Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

It's amazing how much of this is not new and has been repeated a generation ago and generations before.
Ahhh, the vacuous skull of a nanny-state supporter revealed.

Responsible, competent government leads to successful countries. That's true no matter what the detractors of our success call it.

This Reagan discussing "Responsible Government".

It is also a warning against leaders like Obama.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi3x7mmywDE]Ronald Reagan: A Time For Choosing (1964: Warns Of NWO) - YouTube[/ame]

A leader like Obama.

One that saves the country from his predecessor?

One that achieves progress even when the other party has no objectives other than his and the country's failure?

One that gets re-elected based on his accomplishments over the first term?

A half baked actor doesn't need to teach America about such a leader.
Responsible, competent government leads to successful countries. That's true no matter what the detractors of our success call it.

This Reagan discussing "Responsible Government".

It is also a warning against leaders like Obama.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi3x7mmywDE]Ronald Reagan: A Time For Choosing (1964: Warns Of NWO) - YouTube[/ame]

A leader like Obama.

One that saves the country from his predecessor?

One that achieves progress even when the other party has no objectives other than his and the country's failure?

One that gets re-elected based on his accomplishments over the first term?

A half baked actor doesn't need to teach America about such a leader.

That's absolutely hilarious.

Obama is nothing but an actor.

Reagan was paid in the private sector to be one. Obama is paid by us to be one. Reagan became our leader for 8 years and never took a cent for it. Obama claims he's leading but isn't accountable for anything, and for this we have to pay him handsomely for it.

Obama can't be blamed for anything that his administration does yet he wants to be called a leader.

That is funny as hell.

It's amazing how much of this is not new and has been repeated a generation ago and generations before.

And that's the rub, isn't it? For far too many? History begins from the day they were born. NONE of this has ever happened before...therefore...history MUST be revised to cloak the truth they fear.

I watched someone go through chemo. He wished every day he hadn't done it and died in agony after being basically an invalid for 2 years. Letting a DOG go through what a cancer patient goes through would get you locked up. No fucking way. Not worth it.

And I've seen people go through Chemo and actually get better. So there's that.

Of course, if an insurance company lets you die, it's just business.

if the government does it, it's a "Death Panel".

my sister is a nurse ... at one time she pushed Chemo work with a lot of people ... She would say more people are alive today because of the chemo verse the number of people who aren't ... the ones who usually don't make it are to far with the disease ... its the people who go to the doctor twice a year... get check ups twice a year, that seem to do better with disease being healed
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Wow! What did I get myself into?!?

New to this place, if I offer my opinion, will I get trashed??? LOL!

I understand the whole "people should pay their own way" stuff, but as of yet, they haven't ... to the tune of 50 billion a year in unpaid hospital bills. While I don't completely agree with the ACA, it sure beats the current system.

ain't that the truth ...
for the dick smoker on the board driveby ... I could care less about what obama said or didn't say ... all I care about is what's it going to cost me ...so you stay stupid ... most repub-lie-tard dick smokers are

Dude, do you think that anyone is going to take you serious with this kind of stuff?

dude !!!!!!!! do I care what you thinK ???? that would be a big fat noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for the dick smoker on the board driveby ... I could care less about what obama said or didn't say ... all I care about is what's it going to cost me ...so you stay stupid ... most repub-lie-tard dick smokers are


Well, what that guy said is classified as fraudulent statements.


A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury.

Fraud is commonly understood as dishonesty calculated for advantage. A person who is dishonest may be called a fraud. In the U.S. legal system, fraud is a specific offense with certain features.

Fraud is most common in the buying or selling of property, including real estate, Personal Property, and intangible property, such as stocks, bonds, and copyrights. State and federal statutes criminalize fraud, but not all cases rise to the level of criminality. Prosecutors have discretion in determining which cases to pursue. Victims may also seek redress in civil court.

Fraud must be proved by showing that the defendant's actions involved five separate elements: (1) a false statement of a material fact,(2) knowledge on the part of the defendant that the statement is untrue, (3) intent on the part of the defendant to deceive the alleged victim, (4) justifiable reliance by the alleged victim on the statement, and (5) injury to the alleged victim as a result.

Because of his obvious act of fraud you and I will be paying much more for insurance, and you and I will have less options on who will be able to treat us, which hospitals we choose to be treated in, which doctors we choose to give us that treatment.

You cannot tell me that just because he has been caught committing fraud red-handed he won't do it again or he won't bullshit you about everything else. The point of this all is, how can a society survive when the guy on the top cannot be trusted?

Unfortunately you're a liberal. You assume that everyone is dishonest.


and the stupid ones keep getting stupider​
for the dick smoker on the board driveby ... I could care less about what obama said or didn't say ... all I care about is what's it going to cost me ...so you stay stupid ... most repub-lie-tard dick smokers are

Dude, do you think that anyone is going to take you serious with this kind of stuff?

dude !!!!!!!! do I care what you thinK ???? that would be a big fat noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um ... OK.

Maybe a few more giant fonts then?
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You only think that because a bunch of Beltway scam-artists (Democrats) told you the ACA was better than the current system.

Fact is, Congress has been screwing with the system for years forcing out doctors with their ridiculous regulations. They have been setting this up since Bush was first elected. They tried springing Hillary care on us and we didn't buy it, so they intentionally started making it harder for medical providers to operate in the U.S. giving us the impression that health care was out of control.

Not really.

It really is out of control, mostly because there's a lot of money to be made.

We spend twice what other industrialized countries do per capita, and we get the world's worst results.

We have the lowest life expectency in the industrialized world, we have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world, and 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis.

Our system is broken.

The ACA fixes some problems. It also creates some problems.

What has the ACA fixed?

Enlighten me.

And don't give me that bs about pre-existing conditions. Taking into account almost 2 million healthy individuals just got their insurance cancelled, and millions more are on the way, that just doesn't hold water.

well if you went to ,the site and look at what you might pay and if you can't get through the site call them, they will show you what you will get ... verses what you have ... 9 times out of ten it will be a better plan 10 times better then the one you have... they problem you have is you don't know what they hell you're talking about ... you'll g to some right wing whacked out talking point site and never go look for yourself ... that the problem you have ... because I know what they are3 offering and it appears you don't ...
No. Nobody will have premiums of $20,000.

Nobody will pay $1666 monthly for a bronze plan.

You people will simply have to get some facts. You are freeing yourselves out.

Did you even bother to go to the link? It isn't some bogus website. Go. Read. Learn. Weep that you have been played for a fool by the obama. Open your eyes.

(pssst, click on the first link and scroll down the page. Then click on the second link and fucking read what is there. Those are your facts, Jack.)

Compare Health Insurance Plans: Medicare, Individual, Medicaid & Dental Coverage. HealthPocket saves you money and time by comparing all health plans in 1 click

Obamacare Bronze Health Insurance Plans

I have asked for the questioner to give some thought to the possible answers first. I am tired of giving out free lessons here. Lets see if the questioner has any idea why I might have said something like that first. There are a ton of reasons why we should all foot the bill for shit like maternity care. Big picture stuff.

It's been proven in this thread and many others that your assertions are dead wrong, it wasn't a difficult task either...... :thup:

Yeah........no it hasn't. I wish I had a nickel for every direct question I have asked on these forums and gotten zero in reply. Nutters seem to dislike answering questions.


What has the ACA fixed?

Enlighten me.

And don't give me that bs about pre-existing conditions. Taking into account almost 2 million healthy individuals just got their insurance cancelled, and millions more are on the way, that just doesn't hold water.

Insurance companies have to spend 80% of their budgets on treatments.
Pre-existing conditions can no longer be excluded.
Family planning services can no longer be excluded.

Cancelling a policy that was inadeqate is like grounding an airplane that is not airworthy.... it's generally considered a good thing.

So, in this case, big government is OK to decide what is 'adequate' when the end user already had 'adequate' coverage which met their individual needs?


you sir are sooooooooooooooo uninformed ... what is adequate needs ... if you have a 5000 deductible and you need some kind of surgery not only will it cost you 5000 but usually you'll pay the difference of 20% to 40% depending on your plan ... if that person files bankruptcy ... who pays???? you'll pay.... with the current plan you have... that's who !!!! usually with those plans they will do and say everything they can to not pay and again you pay for their stupidity of buying a plan that they thing well if I get cancer or something I'll pay 5000 dollars and the insurer pays the rest .... whart they do is they cancel you, or raise your rates so high you can't afford it ... that's a better system ???? tell me how that's a better system ....
Plans that don't meet minimum standards for giving decent, affordable health care to Americans are going to die.

(and you can't stop it)
Plans that don't meet minimum standards for giving decent, affordable health care to Americans are going to die.

(and you can't stop it)

My brother had a decent affordable insurance policy. $156/month, $3k deductible, coverage for his needs. Now? You're right, it's dead. Now he has to pay for coverage for maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental), meds coverage (he doesn't need it), rehab care (he doesn't need that either). His premium will be at least doubled, deductible w/be $5k. Yeah, that's just great. The obama and dems, party of choice as long as it's their choice. Fuck you.
Not really.

It really is out of control, mostly because there's a lot of money to be made.

We spend twice what other industrialized countries do per capita, and we get the world's worst results.

We have the lowest life expectency in the industrialized world, we have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world, and 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis.

Our system is broken.

The ACA fixes some problems. It also creates some problems.

What has the ACA fixed?

Enlighten me.

And don't give me that bs about pre-existing conditions. Taking into account almost 2 million healthy individuals just got their insurance cancelled, and millions more are on the way, that just doesn't hold water.

well if you went to ,the site and look at what you might pay and if you can't get through the site call them, they will show you what you will get ... verses what you have ... 9 times out of ten it will be a better plan 10 times better then the one you have... they problem you have is you don't know what they hell you're talking about ... you'll g to some right wing whacked out talking point site and never go look for yourself ... that the problem you have ... because I know what they are3 offering and it appears you don't ...

its all about what 'you will get', right.

why should they even have to, if they are happy with what they have? So lets say they have to, and do, and they will not receive a commensurate plan...what then?
Plans that don't meet minimum standards for giving decent, affordable health care to Americans are going to die.

(and you can't stop it)

My brother had a decent affordable insurance policy. $156/month, $3k deductible, coverage for his needs. Now? You're right, it's dead. Now he has to pay for coverage for maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental), meds coverage (he doesn't need it), rehab care (he doesn't need that either). His premium will be at least doubled, deductible w/be $5k. Yeah, that's just great. The obama and dems, party of choice as long as it's their choice. Fuck you.

lone laugher is s still working on a response...stay tuned.
Plans that don't meet minimum standards for giving decent, affordable health care to Americans are going to die.

(and you can't stop it)

My brother had a decent affordable insurance policy. $156/month, $3k deductible, coverage for his needs. Now? You're right, it's dead. Now he has to pay for coverage for maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental), meds coverage (he doesn't need it), rehab care (he doesn't need that either). His premium will be at least doubled, deductible w/be $5k. Yeah, that's just great. The obama and dems, party of choice as long as it's their choice. Fuck you.

he needs to pay for a fat illegal with her anchor babies and all others who are damn too lazy to pay for themselves.

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