Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

It's not that Obama voters are stupid, it's because they are a cult and have surrendered their willingness and ability to decide for themselves

So you consider being cheated by a big insurance company to be a definition of freedom?


Sorry, man, I kind of rely on government to make sure the water is safe to drink and the food is safe to eat and the air is safe to breathe because I know there is no physical way I could possibly assure those things myself.

We needed teh ACA because big insurance was cheating consumers left and right. Now they can't do that anymore. But they'll give it one last go and get dumb people like you upset.

Is that why the costs continue to go up. Is because they are no longer cheating anyone? The mandate was they were supposed to pay 80% out on claims, and you claim they were cheating us! yet the price didn't decline, it went up. It tells me you are wrong.

Costs for insurance don't determine medical costs. Vice versa. When we buy a pill for every inconvenience medical costs will never stop rising.
So you consider being cheated by a big insurance company to be a definition of freedom?


Sorry, man, I kind of rely on government to make sure the water is safe to drink and the food is safe to eat and the air is safe to breathe because I know there is no physical way I could possibly assure those things myself.

We needed teh ACA because big insurance was cheating consumers left and right. Now they can't do that anymore. But they'll give it one last go and get dumb people like you upset.

We need a free unfettered insurance system, where companies compete for your business and you can pick the EXACT policy YOU want and combined with a meaningful Medical Saving Account

We need LESS government involvement

If you can't figure out what to eat and drink, that's your problem, don't make it mine

" We need a free unfettered insurance system, where companies compete for your business and you can pick the EXACT policy YOU want"

Private insurance had decades to do this and chose not to.
Private insurance was fettered by strict rules at the state level that decided what benefits could and must be offered and at what prices.
Your ignorance again makes you look stupid.
Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

I agree with him on that point. I would imagine that by now he is just about fed up with most Americans and believes that he is just wasting his time trying to do anything worthwhile for them.

:lmao: You think ACA is worthwhile. And you think Obama is benevolent.


I believe that Obama was correct in seeing that health care costs were completely out of control and were a major negative influence at the time he took the reigns during the most dangerous financial crisis our country has ever seen.

The ACA is too watered down from what the country could have benefited from such as a single payer option.

Contrary to many USMB members opinions of my political leanings I am not an Obama supporter.

What the republicans have offered as alternatives has been a joke.

I do believe that Obama is probably the best option of who was there to pick from. As I have stated many times...I did not vote for him. I thought the presidential election proccess was a sick joke. Obama is just one man..the Fascists are still in control of most of the government. Remember when Obama said he would get rid of the special interests? How's that working for ya? Upon election he soon discovered that the president does not control as much as he would have liked.
Yes, Obama is a liar. This is plain. You may not be unsalvageable.
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Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

I agree with him on that point. I would imagine that by now he is just about fed up with most Americans and believes that he is just wasting his time trying to do anything worthwhile for them.

No huggy oshit thinks his opponents are irrelevant, and counting on people like you the stupid one to believe that.

You think Obama "counts on what I think" ? Reb...you are a moron. There is just no way to sugar coat it. You have no idea "what I think". But... I'll slice off a taste.. I think Obama has figured out that since enough Americans are clinicaly retarded such as yourself that there is little hope for our nation. I think Obama has figured out that he is wasting his time trying to help people like you that are so easily fooled that no matter what evidense is presented before you...you will vote against yours and the countries best interests.

I think Obama had hopes for a better America when he was first elected. I believe he thought he was a good enough communicator that he could convince even the willfully ignorant among us to do the right thing. He grossly underestimated the resentment that he is colored. He grossly missunderstood that some people have so much hate inside that they would rather see our country down on it's knees than accept a colored president.
Yes, that's the standard talking point, isn't it? "It's because he's black!!" For someone trying to give the impression that he can think for himself, you're not doing a very good job.

Obama never was interested in helping people.

And people who can't think for themselves have no business telling me what's in my best interests.

Not salvageable after all, looks like.

Joe needs unions.
\Joe needs big government.
This is because Joe is a lazy dumbass and can't think for himself or deliver decent work product.

No, I just don't slavishly going around sucking Koch... like you do.

You do know, don't you, it's pronounced "coke", right?

And you thought you made a funny. You did...but not the way you intended. :lmao:
So you consider being cheated by a big insurance company to be a definition of freedom?


Sorry, man, I kind of rely on government to make sure the water is safe to drink and the food is safe to eat and the air is safe to breathe because I know there is no physical way I could possibly assure those things myself.

We needed teh ACA because big insurance was cheating consumers left and right. Now they can't do that anymore. But they'll give it one last go and get dumb people like you upset.

Is that why the costs continue to go up. Is because they are no longer cheating anyone? The mandate was they were supposed to pay 80% out on claims, and you claim they were cheating us! yet the price didn't decline, it went up. It tells me you are wrong.

Costs for insurance don't determine medical costs. Vice versa. When we buy a pill for every inconvenience medical costs will never stop rising.
So the obvious solution is for government to decide whether you need that pill, and to stifle medical research so the pill is never developed.

Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

Before calling anyone else stupid, it would be in your interest to take a high school writing course. Just for fun I checked the grade level of your writing, below is a link to the result.

Readability-Score.com - Free Online Readability Calculator - Flesch Kincaid, Gunning Fog and more ...

Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

Before calling anyone else stupid, it would be in your interest to take a high school writing course. Just for fun I checked the grade level of your writing, below is a link to the result.

Readability-Score.com - Free Online Readability Calculator - Flesch Kincaid, Gunning Fog and more ...

Fly Catcher doesn't like his stupidity being pointed out.
That's a flat out lie. I went to the site, it requires more info than a lot of people are comfortable giving just to get some information. It's bullshit. If this thing is so great, let people go and just see/compare for themselves without requiring anything more than generic info.

Don't like it, don't use it. Save the bandwidth for the smarter ones.

They don't need the personal info they are asking for just for someone to get the plan info. Generic info ... # of persons covered, ages, state, income is all that's needed.

Hell, since generic "preventive" care is already included in everyone's policy, asking a person's gender is superfluous. Given the current PC culture, asking someone' gender affiliation might be viewed as downright bigoted.
It's not that Obama voters are stupid, it's because they are a cult and have surrendered their willingness and ability to decide for themselves

So you consider being cheated by a big insurance company to be a definition of freedom?


Sorry, man, I kind of rely on government to make sure the water is safe to drink and the food is safe to eat and the air is safe to breathe because I know there is no physical way I could possibly assure those things myself.

We needed teh ACA because big insurance was cheating consumers left and right. Now they can't do that anymore. But they'll give it one last go and get dumb people like you upset.

Now, big insurance ripping people off is codified and legitimized by the so-called ACA. Way to go!
Considering what the right wing defines as "insurance" only proves most really are stupid.
Surprised this thread exists here...
Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.


Obamacare covers the stupid. Some of you really are stupid.
"The president said Wednesday that the notices sent to consumers suggest that they're losing their coverage "somehow because of the Affordable Care Act." He argued, however, that consumers only lost coverage if insurers altered those policies at all after the law took effect. In that case, Mr. Obama said, insurers had to "replace them with quality, comprehensive coverage."

Thank gawd some people are covered.
Why are people blaming Obamacare for the decisions of the private insurance company?

Private insurance companies have always changed the rules of their game annually.
Well look at Obama voters, they're low-information and think Progressive economics will really work --this time; this is the one time it will overcome it's 100% Guaranteed fail.

Sure it failed everywhere and every time it's been tried, it's failing right now in Europe, it failed whenever we give Progressives control over any economy no matter how large or small from Detroit to China, but this time, this is the time it will work

social security and medicare are progressive or socialist programs and try kicking the most vehement anti gubmint conservatives off one of those programs and you'll hear the sound of locking and loading. How is progressivism failing in europe? I know people in Sweden and France and they haven't informed me of this. Also Australia and England. They shake their heads and say "only in America" when they hear stories of poor sick americans. But they don't have 24/7 multi billionaire funded anti gubmint media piped in to every one of their homes, truck stops, rest homes, and probably beer bars.
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