Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

How stupid is it to start a thread calling people stupid and expecting reasonable and rational discussion?

I guess it is the norm in wingnut world to expect people to sit back and take it for the team while being called, and being treated as stupid. It's what tbe Rightwing Noise Machine has primed people for.
Actually, it's what Obama's doing to you.

You just lie back and take it.
5 posts in a row and what if anything of substance, do add?
It's funny that you think you can dictate what is of substance and what is not. :lmao:

Look, you believed Obama. That makes you a sucker. You STILL believe him. That makes you a moron.

Run along now.
Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

Before calling anyone else stupid, it would be in your interest to take a high school writing course. Just for fun I checked the grade level of your writing, below is a link to the result.

Readability-Score.com - Free Online Readability Calculator - Flesch Kincaid, Gunning Fog and more ...
What a pathetic attempt at distracting from Obama's lies.

He thinks you're stupid -- and you prove it.


By the way, dumbass: Your link was to the front page. There are no results there.


Grade level was 5.3

"A grade level (based on the USA education system) is equivalent to the number of years of education a person has had. Scores over 22 should generally be taken to mean graduate level text."
Last edited:
Before calling anyone else stupid, it would be in your interest to take a high school writing course. Just for fun I checked the grade level of your writing, below is a link to the result.

Readability-Score.com - Free Online Readability Calculator - Flesch Kincaid, Gunning Fog and more ...
What a pathetic attempt at distracting from Obama's lies.

He thinks you're stupid -- and you prove it.


By the way, dumbass: Your link was to the front page. There are no results there.


Grade level was 5.3

"A grade level (based on the USA education system) is equivalent to the number of years of education a person has had. Scores over 22 should generally be taken to mean graduate level text."

Like I said, it's not that that they're necessarily stupid, they just have a Collective mind and parrot back whatever they're told.

Wry could be as smart, and not like everybody says, like dumb, but he was instructed to avoid dealing with the central lie of ObamaCare and, well, there you have it
Why are people blaming Obamacare for the decisions of the private insurance company?

Private insurance companies have always changed the rules of their game annually.

So pirvate insurance companies make money by cancelling people's policies?
Are you crazy? ::cuckoo:

Your response has nothing at all to do with my post. I've never seen a multi year health insurance policy. Have you?
I used to teach as adjunct faculty. Students came to class presuming ignorance in the topic. Here people presume knowledge and defend that presumption despite solid evidence to the contrary.

What, if anything, is an effective approach towards a cure?

I doubt you were adjunct anything. Your inability to reason and engage in rational discussion is obvious. You have failed to present "solid evidence" of anything other than your ability to mouth talking points from the Left.

As to a "cure", I presume you mean for health care costs.
Costs decline in the face of competition. We don't have competition in most of healthcare. Ask your doctor what a particular drug he prescribes costs, or how much a procedure is. He has no idea. The consumer has no idea. Who buys a product not knowing or caring what the cost is?
In areas of medicine that are never covered under insurance those costs have been going down, due to competition. We need more of that and less top down dictation and third party payments.

Are you proposing socialized medicine? That's the most common way to correct noncompetitive markets.

If you needed cancer surgery, would you shop around for the cheapest Dr and hospital?
So, Obama lied to you...multiple times...but it's the fault of the people who point it out.

Good sheep.

He didn't lie to me or you. I figured out what he meant and you were unable to.

That's just one of the many consequences of ignorance.

Did you really think that it was going to be free?

You didn't figure out shitkid, you made up an altenative narrative and pretend its "truth".

Look up the word "vapid".....it applies to you.

I would be equally as embarrassed as you are if I was unable to consider the President's comments in context. It's really quite a stupid mistake.
Quote: Originally Posted by PMZ
Why are people blaming Obamacare for the decisions of the private insurance company?

Private insurance companies have always changed the rules of their game annually.

Sweetie, the ACA changed the rules, NOT the insurance companies.
Quote: Originally Posted by PMZ
Why are people blaming Obamacare for the decisions of the private insurance company?

Private insurance companies have always changed the rules of their game annually.

Sweetie, the ACA changed the rules, NOT the insurance companies.

The ACA doesn't write insurance policies. It's effect on insurance policies was to require coverage adequate to insure that policies covered real risks to people not being able to pay for their health care.

If your point is that that regulation should not have been required because it would be unethical to write an inadequate policy, I agree.
Quote: Originally Posted by PMZ
Why are people blaming Obamacare for the decisions of the private insurance company?

Private insurance companies have always changed the rules of their game annually.

Sweetie, the ACA changed the rules, NOT the insurance companies.

The ACA doesn't write insurance policies. It's effect on insurance policies was to require coverage adequate to insure that policies covered real risks to people not being able to pay for their health care.

If your point is that that regulation should not have been required because it would be unethical to write an inadequate policy, I agree.

(smile) It dictated how they were written if they desired compliance honey.


Joe needs unions.
\Joe needs big government.
This is because Joe is a lazy dumbass and can't think for himself or deliver decent work product.

No, I just don't slavishly going around sucking Koch... like you do.

You do know, don't you, it's pronounced "coke", right?

And you thought you made a funny. You did...but not the way you intended. :lmao:

No, it was fucking hilarious and everyone got what I meant....

you Kochsucker, you.
Why are people blaming Obamacare for the decisions of the private insurance company?

Private insurance companies have always changed the rules of their game annually.

So pirvate insurance companies make money by cancelling people's policies?
Are you crazy? ::cuckoo:

Your response has nothing at all to do with my post. I've never seen a multi year health insurance policy. Have you?

I've seen guaranteed re-issue. Haven't you?
I used to teach as adjunct faculty. Students came to class presuming ignorance in the topic. Here people presume knowledge and defend that presumption despite solid evidence to the contrary.

What, if anything, is an effective approach towards a cure?

I doubt you were adjunct anything. Your inability to reason and engage in rational discussion is obvious. You have failed to present "solid evidence" of anything other than your ability to mouth talking points from the Left.

As to a "cure", I presume you mean for health care costs.
Costs decline in the face of competition. We don't have competition in most of healthcare. Ask your doctor what a particular drug he prescribes costs, or how much a procedure is. He has no idea. The consumer has no idea. Who buys a product not knowing or caring what the cost is?
In areas of medicine that are never covered under insurance those costs have been going down, due to competition. We need more of that and less top down dictation and third party payments.

Are you proposing socialized medicine? That's the most common way to correct noncompetitive markets.

If you needed cancer surgery, would you shop around for the cheapest Dr and hospital?

No, idiot, socialized medicine does not cure uncompetitive markets. Socialized anything makes matters worse.
Where the fuck have you been?
Fortunately most health care costs are not cancer surgery. And yes, I would shop around for cheaper whatever I needed.
Do you shop around for cars?
Quote: Originally Posted by PMZ
Why are people blaming Obamacare for the decisions of the private insurance company?

Private insurance companies have always changed the rules of their game annually.

Sweetie, the ACA changed the rules, NOT the insurance companies.

The ACA doesn't write insurance policies. It's effect on insurance policies was to require coverage adequate to insure that policies covered real risks to people not being able to pay for their health care.

If your point is that that regulation should not have been required because it would be unethical to write an inadequate policy, I agree.

Why don't you take that up with the insurance commissions of every state, who set minimum levels of coverage and rates?
Or didnt you think of that?
Quote: Originally Posted by PMZ
Why are people blaming Obamacare for the decisions of the private insurance company?

Private insurance companies have always changed the rules of their game annually.

Sweetie, the ACA changed the rules, NOT the insurance companies.

The ACA doesn't write insurance policies. It's effect on insurance policies was to require coverage adequate to insure that policies covered real risks to people not being able to pay for their health care.

If your point is that that regulation should not have been required because it would be unethical to write an inadequate policy, I agree.

Why don't you take that up with the insurance commissions of every state, who set minimum levels of coverage and rates?
Or didnt you think of that?

The DOI's only followed the dictates of the ACA.
I doubt you were adjunct anything. Your inability to reason and engage in rational discussion is obvious. You have failed to present "solid evidence" of anything other than your ability to mouth talking points from the Left.

As to a "cure", I presume you mean for health care costs.
Costs decline in the face of competition. We don't have competition in most of healthcare. Ask your doctor what a particular drug he prescribes costs, or how much a procedure is. He has no idea. The consumer has no idea. Who buys a product not knowing or caring what the cost is?
In areas of medicine that are never covered under insurance those costs have been going down, due to competition. We need more of that and less top down dictation and third party payments.

Are you proposing socialized medicine? That's the most common way to correct noncompetitive markets.

If you needed cancer surgery, would you shop around for the cheapest Dr and hospital?

No, idiot, socialized medicine does not cure uncompetitive markets. Socialized anything makes matters worse.
Where the fuck have you been?
Fortunately most health care costs are not cancer surgery. And yes, I would shop around for cheaper whatever I needed.
Do you shop around for cars?

Unlike you, I value my health more than my car.
I doubt you were adjunct anything. Your inability to reason and engage in rational discussion is obvious. You have failed to present "solid evidence" of anything other than your ability to mouth talking points from the Left.

As to a "cure", I presume you mean for health care costs.
Costs decline in the face of competition. We don't have competition in most of healthcare. Ask your doctor what a particular drug he prescribes costs, or how much a procedure is. He has no idea. The consumer has no idea. Who buys a product not knowing or caring what the cost is?
In areas of medicine that are never covered under insurance those costs have been going down, due to competition. We need more of that and less top down dictation and third party payments.

Are you proposing socialized medicine? That's the most common way to correct noncompetitive markets.

If you needed cancer surgery, would you shop around for the cheapest Dr and hospital?

No, idiot, socialized medicine does not cure uncompetitive markets. Socialized anything makes matters worse.
Where the fuck have you been?
Fortunately most health care costs are not cancer surgery. And yes, I would shop around for cheaper whatever I needed.
Do you shop around for cars?

I said noncompetitive markets. And yes, if we all own the means, and have democracy that allows us to fire the management, it's the only economic system that works in noncompetitive markets.

You are apparently not very educated in Economics.
Are you proposing socialized medicine? That's the most common way to correct noncompetitive markets.

If you needed cancer surgery, would you shop around for the cheapest Dr and hospital?

No, idiot, socialized medicine does not cure uncompetitive markets. Socialized anything makes matters worse.
Where the fuck have you been?
Fortunately most health care costs are not cancer surgery. And yes, I would shop around for cheaper whatever I needed.
Do you shop around for cars?

I said noncompetitive markets. And yes, if we all own the means, and have democracy that allows us to fire the management, it's the only economic system that works in noncompetitive markets.

You are apparently not very educated in Economics.

Translation: You know a hell of a lot more about it than me so I better pretend to know something.
The ACA doesn't write insurance policies. It's effect on insurance policies was to require coverage adequate to insure that policies covered real risks to people not being able to pay for their health care.

If your point is that that regulation should not have been required because it would be unethical to write an inadequate policy, I agree.

Why don't you take that up with the insurance commissions of every state, who set minimum levels of coverage and rates?
Or didnt you think of that?

The DOI's only followed the dictates of the ACA.

I meant before ACA.

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