what they take in on actual patients and not dividends?

That's part of the Health care law.

If insurance companies throw out non competitive policies, of course they cancel them to put out more competitive polices. That's the insurance companies, not the law.

Another Obamacare horror story debunked -

There is no insurance for "stupid". You just have to accept the GOP for who they are and limit their damage.

Uh......are you trying to prove our case our the White House's.

Because this all seems to center on what are the requirements of the new law. That's the sticking point.

1. The ACA made affordable health care insurance less affordable

2. The ACA taxes what they call "Cadillac Health Plans" which are plans that give you great coverage

3. The insurance companies are only trying to remain in compliance to ACA rules and regulations

Seems to me there is nothing being "debunked" here other than the insurance companies are just out for themselves. Obama says they have to comply, drop their customers, or go out of business. Seems to me this is all pretty cut and dried.

Ultimate goal...SINGLE PAYER...Obama has stated it...before he was POTUS...
It's sort of bizarre how conservatives now support slimy companies offering deceptive products rather than responsible business.
If you were too stupid to read the fine print, that's your problem.

Ahhh, the dark heart of a slimy businessman revealed.

And without business? Where would you be Poindexter? YOU have no clue, do you? YOU would be a serf farming for your rulers.
This is basically what liberals believe in told to us by somebody who knew what he was talking about.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9qDRZ6pSRE]Best Reagan Clips from 1980 Carter debate - YouTube[/ame]
I have asked for the questioner to give some thought to the possible answers first. I am tired of giving out free lessons here. Lets see if the questioner has any idea why I might have said something like that first. There are a ton of reasons why we should all foot the bill for shit like maternity care. Big picture stuff.

you're so full of shit, I mean really.

Juts say it,..........

Whatever. You suck in general. What now?

translation- I won't answer becasue I'd get pwned.....:lol:

you are just a pathological lefty who has run out of excuses and BS when the bomb of their incompetence has gone off laying bare their lies.......

Oh, tissue?
Ahhh, the dark heart of a slimy businessman revealed.
Ahhh, the vacuous skull of a nanny-state supporter revealed.

Responsible, competent government leads to successful countries. That's true no matter what the detractors of our success call it.

So YOU admit it...this government is a failure...it is NOT responsible...what YOU mean is the Government thinks the PEOPLE aren't and therefore MUST make decisions for the people because the PEOPLE are deemed by this gubmint to be too stupid for their own good.

NICE elitist attitude you have there, buckey...NOT.
Ahhh, the dark heart of a slimy businessman revealed.
Ahhh, the vacuous skull of a nanny-state supporter revealed.

Responsible, competent government leads to successful countries. That's true no matter what the detractors of our success call it.

This Reagan discussing "Responsible Government".

It is also a warning against leaders like Obama.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi3x7mmywDE]Ronald Reagan: A Time For Choosing (1964: Warns Of NWO) - YouTube[/ame]

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